Weber Kettle Club Forums

General => Off Topic => Topic started by: michaelmilitello on April 12, 2024, 06:04:04 PM

Title: Catering Opportunity-advice needed
Post by: michaelmilitello on April 12, 2024, 06:04:04 PM
I have a opportunity to cater for 150 people.   Customer wants pulled pork.  I have a ranch kettle and two 26s.  How many butts do you think it would take?

They want sides, too.  I'm considering declining simply because I don't have oven space for sides.   I've cooked for 60 people and I made 6 butts. 

Thanks for the suggestions. 

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Title: Catering Opportunity-advice needed
Post by: Gringo on April 12, 2024, 07:11:06 PM
I would calculate 1/3lb for all attendees which will give you plenty as kids won't eat as much and if serving sandwiches the bread will be filling as well as sides. Also, if you're doing hot dogs or something for kids you could go lower in my opinion.  I always fear I won't have enough and 1/3lb. never gave me issues when sides and dessert are involved. That said, if it is adults only bump up to 1/2lb per.

Your pulled pork substance will "shrink"down about 50% after trimming and cooking.  Factor that in and that's my thought for success.

150 people, 1/3lb. person would be 50lbs add in 50% shrinkage from package to end of cook (20lbs) so buy 75lbs (8 butts @ ~10lbs). My humble opinion.

Compared to your previous cook my estimation seems low. How much leftover did you have when cooking for 60? How big were the butts???

Good luck!!!!!

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Title: Re: Catering Opportunity-advice needed
Post by: Foster Dahlet on April 14, 2024, 04:03:38 PM
Done this for my church more than once.  Minimal sides?  1lb per adult of uncooked butt (assume 50% shrinkage) 1/2 lb. for kiddos.

Lots of sides?  More like 2/3 lb per adult and keep the kiddos the same as before, unless they love the sides.  If they do, you can shrink theirs too. 

Remember, beverages and apps will fill up a lot of those belly's before they get to the pork.   

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