Welcome! I can't believe it's already S&S year 3 already! It's close enough to spring that it's time to kick it in gear and get some projects going and do some shining and showing. Whatever you have in the land of kettles and accessories, show them off. Loud and proud! Originals and customs alike!
I will start it off with a custom pair o' fitties.
Just got them finished today..
Had to fire up the 22 and rededicate it for pizza night. "cooked on her that night!"
I want to say thank you to all the great members of the WKC for a great 2013 and an even greater 2014! With a little networking and a shared passion and knowledge of my fellow Grillfellas it has made projects like these not only possible, but fun to collaborate and work on. :)
my head just exploded..wow, those are nice.
Quote from: tattooedant on March 25, 2014, 07:54:39 PM
my head just exploded..wow, those are nice.
Yeah Yeah,, what ant said.. Holy Smokes those are gorgeous..
Craig - those are very cool, thanks for sharing!.
How did you fabricate the metal triangles?
Sweet looking Wooddales Craig!!!
Its too soon in Chicago to think about Show and Shine though. We still have some snow on the ground. Hoping things are gonna turn around soon!
Beautiful brace of fitties !
Very nice Craig. I bet that was a lot of fun fabricating those parts. More details on the triangles please. I may have a need for one.... ;)
Quote from: Jeff on March 26, 2014, 03:16:07 AM
Sweet looking Wooddales Craig!!!
Its too soon in Chicago to think about Show and Shine though. We still have some snow on the ground. Hoping things are gonna turn around soon!
Ditto in the Twin Cities. But Sunday could hit 55 ;D
Where do we place our orders for the triangles? Nice work! 8)
Very nice Craig!
Nice looking grills, the triangles are great!!
Great work on those fitties Craig! I think they should be inducted into the Customs gallery.
Quote from: Duke on March 26, 2014, 07:36:45 AM
Great work on those fitties Craig! I think they should be inducted into the Customs gallery.
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want. that. triangle.
Thanks for the compliments guys!! It means a lot. I should point out that the 18.5 was started by Shaun Duke and he sent it to me to complete. He and I are the resident 50s kettle nuts it seems. ;D After collaborating with him on that one, I really wanted to add a 22 to the mix to compliment it (ok, feed the addiction! ::) ) . Here's a few historical photos that I used as inspiration for this project.
This last one was more inspiration for the 18.
Finally, a warm sunny day here. Good time for a photo shoot. While the family snickered at me and the neighbor propped himself up on his rake and stared in disbelief, I wheeled out the vintage 26er line up.
I just had an accident.
That is truly beautiful!
WOW!!!! Stu I think you ARE the king of the 26"ers.... I love them all!! I'm digging the black WBH OT in the back left corner.... maybe its the cool older style plastic wheels..... of course the Wood Dale and the Aristocrat are poking out too....
Killer family photo, Stu!! Love it!!
Keep 'em coming folks!! :D
I wonder what the record for having the most grills running at the same time is?
Then add the 26er factor in!
Nice.. 8)
Damn G, that is one hellacious lineup. I've been begging to find just one and you've cornered the market!
Holy Crap, G. That's intense. I love that flat top OT with the wide white sidewall. Where's the rest of your gang? no love for the smaller grills? 8)
G - amazing line up you have there! A great collection, thank you for sharing it with us. Love that Wood Dale in the front right!
That's a great line-up! Great to see an old-friend there parked in the back row as well! ;)
Stu king of the 26'r! That's some line up. I see you even gave grandpa a bath. :D
Nice siding, G. :o ;) ;)
Oh my, G, that is really one for the family album. Do you suppose they swap stories with each other when they get together for a photo like that? Just imagine the tales over the years in which these regal seniors were a part.
stu, my god.
those photos were awe inspiring.
I literally thought, for a split second, that I needed to pack up MY big red and ship it to you just so they can all be one big happy family.
Like i said, it was just a split second. I quickly came to my senses.
Thanks all
Always room for another Troy..... :)
Awesome Stu. I know how much work it is bringing a lot of grills out and positioning them for a shoot.
I also know the feeling of having your curious neighbors watching in disbelief when you do something like this!!! :)
Fantastic looking lineup! :)
Stu, just an awesome display of 26er's! Hard enough just to find one...
Sweet Yell'er Gumms!!
Watch for cars! :o
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on March 31, 2014, 07:15:12 PM
Quote from: G on March 30, 2014, 05:28:39 PM
Finally, a warm sunny day here. Good time for a photo shoot. While the family snickered at me and the neighbor propped himself up on his rake and stared in disbelief, I wheeled out the vintage 26er line up.
G - I keep coming back to this amazing collection of 26ers. I for one would love to see some of these documented in the Vintage Gallery to get the details/stories behind them - great group of kettles!
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on March 31, 2014, 07:15:12 PM
That yellow grill looks like it's standing out in the middle of Main St. waiting for the big showdown with a Brinkmann grill. (I can just hear that music from the movie The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly ...ah, wah wah wah ...wah wah wah)
It was time to get a couple out and ready to go for the spring. Here's Chief Mater after a bath and and some freshened Cocowalls and triangle. Incidentally, Ace brand spray paint (terra cotta) is a spot on match to the lighter brown (main bowl color) in the Copper Mist kettles. At first when I did this I wasn't sure if I liked the painted whitewalls but it may grow on me.
And now for the completed trifecta.
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18.5 FM ...... Hits of the 50s, 60s, and 70s..
After snapping these I realized that the black 18 lid is pointing out of formation.... Oops
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Looks good Craig!
Beautiful display of grills Jeff!
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Photobucket and my computer are not getting along tonight. I swear these were right side up when I uploaded them. Tapatalk sends me error msgs when I attempt to edit posts.. :(
Repost coming up....
Let's try again....
Inspired by member pbe Gummi Bear, here's a mid 70s version of the "Gummi Traveler"
And just in time for summer, Old Glory!
Quote from: Craig on May 28, 2014, 09:53:01 PM
Let's try again....
Inspired by member pbe Gummi Bear, here's a mid 70s version of the "Gummi Traveler"
And just in time for summer, Old Glory!
Love it!