Weber Kettle Club Forums

Grill Talk => Weber Grill Forum (Grills, Accessories) => Topic started by: MacEggs on September 01, 2013, 02:31:04 PM

Title: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (FINISHED)
Post by: MacEggs on September 01, 2013, 02:31:04 PM
Picked this up today. It's my first 18. "P" on the vent code.
Came with a brand new cooking grate. The lid is in decent shape ... that's where it ends.

The rest of it looks nearly FUBAR'd. However, I am not giving up hope on this one at all.

The legs were a bugger to remove. The ash sweepers are toast. Needed to use the grinder to remove the remaining parts.
Handles aren't even good for kindling. Couple small holes where the leg holders are.

I want to convert this to a gold. I need the part # for the ash sweepers. Will order handles from Brian.

I gave it a quick wash, but will do much more with some / lots of 0000 steel wool. The legs and triangle will need a good scrub.

What should be my course of action regarding the holes in the bowl?
I even thought of painting the bowl, but, not the lid.

I need help. Thanks!


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Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: glrasmussen on September 01, 2013, 04:42:28 PM
Wow, that never saw a garage. I have know advice, this needs Shaun help.
Title: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: Chasing_smoke on September 01, 2013, 11:03:55 PM
Hey Mac, I've had pretty good luck using JB Weld to fill the holes. It will take a few applications most likely to fill it completely. After it cures I used a sanding wheel to smooth it out. The red brake caliper paint from the auto parts store is a decent match.

"my kettle is more powerful it will do almost anything."
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: Duke on September 02, 2013, 07:22:54 AM
Now that's my kind of grill!  :o
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: MacEggs on September 02, 2013, 09:12:22 AM
Yeah, I agree with the no garage thing. It's only 20 yrs old, and my "A" vent code is in far better condition.  :-\

I like the JB weld idea, thanks C_S! I have never used the stuff ... it will hold up to the heat?
Would I do the inside and the outside?

Would the part # for the ash sweepers be the same as it is for a newer 18?
I don't want to proceed with much until I can get a hold of a set.

Thanks.  :D
Title: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: Chasing_smoke on September 02, 2013, 09:50:39 AM
The JB Weld I Used was Rated for 700f I think, it has held up great. I haven't found a good high heat yellow paint to match my homer kettle yet to cover it up.  But the holes are patched and it cooks great. I think it had a spot the size of a quarter that I filled. It took three coats to finally get it completely filled though. Then sanded after a cure to be smooth like the kettle.  A putty knife works great to apply it.

You may be able to fix the leg mounts with a big washer and small nut and bolt.

"my kettle is more powerful it will do almost anything."
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: Bman on September 02, 2013, 10:26:11 AM
Quote from: MacEggs on September 01, 2013, 02:31:04 PM

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If I'm reading this and looking at it right, the holes in the bowl are right at the leg sockets.  Here's what I did to solve the same issue on my red 22
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: MacEggs on September 02, 2013, 11:41:14 AM
Quote from: Bman on September 02, 2013, 10:26:11 AMIf I'm reading this and looking at it right, the holes in the bowl are right at the leg sockets.

Yes, 2 of the three leg sockets. I like your method, thanks. Just wondering if they would interfere with the ash sweepers?

I haven't done anything with it today ... I guess I'm a little overwhelmed with what needs to be done.

Thanks for everybody's help, so far. It is much appreciated.  :D
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: MacEggs on September 02, 2013, 12:01:00 PM
In the following link, it shows the schematic drawing, with the ash sweepers I want to get. Part # 90992.
I click on it, and it shows a pic with the H used in the gold ash sweepers.

Is that part # I listed a good one? Are these the ones I should order?
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: Bman on September 02, 2013, 01:20:14 PM
Quote from: MacEggs on September 02, 2013, 11:41:14 AM
Just wondering if they would interfere with the ash sweepers?

<<< Smacking forehead>>> 

Yeah, the washers would totally interfere with the sweepers.  Wasn't a concern with mine since I was dealing with a 3 wheeler.
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: Bman on September 02, 2013, 01:23:18 PM
Quote from: MacEggs on September 02, 2013, 12:01:00 PM
In the following link, it shows the schematic drawing, with the ash sweepers I want to get. Part # 90992.
I click on it, and it shows a pic with the H used in the gold ash sweepers.

