I shared a few pics already, but thought I'd share the recipe.... Got it from Matt Pittman and it's really good. I had to simmer the filling quite a while to get it to thicken up and I trimmed the bottom of the peppers to keep them from tumbling which provided convenient drain holes for the excess fat to escape. Also cooked the corn in foil on the Glen Blue.
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grate looking cook
Quote from: JEBIV on August 09, 2024, 09:33:06 AM
grate looking cook
Looks scrumptious. I put mine in a small cast iron pan to keep them together.
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Quote from: michaelmilitello on August 09, 2024, 02:20:14 PM
Quote from: JEBIV on August 09, 2024, 09:33:06 AM
grate looking cook
Looks scrumptious. I put mine in a small cast iron pan to keep them together.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Great idea and thanks! The filling on this recipe is pretty wet especially without draining the fat from the burg.... I definitely will next time.
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
Very nice. Like you, I also like the colored bell peppers, at least in most cases. But maybe 'cause of my mom's stuffed peppers, which we had often, that's one case where I prefer the taste of the green bells.