I was watching "The Middle" tonight and saw an old avocado (maybe 60's???) kettle on the back porch. No wooden handles, just plain metal. Definitely 3 legs.
Is anyone taking count of old Weber Kettles that show up in TV shows and/or movies?
Yeah - I happened to catch that one tonight. Very nice 'cado, but I think it had a wood top handle. We do have a thread somewhere that captures the kettles we have seen on TV and in the movies. Brady Bunch, Breaking Bad, Bob Newhart - they show up frequently. Now, where is that thread...
Here's a few noodle ups I've done......
some folks around here are really goodat plucking out the oldies like 70's Show & such.....
And this lot:
Quote from: MartyG on January 25, 2014, 04:25:44 AM
As a public service... ;D
Breaking Bad
My Girl
Brady Bunch
Herb Tarlek on WKRP ... circa 1979, or thereabouts.
As I recall, aren't Jamie Lee Curtis and Dan Aykroyd fairly tall people? That red kettle in my girl must have been elevated off camera I wonder..
Quote from: Craig on March 27, 2014, 03:31:03 PM
As I recall, aren't Jamie Lee Curtis and Dan Aykroyd fairly tall people? That red kettle in my girl must have been elevated off camera I wonder..
Good eye. It sure does look like it. The grate in the breaking bad clip is also not standard.
I noticed a blue (OTS?) in Spiderman last night. In Mary Janes back yard briefly.
Here is one I saw today while watching an old episode of Emergency from 1972 with my son. In case anyone wants to check it out, it was season 2 episode 19 "Boot".
(http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/9872/8qwb.jpg) (http://img854.imageshack.us/i/8qwb.jpg/)
(http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/5976/41av.jpg) (http://img20.imageshack.us/i/41av.jpg/)
(http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/9780/dsmv.jpg) (http://img855.imageshack.us/i/dsmv.jpg/)
Even the cast of EMERGENCY knew how to get it done!! Was the one paramedic scoping out that 22? There was a black 22.5 kettle on The Wonder Years. It had the ring around the bowl so it may have been a Sears kettle. It had anachronistic wood bowl handles. That 70s Show, Red Forman had a red WBH 22 seen in one episode.
Spotted a faded yellow while watching Pawn Stars today...
I seen a kettle in a old movie called "Misery". It was in the basement. It made me think of this thread
Quote from: peshewah on April 07, 2014, 11:34:29 AM
I seen a kettle in a old movie called "Misery". It was in the basement. It made me think of this thread
Yeah, that's a good one peshewah !!!!
See here:
1Buckie, ya beat me to it.
The kids found this one today. Oldest boy said "but dad it's put together wrong" . Lol
From Cars, Mater's tall tails
I haven't seen any on tv lately but saw a couple walking through the neighborhood the other day. There is a wood handle SJS and an 18.5 WSM on the next block over. I wasn't creeping in back yards or anything...the SJS was on a side patio visible from the street and the WSM was in the front driveway. I've thought about stopping and making an offer on it just to see what happens. It's funny what you notice after you start buying kettles.
Quote from: toddmog on April 08, 2014, 08:30:19 PM
I haven't seen any on tv lately but saw a couple walking through the neighborhood the other day. There is a wood handle SJS and an 18.5 WSM on the next block over. I wasn't creeping in back yards or anything...the SJS was on a side patio visible from the street and the WSM was in the front driveway. I've thought about stopping and making an offer on it just to see what happens. It's funny what you notice after you start buying kettles.
It's called weberitis. When it gets real bad your kids and friends start seeing them too.
I spotted what looks like a white MT in a commercial for a phone case called lifeproof shows three times,
first at 10 seconds and then again at 16 and 17 seconds..
http://youtu.be/7kQgET-5CPA (http://youtu.be/7kQgET-5CPA)
(http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b637/dredgerguy/just%20crap/whiteMT_zps5e6f667a.jpg) (http://s1295.photobucket.com/user/dredgerguy/media/just%20crap/whiteMT_zps5e6f667a.jpg.html)
Nice one Mirk! Here's a vintage grill. It's a late sixties orange Big Boy with what appears to be a weber grate on Emergency again. Old man got his leg caught in a bear trap. ;D
(http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/7613/ft84.jpg) (http://img839.imageshack.us/i/ft84.jpg/)
(http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/5742/9t2i.jpg) (http://img845.imageshack.us/i/9t2i.jpg/)
(http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7844/65z7.jpg) (http://img716.imageshack.us/i/65z7.jpg/)
What the heck is going on with that 'white' MT? Do we think it was painted?
Quote from: G$ on April 11, 2014, 05:38:52 AM
What the heck is going on with that 'white' MT? Do we think it was painted?
I am guessing a Euro MT in ivory... ;D
I'm thinking it's a euro unit as the company also does business in Europe so probably got vid clips for the commercial from every where they sell their product.
Here's Al Bundy.......1 min. 1 sec. of pure kick-ass !!!!
It comes from this episode which the only copy I can find has mismatched audio.....un-nerving as hell, but the show revolves around a totally beat up Redhead (not his wife, a KETTLE !!!) & the fact that the flavor comes from never dumping the ashes out............. 8)
Here's one from Thor. Firepit mod.
Another movie one. How bout this one. The rock grilling hands in Pain and Gain.
Quote from: Peaspurple on April 24, 2014, 02:37:55 PM
Not TV but movie. Here's one from Thor. Firepit mod.
I saw this while browsing the This Old House website. I'm not sure if it was on the TV show or not.
I like to watch Magnum PI and The A Team on Netflix while falling asleep every so often. BA Baracus was killing it on a kettle in one of the episodes.
I pity the foo who cooks on anything other than a Weber!!
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I spotted what looked like and offset handled SJ on a table, and a 22 OTS on an episode of Hawaii 5 0 last night.
Quote from: Jocool on May 02, 2014, 05:01:55 PM
I spotted what looked like and offset handled SJ on a table, and a 22 OTS on an episode of Hawaii 5 0 last night.
Good eye JC! Any chance you can check the episode? Was it on Netflix? I watch those too and would like to see them. The Rock looks real tough cooking a hand on a blue kettle. ::)
I'll try and find which episode it was.
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It's called Akanahe Season 4 Episode 8.
Quote from: Jocool on May 02, 2014, 06:57:53 PM
It's called Akanahe Season 4 Episode 8.
Thanks, I'll try and find it and post the pics. Now get back to healing JC. ;)
Quote from: Peaspurple on April 24, 2014, 02:40:30 PM
Another movie one. How bout this one. The rock grilling hands in Pain and Gain.
Interesting placement of the Wiener.....roaster...
That grilled hand would taste so much better if Rock quit using lighter fluid
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Is that a gas line going up the leg of the Blue OTG that Rock is using? I guess that's how they got the flames.
Quote from: Jocool on May 04, 2014, 03:26:22 AM
Is that a gas line going up the leg of the Blue OTG that Rock is using? I guess that's how they got the flames.
Good call. I missed that.
Nice looking red SJ in this Progressive ad. Looks nice and shiny:
Does a Weber Q count? Here in Oz there is an ad for health insurance I think. They use a Weber Q sans the lid to show a guy grilling stuff.
The Q rarely counts....
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we should set up a database for this, kinda like mr skin does for nudity in movies :)
There was one in last weeks episode of True Blood on HBO. It was dark, but obvious. It was parked in front of Jason's porch when he came home. I pointed it out and got the eye-roll from the wife ;D
Quote from: Troy on July 31, 2014, 09:54:21 AM
we should set up a database for this, kinda like mr skin does for nudity in movies :)
Mr Skin eh ? Never heard of it
The reality is None of you are seeing Webers on TV, your in the advanced stages of Weberitis. Your probably seeing kettle shapes in all kinds of things , like in the movie " Close encounters on the third kind " you feel compelled to find this place and go there ......and you don't know why.
Step back from that ledge my friend
My wife has become very good at this...even better than me. She also is a very sharp "spotter" of grills in the wild...ehh, in people's back yards. She routinely sees them before I do now.
I was watching War Games last night and spotted what I think is a redhead in the scene where the dog gets into the trash. Looks like it could be a 26'r too.
Was watching Gran Torino again the other night.
At the 1 hour, 25 minute mark, Walt Kowalski was grilling on a SS Performer. Looks to be black. Hard to tell exactly.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_3688.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_3688.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_3689.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_3689.jpg.html)
My kiddos were watching Toy Story yesterday and my daughter came to tell me that Sid has a Weber in his backyard....when he puts Woody on there.
Oh, man. I am so embarrassed that I missed an SS in Gran Torino.
