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Grill Talk => Weber Grill Forum (Grills, Accessories) => Topic started by: DynaGlide on March 15, 2018, 04:25:15 AM

Title: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on March 15, 2018, 04:25:15 AM
I know it's expensive but there's a couple users on here that took the plunge. Likes? Dislikes? Any warranty claims already? Looking for more recent feedback. From what I've read all the units still carry a 2016 manufacture date so no running changes that I've heard of being made.

The one concern is Baby Back Maniac developed a leak in the SS gasket and Weber's ultimate response was "working as intended."

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: hawgheaven on March 15, 2018, 04:29:49 AM
Standard kettles here... no need for the extra $$$
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on March 15, 2018, 04:58:02 AM
Quote from: hawgheaven on March 15, 2018, 04:29:49 AM
Standard kettles here... no need for the extra $$$

If you don't have anything nice to say... :-X
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: JordanW on March 15, 2018, 05:19:45 AM
I love mine. No warranty issues. I like that I can do a variety of cooks on it in the same day with the same set up. It holds temp great. Uses barely any fuel. I could go on and on and on... Hit me up if you want  any specific info.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: hawgheaven on March 15, 2018, 05:22:02 AM
Quote from: DynaGlide on March 15, 2018, 04:58:02 AM
Quote from: hawgheaven on March 15, 2018, 04:29:49 AM
Standard kettles here... no need for the extra $$$

If you don't have anything nice to say... :-X

I have plenty nice to say... just sayin' I can't justify the cost. That's all. Not bustin' on anyone.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on March 15, 2018, 05:24:33 AM

Besides the size, and the gas assist, what really interests me is you're not heating up ceramics like on my BGE. Are the heat up times, and temp adjustments, as fast as people claim? I'm looking to use it for weeknight cooking since getting rid of my gas grill.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on March 15, 2018, 05:25:20 AM
Quote from: hawgheaven on March 15, 2018, 05:22:02 AM
Quote from: DynaGlide on March 15, 2018, 04:58:02 AM
Quote from: hawgheaven on March 15, 2018, 04:29:49 AM
Standard kettles here... no need for the extra $$$

If you don't have anything nice to say... :-X

I have plenty nice to say... just sayin' I can't justify the cost. That's all. Not bustin' on anyone.

We're good  8)
Title: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: JordanW on March 15, 2018, 05:33:38 AM

Yes the temp adjustments are very quick and easy with very little practice. I use it almost every night (weather permitting, i don't have a covered area). For instance, last night, did some cedar plank salmon at about 300* indirect. Then when those were about done, I flipped up the vent and brought the temp up to about 425* to sear off some scallops on the cast iron flat. Then shut it down and was able to cover it back up within a couple hours. Did all this with a used basket of charcoal from a previous cook.

Long story short, it's my daily driver.

You mentioned you have a BGE. If you have an XL, the size specific accessories will work too!
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: dwnthehatch on March 15, 2018, 05:34:02 AM
New owner here of the Summit Grill Station. I have only had the time to assemble it. I'll break it in this weekend.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on March 15, 2018, 05:41:52 AM


Just a large BGE. It's my work horse. I do anything and everything on it. Its only weakness is it takes a little too long to get going for a week night. 22 kettle has been commissioned to rotisserie duty. I was all set to get a Performer but what I really wanted was a 26 size.. Then I started seriously looking at the Summit. If I could throw a 20lb brisket from Restaurant Depot on there that would be heaven.
Title: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: JordanW on March 15, 2018, 05:51:12 AM

20 pounder = no problem.  This 18.9lb was our Super Bowl treat.

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: LiquidOcelot on March 15, 2018, 07:16:02 AM
I went to an ace hardware kinda tucked away in deep brentwood yesterday and they had BOTH on display , talk about HUGE. those things are massive.

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on March 15, 2018, 08:17:28 AM
I'm fortunate to have the holy Grail of Weber dealers near me. Family owned they must have every Weber on display in their basement. Even the Ranch. I find excuses to go over there and play.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: joewhodatt on March 15, 2018, 09:21:23 AM
Love mine and use it 2 to 3 times a week.   I did have to issue with leaking smoke out of the lid and Weber sent me new gasket for free.  I also read they will send you a different hinge to help prevent smoking leaking out lid.   Until you use it you will not understand how great of a grill it is.    It is expensive no doubt but people waste there money on stupider things that they use once or twice a year !!  Any questions let me know.   I have had mine for over 2 years so I can answer any questions. 

Sent from my  Joes Cajunbadassbbq
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: jacobp on March 15, 2018, 09:41:34 AM
Quote from: DynaGlide on March 15, 2018, 04:25:15 AM

The one concern is Baby Back Maniac developed a leak in the SS gasket and Weber's ultimate response was "working as intended."
That's the initial response he got. He actually ended up getting a follow up call from the President of Weber. The replaced the hinge on his Summit and it works like a charm again. Anyone with that issue can contact customer service and they will do the same, free of charge.

I've had mine about 6 months and it is by far the best grill I've ever owned. one of my first cooks on the Summit was an 18lb packer when it was about 12 degrees and spitting snow outside. Held 250 for over 12 hours with only one vent adjustment and i had coals left over when it was done.

Temperature control really is amazing. I can sear off ribeyes at highest heat possible, shut off the vents and its cool enough to cover or wheel back in the garage within an hour.
Title: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mcgolden on March 15, 2018, 09:51:34 AM
Love my Summit. It was awesome over the winter. Did overnight 13 hour brisket cook with rock solid temps. So incredibly efficient. Also, if you like the BBQ Guru temp controllers, Weber was as smart enough to create a port for the adapter. So no need to drill.  Also no issues with Smoke leaks but Weber will sen out an updated hinge if needed.

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on March 15, 2018, 09:59:44 AM
I really like mine and have been using it several times a week, rain or shine. My Performer is in perfect/new condition and is not getting used.

