A WKC collaborative effort led by Jeff on how to pack and ship a Weber kettle.
Enjoy. Discuss. :)
Nicely done Jeff and Lawrence! Very complete and great visuals!!!! I think this will help a lot of newer people and even older ones that have maybe not ever shipped one.
Thanks for your time on that.
Great write up gents!
I love it - GREAT idea
Great write up. It's almost exactly the way Weber ships them. However all the 22.5's I have shipped have been over 36lbs using the factory packaging.
Awesome! Thank you for compiling this information.
Let's hope this will encourage all of us to be more confident in our abilities to trade those gems that other members may really want! There's nothing worse than seeing a damaged grill with chips of paint at the bottom of the box. Hopefully those instances will be very rare from now on!