How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. About half way through where they go to the parents place on Staten island, there seems to be what looks like an 18 on the porch where they are playing "Bullshit".
Eastwood wouldn't have it any other way. I bet as Harry Callahan he had a little 18 cado on his apartment ledge...
Mike I love Gran Torino and I missed the SS too.
Quote from: MacEggs on August 31, 2014, 04:56:20 AM
Was watching Gran Torino again the other night.
At the 1 hour, 25 minute mark, Walt Kowalski was grilling on a SS Performer. Looks to be black. Hard to tell exactly.
Good catch MacEggs. Do I see a hint of blue just below the lip of the bowl at the center of the table or is that smoke and blue sky reflection pulling a fast one on me?
Quote from: Taz on September 12, 2014, 11:12:54 PMDo I see a hint of blue just below the lip of the bowl at the center of the table or is that smoke and blue sky reflection pulling a fast one on me?
Good eye ... Or ... it's a reflection of the P
BR ... :o ??? ??? ;D ;D ;) ;)
Here's a good one. Progressive insurance commercial. Red smokey joe.
Where the heck did they get that! Must be a logo ;)
pretty sure i spotted a WSM in the latest transformers movie
Quote from: Troy on October 04, 2014, 07:41:09 PM
pretty sure i spotted a WSM in the latest transformers movie
Did it survive the explosion?
Quote from: Troy on October 04, 2014, 07:41:09 PM
pretty sure i spotted a WSM in the latest transformers movie
Yeah, I just watched that a few days ago. It was made into the beer machine that didn't work very well, right?
This may have been talked about earlier in the thread, I'm too lazy to look, but do any of you drive people crazy when you see a Weber kettle by pointing out the mistakes in year. You know, like in a movie that is set in the sixties or something and you say, "What a bunch of crap! That grill wasn't made until '78! Somebody couldn't have gotten that right?!"
The Foremans have a Red 22. It's in several episodes of "That 70s Show".
Just saw one in an episode of son of anarchy from this season.
TV show: The Rockford Files
Episode: The Farnsworth Stratagem
50:00 Last scenes before the closing credits. They are grilling on a black Woodard Cart.
Good catch
@dwnthehatch !
Here is a
Molson Canadian 67 commercial. At the 0:08 second mark ... They need to learn to hang the lid. ???
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_3926.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_3926.jpg.html)
A lottery here called Lotto 649 has a commercial that was aired this year.
At 0:02 seconds, you see the flames on the grill. At 0:07, there is an ivory kettle in the background by the SUV on the left.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_3927.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_3927.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_3928.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_3928.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_3929.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_3929.jpg.html)
Apparently these white kettles are extremely common ;)
This JUST came on the screen 10min ago on a show called "House Hunters International" and was about a Canadian couple that moved to a home in the UK.... check out the old school MT thermo! Couldn't believe it!
Quote from: SixZeroFour on November 22, 2014, 05:07:04 PMApparently these white kettles are extremely common ;)
C'mon ... Common? Sh!t, only common for #001 ... Just sayin' :o ::) :P :P ;) ;)
Just wait ... Spring 2015, they'll be everywhere in the Great White North. :D ;)
Quote from: MacEggs on November 22, 2014, 08:05:12 PM
Just wait ... Spring 2015, they'll be everywhere in the Great White North. :D ;)
Haha! You never know!
I know I'm really late to this party, but I find an awful lot of webers in commercials and movies. too many to list, but a newer one is the progressive ins spot where the campers take on the boaters. the female camper is holding what can only be a red weber kettle(sj or jj).
This beautiful redhead makes several appearances throughout the 1988 movie "Earth Girls are Easy".
Jim Carrey & Damon Wayans like it!
Just saw this today in a One A Day Vitamin commercial.
Okay, this was a major geek moment for me. I noticed a Weber kettle in an episode of the Goldbergs "The Darryl Dawkins Dance" and it appears that the kettle is too new for when the episode was to have taken place. Here's where the geek moment comes in. In the episode Adam and his grandfather go to see the Transformers movie where Optimus Prime dies. I looked it up and the movie came out in 1986.
Here's the scene where I saw the Weber Kettle in the background.
(http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab326/mcgolden67/20150126_203912_zpsdtfz22lz.jpg) (http://s876.photobucket.com/user/mcgolden67/media/20150126_203912_zpsdtfz22lz.jpg.html)
That's clearly an bucket style ash catcher in the background. I've been trying to find the history of the 80's grills on the site, but I can't for the life of me verify that this didn't exist in 1986. Although I'm pretty sure it didn't. I got a ton of crap from my family just for even noticing. I'm sure you can all relate. Regardless, I'm sure you guys can tell me for sure. Post back and let me know so I can at least feel vindicated.
Little Nicky starring Adam Sandler.
Nicky (Devil's son) sitting on a Weber barstool to keep warm.
Even "Jimmie" needed more than one kettle. A couple blackies in the backyard.
One of my favourite movies ... Pulp Fiction. @2h 9min.
"Mr. Wolf" talking to "Jules" and "Vincent" just before he hoses them down.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_4430.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_4430.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_4431.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_4431.jpg.html)
Airborne commercial.
Watch the episode of Adam-12, season 3 (1970), episode 7 titled: "Have a nice weekend" At the 18:40 and 20:40 mark, there is a vintage patent pending, black 26'er WITH the vintage Weber work table attached to it. It's on instant view on Netflix.
New Progressive Insurance commercial.
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on April 19, 2015, 09:41:07 PM
funny. i saw that today (on reddit)
I saw a weber on an episode of Workaholics, but I was too inebriated to do anything about it.
it was the episode 17 of season 3 if anyone wants to grab a screenshot
We were watching early episodes of "Third Rock from the Sun" on Netflix -the one in which Dick is locked in the basement with a Red Weber Kettle 8)
I saw jay on modern family using a weber kettle in a recent episode
Wood handle Weber in Lake Placid (crocodile in lake in Maine... Betty White quote "suck my d*ck!")
American Pickers Season 4, Episode 24 in Upstate NY.
Did they pick it?
GTA 5 in front of the " You Tool " home improvement store , use dynamite ;)
" Esto Perpertua "
episode of freaks and geeks where they were going to go see The Who.
James Franco's character was grilling on an old faded black 22
Maybe someone posted it but I am sure there is a grill in the previews for Last Man Standing with Tim Allen. Tried to search for it and only found this.
Quote from: dwnthehatch on May 06, 2015, 10:46:27 AM
They didn't even look at it.
And that's why they failed that episode.
About 45mins into Anger Management (the movie)
great thread. When the wife is watching HGTV I always point out the webers. I normally get a "I know its a weber" sarcastic comment but I have to do something to keep it interesting.
Chopped Grillmasters (http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/chopped.html) is currently running season two. New episode tonight. Looks like each contestant has a 26er and a gasser. Also a WSM in the background.
Here is the gallery (http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/chopped/photos/chopped-grill-masters-season-2-behind-the-scenes-of-the-set.html).
There's a great scene in the new Ant Man featuring a black weber
Cool movie too
Bobby flay uses several webers on his BBQ addiction. Including a blue kettle.
Just saw one in a chickflick I saw this weekend with my girl called Trainwreck. As soon as I saw it I thought of this thread. Still need to check out Antman.
Season 6, episode 8 of Californication. Looks like they painted the inside of the kettle red to make it look better. The flames were from some type of flame machine (definitely not hot coals - no smoke):
Two weeks ago on an episode of "The Astronaut Wives Club" the final scene had John Glenn pulling a lime green kettle down the street. Another one of the astronauts was pulling a yellow brazier grill with a hood. The only problem is, and I could be wrong, but the scene was set on the day after President Kennedy was assassinated, and I didn't think they made the lime green in 1963. I promptly pointed this out to my wife.... All I got in return was "the look". :)
Tonight's episode of the Deadliest Catch
Appeared to be a 22 on deck grilling for their Super Bowl party
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The latest Kingsford commercial prominently features a Weber.
https://youtu.be/BM1t-Od9A2g (https://youtu.be/BM1t-Od9A2g)
Not a TV show but I'm pretty sure I saw a Red Genesis Gasser, the kind with the thermometer set on the right side of the lid, in the movie "Woman in Gold."
Not sure if it has been posted before but Kroger has an ad where a kid finds a red in someone's trash, straps it to the back of his bike and takes it to fix up. Finishes with them cooking some burgers on it I think.
Quote from: Shafzilla on August 05, 2015, 08:15:51 AMNot sure if it has been posted before but Kroger has an ad where a kid finds a red in someone's trash, straps it to the back of his bike and takes it to fix up. Finishes with them cooking some burgers on it I think.