When using the charcoal grate in the upper position, sometimes I prefer to use the charcoal chimney instead of the built in gas-assist because they seem to get started a bit faster, even if I make a pile above the flame.  I don't really like using the chimney inside the summit because it focuses the heat onto the gasket and the Weber lights clamped to the handle.

So far only a coupe of minor warranty issues. I swapped out a propane bottle and for some reason the regulator stopped working.

The gauge is interesting. It tracks fairly true to the CyberQ readings. It also seems to trap more moisture than the gauge on my old WSM or my Performer. The original gauge trapped moisture and even after several cooks sans water pan, the moisture stayed in. Weber replaced it and now it works better but it will still trap moisture but the replacement gauge will dry back out after a few cooks/heat cycles.

I had to learn to keep the ash trap clean and to close the lid slowly (or hold the flap open). Otherwise, I get charcoal dust puffing out the bottom and it gets all over the cart.

No issues with leaks for me at this time.

I do find that the BBQ Guru will tend to over run the temps. You still need to keep the lid closed way down and I also have to throttle down the CyberQ's fan opening about half way.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: michaelmilitello on March 15, 2018, 10:28:06 AM
Smoke leaks seam rather trivial to kettle users who know they will leak and know they are not designed to be leak free.  Simple expectations for a $150 grill

$1500 grills with smoke leaks are another story. 

Just wish the price point was lower.  I have five kettles (some vintage, others newer) I use routinely plus a WSM, and I still don't have the equivalent in $ to a Summit in cost.

It's obvious Weber got their marketing message a bit confused.  The Summit is not a kettle plus a performer plus a wsm.  It is meant to compete with Kamados at a Kamado price point. 

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: grhafer30 on March 15, 2018, 12:13:31 PM
I'm a Summit owner and very happy. Yes, it was an investment, but I've been very pleased. I brought it from a great Alliance dealer who traveled 40 miles to deliver it to me without a surcharge or a delivery fee.

Now I've been asked, just 2 years later, to do Weber grilling demonstrations at six locations, and that dealer is one. How funny is that?

I'm helping a new dealership get started in our little town, which hasn't had a Weber dealer beforehand. They are tremendous people, and I stopped in yesterday to see their initial setup. They had some 2018 catalogs and, when I looked through it, the Summit charcoal models were missing. I know the accessories section isn't complete, but why not the grill section? Every other model was listed.

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: cumminfourya on March 15, 2018, 02:46:26 PM
I love mine!!! As already stated, excellent on fuel and can do SO many things. My support ring had a busted stud where the hinge mounts (was like that right out of box). But Weber replaced that along with a new hinge (they said they would send the hinge Incase it was bent as well just to be on the safe side)??? I didn't question it, I just said "sounds good". They took care of it and was here in a few days. Couldn't be happier with the summit or there customer service.

Mine has no leaks whatsoever. I think some minor adjustments can be made with the lid and hinge to fix minor leaks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on March 15, 2018, 05:14:41 PM
I've got the Summit Grill Center, it's a terrific metal kamado. Temperature control is the best I've seen, fuel consumption is minimal and love the other little things (gas assist, storage, SS table, light weight, portable).  It's able to grill, bbq and smoke all in one with minimal adjustments.  I'm anxious to get the bbq guru hooked up to it and do my long cooks over night.
I haven't noticed any issues yet, but haven't really run it through it's paces yet either. 

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on March 16, 2018, 05:25:23 AM
Well it sounds like everyone is happy with theirs. Now to find the money tree to get one. I haven't gone the temp controller route yet. .something about it just seems wrong to me with a charcoal grill. Half the fun is mastering the temperature. I used to get all bent out of shape if it wasn't exactly 225, 250, 275, etc now I just let it ride and food turns out just as good. Although I guess when you have gas assist you've already gone too far anyway might as well go all in. If I ever did all night I see the benefit.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on March 16, 2018, 06:17:41 AM
One more question. .how big is the box? What kind of vehicle would you need if you were to pick it up?
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: JordanW on March 16, 2018, 06:59:41 AM

It's pretty big. I would recommend a pickup truck.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Josh G on March 16, 2018, 07:01:04 AM
How accurate are the temp gauges?
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: JordanW on March 16, 2018, 10:09:18 AM
@Josh G

very accurate, mine has gotten some condensation in it, but a nice sunny warm day always clears it up. I've ran a Thermoworks Smoke, iGrill and a Flame Boss probe all at the same time to test and they all were within 5-10 degrees, including the Weber thermo on the lid.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on March 19, 2018, 04:42:30 AM
@JordanW I had some hands on time Saturday. Two concerns:

1) The vent control on the top spins easily, too easily. When you open the lid it loses its setting. Does this change once it gets some smoking/grease gunk?

2) The gas assist appears to work best for smoking setups (charcoal grate on lower setting). If I want to get going fast for searing/roasting (charcoal grate on upper setting) how do you get around this. I don't want to have to use a chimney, torch, etc it defeats the purpose.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on March 19, 2018, 06:43:08 AM
Quote from: DynaGlide on March 19, 2018, 04:42:30 AM
@JordanW I had some hands on time Saturday. Two concerns:

1) The vent control on the top spins easily, too easily. When you open the lid it loses its setting. Does this change once it gets some smoking/grease gunk?

2) The gas assist appears to work best for smoking setups (charcoal grate on lower setting). If I want to get going fast for searing/roasting (charcoal grate on upper setting) how do you get around this. I don't want to have to use a chimney, torch, etc it defeats the purpose.

1) No issues for me with the top damper spinning. It does flop down if you open it while in the flipped open position. BabyBackmaniac called it the flippy flippy problem in his Kamado Joe video. No spinning and loosing the actual setting for me, though. Might be worth of a support call Weber if you think it is a problem and then you will probably end up with a replacement. It does spin pretty effortlessly but does hold its position in my case. Even after extensive use and getting "gummed up" mine still spins pretty effortlessly.