Is that part # I listed a good one? Are these the ones I should order?

Going to, here's what they list -

Part #307408
Kits available to fit 18-1/2" One-Touch® (prior to 2000 model year) and 18-1/2" One-Touch® Silver charcoal grills.
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: MacEggs on September 02, 2013, 01:33:21 PM
Thank you, Bman! My intention is to convert this to a gold.
Would this work with the ring attachment, or do I need to order the sweepers with the H bracket?
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: Bman on September 02, 2013, 01:40:54 PM
The ring doesn't attach via the ash sweepers anymore, the the regular ol' 18" ash sweeps (either new or old) will work for your silver or gold ash catcher.  From the looks of things on the Weber website, the H-style is only 22.5"
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: MacEggs on September 02, 2013, 01:47:51 PM
Quote from: Bman on September 02, 2013, 01:40:54 PM
The ring doesn't attach via the ash sweepers anymore, the the regular ol' 18" ash sweeps (either new or old) will work for your silver or gold ash catcher.  From the looks of things on the Weber website, the H-style is only 22.5"

All great info .. thank you! It appears that Weber does not sell the ring, and ash pot.
I will look into ordering all this stuff tomorrow.
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: 1buckie on September 02, 2013, 03:33:02 PM
Quote from: Bman on September 02, 2013, 01:40:54 PM
The ring doesn't attach via the ash sweepers anymore, the the regular ol' 18" ash sweeps (either new or old) will work for your silver or gold ash catcher.  From the looks of things on the Weber website, the H-style is only 22.5"

The 18"'s are beginning to be stainless "H" style.......not completely taken over yet.......
If it's going to eventually be a Gold, maybe specify that.......

On e'replace, the photo shows old at #6 & the actual ordering is this:

"H" style.....just take care sorting it out for the future.........

As far as the rusted holes, Duke needs to get back in here on that one......he's fixed stuff like that before, although I don't remember if it was one touch or older......

Nevermind......I see what's up cannister & new sweeps..... :-*
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: MacEggs on September 03, 2013, 05:08:56 AM
I think I will proceed with the JB weld idea, as the holes are not huge.
I only want to apply paint to the bad areas, not to the entire bowl ... hopefully retaining the original red as much as possible.

Would the stainless "H" style be a good fit for a 20 yr old kettle?
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: Craig on September 03, 2013, 05:47:01 AM
Nice pickup, Mac! The H style 18 sweepers should fit fine. As for converting it to a Gold, has the ring and bucket for the 18.5 kettles. It might take a while to ship but its worth the wait if your really wanting to make it a Gold. If you don't want to Dremel or drill into the kettle, the hose clamp method will work great for securing the ring to the sockets. (
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: MacEggs on September 03, 2013, 06:08:44 AM
Quote from: Craig on September 03, 2013, 05:47:01 AM
Nice pickup, Mac! The H style 18 sweepers should fit fine. As for converting it to a Gold, has the ring and bucket for the 18.5 kettles. It might take a while to ship but its worth the wait if your really wanting to make it a Gold. If you don't want to Dremel or drill into the kettle, the hose clamp method will work great for securing the ring to the sockets. (

Thanks, Craig! I made a huge effort getting this - about 140 mile round trip. It's my first, and probably my last 18.
So, I might as well make an effort and do it up the way I want. I don't mind waiting for stuff ... I am a very patient man.  :D ;)

I am not adverse to drilling. However, the hose clamp method may worth considering. Thanks.  :D
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: 1buckie on September 03, 2013, 06:35:08 AM

"It's my first, and probably my last 18."

Uh-huh.............. :D

I've got five or six of 'em floatin' around back there....used pretty often....... 8)
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: MacEggs on September 03, 2013, 06:50:32 AM
Quote from: 1buckie on September 03, 2013, 06:35:08 AM

"It's my first, and probably my last 18."