My wife mentioned this ad to me back in the Spring. I still haven't seen it.
Did an internet search for it, and nothing yet.
Quote from: Shafzilla on August 05, 2015, 08:15:51 AM
Not sure if it has been posted before but Kroger has an ad where a kid finds a red in someone's trash, straps it to the back of his bike and takes it to fix up. Finishes with them cooking some burgers on it I think.
That would be cool to see. Is there a link to it or is it on YouTube?
Quote from: Craig on August 05, 2015, 04:26:10 PM
Quote from: Shafzilla on August 05, 2015, 08:15:51 AM
Not sure if it has been posted before but Kroger has an ad where a kid finds a red in someone's trash, straps it to the back of his bike and takes it to fix up. Finishes with them cooking some burgers on it I think.
That would be cool to see. Is there a link to it or is it on YouTube?
I've tried to find it with no luck. I'll keep looking.
Not the one I was talking about, but see if you can spot the Weber. :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAYs65utxh0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAYs65utxh0)
"Cool evening breezes of Anytown, USA." From the Serenity Now episode.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/the-serenity-now-4a.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/the-serenity-now-4a.jpg.html)
Married with Children. Season 9 episode 1.
Saw this one on Deadliest Catch a couple weeks ago.
Interesting find in a commercial for wine
Saw this one on king of queens last night. Wonder if this is the same red kettle used for most of the shows posted already.
(http://i952.photobucket.com/albums/ae3/sadler8133/download%205_zpsisskstxw.jpg) (http://s952.photobucket.com/user/sadler8133/media/download%205_zpsisskstxw.jpg.html)
Not a TV show, but while out watching the movie Black Mass last night, there was a steak grilling scene on a Weber. As the scene was supposed to have occurred in the mid-late 80's, I laughed and whispered to my wife that they messed up as there were no grey plastic kettle handles in the 80's... Weberitis is real.
Was watching the middle a few nights ago and saw a MBH avocado on the deck in the background.
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Quote from: weldboy on September 26, 2015, 05:16:39 PM
Was watching the middle a few nights ago and saw a MBH avocado on the deck in the background.
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I caught that too.
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Quote from: tb80 on September 26, 2015, 06:12:28 PM
Quote from: weldboy on September 26, 2015, 05:16:39 PM
Was watching the middle a few nights ago and saw a MBH avocado on the deck in the background.
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I caught that too.
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I'm not crazy afterall....
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It's not on TV but check this ad out!
Quote from: iCARRY on October 09, 2014, 02:35:04 PM
Just saw one in an episode of son of anarchy from this season.
@iCARRY , I have just started watching SOA. Saw this in Season 2, episode 3.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_5522.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_5522.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_5523.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_5523.jpg.html)
It shows up a few more times.
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Another from SOA .... A redhead. Season 7, episode 2.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_5628.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_5628.jpg.html)
Okay ... It's not from a TV show, or a movie ... It's from a small poster I saw at a pub / restaurant / hotel in New Glarus, WI.
A sweet looking 18" OT.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_5251.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_5251.jpg.html)
Quote from: dwnthehatch on May 05, 2015, 03:45:24 PM
American Pickers Season 4, Episode 24 in Upstate NY.
Please tell me that they looked right past it!!! Always worry that they'll find an old Weber and point it out. Afraid it'll have the Storage Wars effect on our hobby.
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Found this in a Yellow Tail wine commercial. Euro in Mustard Yellow.
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Capital one has a spot featuring 2 Black Weber Kettles , Charles Barkley is grilling on one while Spike Lee and Samuel L Jackson watch.
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Quote from: Idahawk on November 23, 2015, 09:03:14 AM
Capital one has a spot featuring 2 Black Weber Kettles , Charles Barkley is grilling on one while Spike Lee and Samuel L Jackson watch.
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always let the fat guy cook. ;)
Quote from: GregS on November 23, 2015, 11:57:36 AM
Quote from: Idahawk on November 23, 2015, 09:03:14 AM
Capital one has a spot featuring 2 Black Weber Kettles , Charles Barkley is grilling on one while Spike Lee and Samuel L Jackson watch.
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always let the fat guy cook. ;)
Lol it's easier to watch him cook , then to watch him swing a golf club ;)
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Quote from: Idahawk on November 23, 2015, 12:00:21 PM
Quote from: GregS on November 23, 2015, 11:57:36 AM
Quote from: Idahawk on November 23, 2015, 09:03:14 AM
Capital one has a spot featuring 2 Black Weber Kettles , Charles Barkley is grilling on one while Spike Lee and Samuel L Jackson watch.
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always let the fat guy cook. ;)
Lol it's easier to watch him cook , then to watch him swing a golf club ;)
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Holy crap, yes!! Ugh, that was painful.
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Black Sheep - right after Chris Farley falls down the mountain. Redhead missing the lid, triangle and ash catcher.
South Park last night (http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/12/03/0dcdb9acf434496f38f08799d14d895e.jpg)
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Quote from: dwnthehatch on November 27, 2015, 12:40:14 PM
Black Sheep - right after Chris Farley falls down the mountain. Redhead missing the lid, triangle and ash catcher.
Does that make it a Traveler?
(http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss131/austingaydos/image_zpsw3lqzwmz.jpeg) (http://s569.photobucket.com/user/austingaydos/media/image_zpsw3lqzwmz.jpeg.html)
From Fire Down Below - bad Steven Seagal movie from 1997. Red 22" and blue 18"
Anyone see this? From Aqua Teen Hunger Force Carl's Lock of the Week. There is a red kettle in the background.
(http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/images/2015/12/08/Carlslockoftheweek.md.jpg) (http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/image/Oh)
The Wedding Singer. Picture hanging on the wall.
Just watched Ant-Man last night, when fighting the The Yellow Jacket, they crash into one a guy is using in his back yard.
Turned to my wife, and said, "Poor Weber." She just rolled her eyes...
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Quote from: Idahawk on December 14, 2015, 09:45:25 AM
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Good one! ;D
I think there is one in the basement of Home Alone, looking for a screen shot...will update if/when I get one.
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On my kids paw patrol leap tv video game.
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Seen a few from Breaking Bad up, but not sure if anyone caught this one?
From him buying the demo rental unit
Quote from: MeatAndPotatos on December 28, 2015, 05:31:53 PM
Seen a few from Breaking Bad up, but not sure if anyone caught this one?
From him buying the demo rental unit
Not a kettle.
Quote from: TheDude on December 28, 2015, 09:01:15 PM
Quote from: MeatAndPotatos on December 28, 2015, 05:31:53 PM
Seen a few from Breaking Bad up, but not sure if anyone caught this one?
From him buying the demo rental unit
Not a kettle.
lol, well I saw a Weber! hehe
... Partial credit?
Quote from: MeatAndPotatos on December 28, 2015, 09:26:37 PM
Quote from: TheDude on December 28, 2015, 09:01:15 PM
Quote from: MeatAndPotatos on December 28, 2015, 05:31:53 PM
Seen a few from Breaking Bad up, but not sure if anyone caught this one?
From him buying the demo rental unit
Not a kettle.
lol, well I saw a Weber! hehe
... Partial credit?
I'm good with honorable mention.
Quote from: TheDude on December 28, 2015, 09:30:33 PM
I'm good with honorable mention.
I vote full credit. While not a kettle, it's still a weber(and has the stand) and takes a sharp eye. a "weber eye" if you will. I didn't watch the show and just looking at the first post of screen cap, I completely missed the grill in the background. I figured the timing of the screen cap was off(thinking there was supposed to be a grill right outside the window). so kudo's to the eye sharper than mine.
Guy Fieri smoking the everlovin' dogsnot out of a standing rib roast, with a massive payload of soaked wood chips over a full chimney of briquettes. Smoke obscured the entire show. Nice blue kettle, though.
Not sure if anyone has caught this one yet. I got all excited at first. My gf even said "look, a weber, and it looks like a brownie". Then once they show a close up I nearly cried. Looks like a beat to shit red head. I really hope they didn't destroy this grill just for the scene. From the movie Wish I was Here.
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Quote from: Jon on December 28, 2015, 11:46:53 PM
Guy Fieri smoking the everlovin' dogsnot out of a standing rib roast, with a massive payload of soaked wood chips over a full chimney of briquettes. Smoke obscured the entire show. Nice blue kettle, though.
I looked for about a hour and could not find a video of this . . . . . d@mn ! !
Wife came home from the movies with her friends and said she saw one in the movie 'Sisters'.
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Quote from: Lumpy Coal on December 30, 2015, 03:56:37 PM
Wife came home from the movies with her friends and said she saw one in the movie 'Sisters'.
