Decided to break in the Yellow right and cooked up a tri-tip. Turned out really well and the old girl still has lot of cook left in her. I do need to pick up a new bottom grate.
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Good to see it back in action, blushing all the way.
Love seeing any cook on a yellow kettle. Tri tip looks awesome.
Quote from: bamakettles on September 22, 2022, 05:15:47 AM
Love seeing any cook on a yellow kettle. Tri tip looks awesome.
Thank you! It was. Old girl still has alot of cooks left in her.
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Quote from: 1spacemanspiff on September 21, 2022, 09:50:50 PM
Good to see it back in action, blushing all the way.
I forgot how the yellows turned orangey when they get hot. Love that shade.
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I am a big fan of the Gourmet and Yachtsman. Looks great!
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A yellow kettle is by far my favorite!

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