Picked up a Tri Tip at Aldi that looked nice but was "Mechanically Injected" ? they are hard to find here in any form so Tami and I said what the hell. After running my grill Saturday with the snake and both deflector plates in I decided to duplicate that exact cook for the Tri Tip since I knew exactly what to expect. 80 % plum 20% hickory for smoke about 2.5 hours at about 225F to IT of 125F We were extremely happy with the Tri Tip and that we were able to sit out and enjoy a few cocktails and a sunset while it cooked I never opened the grill until I pulled it off. You could really taste the plum and hickory smoke. Thanks for looking
Looks good to me! Aldi is a bit hit or miss in my area when it comes to meat. Fruit and veggies seem to be good though. Costco has tritips here that are good. Is the plum similar to apple?
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Nice! I love plum. I've not seen tri tip at aldi yet. I've been getting what sams calls tri tip sirloin steaks. They are really good.
Michael, I'll have to check out our greenwood Costco and hopefully they have it too.
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Quote from: michaelmilitello on September 30, 2019, 05:30:09 AM
Looks good to me! Aldi is a bit hit or miss in my area when it comes to meat. Fruit and veggies seem to be good though. Costco has tritips here that are good. Is the plum similar to apple?
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@brewtownbeatdown turned me onto plum, it has become my second favorite behind peach a 80 20 mix of fruit wood to hickory is an awesome mix. For me the apple is to subtle but good, get some plum you won't be disappointed
I better give
@jebivswife credit for the sides cauliflower mashed potatoes, homemade horseradish, fresh green beans with almonds and a nice pinot noir
Quote from: JEBIV on September 30, 2019, 05:49:11 AM
Quote from: michaelmilitello on September 30, 2019, 05:30:09 AM
Is the plum similar to apple?
Michael, @brewtownbeatdown turned me onto plum, it has become my second favorite behind peach a 80 20 mix of fruit wood to hickory is an awesome mix. For me the apple is to subtle but good, get some plum you won't be disappointed
You've become quite the Plum connoisseur. I'm 100% on board with Peach being number one. I'm really into using a Peach/Cherry mix lately. I think Apple & Hickory don't stand out nowadays, cuz those are the two "flavors" added to everything.
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