Weber Kettle Club Forums

What's Going On => Website Issues & Suggestions => Topic started by: WeberSwede on November 01, 2020, 11:12:09 PM

Title: Security....
Post by: WeberSwede on November 01, 2020, 11:12:09 PM
Ok fellas,

It might sound stupid, but, isn't it time to raise the security on WKC?

What I mean is - for some reason my Firefox web-browser seems to think WKC should be used in http-mode. Even though there SEEMS to be an HTTPS-mode version of the site. :)

Sure enough, it may not be anything controversial we discuss on here, but, I'm not so keen on having someone using my credentials to login and start spreading weird stuff, through.
It has not happened yet, though. But, better to ensure the possibility becomes less possible. :)

So - Admin - what do you say? :)

Title: Re: Security....
Post by: Troy on November 11, 2020, 01:59:09 PM
I agree, we need to be using https.