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I'll take her word for it.
Quote from: TheDude on December 30, 2015, 04:15:40 PM
Quote from: Lumpy Coal on December 30, 2015, 03:56:37 PM
Wife came home from the movies with her friends and said she saw one in the movie 'Sisters'.
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I'll take her word for it.
Yup that's my plan too but I did think it was funny she's starting to pick them out too.
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Quote from: Lumpy Coal on December 30, 2015, 06:25:02 PM
Quote from: TheDude on December 30, 2015, 04:15:40 PM
Quote from: Lumpy Coal on December 30, 2015, 03:56:37 PM
Wife came home from the movies with her friends and said she saw one in the movie 'Sisters'.
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I'll take her word for it.
Yup that's my plan too but I did think it was funny she's starting to pick them out too.
I've seen it in the preview
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Saw these recently:
From the show, Archer, season 1, episode 6:
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_5875.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_5875.jpg.html)
And, a very funny show, The League, season 4, episode 6:
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_5876.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_5876.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/IMG_5877.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/IMG_5877.jpg.html)
I don't think it's been mentioned yet but Ethan Hawke spends some time around a kettle in Good Kill.
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Inside the "safe zone" on Fear The Walking Dead. Has a 1 second cameo.
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Married with Children. Later episode: Al & the No Ma'am crew set up a bachelor pad on the roof. Looks like the same redhead from the first episode.(http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/16/01/06/5740fec542ff4a32d90565a5e185ed90.jpg)
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Bizarre Foods America. Season 7 Episode 6
One popped up on the latest episode of Modern Family.
From one of the recreation scenes on a 2008 episode of unsolved mysteries.
An 18" lime, pic kind of makes it look a little yellow, but it was a Limey
(http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y516/justinperson/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpswywdb6jo.jpg) (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/justinperson/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpswywdb6jo.jpg.html)
That's a 26er lime .... The only one made .... Another unsolved mystery.
Ranch just smoking away on Primal Grill w/ Steven Raichlen. The only show on public tv worth watching. (http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160124/8553a2f352a322c7650692c6ad18413e.jpg)
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not a tv show, but a movie-Black Mass (it's about whitey bulger). at one point in the story they show a kettle that's being used to cook steaks. time frame via movie is late 80's/early 90's, but grill has the charcoal colored plastic handles.
I saw one on Mike Tyson's Mysteries....
Another Married With Children spotting.
Season 4 Episode 23 "Yard Sale"
First attempt to post a photo-not sure why they are appearing sideways but they show correctly when I click on the picture. They are from the closing scene of last nights "The Middle". The photo I took with my IPad is terrible but the yellow MBH is pretty awesome.
(http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/images/2016/02/25/imagee91ba.md.jpg) (http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/image/2R)
(http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/images/2016/02/25/imagec1e03.md.jpg) (http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/image/2J)
Unsure if it matters but I uploaded the previous pics to pics.weberkettleclub.com and entered the info to create an account afterwards. The pics show up as a guest account and not in my accounts albums. It does not matter to me as they aren't important. It would be no big deal if I lose them but just wanted to make sure I was using the correct protocol.
The Middle - Season 1 Episode 8 "Thanksgiving".
Aw crap, you guys beat me to it, I took a picture of the one from the middle too. Then my brother texted me and asked if I'd seen it, I just sent him the picture over
Redhead from People vs. OJ Simpson mini-series. In Christopher Darden's backyard. (http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160306/4e1a6bcb020385ea98c38da11cc90f34.jpg)
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Red Jumbo Joe in a Progressive commercial. (http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160307/bc5d607007753f97e8b0a1f67e716221.jpg)
I WANT A RED JUMBO JOE!!! Please Weber gods

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Quote from: brewtownbeatdown on March 06, 2016, 08:58:33 PM
Red Jumbo Joe in a Progressive commercial. (http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160307/bc5d607007753f97e8b0a1f67e716221.jpg)
I WANT A RED JUMBO JOE!!! Please Weber gods
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You're not getting it from her unless you take it from her cold dead hands!!!!!! LOL
Quote from: MikeRocksTheRed on March 09, 2016, 10:43:24 AM
You're not getting it from her unless you take it from her cold dead hands!!!!!! LOL
Why, do you know her? She borrowing your red Jumbo Joe? I have a feeling that if I whispered all sexy-like in her ear & grabbed her a$$, I'd have me that red JJ. A little slap & tickle, and I'd get them fake steaks too!!! I'll name it VaJJ, and spend my time obsessing over it, just like its namesake.
I wonder if I sacrificed my good coverage, for a sh!tty Progressive policy, if I could get me a sweet red JJ?
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Quote from: brewtownbeatdown on March 09, 2016, 11:52:48 AM
Quote from: MikeRocksTheRed on March 09, 2016, 10:43:24 AM
You're not getting it from her unless you take it from her cold dead hands!!!!!! LOL
Why, do you know her? She borrowing your red Jumbo Joe? I have a feeling that if I whispered all sexy-like in her ear & grabbed her a$$, I'd have me that red JJ. A little slap & tickle, and I'd get them fake steaks too!!! I'll name it VaJJ, and spend my time obsessing over it, just like its namesake.
I wonder if I sacrificed my good coverage, for a sh!tty Progressive policy, if I could get me a sweet red JJ?
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Too damn funny!!!! I bet she would drop that grill for some bacon! :o
(http://i1165.photobucket.com/albums/q585/joelhogston/F6D011CB-6126-429E-BC80-3DF09BD9340C.png_zps4ox67s9w.jpeg) (http://s1165.photobucket.com/user/joelhogston/media/F6D011CB-6126-429E-BC80-3DF09BD9340C.png_zps4ox67s9w.jpeg.html)
Ok not a kettle but it is a Weber. And it's the legend Uncle Al Jorgensen discussing his new project Surgical Meth Machine
Quote from: Hogsy on March 10, 2016, 09:31:09 AM
(http://i1165.photobucket.com/albums/q585/joelhogston/F6D011CB-6126-429E-BC80-3DF09BD9340C.png_zps4ox67s9w.jpeg) (http://s1165.photobucket.com/user/joelhogston/media/F6D011CB-6126-429E-BC80-3DF09BD9340C.png_zps4ox67s9w.jpeg.html)
Ok not a kettle but it is a Weber. And it's the legend Uncle Al Jorgensen discussing his new project Surgical Meth Machine
<------- Hey I resemble that genius ;D
I'm as surprised that he uses gas, as I was when I found out Rob Zombie is a vegan.
Black Mass with Johnny Depp...black kettle with dark grey handles. They were BBQing at the FBI guys house. Movie was set in late 70s and early 80s so that new kettle was not period correct. My wife saw my eyes light up during this part. Strange thing is she new exactly why. She knows too. Not sure when in the movie, about 1/2 way through. Too lazy to go look it up.
Black GA in Napoleon dynamite. Thrift store scene when he's suit shopping.
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1. An episode of The People vs O.J. Simpson and while the characters were watching the white bronco chase on TV, I noticed the lid of a red kettle laid on the ground off to one side like somebody had been cooking on the grill earlier..
2. Beyond the Tank they were visiting the entrepreneur/owner of The Oilerie at home and he's telling his story but I'm noticing the MT kettle, Gen 2 or 3 Performer (and even a Weber gasser) instead.
1. No one has mentioned Home Improvement. I don't know the season or episode, but it is when they try to set the record for lighting charcoal by using jet fuel.
2. Modern family has a blue MT in an episode. Phil tries to get Jay a new fancy grill with all kinds of gadgets. Jay doesn't like it and goes back to his kettle.
Edit: Looking it up, it looks more like an older red performer.
The Middle
Season 6 Episode 24 "The Graduate"
Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. Season 19 Episode 13
Improvised smoker using a Smokey Joe sitting on a coffee can full of soaked wood chips placed on top the kitchen gas stove.
Bob Newhart!
(http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z276/zavod112/IMG_20160306_174152380_zpsi58r9ufo.jpg) (http://s193.photobucket.com/user/zavod112/media/IMG_20160306_174152380_zpsi58r9ufo.jpg.html)
And a Chestnut to boot
Modern Family
(http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu212/KingL68/11025738_821395351263054_8715822100230443071_n_zps4tx3y8dd.jpg) (http://s649.photobucket.com/user/KingL68/media/11025738_821395351263054_8715822100230443071_n_zps4tx3y8dd.jpg.html)
FX show Married (cancelled last year)
(http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu212/KingL68/grilling%20001_zpspe3n6ehy.jpg) (http://s649.photobucket.com/user/KingL68/media/grilling%20001_zpspe3n6ehy.jpg.html)
American Dad:
Robert Klein's back deck on an episode of Seinfeld's Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.