Uh-huh.............. :D

I've got five or six of 'em floatin' around back there....used pretty often....... 8)

Yeah ... I know. Not sure why I stated that. Was going to buy a new one this past spring ...
Then discovered online classifieds ... And .. you know what happened after that ..  :o ;D ;)

I finally got my 18 .. and it's not black!  :D
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: MacEggs on September 13, 2013, 08:18:45 AM
Been slowly working at this. Put some high temp JB weld on the trouble spots, both inside and on the outside,
then ground them down with a Dremel. Some high heat gloss black on the inside, and red on the outside. NO paint went on the lid.
I did not spray the paint on the kettle. I sprayed the paint into a container, then applied it with a foam brush - 2 coats.

Got the handles from Brian. He does excellent work. Currently applying some spar varnish to them.

A buddy gave me some un-used legs and a triangle from a 26er that he has.
He made his own stand / set-up, so these were not being used. They're a bit longer ... and of course, the triangle is bigger.
I don't mind having it raised a little. I will have to modify the triangle. And there are no indentations on the legs to fit into the leg sockets. ???
I guess I will have to make my own. Just one more challenge on this RRR.  :) Any tips or suggestions for this?

I am still waiting for the sweepers, and the gold parts for the conversion.

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Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (Progress Update)
Post by: pbe gummi bear on September 13, 2013, 08:41:45 AM
Hey, since I don't see your wheels note that the 26" wheels are 8" diameter so that end will sit 1" low with the 6" dia 22" wheels. The tubes usally dont come with indentations to my knowledge, you just plug them into the socket. Good work so far! I hope the JB holds up for you.
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (Progress Update)
Post by: MacEggs on September 13, 2013, 08:56:38 AM
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on September 13, 2013, 08:41:45 AM
Hey, since I don't see your wheels note that the 26" wheels are 8" diameter so that end will sit 1" low with the 6" dia 22" wheels. The tubes usally dont come with indentations to my knowledge, you just plug them into the socket. Good work so far! I hope the JB holds up for you.

Yeah, I've given that some thought regarding the wheels ...  may have to cut a very small amount off.
I don't measure twice and cut once ..  I usually measure 10-12 times, then cut ... Which is why it take so long for me to finish things.  :o :o

I sure hope the JB holds up, too! Thanks for your input.  :D :D
Title: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (Progress Update)
Post by: Chasing_smoke on September 13, 2013, 09:31:30 AM
Looking great so far mac!

"my kettle is more powerful it will do almost anything."
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (Progress Update)
Post by: Golly on September 13, 2013, 12:12:39 PM
looking fantastic
i bet there is a few hours gone into this so far
in OZ we would not even look at buying that as red 18 pop up often
kudos to you and your work
i have 3 18 reds
one is in waiting to be made gold
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (Progress Update)
Post by: Hogsy on September 13, 2013, 01:02:58 PM
Looking good Mac 8)
I have that exact same paint that I haven't used yet
Good to see its a match
Keep those pics coming cause I'll be watching
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (Progress Update)
Post by: G on September 13, 2013, 02:14:17 PM
Excellent resto work....lookin' good.  I have used JB weld on grills but not on the high heat areas.  That stuff is amazing so it should hold up fine.
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (Progress Update)
Post by: tattooedant on September 13, 2013, 04:23:54 PM
It worked fine with the yellow restore I just finished. Checked the jb weld today and all was still solid, no issues. Your grill looks great!
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (Progress Update)
Post by: MacEggs on September 14, 2013, 06:57:29 AM
Thanks, guys!  Yes ... a few hours ... and a few more to go.
I had to rescue this poor girl, as it had been seriously neglected.

The paint is not an exact match .. but, it's pretty close. I recommend it.  :)
I kept a quarter size blemish on the bowl, and the lid has one about the same size.
I want a reminder of how it was treated in a past life.

I think I might cut those longer legs to original size, because I want to use the chrome triangle.
It just needs a good scrub / elbow grease / sandpaper / steel wool to get it looking close to shiny. We'll see.  ??? :D :D
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (Progress Update)
Post by: pbe gummi bear on September 14, 2013, 07:03:19 AM
Quote from: MacEggs on September 14, 2013, 06:57:29 AM
Thanks, guys!  Yes ... a few hours ... and a few more to go.
I had to rescue this poor girl, as it had been seriously neglected.

