Thought I would do a small recollection of the dedicated pizza rig I put together today.
I have been planning this for a while and was waiting for the right parts and mostly for the weather to cool down here in AZ.
I cut the typical arch way into the lid. Then used an old pizza stone to try to reflect heat in the dome. I drilled the pizza stone and the lid to attach it to the top. Next I used the bricks and shards of old pizza stone to bring the new bbq dragon stone to the level of the top of the kettle. Then I used 2 chimneys full of Lump Charcoal under the pizza stone. I left room in the corner where the bbq dragon stone is cut out and built a fire with oak fire cooking wood. Once this was going I tried putting the lid on but the kettle wasn't getting enough air. I ended up drilling a few holes in the lid which helped but I had to kinda tilt the lid off for now to keep it getting enough air. I got the temp on the deck up to 704 and around 840 on the dome. I was pretty happy.
This was pretty much a dry run. My wife and I are eating healthier so for today I only cooked a frozen cauliflower crust pizza but it only took about 90 seconds. I will be doing a neopolitan style pizza this weekend.
Excuse the grass, I decided to have my sprinkler system redone and winter rye goes in next week.
Thanks for looking!
Nice! I just picked up a red mbh for my high temp cooks
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Nice work @azbeeking. I did something very similar with a $15 CL find. I absolutely love it. I will likely Repurpose another one when I find the right kettle.
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@Fire Starter , I've tried to attach the link to my post in the spring. First pizza mod and cook. Thanks WKC!! I use this regularly to make some decent pies, often for large groups. The second one will be from a taco handle. Found my handle gets super hot from the high temps.
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That pizza kettle is really blazing!
I think that the modification for a special purpose is a great idea. Keep us posted on the rest of the pizzas.
Thanks for the replies everyone.
The lid that I cut was off of a performer that I have completely restored. The performer was in decent shape with lots of paint missing from the frame. The ash catcher was rusted through and all of the paint was missing. The biggest issue was a lid that had been dropped or previously used as a bludgeon and dented so badly around the edge that it wouldn't have been useable. So I ordered new wheels and casters, sanded and painted the frame, sanded and sealed the side table, replaced the ignition and bought a new 22.5 inch kettle to use as a donor replacing the lid and ash catcher and the grill grates on the performer, and repurposing the lid and rest of the remaining brand new kettle to use as the pizza cooker.
The pizza cooker still needs more air. I was thinking of trying to use a blower like might be used in a metal forge.
Let me know what you guys think.
Pretty neat !
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Quote from: azbeeking on October 06, 2018, 06:13:49 AM
The biggest issue was a lid that had been dropped or previously used as a bludgeon and dented so badly around the edge that it wouldn't have been useable.
azbeeking, you should in no way have to justify your awesome mod. Ignore Fire Starter and his drunken ranting, he doesn't represent the majority of WKCers. You have taken a dead, unusable lid and found a way to bring it back to life. Instead of just throwing it out and finding or claiming a new lid through warranty from Weber, you rescued it and gave it new life! Good on you for embracing the WKC motto of Rescue, Restore, and Respect!
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Thanks lowbrass.
I'm making dough today will update. I might try to cook tonight depending on the dough.
yeah cut away. we're all about modding and doing whatever you want with your grill here.
some of us will cry if we see you cut up something rare, but most black grills are fair game.
Fire Starter was out of line, out of touch, and has been removed.
I'm just glad you apologized and explained about the lawn. I was more worried about that

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@HoosierKettle lawns are a strange source of pride around here. Luckily, this is my backyard so the neighborhood watch and report me on Next Door app.
I was thinking the bbq dragon deflector would work great in a pizza setup
Are Reds rare? Cuz I'm gonna drop this in an SSP frame
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Thank you Troy!
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I am worried about you using winter rye for your lawn. Did you mean rye grass? Around here winter rye is a cereal grain like wheat or oats and will be over 3 feet high with grain heads. I guess you could get a grain mill and use the grill as a bread oven.
Quote from: swamprb on October 06, 2018, 06:35:48 PM
I was thinking the bbq dragon deflector would work great in a pizza setup
Are Reds rare? Cuz I'm gonna drop this in an SSP frame
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I wish I wouldn't have cut off the rim, its looks much better like that.
Ok, so I made an update. I was pretty sure my oven wasn't getting enough air so I added this dryer vent and hairdryer combo as a "bellows".
Last time I got the deck up to 704 degrees with my bellows I was able to get it up to 840 degrees and 938 in the dome on the pizza stone which I was using as a heat deflector to get the flames going over the pizza. The stone is no more as it cracked so I will have to find something else for this which I think ill cut a piece of steel into a circle like the one that comes with kettle pizza.
I also baked some pizzas. San Marzano tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella, dough using Caputo Tipo "00" pizzeria flour, EVOO and some fresh basil.
Pizzas cooked in 78 seconds!
Pics attached. Thanks!
Quote from: azbeeking on October 07, 2018, 02:17:08 PM
Quote from: swamprb on October 06, 2018, 06:35:48 PM
I was thinking the bbq dragon deflector would work great in a pizza setup
Are Reds rare? Cuz I'm gonna drop this in an SSP frame
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I wish I wouldn't have cut off the rim, its looks much better like that.
The lid is much more stable.
This one is insulated with another lid inside it with a 1/4" gap between them.
I've had it over 900*+ with the one touch open 100%
The lid still was so hot it melted paint
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Good looking pie and rig 😀 I recently made a dedicated pizza cooker with a donated was a fun build and fun to cook on.