A Smokey Joe on an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern is used by a local food & outdoor show host to grill up some bacon wrapped crow on the spot after a hunt. Yes, crow. :o
The video can be found here: http://www.travelchannel.com/shows/bizarre-foods/video/serving-up-a-variety-of-crow
New show on TNT - Animal Kingdom. They were diving off the roof, over a lighter fluid flaming kettle into the pool.
NCIS Season 7 Episode 6
(http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/q628/dan96/NCIS%20Red%20Weber%20Kettle%201_zpscsplpcyx.jpg) (http://s1167.photobucket.com/user/dan96/media/NCIS%20Red%20Weber%20Kettle%201_zpscsplpcyx.jpg.html)
Not a kettle, but still a Weber on a preview for Ozzy and Jack's World Detour.
There was a topiary Mickey Mouse with a Weber grilling the background of The Chew yesterday. I don't know if it was new or a repeat. I didn't get a good screenshot but found these pictures using Google. In first pic the grill is pretty small and between the shoulders of the 2 middle hosts.
(http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/images/2016/07/29/image.md.jpg) (http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/image/S4r)
(http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/images/2016/07/29/imagefe5b1.md.jpg) (http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/image/S43)
One of my favorite Sylvester Stallone movies, Cobra. Can't believe I've never noticed it.
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I'm not sure it's an actual Weber but....has anyone mentioned the movie Tank Girl yet?
Right side of picture, rear of the tank...she was serving up some burnt weenies at one point...
Love Tank Girl.
How many of your girls spot them?
(http://i1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd487/sickofcichlids/2E24DE61-E1AF-409E-B7E9-1E2CEE4203E8.png) (http://s1222.photobucket.com/user/sickofcichlids/media/2E24DE61-E1AF-409E-B7E9-1E2CEE4203E8.png.html)
@TheDude - My girlfriend spots them quite a bit. And it always seems to be when I think she is looking at her damn phone and not watching whatever it is we have on tv.
Not a TV show but a birthday card!
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Quote from: Don_ on August 21, 2016, 07:18:45 PM
I'm not sure it's an actual Weber but....has anyone mentioned the movie Tank Girl yet?
Right side of picture, rear of the tank...she was serving up some burnt weenies at one point...
Looks like it to me
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World from 1963. A redhead with a roti ring AND a Chestnut coppertone. Both are MLH. True to the period.
Damn....how cool is that ^^^^^!!!!!
Quote from: Craig on October 02, 2016, 09:28:00 AM
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World from 1963. A redhead with a roti ring AND a Chestnut coppertone. Both are MLH. True to the period.
Ahhhh you caught that also! I wanted to chime in on that scene as well. Saw it the other night on TCM. Nice catch!
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I know this is a stretch but my son likes this show called Hey Duggee on Nick Jr. saw this tonight.
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The movie called "the bachelor" 1999 with Chris O'Donnell...About 10 minutes in...
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I don't remember Home Alone being in here.
(http://i1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd487/sickofcichlids/845A73D1-A973-4884-B14E-EB4CB9298433.jpg) (http://s1222.photobucket.com/user/sickofcichlids/media/845A73D1-A973-4884-B14E-EB4CB9298433.jpg.html)
It's not a kettle but.......Criminal Minds Season 1 episode 19...looks like a brand new Weber firepit down in Mexico
(http://i1374.photobucket.com/albums/ag406/scottzee26/temporary_zpsfoebldtz.jpg) (http://s1374.photobucket.com/user/scottzee26/media/temporary_zpsfoebldtz.jpg.html)
Almost missed this saw the grate then the grill. Revolution S1E8.
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We've seen The Wedding Singer many many times and I just noticed this today. The old lady is taking lessons and has a picture on the wall of her and her husband around the BBQ.
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NCIS season 13 episode 11 Spinning Wheel
Wrong Weber in The Infiltrator! This is based in the 80's. anyone see a problem?
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Quote from: Shoestringshop on January 27, 2017, 01:38:34 PM
Wrong Weber in The Infiltrator! This is based in the 80's. anyone see a problem?
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They had those ugly hubcaps back in the 80's too?😣 lol
searching for 1 18" straight lip twist ash pan.
@Kneab Good call my wife said "what the hell do you point out every error in movies?" Ahh ya ::)
How about that. Gordon Ramsey with a nice old redhead tonight in Fox's commercial advertising their upcoming broadcast of Super Bowl L1 (51).
Well used redhead at that. Got a couple of dings in the porcelain.
Grimm Season episode five. They chase the guy out of his dads house and as he runs off the porch you see a blue 22. It's at about 26:28 on this crappy youtube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8UoB6GeQ3U
Super Bowl commercial
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taken over the weekend... My favorite TV food guy!!
(https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/705/31872408704_edf3b3dfaa_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/QysqG1)Untitled (https://flic.kr/p/QysqG1) by Darin McMaster (https://www.flickr.com/photos/varekai/), on Flickr
The People v. OJ Simpson episode 2
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Modern Family.....at the 2:01 mark.....
My son plays this Nintendo game, "Paper Mario, Color Splash." He just got a new weapon today:(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170217/bdc0901b874aeb7fa6a8bc3b067fe76b.jpg)
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This kettle deserved better than this .... I'm guessing Riggs does not like the taco handle. ;D
TV show Lethal Weapon, season 1, episode 6 just passed the 12 minute mark.
Appears to be a MasterTouch, without the ring and bucket. The kettle held up better than the guitar. 8) :D
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7692.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7692.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7693.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7693.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7694.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7694.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7695.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7695.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7696.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7696.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7697.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7697.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7698.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7698.jpg.html)
American Housewife
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The shrinkage episode.
(http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y489/J1ROW/IMG_20170325_164230_zpspdoosiry.jpg) (http://s1277.photobucket.com/user/J1ROW/media/IMG_20170325_164230_zpspdoosiry.jpg.html)
Making a Murderer. Could be a 'cado. Who is going to see if it's still there?
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A Heineken comercial.
Netflix show, Iron Fist ... Season 1, episode 11, just passed the 28 minute mark ....
Looks like an 18" OTS.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7764.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7764.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7765.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7765.jpg.html)
Was watching the movie Good Kill
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Quote from: MacEggs on April 11, 2017, 08:42:23 AM
Netflix show, Iron Fist ... Season 1, episode 11, just passed the 28 minute mark ....
Looks like an 18" OTS.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7764.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7764.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7765.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7765.jpg.html)
lol how did I miss it? iron fist is cool cuz I had no idea who he was before the show
2 key words
kettles, and
''spot'' the black kettle in the image I provided?
8 of them!
Phil Hartman and Sinbad cooking cheeseburgers on a redhead!
(House guest)
The very first episode of The Sopranos .... Just before the 20 minute mark.
Tony has a panic-attack and collapses on the lawn ... Or, he inhaled too much lighter-fluid fumes ...
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7827.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7827.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7828.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7828.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7829.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7829.jpg.html)
The old TV show Emergency!. Brown 26er in background. Looks black on my camera but it's a Chief. Episode aired 02/07/1976.
Appears to be no ash pan. Definitely a Copper Mist. Lighting makes the lid lip appear slightly silver-ish.
What about it? So you spotted a Weber Kettle..so what?
The other day I spotted a cement truck.
Quote from: HiDesertHal on May 26, 2017, 07:24:52 AM
What about it? So you spotted a Weber Kettle..so what?
The other day I spotted a cement truck.
Hal, if you read the topic, you'd know what this is about. Stop with your negativity.
Quote from: Craig on May 26, 2017, 08:27:21 AM
Quote from: HiDesertHal on May 26, 2017, 07:24:52 AM
What about it? So you spotted a Weber Kettle..so what?
The other day I spotted a cement truck.
Hal, if you read the topic, you'd know what this is about. Stop with your negativity.
I am also done with the disparaging of our hobby. WKC and kettle collecting has led me to meet some awesome people, and feel part of a pleasant community of good guys on the web, which is rare. I've also learned things that have made me better at grilling for my family and friends. If you don't enjoy our hobby, fine. But don't disparage something that has brought enjoyment to many people here, especially people who have tried to help you repeatedly. I'm really wondering why you still hang around Hal.
Rant over...also, what show is this
Quote from: crowderjd on May 26, 2017, 09:33:25 AM
Rant over...also, what show is this @Craig?
Emergency. Airs weekdays on a retro tv channel Called Cozi TV. Friggin love this show. I watch it with my kids all the time.
