Well on the way to work this morning I happened by an estate sale and found this....
Here it is in my truck
Got it in the yard and of course Phoebe checked it out first
It had this weird home made rotisserie attached,
Then the dynamic duo both showed up for trouble
I was able to get the roti off and here it is. It was almost dark by then so I had to use the flash, and I hate the flash...
I have to say it's been a hell of a week for me.....
sensational pick up brian!
sweet sweet seville
wish they were here in oz
I was lucky to find this one.....
Amazing. I heard that you are out of room for all your grills of late...I'll stop by and take that Seville off your hands. I wouldn't want your pups to be overcrowded in their yard and have nowhere to run!
I didn't think you were in the seville market Jeff....You would have to roll it into your kitchen....You gotta get that hot tub out of your Weber museum. ;)
Great find.....they come in threes, whats next.
Can I ask how much it set u back Brian? I saw it online but didn't want to take the chance of driving and hour and a half to find out it was gone.glad you got it at least.
Quote from: zavod44 on October 12, 2012, 07:59:24 PM
I didn't think you were in the seville market Jeff....You would have to roll it into your kitchen....You gotta get that hot tub out of your Weber museum. ;)
Id love a Seville...but I actually like the "Big Wheel" one just a little bit better, but I would take one like yours in a heartbeat. I'd love a big wheel one in lime like the one AJ won't go get! LOL...And yeah, if the hot tub ever dies, look out, I'll have a LOT more room for more grills!
Dang it Brain... You found yourself a nice one. The bowland lid look to be in good condition.
Does it look all original?
I ended up paying $70 for it. At one time they were asking $200. It is in pretty good shape. They added some brackets to it right next to the original brackets, the ones that keep it in the cart. I'll have to investigate what is going on with this. Otherwise it is really pretty good.
Of course the handle is shot....
Brian, WTH!!?? How do these things just fall into your lap? Call me crazy, but for a good condition Seville, I'd pay the cost of a new OTS or maybe a OTG. That is an outstanding find! Was it from the original owner? That is a SCORE!!! 8)
Yea it had to be the original owner....The rest of the house was pretty old looking.....I really think the only place you'll find this kind of stuff are older neighborhoods. They have to be old enough to have been around when this stuff was new.......I feel like I got so lucky...I didn't ever think I would find a seville or a yellow 22 ever. Now both in one week....crazy!
You are living the dream, Brian! Congrats on your great week.
I've not found anything nearly this old, but I think I'm noticing the value of estate sales as a place to pick up older grills-- it seems like it would take a major move or a significant change in life to get someone to part with something they've kept and treasured for so long. And at the same time, it is really satisfying to know that the grill is going to be used and valued in a way that would hopefully please the person parting with it.
I was looking at the old catalogs, this one is supposed to be from 1973, the Seville was priced at $169.95. That's a hell of a lot of money in 1973.
Just thought it was interesting.....
Impressive score Brian! Amazing find sir! That's a real piece of Weber history you found. I bet it will clean up like new. I can't wait to see it. :)
You say seville I say chariot. :)
(http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/3606/1120cr20bb201.jpg) (http://img805.imageshack.us/i/1120cr20bb201.jpg/)
Shaun...where is that grill from??
Quote from: Duke on October 13, 2012, 09:09:03 PM
You say seville I say chariot. :)
(http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/3606/1120cr20bb201.jpg) (http://img805.imageshack.us/i/1120cr20bb201.jpg/)
You say Chariot....Weber says Seville......
Whatever you call it I do love the big wheel cart...Maybe next Saturday! 8)
It's just an old picture of one that was in Visalia a long time ago. George wouldn't go get it after complaining there were no deals in his area.
What happened to that old crank?
I heard he spontaneously combusted after spraying too much Pam on an old Go Anywhere..
Or I just made that up... I am pretty sure he is still out there, talking serious, serious, bbq stuff..
He wouldnt get it cause it wasnt a go anywhere. Seem like a nice enough guy, just weird.
I thought he was as big of a jag off As LumpE is. He never had a nice thing to say, I know he had medical issues but he was a jerk. Same as LumpE he would personally attack me for almost no reason. I don't like people like that... I like silly people who like to have fun and help other people. I like the kind of people who understand humor and those who find value in community and camaraderie. Pretty much everyone who hangs out here.... ;)
Why Brain, was that a compliment?
If your here AJ then your a really cool guy with a large amount of intelligence.....I wish you were here we could hug
I'll hold that thought... Did I tell you that I am coming to Chicago on business in a couple months?
I really need you to lose a few pounds, get a haircut and shave before I arrive.. 8)
Nice stuff all around.
Thanks for bringing this back to grilling Thor, sometimes AJ get carried away..
I guess its back in my court..
That "Big Wheel" is an interesting design, not sure if theres a lot of work area, though?
I was thinking the same thing, it is sooo sweet though......
I couldn't help notice that log in the back of your truck. I was wondering if it was your plan to build one of those sweet "Log Webers'? I know you Chicagoans covet the Cali lifestyle, but thats a bit much, dontcha think?
http://redding.craigslist.org/for/3316176822.html (http://redding.craigslist.org/for/3316176822.html)
Naw, Brians busy wishi'n he had a Chariot instead! :P
Maybe I'll build a wooden chariot...
Quote from: zavod44 on October 16, 2012, 08:33:07 PM
Maybe I'll build a wooden chariot...
Now that's the spirit! ;)
Brian...have you done anything more with the Seville?? Any updated or cleaned up pics?
No I haven't done anything, it rained all last weekend. I hope to do something this weekend. I want to look at that weird ring that came with it. See if I can do anything with that. I need to clean up that cart, It has a tiny bit of rust. I'm sure I can get that off and repaint it.
What a find, Brian! You definately deserve that one. That chariot is sweet.
Gummi I feel like I was very lucky.....
Did anyone notice that log weber is sitting on a brake rotor?