A blessed Christmas and a Happy New year to all the people on WKC. Thanks for all the help on restoring this black MBH.
Picked the kettle up in early October. It's been a very nice addition to the arsenal.
On deck this afternoon/evening for Christmas eve dinner is surf and turf. Some boiled shrimp and a couple of thick sirloins for the Weber.
It's in the single digits today but that's how we roll in Wisconsin. :)
Thanks Cookiebaggs, Merry Christmas to you as well. The grill looks great.
Merry Christmas from Oz Cookiebaggs and WKC,bit different weather here in OZ,lovely sunny day,but,the Weber is up and running and the food is cooking.Take care all.
STEAK and eggs for breakfast ;D
Actually, it's a roast for the tamales. Chicken ones, and cheese and jalapeƱo ones too.
Just finished them. The filings came out great.
Only made it to 40 degrees (F) above freezing today 8)
Merry Christmas guys! Looking some great food for dinner!
Best wishes for a good Christmas to all of you and your families...
Merry Christmas everyone , happy grilling to one and all.
Thanks for the thought, Cookie !!!!!
And......everyone have a great holiday !!!!
I bid you a great cookup.......whatever you do on a Weber !!!!!!