"Station 51 KMG-365!" - Capt. Stanley
Quote from: Craig on May 26, 2017, 10:35:12 AM
Quote from: crowderjd on May 26, 2017, 09:33:25 AM
Rant over...also, what show is this @Craig?
Emergency. Airs weekdays on a retro tv channel Called Cozi TV. Friggin love this show. I watch it with my kids all the time.
"Station 51 KMG-365!" - Capt. Stanley
It was a great tv show remember it well and Dixie was a hot nurse
To All Grillers:
Thank God WKC has an Off-Topic section!
This is what keeps me attached to the WKC Forum!
I dumped my Kettle, and if I can't grill a decent steak on my next try, I'll dump my Q-1200 too!
I'm gravitating toward our hassle-free George Foreman Electric Grill!
My wife does the cooking on it, so I don't have a thing to do except wait at the table, enjoying my Rum 'n' Coke until she presents me with the Steak!
Life is Good, and so I offer my thanks to You...You...You...(not you)...You...You...You...(not you)...You...You, and of course You!!!
Quote from: JEBIV on May 26, 2017, 11:31:49 AM
Quote from: Craig on May 26, 2017, 10:35:12 AM
Quote from: crowderjd on May 26, 2017, 09:33:25 AM
Rant over...also, what show is this @Craig?
Emergency. Airs weekdays on a retro tv channel Called Cozi TV. Friggin love this show. I watch it with my kids all the time.
"Station 51 KMG-365!" - Capt. Stanley
It was a great tv show remember it well and Dixie was a hot nurse
Yes she was!
Quote from: HiDesertHal on May 26, 2017, 11:53:39 AM
To All Grillers:
Thank God WKC has an Off-Topic section!
This is what keeps me attached to the WKC Forum!
I dumped my Kettle, and if I can't grill a decent steak on my next try, I'll dump my Q-1200 too!
I'm gravitating toward our hassle-free George Foreman Electric Grill!
My wife does the cooking on it, so I don't have a thing to do except wait at the table, enjoying my Rum 'n' Coke until she presents me with the Steak!
Life is Good, and so I offer my thanks to You...You...You...(not you)...You...You...You...(not you)...You...You, and of course You!!!
HDH, Why are you here? have you been kicked off of every other internet board and this is the next one that you found? You come on here and do nothing but complain about stuff that any ordinary forum browser knows first hand(like posting pictures), then you buy a kettle and because you can't cook you get rid if it to buy a Weber Q and "shocker" you can't cook on that either. Don't come into a topic like this and spam it with.
"What about it? So you spotted a Weber Kettle..so what?
The other day I spotted a cement truck."
Your gimmick is getting old, if you left NO ONE WOULD MISS YOU............
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on May 26, 2017, 03:21:56 PM
Quote from: HiDesertHal on May 26, 2017, 11:53:39 AM
To All Grillers:
Thank God WKC has an Off-Topic section!
This is what keeps me attached to the WKC Forum!
I dumped my Kettle, and if I can't grill a decent steak on my next try, I'll dump my Q-1200 too!
I'm gravitating toward our hassle-free George Foreman Electric Grill!
My wife does the cooking on it, so I don't have a thing to do except wait at the table, enjoying my Rum 'n' Coke until she presents me with the Steak!
Life is Good, and so I offer my thanks to You...You...You...(not you)...You...You...You...(not you)...You...You, and of course You!!!
HDH, Why are you here? have you been kicked off of every other internet board and this is the next one that you found? You come on here and do nothing but complain about stuff that any ordinary forum browser knows first hand(like posting pictures), then you buy a kettle and because you can't cook you get rid if it to buy a Weber Q and "shocker" you can't cook on that either. Don't come into a topic like this and spam it with.
"What about it? So you spotted a Weber Kettle..so what?
The other day I spotted a cement truck."
Your gimmick is getting old, if you left NO ONE WOULD MISS YOU............

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Quote from: LightningBoldtz on May 26, 2017, 03:21:56 PMif you left NO ONE WOULD MISS YOU............
I would ....
Let's see a thread devoted to cement-truck-mixer pics ....
A very funny show, Weeds. 8)
Back-to-back ... Season 4, episode 2, then episode 3.
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7877.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7877.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7878.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7878.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7879.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7879.jpg.html)
(http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/MacEggs/Miscellaneous/IMG_7880.jpg) (http://s1142.photobucket.com/user/MacEggs/media/Miscellaneous/IMG_7880.jpg.html)
That show was great. I forgot about that. I may have to dig up some old episodes.
Copper, taco handle, at 10:31 mark
Looks like a performer BTW...
Quote from: Craig on May 26, 2017, 01:37:33 PM
Quote from: JEBIV on May 26, 2017, 11:31:49 AM
Quote from: Craig on May 26, 2017, 10:35:12 AM
Quote from: crowderjd on May 26, 2017, 09:33:25 AM
Rant over...also, what show is this @Craig?
Emergency. Airs weekdays on a retro tv channel Called Cozi TV. Friggin love this show. I watch it with my kids all the time.
"Station 51 KMG-365!" - Capt. Stanley
It was a great tv show remember it well and Dixie was a hot nurse
Yes she was! 
Drove by "Station 51" the last time I was in LA. Love that show.
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A copper kettle from the movie, The Circle ....
Can you smellllll!!!!!
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[attachment deleted by admin]
Quote from: Speedster on August 24, 2017, 05:35:58 PM
Can you smellllll!!!!!
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I can smell the lighter fluid :'(
There's also one in Ferris Buellers day off lol (when he's running through the neighborhood yards)
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Netflix Original Program --- Season 1 Episode 4. "Disjointed"
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Quote from: SteveMBH on March 26, 2017, 02:03:08 PM
Making a Murderer. Could be a 'cado. Who is going to see if it's still there?
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I am up in Door County WI this weekend and I actually drove up to the Avery salvage yard. I did not go in, but I did call and asked if they had any old grills for sale. I was told they only deal in vehicles.
How is this even possible? I've seen this commercial for a good month or two. It's for Latuda, a fiber myalgia medicine. Looks like the new limit edition red.
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[attachment deleted by admin]
Quote from: mcgolden on November 13, 2017, 03:41:23 PM
How is this even possible? I've seen this commercial for a good month or two. It's for Latuda, a fiber myalgia medicine. Looks like the new limit edition red.
The LE red model has been "ready" for many months in limited scale, such as for the earlier promo pictures, and for testing, proof-of-concept engineering "mules" and so on.
It would be no big deal if when contacted by Latuda for "a grill," Weber said, "no problem, we've got just the one ... but don't freakin' lose it."
Aaron Rodgers on the beach with his dog and a Smokey Joe...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_nO82KBYqk
I saw what looked like an 18" black in Jay's garage on Modern Family.
Quote from: Grillagin on December 17, 2017, 07:51:49 PM
I saw what looked like an 18" black in Jay's garage on Modern Family.
yes. i think that is this one....
there is also one in a later episode called Grill Interrupted that has a copper Performer.
Another one from Bob Newhart show
[attachment deleted by admin]
Just watching Home Alone (that movie holds up):
Last night, for the first time, I watched a bit of the show Young Sheldon. The lead character is the same lead character as in Big Bang Theory, as a child in grade school, and the series is set sometime in the 1970s. (Edited to add, maybe the 80s)
In the first 60 seconds that I saw, he was out on the patio talking to another kid, and there next to them was a Weber. I don't know my models well enough to identify it, but it was the style with a lid a bit flatter than the current models. The color was a dull dark green, not avocado unless it was smoke-stained. If the prop master got the right period grill, what model would that be?
i seen it to. it was a 22 jumbo joe. only come in black i believe, it was very dirty to look older. it had a taco handle so its only a couple years old. only available at walmart i think
There's a nice red head in Edward Scissorhands.
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Euro Compact
Quote from: SteveMBH on February 03, 2018, 03:38:47 AM
Euro Compact
Great show so far. You're further along than I am though.
The Middle Season 9 episode 14 about 10 minutes in.
Unsolved Mysteries S1/Ep48 (2008) 45min into the show I see this!!!
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"Cobra kai"
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I saw one in Ferris Buellers day off
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Quote from: cobrasteve on May 07, 2018, 12:07:36 PM
I saw one in Ferris Buellers day off
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1:14 min in... love that part of the movie. That part of the movie always played in my head as I ran from the Subway to the NJ transit trains on the way home from work trying not to miss the train. ;D
Movie, Major Payne. MBH redhead.
