This weber recipe is great. I didn't use any mushrooms but it was still great. Also did some Bavarian brats and sweet potatoes. I got this recipe from the weber app.
The link isn't working for some reason.
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A screen grab was the best I can do of the recipe name. Should be easy enough to find.
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Looks good, it's been awhile since I made meatloaf.
One of my favorite things in life! Meatloaf! Looks perfect!
Sent from my LG-H932 using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Love some bbq meatloaf. Looks good brother
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I'm with Tavis on this one. Love meatloaf!
Thanks guys. It was a big hit. I'll be doing this again.
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Meatloaf is one of my top favorites to do on my kettle . . This one looks AWESOME!
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club (
Looks Mahhhhvelous!!! Wrap it in a Bacon weave next time!!! Hit it with a little Hogs in Heat and BAM!!!
Everything is better wrapped in Bacon!!!
Looks awesome, I love meatloaf on the grill