2) Completely agree. The gas assist is more useful on my Performer. For my hot and fast cooks on the Summit (upper position for the charcoal grate), I light the coals using a charcoal chimney. I either set it on the charcoal grate of the Performer next to it and use its gas assist or I use a paraffin soaked block or tumble weed. I also have an old Coleman propane stove hanging out in the backyard that I occasionally use as well as a charcoal starter.

I never use a chimney on the grate of the Summit like I do with the Performer because that intense heat goes up and is pretty close to the lip of the lid hanging over it. Afraid to burn out the gasket over time or melt my Weber grill lights.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Josh G on March 19, 2018, 07:02:33 AM
The gas assist does seem a little strange to me as well.  On the lower setting it works, but it does me no good because I am smoking and put the lit charcoal on top of the unlit.  On the upper setting when I would want to use it, it does not reach.  Would have loved a cheaper model that did not include one. 

You definitely need to see one in person and play with it to truly appreciate what it is. 
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: JordanW on March 19, 2018, 07:02:48 AM
Quote from: GoAnywhereJeep on March 19, 2018, 06:43:08 AM
Quote from: DynaGlide on March 19, 2018, 04:42:30 AM
@JordanW I had some hands on time Saturday. Two concerns:

1) The vent control on the top spins easily, too easily. When you open the lid it loses its setting. Does this change once it gets some smoking/grease gunk?

2) The gas assist appears to work best for smoking setups (charcoal grate on lower setting). If I want to get going fast for searing/roasting (charcoal grate on upper setting) how do you get around this. I don't want to have to use a chimney, torch, etc it defeats the purpose.

1) No issues for me with the top damper spinning. It does flop down if you open it while in the flipped open position. BabyBackmaniac called it the flippy flippy problem in his Kamado Joe video. No spinning and loosing the actual setting for me, though. Might be worth of a support call Weber if you think it is a problem and then you will probably end up with a replacement. It does spin pretty effortlessly but does hold its position in my case. Even after extensive use and getting "gummed up" mine still spins pretty effortlessly.

2) Completely agree. The gas assist is more useful on my Performer. For my hot and fast cooks on the Summit (upper position for the charcoal grate), I light the coals using a charcoal chimney. I either set it on the charcoal grate of the Performer next to it and use its gas assist or I use a paraffin soaked block or tumble weed. I also have an old Coleman propane stove hanging out in the backyard that I occasionally use as well as a charcoal starter.

I never use a chimney on the grate of the Summit like I do with the Performer because that intense heat goes up and is pretty close to the lip of the lid hanging over it. Afraid to burn out the gasket over time or melt my Weber grill lights.


1) my top vent has gummed up quite nicely... just give it a few good cooks / smokes and I think yours will too. I can make the smallest of adjustments and it holds perfectly.

2) I don't really use the upper charcoal grate position. The one time i did, the gas assist really didn't work as well as Weber proclaims. My set-up for 95% of my cooks (not smokes) is the charcoal basket from ABC on the lower grate pushed to the right side directly over the tube. I can get 2-4 cooks out of a fresh load of charcoal. I have my set-up time down to 30 minutes from cold to cooking. 10 minutes gas assist on, lid open. 10 minutes gas assist off, lid open. 10 minutes lid closed but the top vent flipped up all the way open. Ready to go! And the last 10 minutes really pre-heats the grate well... always get a good sizzle. This set up creates a perfect 2 zone heat as well. Direct grilling on the right over the basket and in-direct on the left for tri-tips, thicker cuts and reverse sears....
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: JordanW on March 19, 2018, 07:13:18 AM
Quote from: Josh G on March 19, 2018, 07:02:33 AM
The gas assist does seem a little strange to me as well.  On the lower setting it works, but it does me no good because I am smoking and put the lit charcoal on top of the unlit.  On the upper setting when I would want to use it, it does not reach.  Would have loved a cheaper model that did not include one. 

You definitely need to see one in person and play with it to truly appreciate what it is.

My smoking set-up seems a little easier than this, but I am not discounting it at all- There are many ways that I am sure all work...    This is mine:

I dump in as much fresh fuel as the cook dictates. "Snuggle" in some smoking chunks around the pile, but staying pretty close to the business end of the gas assist tube. Turn the GA on for about 7-8 minutes. Lid open. While this is going, I install the heat deflector, drip pan and grate. Turn the GA off and close the lid and adjust the bottom and top vents to 100% open. Should come up to 225* in about 10-15 minutes. Then re-adjust the lower vent to the "smoke" setting and the upper vent to about 1/8" - 1/4" open. Throw your meat on and sit back and wait.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on March 19, 2018, 07:14:38 AM
@JordanW What basket are you using. .? Pics?

@Josh G @GoAnywhereJeep

It's really a shame then that the one feature I was excited about is seemingly a dud, at least until the aftermarket comes up with a better solution. I guess you could always put a chimney down in the bottom to get it lit then dump it over the baskets on the upper level. A little cumbersome.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: JordanW on March 19, 2018, 07:21:44 AM

Adrenaline BBQ Charcoal Basket

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on March 19, 2018, 08:04:33 AM
@JordanW can you take a pic sometime with it in the lower grate.

I was just watching a German video on YT and it hadn't occurred to me that the baskets that come with the grill fit in the lower grate. So it isn't really an issue. Light them down there, wear some welding gloves (which I always do anyway) and lift the baskets out while you put the grate back on the upper setting.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Josh G on March 19, 2018, 03:43:41 PM
It's not too much of issue to me as I am so used to using my chimney anyway.  It is very interesting how Jordan is doing his smokes.  I always use minion and have never thought to try a different way.

I'm going to give a try also to just cooking solely on the bottom grate setting and see if it works like Jordan says and who knows maybe the higher level is not needed for a good sear. 

Thanks @JordanW
Title: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: JordanW on March 19, 2018, 04:26:46 PM
So this is my set up pretty much all the time.