Disney channel show Bunk'd GGA
(http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w463/jryeargin/Mobile%20Uploads/20180818_161348.jpg) (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/jryeargin/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20180818_161348.jpg.html)
Summer School c.1987
(http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w463/jryeargin/20180827_143951.jpg) (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/jryeargin/media/20180827_143951.jpg.html)
I spotted a Weber kettle in a recent episode of New Scandinavian Cooking on PBS.
Dos Equis commercial!
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New Girl on Fox.
I was watching Monster Squad, one of my childhood favorites and saw this!!!
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Making a Murderer S2: E8: 07 min. There's a black 18 in Steven's garage.
Someone needs to rsq it before there's another shootin spree out there...
Modern Family
Watching TV yesterday and saw a Hulu commercial where they were talking about TV through the ages. This picture shows what was supposed to be the 70s. Note the VW Bus. Now note how stupid it looks against a modern day Weber Original with taco handle and shiny ash bucket. Needless to say, I was annoyed and my family thought I was nuts... again.
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The office when Angela was sneaking out to meet Dwight.
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Wargames 1983
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Amazing world of gumball
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Bad Bloods Netflix Movie
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Patty Mayo channel on YouTube.
[attachment deleted by admin]
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American Pickers
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The Shield.
Every time I see one on TV I yell out "WEBER!" and the family just continues to poke daggers in my eyes mentally.
I was watching Pulp Fiction and noticed this:
Harvey Keitel as The Wolf, a mob fixer who is washing the blood off of two killers
[attachment deleted by admin]
Another one from Patty Mayo channel.
Not a kettle but still a Weber. Last night on "The Housewives of Beverley Hills". This Weber Genesis is in the backyard of Ken and Lisa Vanderpumps $12 million dollar home. The woman holding the dog is Denise Richards, Charlie Sheens ex-wife.
*I totally missed it. My wife yelled out "Weber" and had me rewind the show.
Roadkill on YouTube.
Vraylar commercial.
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Quote from: avega2792 on March 16, 2019, 12:47:23 AM
Every time I see one on TV I yell out "WEBER!" and the family just continues to poke daggers in my eyes mentally.
Oh no, avega, I read this post from you, and now I can already feel I am going to be in trouble with the family. Same premise, every time I see a Ford F-150 I blurt out "Hey F-150", and the family rolls their eyes at me. (I don't even own a F-150 either. I can now see my self doing the same thing upon seeing a Weber Kettle. Oh, they are really gonna love me now! Hahaha.
Young Sheldon is about to have one on the new episode now. Looked up from this thread and saw one!
Not sure if this one was already posted, but it's from the opening to season 5 of The Sopranos.
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Quote from: Cellar2ful on March 20, 2019, 09:06:41 PM
Not a kettle but still a Weber. Last night on "The Housewives of Beverley Hills". This Weber Genesis is in the backyard of Ken and Lisa Vanderpumps $12 million dollar home. The woman holding the dog is Denise Richards, Charlie Sheens ex-wife.
*I totally missed it. My wife yelled out "Weber" and had me rewind the show.
I thought you were drinking when you posted it. Right away I saw the Weber and then I saw you put "dog" and said to my wife "he's drunk that's a horse" she said "let me see" she then pointed out the little dog in her arm. Boy did I feel dumb. 😂
Gran Torino
Stranger Things Season 3 Episode 4, it also shows up in Episode 3 but this is a better shot
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on July 31, 2019, 03:17:14 AM
Stranger Things Season 3 Episode 4, it also shows up in Episode 3 but this is a better shot
I just watched this episode ..... and that's the first freakin thing I noticed when they showed the front of hoppers house ... lol
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Watching the news tonight, something caught my eye on a commercial for "This Is Us". Running it back I found a shot of this Key Lime "The Fairway". It will be on this coming Tuesday night's episode of "This Is Us" (CBS). Grate strap pops in the porcelain and all.
Everytime I mention one, my wife yells NERD at me like Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds.
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Quote from: JayyyR on August 18, 2018, 01:18:43 PM
Disney channel show Bunk'd GGA
(http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w463/jryeargin/Mobile%20Uploads/20180818_161348.jpg) (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/jryeargin/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20180818_161348.jpg.html)
With a wood handle cga lid?
Young Sheldon S3E17. The show takes place in 1980's setting. Any of you see anything wrong with the grill they used?
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Quote from: Shoestringshop on March 06, 2020, 03:10:27 PM
Young Sheldon S3E17. The show takes place in 1980's setting. Any of you see anything wrong with the grill they used?
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The Bob Newhart show......
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Bob Newhart season 1 episode 13.... good watch on Hulu.....
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And yes I'm officially a KettleHead.
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I was watching one of my favorite musical groups Dream Theater's official video Untethered Angel (https://youtu.be/gylxuO6dKOw) and noticed at around 2:09 that John Petrucci (lead guitar) was opening up what looks like a fancy UDS (not Weber, I know). Later is shows him putting on what looks like some chicken thighs. It occurred to me that he wouldn't have had those quick scenes in the video unless he really likes what he's doing. He also has on a Smithfield King of the Smoker apron. I'm guessing he's into it.
Quote from: Cellar2ful on November 09, 2019, 04:46:00 PM
Watching the news tonight, something caught my eye on a commercial for "This Is Us". Running it back I found a shot of this Key Lime "The Fairway". It will be on this coming Tuesday night's episode of "This Is Us" (CBS). Grate strap pops in the porcelain and all.
I saw this when my wife was watching the show and she was like be quite and stop freaking out over a grill. "But it is a beautiful lime! I want one!"
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I posted this elsewhere on here in the past.
But one day, the kids were watching Sesame Street, & I noticed in one "short", "skit", or whatever they are called, there were two different Webers in two different locations in NYC.
One chained up on the streets of NY and an 18" Smokey Joe Platinum, aka The Outrider, aka old style Jumbo Joe to the left of the stairs in the second pic.
@DaveG74 , looks like that blue kettle resurfaces in The Office, season 9, episode 17.
On "The Farm".
Alton Brown
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Quote from: bigred on March 30, 2020, 08:41:11 PM
Alton Brown
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It's missing the " Thermometer Mount and Thermometer" lol. I can sell them one. 😂
Just rewatching my 'Northern Exposure' box set, and in series one episode two this kettle is next to the lake.
Maybe 1997/98?
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A couple of Webers spotted on the movie parasite
The kettles definitely helped it win picture of the year.
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I tried finding it online, but couldn't. But there is an episode of "Sid the Science Kid" where they are camping in the backyard & there is an artist's rendition of a Weber, or perhaps just a Weber sort of knockoff, in the backyard. The kettle was a bit off.
Not a tv show, but in an ad online. Click on the thumbnail to make it larger, to see the borders of the ad.
My daughter was watching someone read a book on YouTube yesterday "the little red hen makes a pizza" and there was a kettle in the book. It said "galaxy grills" on it though
Just had this ad on my facebook
(https://i.postimg.cc/tTQpDJCM/Screenshot-20200512-054835-Chrome.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/7CVFZxz3)
Quote from: Walchit on November 10, 2019, 05:14:56 AM
Quote from: JayyyR on August 18, 2018, 01:18:43 PM
Disney channel show Bunk'd GGA
(http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w463/jryeargin/Mobile%20Uploads/20180818_161348.jpg) (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/jryeargin/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20180818_161348.jpg.html)
With a wood handle cga lid?
Lol. My kids watch that and I saw it too.
My favorite
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Sleep number commercial. Is this color for sale on new kettles?
White House July 2020. Check out the kettle.
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Is that a little crimson sj on the table there too?
Children's book sighting! My daughter found it then came running to me to show me the "hunter's pink!"
(Yes, she knows the true color name of my red thumbscrew!)

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Quote from: Schaefd2 on August 04, 2020, 06:17:54 PM
Children's book sighting! My daughter found it then came running to me to show me the "hunter's pink!"
(Yes, she knows the true color name of my red thumbscrew!) 

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That's cool your daughter knew the true color of your thumb screw kettle.
Grill in her book is caddywampus...lol
Quote from: AZ2FL on August 04, 2020, 06:54:36 PM
Quote from: Schaefd2 on August 04, 2020, 06:17:54 PM
Children's book sighting! My daughter found it then came running to me to show me the "hunter's pink!"
(Yes, she knows the true color name of my red thumbscrew!) 

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
That's cool your daughter knew the true color of your thumb screw kettle.
Grill in her book is caddywampus...lol
lol it is caddywhampus LOL didn't notice that.
I have a purple and a green kettle, which are the youngest daughter's favorite colors. Oldest daughter got jealous cuz I didn't have a pink one for her. So I had to educate the Oldest on Hunters Pink.

