I was logged in. I was trying to start a new topic in one of the forums. I typed the post, and I clicked on "preview." I received a message saying that I had to be logged in in order to post a comment, and I was brought to the login screen. Everything that I had typed was gone.
I've had that happen a few times but not lately
I've got in the habit of copying my post before I hit the preview or post button so I can paste it if it disappears
But yeah it's frustrating
You might have run up against the log-in time limit - default is 60 mins. Happens to me all the time when I'm at a remote computer or on my ipad. You can change that when you first log in. I'll defer to Troy on the specifics of how it all works or if something else is amiss behind the scenes.
There's a really interesting thing about this forum in particular that I REALLY LIKE.......
If that happens, just go ahead & log in, then hit the back button, I believe it is twice & your write up will pop back up in the box & you're logged & good to go.......other places are not like this & beileve me, I've lost some monumental shit in the past !!!!
Copying the whole post is not such a bad idea either......just hold left click & swipe across the entire type block to hi-lite, then right click & choose 'copy'.....this holds the info on your clipboard temorarily..........log & get ready, then start a posting block & either right click &'paste' or hold down'Ctrl' & tap the letter 'V'.................
Just stay logged in permanently and this problem goes away 8)