1) First pic is how it sits when I'm ready to cook again. This was leftovers from cook #2 with that charcoal which was a tri tip that went at 350 for about 50 minutes.

2) Second is after I shake off the loose ash. Still a reasonable amount left. You can even just fire these back up if you want. Plenty there to get it to temp.

3) I threw a handful of fresh briquettes in as I know my next cook, I will need the extra fuel. I move the basket so the middle of it is directly over the GA tube. From here it's the 30minute process I described above.

4) After the first 10 with the GA lit, shut it off and slide the basket all the way to the right side. I install my drip pan which also happens to be from Adrenaline BBQ. And your off and cooking! Direct grill thinner cuts on the right. Indirect on the left. Vents at %100 will put the temp 350-400 stable. Need some more heat for searing? Flip the vent open and the right side will go over 500-550 in a matter of minutes.

Food pics are thin cuts grilled direct on right side. Chicken and pork shoulder steaks.

@Josh G

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on March 19, 2018, 05:16:36 PM
Awesome thank you for sharing. What size drip n griddle?
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: JordanW on March 20, 2018, 05:03:16 AM

I think there is only one size. And it works in the 22 kettle as well.

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Josh G on March 20, 2018, 11:40:02 AM
@mcgolden @SixZeroFour

Are you guys using the gas assist much on your summits?
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mcgolden on March 20, 2018, 12:19:00 PM
Quote from: Josh G on March 20, 2018, 11:40:02 AM
@mcgolden @SixZeroFour

Are you guys using the gas assist much on your summits?

Actually, not that much.  If I'm smoking, I've usually got the bowl field with charcoal and then light a little to throw on top for a minion method type of cook.  So I'll use a chimney for that.  Otherwise, if I'm using the charcoal grate in the raised position, it seems a bit high to make use of the gas start.  But I have used it with the grate on the lower setting and then used a grate lifter to raise up for grilling.  So it's a bit of a mix.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: SixZeroFour on March 20, 2018, 12:56:25 PM
Absolutely! Every single time I use the grill. 8)

... BUT... I too was less than impressed with the flame height stock so I made a slight adjustment to the gas orifice so that it spits a higher flame now. We have proper valving bits here at work so I first found the exact match and then re-drilled it out a single size up. This was perfect fix - it now has enough flame to light charcoal in the top or bottom grate position.

When grilling, I just dump it in and fire it up! And when smoking I more or less do the same but load up the lower ring, then fire the gas assist on just long enough to light a patch in the middle and off you go!
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on March 20, 2018, 03:18:25 PM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on March 20, 2018, 12:56:25 PM
Absolutely! Every single time I use the grill. 8)

... BUT... I too was less than impressed with the flame height stock so I made a slight adjustment to the gas orifice so that it spits a higher flame now. We have proper valving bits here at work so I first found the exact match and then re-drilled it out a single size up. This was perfect fix - it now has enough flame to light charcoal in the top or bottom grate position.

When grilling, I just dump it in and fire it up! And when smoking I more or less do the same but load up the lower ring, then fire the gas assist on just long enough to light a patch in the middle and off you go!

The brass orifice that screws to the end of the regulator hose and pokes into the stainless tube? What size did you drill it to?

Thinking that this tool might work:
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: SixZeroFour on March 20, 2018, 05:40:25 PM
Quote from: GoAnywhereJeep on March 20, 2018, 03:18:25 PM
The brass orifice that screws to the end of the regulator hose and pokes into the stainless tube? What size did you drill it to?

Thinking that this tool might work:

Yes - exactly that piece. You don't need the tool, the brass is soft enough that you can just spin the bit with your fingers to drill it out. Tricky part is finding someone with the CORRECT bit set as they aren't standard drill bits (increments between each bit are minuscule). I'll have to try to check the exact size I used tomorrow.

If you do track one down be sure to hold it vertically while "drilling" so that the shavings drop out as you do it...
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on March 20, 2018, 06:02:33 PM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on March 20, 2018, 05:40:25 PM
Quote from: GoAnywhereJeep on March 20, 2018, 03:18:25 PM
The brass orifice that screws to the end of the regulator hose and pokes into the stainless tube? What size did you drill it to?

Thinking that this tool might work:

Yes - exactly that piece. You don't need the tool, the brass is soft enough that you can just spin the bit with your fingers to drill it out. Tricky part is finding someone with the CORRECT bit set as they aren't standard drill bits (increments between each bit are minuscule). I'll have to try to check the exact size I used tomorrow.

If you do track one down be sure to hold it vertically while "drilling" so that the shavings drop out as you do it...

The brass fitting comes off. Just need a 19mm wrench and a 16mm to hold the elbow. I have a spare regulator assembly and removed the brass part just today.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on March 20, 2018, 06:26:30 PM
Maybe this drill bit set?

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: SixZeroFour on March 20, 2018, 07:22:32 PM
Don't think those are the ones either... this is very similar to the set I used: (

Best bet is to speak with a gas fitter if you know one
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: JordanW on March 21, 2018, 05:22:21 AM

After drilling the orifice.... Does the rotary knob igniter have any adjustment or is it ON or OFF...... For instance, can you adjust it to half way open producing a smaller flame when you use the lower grate setting? 
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: LightningBoldtz on March 21, 2018, 07:02:48 AM
I love my summit, I got it late last fall and look forward to a full season of use
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: SixZeroFour on March 21, 2018, 09:11:48 AM
I've honestly only ever used it as on/off so I'll have to double check tonight. I can't imagine it would have affected it at all since the orifice change is so tiny and there was no other valving changes.

Here are the details I should have provided from the start...

The drill-out that I did was the smallest possible diameter change (using a #61 LP orifice bit). Based on the chart calculations this would have only resulted in about an extra 1000 BTU (possibly even a bit less) from the burner or roughly a 10% overburn. In other words it's not a flamethrower, nor did I want it to be.