The paint is not an exact match .. but, it's pretty close. I recommend it.  :)
I kept a quarter size blemish on the bowl, and the lid has one about the same size.
I want a reminder of how it was treated in a past life.

I think I might cut those longer legs to original size, because I want to use the chrome triangle.
It just needs a good scrub / elbow grease / sandpaper / steel wool to get it looking close to shiny. We'll see.  ??? :D :D

Mac, you only need to cut the third leg to get it level. The no wheel leg will be too long if you use 6" wheels. Make sense?
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (Progress Update)
Post by: MacEggs on September 14, 2013, 07:09:28 AM
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on September 14, 2013, 07:03:19 AM
Quote from: MacEggs on September 14, 2013, 06:57:29 AM
Thanks, guys!  Yes ... a few hours ... and a few more to go.
I had to rescue this poor girl, as it had been seriously neglected.

The paint is not an exact match .. but, it's pretty close. I recommend it.  :)
I kept a quarter size blemish on the bowl, and the lid has one about the same size.
I want a reminder of how it was treated in a past life.

I think I might cut those longer legs to original size, because I want to use the chrome triangle.
It just needs a good scrub / elbow grease / sandpaper / steel wool to get it looking close to shiny. We'll see.  ??? :D :D

Mac, you only need to cut the third leg to get it level. The no wheel leg will be too long if you use 6" wheels. Make sense?

Yes, it makes sense. But with the longer legs, they will be splayed out further, and I will be unable to use the original triangle.
I am not a mathematician or an engineer, but, is this correct? I like the chrome, dude. But if I can't shine it up, then I will consider the raised idea.
I am not a short guy .. about 6'2" with heels on ...  :o ;D ;) ... so the raised idea still seems like a good one, eh??!  :-\ :)
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (Progress Update)
Post by: pbe gummi bear on September 14, 2013, 08:45:17 AM
Quote from: MacEggs on September 14, 2013, 07:09:28 AM
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on September 14, 2013, 07:03:19 AM
Quote from: MacEggs on September 14, 2013, 06:57:29 AM
Thanks, guys!  Yes ... a few hours ... and a few more to go.
I had to rescue this poor girl, as it had been seriously neglected.

The paint is not an exact match .. but, it's pretty close. I recommend it.  :)
I kept a quarter size blemish on the bowl, and the lid has one about the same size.
I want a reminder of how it was treated in a past life.

I think I might cut those longer legs to original size, because I want to use the chrome triangle.
It just needs a good scrub / elbow grease / sandpaper / steel wool to get it looking close to shiny. We'll see.  ??? :D :D

Mac, you only need to cut the third leg to get it level. The no wheel leg will be too long if you use 6" wheels. Make sense?

Yes, it makes sense. But with the longer legs, they will be splayed out further, and I will be unable to use the original triangle.
I am not a mathematician or an engineer, but, is this correct? I like the chrome, dude. But if I can't shine it up, then I will consider the raised idea.
I am not a short guy .. about 6'2" with heels on ...  :o ;D ;) ... so the raised idea still seems like a good one, eh??!  :-\ :)

That makes sense! I was assuming you wanted to use the 26" triangle with the 26" legs. I'm sure you will figure it out and have it looking spiffy. I have heard that the euro 22's are taller too (maybe a 22" with 26" legs? i dont know) but I don't recall seeing a parts comparison. Duke would prob know best since he went with a conversion on his.

Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (Progress Update)
Post by: MacEggs on September 14, 2013, 08:55:34 AM
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on September 14, 2013, 08:45:17 AM
Quote from: MacEggs on September 14, 2013, 07:09:28 AM
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on September 14, 2013, 07:03:19 AM
Quote from: MacEggs on September 14, 2013, 06:57:29 AM
Thanks, guys!  Yes ... a few hours ... and a few more to go.
I had to rescue this poor girl, as it had been seriously neglected.

The paint is not an exact match .. but, it's pretty close. I recommend it.  :)
I kept a quarter size blemish on the bowl, and the lid has one about the same size.
I want a reminder of how it was treated in a past life.

