I was curious what others do with the nasty liquid & drippings left in your liquid pan after using your smoker.
I have a sewer grate right out front by the street, so I usually just dump it down the sewer in the street. I usually do it after dark, just so people don't see me and wonder what the heck I'm dumping in the sewer.
Around here, it goes to a sewage treatment plant, not straight to river/creek or anything like that.
I'm almost certain the drain in front of your house is a storm drainage and not a part of the sewer (wastewater system) line.
Look up fatberg London sewer system you'll see thats a no no. Go to a construction site and ask for some five gallon buckets and lids, when done throw it in the dumpster.
I remember reading they would collect used grease for the war effort to make explosives.
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I'm curious what others do as well. I usually dump the liquid into my ash bucket then that all eventually gets dumped into a bag to be taken out with the trash.
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Quote from: Firemunkee on December 28, 2018, 05:21:35 AM
I'm curious what others do as well. I usually dump the liquid into my ash bucket then that all eventually gets dumped into a bag to be taken out with the trash.
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This is what I do as well.
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I agree with Jules.
Quote from: Jules V. on December 27, 2018, 09:48:44 PM
I'm almost certain the drain in front of your house is a storm drainage and not a part of the sewer (wastewater system) line.
I line my WSM water pan with foil. Leftover water gets dumped on my lawn or garden, using a paper towel to skim any floating fat drippings. I wipe the foil with a couple of paper towels and that and any fat gets thrown into my green waste recycle container. Our waste/recycle company requests that all grease gets thrown into the green/yard trimmings container rather than the landfill garbage. The foil goes into the garbage.
Some older cities, like the Chicago area, never had a separate line for storm-water drainage because when they were originally set up, they all went into rivers, lakes, streams, etc. When they began treating waste, the grates in the streets were already connected up to the same lines, so everything winds up getting treated.
Most of the sewers in the street in the Chicago area go into the wastewater system & is treated. In areas where it does not, further away from the city, such as at least parts of Prospect Heights, you will often see either warnings spray painted by the sewer & I've also seen some sewer grates that depict fish & other things in the metal & indicating they go to a stream. Where I'm at, I'm 100% positive that it goes into the waste treatment system.
Quote from: Cellar2ful on December 28, 2018, 07:18:16 AM
I agree with Jules.
Quote from: Jules V. on December 27, 2018, 09:48:44 PM
I'm almost certain the drain in front of your house is a storm drainage and not a part of the sewer (wastewater system) line.
I line my WSM water pan with foil. Leftover water gets dumped on my lawn or garden, using a paper towel to skim any floating fat drippings. I wipe the foil with a couple of paper towels and that and any fat gets thrown into my green waste recycle container. Our waste/recycle company requests that all grease gets thrown into the green/yard trimmings container rather than the landfill garbage. The foil goes into the garbage.
line my bowls with foil.
next day or wen i get around to it...just crumple it up and bag it in the spent charcoal bag and garbage.
i dont dump any grease into any drains
I've never heard of storm drains running into waste treatment. Doesn't mean it can't happen, I just don't think it's likely.
Now, I'm not anywhere near a tree-hugger, but either way, it's not a good idea to pour grease into either of those systems. It can clog them up.
Much better to let those drippings join the leftover ashes and add them to your local landfill.
Usually 90% goes into the ash bucket . And dumped in the trash bag .
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Chicago & the older suburbs are that way. Read for yourself. https://www.chicagoriver.org/issues/policy/stormwater-and-sewer-overflows
Although I do find the add to the ashes & toss out method interesting & will likely give it a try.
Quote from: Big Dawg on December 30, 2018, 03:01:16 PM
I've never heard of storm drains running into waste treatment. Doesn't mean it can't happen, I just don't think it's likely.
Now, I'm not anywhere near a tree-hugger, but either way, it's not a good idea to pour grease into either of those systems. It can clog them up.
Much better to let those drippings join the leftover ashes and add them to your local landfill.
Quote from: PotsieWeber on January 01, 2019, 06:44:32 PM
Chicago & the older suburbs are that way. Read for yourself. https://www.chicagoriver.org/issues/policy/stormwater-and-sewer-overflows
Although I do find the add to the ashes & toss out method interesting & will likely give it a try.
Learn something new everyday ! ! !
Quote from: toolhead on December 30, 2018, 03:59:22 AM
line my bowls with foil.
next day or wen i get around to it...just crumple it up and bag it in the spent charcoal bag and garbage.
i dont dump any grease into any drains
I NEVER use water in my WSM. The water bowl is filled with crumpled up aluminum foil, covered with a sheet of aluminum foil (slightly dished to catch drippings), and acts as a heat baffle. No need for the water mess. When the cooking is done, crumple it up and trash it. And, the bowl is clean... Trust me, you don't need water.
Quote from: hawgheaven on January 15, 2019, 09:41:31 AM
I NEVER use water in my WSM. The water bowl is filled with crumpled up aluminum foil, covered with a sheet of aluminum foil (slightly dished to catch drippings), and acts as a heat baffle. No need for the water mess. When the cooking is done, crumple it up and trash it. And, the bowl is clean... Trust me, you don't need water.
I also have some foil wrapped pumice stones mixed in with the foil balls.
I have never run water in my WSM.
Runs great and less mess to clean up.
Sent from my SM-G960U using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91018)
Someone I met uses sand in the water pan on the theory it helps hold the heat. He did mention that you can't fill it all the way up, otherwise the water pan will wind up in the coals. He dumped them out after a couple cooks, but lining the pan with foil above the sand would make sense for easy cleanup of the drippings.
Anyone using this sand method or having any thoughts on it?
Quote from: toolhead on December 30, 2018, 03:59:22 AM
line my bowls with foil.
next day or wen i get around to it...just crumple it up and bag it in the spent charcoal bag and garbage.
i dont dump any grease into any drains
I also run with sand in my WSMs. Then I use a pizza pan wrapped in foil on top of that. I seem to hold temps better at the end of cooks with the sand. Not like it makes it last longer but more of a steady decline as the charcoal falls apart. The pizza pans make clean up easy as they are dipped already.
I use the water pan believe it or not with water :-)
The WSM is designed for water so I use water.
The drippings I always throw in the wood next to my smoker.
I also haven't foiled the pan as yet.
I try to avoid aluminium whenever I can!
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I rarely use the pan at all anymore. 90% of my wsm use is top rack only and no pan.
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
We have green barrels for lawn clippings and yard waste. I typically dump the water (when used) in then put the foil in the recycling bin. Tried dumping it in the compost bin but it attracts critters.
Aside from the environmental issues ;) I got to pay a plumber a nice piece of change to unclog my drains after I poured a done Brinkmann water pot down the drain after a 12 hour brisket cook. I ain't doing that again!
Has anybody tried putting wood blocks or chips in the pan? Will that work? I just hate those damn water pans and I hope Weber will come up with a new design that won't have one.