After an extensive international trade with a distinguished WKC member, lets just call him Santa
The present arrived on my doorstep, unfortunately I wasn't at home (weber roadtrippin) so the SWMBO took delivery , I received a phone call asking what the $&@% had I bought now
To which I replied ' I'll give you one guess'
Her reply was a long drawn out sigh
Anyway my fellow raconteur Golly had to be there for the unwrapping, I'm doing Dry July so unfortunately there was no beer to be had, but it didn't matter , the excitement was high
This could be an Australian First!
No it's not what your thinking, although a Summit would be nice
And here they are ! My YELLOW FEVER has been cured!
Here's the vent of the 22 any ideas on age?
They arrived just the way I like them
Beat up and in need of some TLC. There's a few parts I'll be chasing for the resto's. a couple of Oneills, a daisy wheel for the 18, hopefully some other Grillfellas can help me out
This was a monster trade and I'm pretty stoked. I haven't seen a yellow kettle in OZ before and to pick up 4 has made me so fruity that I'm going Troppo
Thanks RR you a Bloody Champion!!!
Very nice!!
Can't wait to see them restored, and put to good use! :D
I think I'll crack open a brew to help you celebrate! :P >:( ;D ;)
I think I just came down with Yellow Fever! Nice Scores.....Tremendous....
Epic score! Congrats!
"my kettle is more powerful it will do almost anything."
I'm going troppo right now after perving those bananas! :o
Holy shit Hogsy, good stuff! Cant wait to see em all cleaned up.
I've got a rager again :o
I've been going bananas waiting 36hrs for you to post
Thanks for posting pics cause now I can look at these beauties here
And not feel weird sneaking in your yard ;D
I too can't wait for you to get these cleaned up and ready for action
Will the cleaned up pics be with you in your banana hammocks ? :o ::) :P
Can't wait to get my yellow
It's one thing seeing yellow on WKC but in real life they look amazing
Can really see how they would turn orange
Love your work hogsy and your commitment to see this trade out
Also to RR for coming through on this epic trade
Road trip to Joel's!!! They look damn fine as they are, can't wait to see them restored. Will make a point of popping in to see them when I finally get up to Jason's to pick up my performer.
Great work to all involved.
Something showed up at my house today... I'm assuming it's for the Australians....
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I have something for Golly coming your way this week as well.
The dry july part I mean.
Now that they have been seen in OZ, maybe a yellow will make it to Arizona.
Your yard looked like Jeff's when we were setting up for the meet. Nice pickups! Do you find the shipping costs to OZ reasonable?
Very nice Hogsy!
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on July 06, 2013, 09:14:32 PM
Your yard looked like Jeff's when we were setting up for the meet. Nice pickups! Do you find the shipping costs to OZ reasonable?
No, there a killer, but where lucky at the moment that at least our dollar is worth more than a nickel
Another 6 mths and there would be no way I could afford to trade
We both went out on a limb with this one and probably spent to much
But I gotta tell ya yellow fever is worse than the itis
For the love of George Stephen I'm cured!!
Nice work Joel.
AWESOME! Happy for you Hogsy! :D
wow...what a haul. I don't think there have been this many yellows together in one pic! So what are the ultimate plans for these grills?
Is this stuff from Brian by chance???
Quote from: Jeff on July 07, 2013, 05:08:23 AM
wow...what a haul. I don't think there have been this many yellows together in one pic! So what are the ultimate plans for these grills?
Is this stuff from Brian by chance???
Thanks everyone ,
And Jeff, Restore and Re-use
No not from Brian, all he wants to send me is black grills and HC's
Quote from: Hogsy on July 07, 2013, 05:12:51 AM
No not from Brian, all he wants to send me is black grills and HC's
He is a smart man.
Sweeeeeeeet!! 8) The first yellows on Australian soil! Can't wait to see more!
Quote from Hogsy "Here's the vent of the 22 any ideas on age? " Looking at your old school yellow 22 and 18, judging from the patent number on the top and the small turn tabs on the bottom vents , my best guess is 1973-74 since they are yellow. (Yellow re-introduced in 1973) I am uber envious of you right now. Yellow is on the bucket list for me..
Thanks Craig
I was hoping you would chime in, that's great news . I was born in 74'
The 22 & 18 are from the same year I think , wheels are the same and all vents are identical
The 22 also has some cool bubbling in the paint on the lid , I'll try and get a pic
I too was born in 74, and a yellow 22 is the one I want to find to fill that year in my collection. You are a lucky man Hogsy!
Quote from: Hogsy on July 07, 2013, 12:24:51 PM
I was born in 74'
Quote from: G$ on July 07, 2013, 12:32:25 PM
I too was born in 74
'77 here. ;D Yes, a yellow is also on my bucket list. Nice haul Hogsy!!!
Quote from: Bman on July 07, 2013, 01:54:29 PM
Quote from: Hogsy on July 07, 2013, 12:24:51 PM
I was born in 74'
Quote from: G$ on July 07, 2013, 12:32:25 PM
I too was born in 74
'77 here. ;D Yes, a yellow is also on my bucket list. Nice haul Hogsy!!!
1978 here. I barely predate the cutoff of the fruits and the start of the primary's (blue/green) :)
That must have been a good feeling tearing into that box....congrats. If you are still looking for a small tab daisy vent for an 18, I may be able to help. Shoot me a PM.
What did you have sent to my house? Was it accessories or grills or what?
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Quote from: G on July 07, 2013, 07:45:18 PM
That must have been a good feeling tearing into that box....congrats. If you are still looking for a small tab daisy vent for an 18, I may be able to help. Shoot me a PM.
Thanks Stu I may take you up on that. Just deciding whether to replace all 3 with new ones or use an old one and yeah I was like a kid at Xmas opening that box
Quote from: zavod44 on July 07, 2013, 08:15:41 PM
What did you have sent to my house? Was it accessories or grills or what ?
It's not me this time Brian...... Maybe its my Antipodean partner in crime???
it was me brian
ive sent you a yellow 22
a yellow lantern
a white lantern
plus you already have the food warmers
duke is sending an ashpan
we need more handles