Based on visuals alone I would say it gained about 1" in flame height compared to stock -
which is just perfect IMO.

Quote from: JordanW on March 21, 2018, 05:22:21 AM

After drilling the orifice.... Does the rotary knob igniter have any adjustment or is it ON or OFF...... For instance, can you adjust it to half way open producing a smaller flame when you use the lower grate setting?
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: chiku18 on March 21, 2018, 01:21:49 PM
Thanks @SixZeroFour for all the help/ advice, just ordered below  and will post the result.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Josh G on March 22, 2018, 11:39:12 AM
Quote from: chiku18 on March 21, 2018, 01:21:49 PM
Thanks @SixZeroFour for all the help/ advice, just ordered below  and will post the result.

Looking forward to hearing your results!

Title: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: chiku18 on March 26, 2018, 12:46:51 PM
It works by using #61 - thank you @SixZeroFour

Here are some updates ( @Josh G )

Before  1st two pictures, Drill bit & Orifice before

After - Last 3 pictures (Flames coming upto upper charcoal grate).

Just removed the clip and hand rolled the drill bit as suggested by matt and voila it works.

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: SixZeroFour on March 26, 2018, 03:16:39 PM
Awesome! Glad to see it worked out for ya @chiku18
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: chiku18 on March 26, 2018, 05:47:31 PM
Real test - used it for cooking - it worked   And took little longer (I am used to bbq dragon chimney and fan ) but was perfect

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on March 26, 2018, 08:25:46 PM
Awesome! Thanks for the new mod!
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: jacobp on March 28, 2018, 04:12:36 AM
Score another point for Weber Customer Service. I got my diffuser plate out yesterday planning to to use it and notice one of the hinges was loose. I called up customer service to ask if they had a new pin or something they could send me to tighten it back up. Sending me a brand new diffuser plate at no charge and will arrive today.

Another reason I can't get away from Weber.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on March 28, 2018, 04:18:19 AM
I was playing around at the dealer yesterday and they have BGE all sizes, Kamado Joe all sizes, and Summit (along with every other weber grill) in adjacent rooms. The one thing I think I might like to see on a future revision is a latch for the lid like KJ has for compressing the SS lid gasket. Or is this a non-issue?
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: jacobp on March 28, 2018, 08:42:34 AM
I don't see it being an issue. The gasket is extremely well made and the cooker seals nice and tight when the lid is shut. The only issue some summits have had with any smoke leaks has been due to a hinge issue that Weber will replace free of charge.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on March 28, 2018, 09:08:11 AM
I too was stuck on that, particularly since I had one on my big steel keg. But, it was mostly used when I traveled with my grill. I was between the Summit and a Big Joe.  I obviously went with the Summit, but haven't seen issues with the seal.  I really like my Summit so far

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on March 28, 2018, 10:34:13 AM
@SixZeroFour , @chiku18

Thanks again, gents, for posting this info. I just ordered my NOS (new old stock) with possible corrosion on the handle via the FleaBay link that @chiku18 posted.

Looking forward to an incremental increase in flame height. :)

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: addicted-to-smoke on March 29, 2018, 09:38:54 AM
Learned a lot from this thread even though I don't have a Summit. I'd always wondered about the practicality of positioning the charcoal grate (I would not want to ever do that during a cook) and it seems as if that isn't needed so long as you adjust how you light the coals and probably use some extra fuel when searing (by just leaving the grate on the bottom.)
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: jacobp on March 29, 2018, 09:45:08 AM
Absolutely not necessary during a cook. but the upper position is super handy for direct grilling and indirect/two zone cooking. I love having the flexibility.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on March 29, 2018, 09:53:05 AM
I typically try to move the coals in lower level when I'm using diffuser plate, low/slow cooks. The upper level is most handy for all other cooks. I gotta be honest, the mod. to increase flame height is intriguing. And ditto, this forum is a huge reason I bought the Summit. Great community here

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: addicted-to-smoke on March 29, 2018, 09:58:44 AM
OK, my misunderstanding. So unless smoking you'd normally leave the charcoal grate up, but it's harder to light coals that way hence the oriface mod or use of a random Performer etc. Hopefully I got it right this time.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on March 29, 2018, 10:03:17 AM
@addicted-to-smoke, that's just how I do it. I've been using some leftover charcoal starters and haven't really paid much attention to the flame height. But this thread made me take a second look.

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: jacobp on March 29, 2018, 10:38:46 AM
Quote from: addicted-to-smoke on March 29, 2018, 09:58:44 AM
OK, my misunderstanding. So unless smoking you'd normally leave the charcoal grate up, but it's harder to light coals that way hence the oriface mod or use of a random Performer etc. Hopefully I got it right this time.

Don't know. I haven't had any issue with flame height reaching the upper position with the gas assist. That said, I generally just use a couple starter cubes and chimney anyway.

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Josh G on March 29, 2018, 10:44:49 AM
I cooked chicken on Sunday and Burgers on Tuesday and left the charcoal on the lower level and had no problem getting good heat going.  From the lower level it is about 10" from charcoal grate to cooking grate.  ( I believe my performer is about 5" )  The burgers were cooked with half new charcoal and half  left over so it was not a completely accurate test.  They did take a little longer than what I'm used to but overall were very good.  I will test again with all new charcoal and see if that increases the heat and gets them done in the 8 minutes I normally do.  Overall lots of fun experimenting and playing with it. 
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on March 29, 2018, 10:48:44 AM
@Josh G, I agree.  Love experimenting

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on March 29, 2018, 01:33:06 PM
I have used the lower grate position for direct cooks as well. I have done spatchock chickens that way and pseudo santa maria style cook for tri-tips where I do a two zone using the lower grate. As teh tri-tip heats up, I move it from the indirect to the direct.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: CharliefromLI on March 30, 2018, 02:57:49 AM
Hi All, I can't believe I missed this thread somehow!

Had my summit for almost a year now and use constantly.