I think I might cut those longer legs to original size, because I want to use the chrome triangle.
It just needs a good scrub / elbow grease / sandpaper / steel wool to get it looking close to shiny. We'll see.  ??? :D :D

Mac, you only need to cut the third leg to get it level. The no wheel leg will be too long if you use 6" wheels. Make sense?

Yes, it makes sense. But with the longer legs, they will be splayed out further, and I will be unable to use the original triangle.
I am not a mathematician or an engineer, but, is this correct? I like the chrome, dude. But if I can't shine it up, then I will consider the raised idea.
I am not a short guy .. about 6'2" with heels on ...  :o ;D ;) ... so the raised idea still seems like a good one, eh??!  :-\ :)

That makes sense! I was assuming you wanted to use the 26" triangle with the 26" legs. I'm sure you will figure it out and have it looking spiffy. I have heard that the euro 22's are taller too (maybe a 22" with 26" legs? i dont know) but I don't recall seeing a parts comparison. Duke would prob know best since he went with a conversion on his.

Aaaahhhh .... I like that idea! Use the longer legs to raise one of my 22s.  ??? :D :D
My black 22 OTS is now used strictly for KettlePizza ... The high temps burn off any seasoning ..
A little higher might be a benefit ... but now I have to shine up the beat up legs ... I got time ...
The shipping from ereplace will take awhile, anyway. Thanks again for your valued input!  :D
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (Progress Update)
Post by: MacEggs on September 26, 2013, 01:26:10 PM
Thanks so much for everyone's help and input on this RR! It was much appreciated.  :D

Here is the thread that indicates how I fastened the ash ring to the bowl:

I swapped out the leg cap from my red 22 for the finished pics.
I would like to find some more to finish this off. Not easy ... most stores up here carry furniture type caps. I'll keep looking.  :-\

To recap ... here is what it looked like on September 1st ...

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And, now ...

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Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (FINISHED)
Post by: glrasmussen on September 26, 2013, 02:08:49 PM
Awesome job MacEggs!
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (FINISHED)
Post by: 1buckie on September 26, 2013, 02:31:07 PM

Goll Dang........I just knew if you got going on this kettle thing, you wouldn't screw around......Good Show .....all the way, my man !!!!!!!
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (FINISHED)
Post by: mrbill on September 26, 2013, 05:23:08 PM
nice save!
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (FINISHED)
Post by: 1911Ron on September 27, 2013, 10:59:59 AM
Nice save, it looks great!  I like the Gold conversion, i want to do that on my 18's.
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (FINISHED)
Post by: Duke on September 27, 2013, 04:52:37 PM
It looks new! :D
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18
Post by: DirectDrive on February 16, 2014, 01:22:04 PM
Quote from: Chasing_smoke on September 01, 2013, 11:03:55 PM
Hey Mac, I've had pretty good luck using JB Weld to fill the holes. It will take a few applications most likely to fill it completely. After it cures I used a sanding wheel to smooth it out. The red brake caliper paint from the auto parts store is a decent match.

"my kettle is more powerful it will do almost anything."
That's a good idea.
I see that they have a "high heat" version that will go to 450 degrees.

Is this the product where you knead the putty and then apply with a putty knife (or similar) ?
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice &amp; Guidance with this Red 18 (FINISHED)
Post by: Chasing_smoke on February 16, 2014, 01:24:44 PM
Yep Dave that's it, have to let it cure. Then you can sand on it to make it flush with the sides if the grill.
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (FINISHED)
Post by: MacEggs on February 17, 2014, 05:24:26 PM
JB Weld, eh?!??  Yeah, so far it's been holding up just fine. No complaints.

Let's not forget the epic yellow restore by tattooedant.
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (FINISHED)
Post by: Craig on February 17, 2014, 05:39:51 PM
Man that's like a whole new grill! Outstanding work, Mac!
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (FINISHED)
Post by: Jeff on February 17, 2014, 05:52:03 PM
You really did a super job on this grill!
Title: Re: Need Help, Advice & Guidance with this Red 18 (FINISHED)
Post by: 5280Jeff on February 18, 2014, 09:40:48 AM
Great job! I'm starting a redhead restoration this thread has been a huge help.   8)