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Quote from: Schaefd2 on August 04, 2020, 07:40:28 PM
Quote from: AZ2FL on August 04, 2020, 06:54:36 PM
Quote from: Schaefd2 on August 04, 2020, 06:17:54 PM
Children's book sighting! My daughter found it then came running to me to show me the "hunter's pink!"
(Yes, she knows the true color name of my red thumbscrew!) 

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
That's cool your daughter knew the true color of your thumb screw kettle.
Grill in her book is caddywampus...lol
lol it is caddywhampus LOL didn't notice that.
I have a purple and a green kettle, which are the youngest daughter's favorite colors. Oldest daughter got jealous cuz I didn't have a pink one for her. So I had to educate the Oldest on Hunters Pink. 

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You'll have to educate your daughters on what a caddywhampus grill is.
I see you live in Delaware, Ohio that's a beautiful area. I've been to Marion twice over the last three years on business. August of 2019 I was in Ohio and ate at a sushi restaurant on main street in downtown Delaware, it was so good I went back the next night.
I played two rounds golf at a small golf course called "Green Acres Golf Course" just south of Marion, soy bean fields to the south and houses to the north.
Quote from: AZ2FL on August 05, 2020, 03:05:09 AM
Quote from: Schaefd2 on August 04, 2020, 07:40:28 PM
Quote from: AZ2FL on August 04, 2020, 06:54:36 PM
Quote from: Schaefd2 on August 04, 2020, 06:17:54 PM
Children's book sighting! My daughter found it then came running to me to show me the "hunter's pink!"
(Yes, she knows the true color name of my red thumbscrew!) 

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
That's cool your daughter knew the true color of your thumb screw kettle.
Grill in her book is caddywampus...lol
lol it is caddywhampus LOL didn't notice that.
I have a purple and a green kettle, which are the youngest daughter's favorite colors. Oldest daughter got jealous cuz I didn't have a pink one for her. So I had to educate the Oldest on Hunters Pink. 

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
You'll have to educate your daughters on what a caddywhampus grill is.
I see you live in Delaware, Ohio that's a beautiful area. I've been to Marion twice over the last three years on business. August of 2019 I was in Ohio and ate at a sushi restaurant on main street in downtown Delaware, it was so good I went back the next night.
I played two rounds golf at a small golf course called "Green Acres Golf Course" just south of Marion, soy bean fields to the south and houses to the north.
Very cool! Typhoon is the sushi restaurant. We enjoy it as well! Especially their plum wine as a dessert. Main St is awesome. Maybe I'll get you a beer at Barley Hopsters or a cigar at Woodlands next time you're in town. I
I freaking love Delaware and always happy to share it with people LOL
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Family matters
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[/quote]Very cool! Typhoon is the sushi restaurant. We enjoy it as well! Especially their plum wine as a dessert. Main St is awesome. Maybe I'll get you a beer at Barley Hopsters or a cigar at Woodlands next time you're in town. I
I freaking love Delaware and always happy to share it with people LOL
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Yes it was Typhoon sushi restaurant.
I'll definitely take you up on a beer and a cigar next time I'm in Delaware.
I finally got a picture.
Napoleon Dynamite
Storage Wars - Season 7, Episode 1.
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Cobra Kai. Daniel-san uses a Weber.
I just saw a glen blue on The Shield. Season 2 episode 10 or so.
The Avengers know what's up!
At their headquarters in Infinity War
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From Edward Scissorhands.
Onewheel tv commercial.
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Third Rock from the Sun; season 2, episode 1
I can't remember what episode it was, but I saw there was a Cobalt Blue 22' at Schrute Farms during an interview with Dwight in an episode of The Office.
Breaking Bad. Walt burning money in a kettle.
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Terminix commercial with Weber lid mod.
Don't mess up your dick with Tex Mex.
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Wife and I were catching up on TV shows we had DVR'd tonight. After a commercial, this was the opening scene. Wife yelled out "Weber". Gotta love a spouse that not only tolerates my obsession but plays along and embraces it. Bonus points for it being a MLH too.
The Myans M. C. on FX (Season 3 Episode 6).
I think there is only one other MLH documented in this thread:
Quote from: Craig on October 02, 2016, 09:28:00 AM
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World from 1963. A redhead with a roti ring AND a Chestnut coppertone. Both are MLH. True to the period.
Not a kettle, but I thought it was funny that I noticed James Corden using Weber tongs on what looks like some cheap gasser on a Weight Watchers commercial.
Have seen them in TV shows, but for all you gamers out there, the standard grill in GTA V is a black kettle.
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In the show Longmire, season 2,episode 10 I think, there was an 18" brownie at an election party.
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Not on TV but the M&M's must be members here.
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Beverley Hills Housewife's (Season 10, Episode 3) Weber in the yard of Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin's $4 million dollar Beverly Hills home. And he uses it to.
I didn't get a picture of it, but I saw a Publix grocery store commercial this morning featuring a turkey smoking on a Weber kettle. Neat commercial, with a "Table" theme illustrating various Thanksgiving dinners - traditional, campsite, room mate situations and a detached garage with a hang out area and of course the kettle smoking on the driveway in front of it. I'll try and snap a pic if I see it again.
Got a pic this morning....(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211112/04287b57ab8d9935514da1830e4f9747.jpg)
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There's what i think might be a weber in the opening for the new Wonder Years TV show. Great show BTW.
Bosch on Amazon Prime
S 5 EP.7
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Yep. Just came from seeing the new Ghostbusters Afterlife movie. Not only was there a Weber Kettle in the movie, but there was also a Weber Spirit II three burner, and they fired it up! Then, leaving the theater, there was a Weber 22" just outside one of the alley doors. They are everywhere.
Edward Scissorhands
Saw a blue kettle on Dwight's farm in an episode of The Office once. I had a photo saved on my laptop, but sadly I think I deleted it a while back. :/
Righteous Gemstones on HBO, season 1 episode 5 "Interlude"
At 18:33, there's a perfect shot of a cook on a narrow tab Brave. The episode is set in 1989, so the property master didn't quite nail the era of a beautiful old Kettle, but it's pretty great to see, nonetheless. Sadly, the grill gets badly mistreated a moment later. They didn't actually damage it, but it still made me wince to see it.
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Here's a still from Ghostbusters Afterlife:
Seinfeld...... Yep it's a slow Monday.
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I didn't get a screenshot but there was a redhead on the beach in the episode of " Young Rock" that aired this week.
Barbie on the barbie! They've got a barbie doll on the redhead & rotisserie in Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun video:
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It's always great to see the world leaders put their differences aside for a moment, to make a music video. ...A Weber ...oh yeah and Tom Cruise?
Quote from: CurtP on August 07, 2014, 05:34:42 AMI was watching War Games last night and spotted what I think is a redhead in the scene where the dog gets into the trash. Looks like it could be a 26'r too.
Quote from: DaveG74 on December 04, 2018, 03:46:52 PM
Wargames 1983
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Good catch,
@CurtP and
@DaveG74 !
Just watched this movie last night! Great film.
Looks like a 22" red MBH.
Did a search but didn't see if this one was mentioned. Top Gun.
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Quote from: bgilbert44 on January 27, 2022, 02:46:54 PM
Saw a blue kettle on Dwight's farm in an episode of The Office once. I had a photo saved on my laptop, but sadly I think I deleted it a while back. :/
@maceggs found the one you were talking about, I saw it on an earlier episode.
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70th Anniversary Kettle. Hollywood gray. Valspar paint commercial. Looks like the bail brace isn't attached.
Flexshorts by Public Rec commercial. Missing bowl handle.
I'm sure that this has already been posted somewhere in the previous 20+ pages, but it worth seeing again . . .
Tool Time (https://youtu.be/AjuXrxHcFfg)
Lilyhammer, Netflix. S2E8
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"minuscule" series of shorts on YouTube
From the "sausage predator" episode
My 3 going on 13 yo grandson enjoys the "need for speed" episode
Stumbled across this chestnut in Call of Duty Warzone 2.0... they actually did a pretty solid job! ;D
Curse of Chucky (2013)
The Violent Femmes playing a Weber grill on The Tonight Show with Stephen Colbert on February 23, 2016.
No picture to share but I saw the new movie "Priscilla" and they used a 70th anniversary kettle in a pool scene.
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Bic lighter commercial with Willie.
Here's a link to an old MotorWeek segment featuring Steven Raichlen and a bunch of Weber grills on Barbecue! U (Hope the link works, if not just copy/paste):
Pawn Stars Best of: On The Road Hustles
Behind Gypsie Vintage Cycle in Sturgis.
I wonder if it is still there.
Prilosec OTC commercial