The price was steep, no question, but I was able to get a discount on it and I funded by selling a few other grills. It's replaced my performer, my WSM, and my 26 as my main cooker. Outside of the portability of the 26, I don't miss the others at all.

As noted above the gas assist placement is less than ideal when using the upper level grate (which I do for most cooks unless I'm going slow and low with diffuser.

The orifice mod above seems pretty promising. I overcome this issue by using the existing burner AND a stick torch together (since I had one from my WSM days). Two minutes with the torch to get a center glow and then a quick blast with a desk fan or blower (bucket vac from HD) and I can have lump ready to cook in under 10 minutes.  Perfect for week nights.

I sometimes would use the burner to light my chimney on bottom and then move grate up to top position, but an even better last trick I found: buy an extra charcoal grate for a 22 and use that on top, so you have dedicated top and bottom coal grates.

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: jacobp on March 30, 2018, 04:11:53 AM
Quote from: CharliefromLI on March 30, 2018, 02:57:49 AM

I sometimes would use the burner to light my chimney on bottom and then move grate up to top position, but an even better last trick I found: buy an extra charcoal grate for a 22 and use that on top, so you have dedicated top and bottom coal grates.

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I've thought about doing this same thing, just haven't messed with it yet. Great idea.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: CharliefromLI on March 30, 2018, 04:20:24 AM

Quote from: jacobp on March 30, 2018, 04:11:53 AM
Quote from: CharliefromLI on March 30, 2018, 02:57:49 AM

I sometimes would use the burner to light my chimney on bottom and then move grate up to top position, but an even better last trick I found: buy an extra charcoal grate for a 22 and use that on top, so you have dedicated top and bottom coal grates.

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I've thought about doing this same thing, just haven't messed with it yet. Great idea.

it's a great idea, that's why I stole it from whoever thought of it first

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on March 30, 2018, 06:16:42 AM
I tried using the gas assist on the lower grate with a chimney as well. The grate gets hot so you have to move it with heavy gloves or tongs. Not an issue.

The deal breaker for me is that the lid does not open fully and when using the chimney it directs all of the heat up to the lid seal and handle where I have grill lights mounted.

What i do instead for a direct cook is start the chimney on the Performer Deluxe sitting right next to the Summit or I have an old Coleman propane camping stove kicking around in the back yard. I have a flat square piece of cinder block sitting out on the ground in the yard too that I sometimes use with the Weber fire starter cubes.

We'll see how it goes once my hand drill arrives.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on March 31, 2018, 01:01:57 PM
Please add me to the list of folks who have performed the jet modification. I can corroborate that there is an incremental improvement in flame height and that it works well for lighting the charcoal grate while in the upper position.

I removed the jet and drilled it out on a work bench. It was a minimal increase in diameter and not much brass was removed.

One thing that I am not sure if others observed is that I no longer hear that brief whistle and pop that the gas makes right when it catches. It is a much smoother and quieter ignition now. Sort of a welcome second benefit.

@SixZeroFour Thanks again for sharing this information. It worked well.

@chiku18 Thanks for the link to the drill bit. It arrived quickly and as described.

Now, the issue that I am still having with this is that liquid (condensation?) keeps finding its way down through the tube, past the square openings at the jet end of the tube and into the jet to gum it up. It would be nice to solve that.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: SixZeroFour on March 31, 2018, 02:05:48 PM
Nicely done! And I did notice the lessening of the whistle/pop but wasn't sure if others even had it or not 8)

Quote from: GoAnywhereJeep on March 31, 2018, 01:01:57 PM
One thing that I am not sure if others observed is that I no longer hear that brief whistle and pop that the gas makes right when it catches. It is a much smoother and quieter ignition now. Sort of a welcome second benefit.

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: CharliefromLI on April 01, 2018, 05:05:45 PM
Ok guys, for someone is not super handy, how technical is the manifold drill out?

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: chiku18 on April 01, 2018, 05:34:34 PM

Quote from: CharliefromLI on April 01, 2018, 05:05:45 PM
Ok guys, for someone is not super handy, how technical is the manifold drill out?

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Super Mega easy . I didn't even remove it fully , just removed the clip and hand rolled the drill bit .

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on April 01, 2018, 07:59:07 PM
Quote from: CharliefromLI on April 01, 2018, 05:05:45 PM
Ok guys, for someone is not super handy, how technical is the manifold drill out?

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You could totally poke your eye out with that tiny drill bit.  ;)
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Josh G on April 02, 2018, 09:05:35 AM
Quote from: GoAnywhereJeep on April 01, 2018, 07:59:07 PM
Quote from: CharliefromLI on April 01, 2018, 05:05:45 PM
Ok guys, for someone is not super handy, how technical is the manifold drill out?

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You could totally poke your eye out with that tiny drill bit.  ;)

I was shocked when the drill bit showed up.  It is really tiny. I saw it and thought how is it that going to make any difference.  Looking forward to giving it a try.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on April 02, 2018, 09:51:56 AM
Quote from: Josh G on April 02, 2018, 09:05:35 AM
I was shocked when the drill bit showed up.  It is really tiny. I saw it and thought how is it that going to make any difference.  Looking forward to giving it a try.

It doesn't take much to make this change. Not much metal was shaved off. It is not much different from rejetting a carburetor if you have ever done that.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: dwnthehatch on April 02, 2018, 10:45:17 AM
Thanks for the info. I bet the eBay seller is wondering why all the sudden interest in the bits.  I drilled mine out but it still doesn't reach the upper charcoal grate position. Maybe my tank is low. I'll check again when it's not raining.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on April 06, 2018, 05:58:29 PM
I have used the modified gas assist a few times now with the charcoal grate in the upper position and that minimal amount of flame height was enough to really make a difference in how the charcoal lights. Very pleased with the result. Weber should rejet these from the factory. It is such a small change but very effective.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on April 16, 2018, 12:27:56 PM
Anyone else having grease and humidity leaking out through the gas assist and plugging the gas assist? I am getting this with pretty much every low and slow indirect cook whether i use a water pan or not. In this pic, there was no water in the cooker but I had two weber foil pans sitting on top of the diffuser plate. The leak occurred anyway.

The gas jet seemed to get plugged a lot more easily before I drilled it out - like every time. Now, i can run it a few times before the jet plugs up.




Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: SixZeroFour on April 16, 2018, 01:10:20 PM
@GoAnywhereJeep There could be a couple things contributing here...

#1) I have it on good authority that the whistle sound that you hear when you first fire up the grill is due to a temporary vacuum being created within the cooker by the gas-assist flame. When this happens it can pull a small amount of grease etc back down the tube which will cause the orifice to gum up a bit, however it shouldn't be happening anywhere near as often as every few cooks...

#2) What I suspect could be going on is that your ATC is creating positive pressure within the cooker and that pressure is causing additional moisture/grease to be forced back up the pipe.

This makes me wonder if this might be the reason the ATC port feature is never mentioned in any marketing for the Summit. Had always wondered why it was there but never "officially" talked about or promoted. ? Just a guess...
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: SixZeroFour on April 16, 2018, 01:12:12 PM
Have you tried removing and cleaning out the tube completely? Maybe it just got a bunch of moisture in there and it keeps leaching out?
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on April 16, 2018, 02:56:19 PM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on April 16, 2018, 01:10:20 PM
@GoAnywhereJeep There could be a couple things contributing here...

#1) I have it on good authority that the whistle sound that you hear when you first fire up the grill is due to a temporary vacuum being created within the cooker by the gas-assist flame. When this happens it can pull a small amount of grease etc back down the tube which will cause the orifice to gum up a bit, however it shouldn't be happening anywhere near as often as every few cooks...

#2) What I suspect could be going on is that your ATC is creating positive pressure within the cooker and that pressure is causing additional moisture/grease to be forced back up the pipe.

This makes me wonder if this might be the reason the ATC port feature is never mentioned in any marketing for the Summit. Had always wondered why it was there but never "officially" talked about or promoted. ? Just a guess...

Have you tried removing and cleaning out the tube completely? Maybe it just got a bunch of moisture in there and it keeps leaching out?

1) It actually seems to happen well into the cook rather than when it is fired off. I actually caught it in the act of leaking once. I saw the leak starting from where the lid meats the bowl toward the right rear of the bowl close to the hinge. It looked like it was condensation coming down from INSIDE the lid  - like from between the outer black shell and the aluminum inner liner. I cured it at the time (at least i thought i did) by tightening the very loose bolts that hold the top damper to the lid. I figured the humidity was working its way through the loose upper damper assembly and dripping down the inside.

I am no longer getting that whistle before it fires off since I drilled the jet out. It's probably still happening either way and it makes sense that there might be a slight vacuum through the tube at first.

2) You could be right on the ATC. I have been using it a LOT less and it was only on this recent cook that I used it because I had to leave the premises on several occasions during the cook. I feel that even just closing the lid too fast pushes junk back up the tube.

The tube is clean. I can see into it using a flash light and I have cleaned it out before.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on April 18, 2018, 06:17:46 AM
I'm in a Facebook Summit group and posed this question over there....I got a lot of non-answers.  Do y'all use a temp controller?  Is so, which brand?  I generally don't want it because I don't think the Summit maintains temp, but I don't want to be up all night either. We do lots of overnight cooks and this will be my "crutch" .....

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: JordanW on April 18, 2018, 06:27:51 AM
@au4stree  I use a basic Flame Boss 100 for my long cooks.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on April 18, 2018, 06:29:43 AM

Quote from: JordanW on April 18, 2018, 06:27:51 AM
@au4stree  I use a basic Flame Boss 100 for my long cooks.
On the fireboss, do you use the adapter?  It looks like a bowl that would fit over the port hole.

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Josh G on April 18, 2018, 07:09:05 AM
Maybe foil the gas assist tube on longer cooks.   Should not have to do this but if it keeps being problem might be worth it to wrap it. 

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on April 18, 2018, 08:49:26 AM
Quote from: au4stree on April 18, 2018, 06:29:43 AM

Quote from: JordanW on April 18, 2018, 06:27:51 AM
@au4stree  I use a basic Flame Boss 100 for my long cooks.
On the fireboss, do you use the adapter?  It looks like a bowl that would fit over the port hole.

I saw this video by Pitmaster X a while back and he has what looks like a FlameBoss fan that he just pokes into the hole directly with no adapter. Fast forward to 10m45s in the video to see it.

@Josh G
Good idea but I am not even going to mess with that. Probably just going to skip using ATC on the summit. No real need. For now, I will just use the CyberQ Cloud as a remote temp monitoring device, Works well for that.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on April 18, 2018, 09:33:42 AM
Yes, I've seen that video, from what I can tell, that's a Guru device as I think theyre round. The FB are square if memory serves me.

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on April 18, 2018, 09:34:18 AM

Quote from: GoAnywhereJeep on April 18, 2018, 08:49:26 AM
Quote from: au4stree on April 18, 2018, 06:29:43 AM

Quote from: JordanW on April 18, 2018, 06:27:51 AM
@au4stree  I use a basic Flame Boss 100 for my long cooks.
On the fireboss, do you use the adapter?  It looks like a bowl that would fit over the port hole.

I saw this video by Pitmaster X a while back and he has what looks like a FlameBoss fan that he just pokes into the hole directly with no adapter. Fast forward to 10m45s in the video to see it.

@Josh G
Good idea but I am not even going to mess with that. Probably just going to skip using ATC on the summit. No real need. For now, I will just use the CyberQ Cloud as a remote temp monitoring device, Works well for that.
What is ATC?

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: cumminfourya on April 18, 2018, 09:39:18 AM
Automatic temperature control?

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on April 18, 2018, 09:58:02 AM

Quote from: cumminfourya on April 18, 2018, 09:39:18 AM
Automatic temperature control?

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Well damn, it's been that kind of week. Thanks for the patience y'all

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: HoosierKettle on April 18, 2018, 09:58:40 AM

Quote from: au4stree on April 18, 2018, 09:34:18 AM

Quote from: GoAnywhereJeep on April 18, 2018, 08:49:26 AM
Quote from: au4stree on April 18, 2018, 06:29:43 AM

Quote from: JordanW on April 18, 2018, 06:27:51 AM
@au4stree  I use a basic Flame Boss 100 for my long cooks.
On the fireboss, do you use the adapter?  It looks like a bowl that would fit over the port hole.

I saw this video by Pitmaster X a while back and he has what looks like a FlameBoss fan that he just pokes into the hole directly with no adapter. Fast forward to 10m45s in the video to see it.

@Josh G
Good idea but I am not even going to mess with that. Probably just going to skip using ATC on the summit. No real need. For now, I will just use the CyberQ Cloud as a remote temp monitoring device, Works well for that.
What is ATC?

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An unnecessary gadget

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Jules V. on April 18, 2018, 10:07:53 AM
Be careful drilling and enlarging the nozzle.  The hole size is designed exclusively for the regulator. If you  end up making it slightly too large, it can render the igniter useless. Worst, it will catch fire at the opening by the venturi and you'll not even notice it.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GoAnywhereJeep on April 18, 2018, 10:24:36 AM
Quote from: au4stree on April 18, 2018, 09:33:42 AM
Yes, I've seen that video, from what I can tell, that's a Guru device as I think theyre round. The FB are square if memory serves me.

I have had both the FlameBoss 300 device and the BBQ CyberQ Cloud devices in my hands for an extended period of time and numerous cooks. The fan pictured, though not described, looks to be a FlameBoss fan.

I no longer have the FlameBoss or any pics but you are welcome to see my video reviews of both items where you can see the fans.

Quote from: HoosierKettle on April 18, 2018, 09:58:40 AM
An unnecessary gadget

True - on the Summit. I still like it for a WSM or a Smokey Performer. Even on the Summit, I like it for the remote temp monitoring over wifi so I can leave the premises and keep an eye on the cook with my phone. True, you can do that for ~$180 with a Thermoworks Smoke and the new wifi gateway but even as a straight up thermometer, the CyberQ can log 4 probes and has the fan option. You can also direct connect to the Guru using the wifi hotspot mode to somewhat mimic using the included handheld on the Smoke.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on April 21, 2018, 04:41:57 PM
Did a pork butt today, turned out great.  I didnt take good photos of the pork, but did want to share how the coals burned. I always find this interesting, I try to photo my before/after coal photos. Cook time was 8hrs, used hickory and apple chunks. 60%weber briquettes and 40%was KBB. 

I really like the Weber briquettes, they burn long with minimal ash. The grill held 250 mostly, but ran a bit hot later in the cook, sun was beating down this afternoon.

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: CharliefromLI on April 22, 2018, 04:45:14 AM
Did you start with the snap jet? How long do you let run?

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Title: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on April 22, 2018, 06:23:33 AM
Quote from: CharliefromLI on April 22, 2018, 04:45:14 AM
Did you start with the snap jet? How long do you let run?

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It cooked for 8 hrs, I did not use the jet, I've been using up some old starter cubes. Put about 10 lit coals in that hole on left side that I started in my chimney.

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Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Rimala on May 07, 2018, 05:56:54 AM
I have heard several mentions of the hinge Weber supplies for customers who experience smoke leaks from the Summit, but I have yet to see any pictures of the stock hinge vs "new" hinge.

Does anyone here have a picture of the "new" hinge? I have a rather substantial leak on my brand new summit, and I'm curious about Webers fix.

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: addicted-to-smoke on May 07, 2018, 06:27:22 AM
Welcome to WKC, Rimala.

Take a picture or two of your issue, describe what you see, and send it to Weber.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Kabeyun on May 28, 2018, 09:31:07 AM
Quote from: jacobp on March 15, 2018, 09:41:34 AM
Quote from: DynaGlide on March 15, 2018, 04:25:15 AM

The one concern is Baby Back Maniac developed a leak in the SS gasket and Weber's ultimate response was "working as intended."
I can sear off ribeyes at highest heat possible.
What is that in your experience? My KK just fell apart (not kidding, not happy, long story) and I'm seriously contemplating the durability of a steel "kamado." Lots of info on the low end but I'm also interested in how hot it can get (and if Weber has a problem with that!).
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Mx5 on May 31, 2018, 09:23:32 PM
I had a standard unit for 2 years and just sold it and got the one with the he table.   I use it all the time and it works great.  I would recommend the table model, makes for a cleaner patio.   I think the summit is much more functional than an egg would be.  I don't have anything bad to say about it
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Mx5 on May 31, 2018, 09:24:33 PM
In later videos they did fix baby backs grill with a new hinge
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: xring01 on June 02, 2018, 06:48:30 AM
I bought a used one a week or so ago

Bought a few of thr weber gourmet inserts for the grill. Cast iron cross grate, pizza stone, cast iron pan.
Modified some old weber charcoal baskets, to make them more of a slow and sear size.
Cleaned the snot out of it.
Cooked a prime rib, sausages, carne asada on it so far..

Thinking some beer but chicken is next. With some andiulle sausage. then take all that meet and make chicken and sausage gumbo. Thats some yummy goodness right there.

I am really happy with it. But i was happy with the 22" kettle. The key word to discribe the Summit.. is versatility.. One kettle, that can be used so many different ways.. it stupid simple to operate and figure out.

On my first cook, i learned you have to use the upper vent to cook low and slow, or the temp will rise to high.

My favorite thing about it is the lid lift..
We all have our hands full when cooking.. some of the older stuff required two hamds to lift the lid..

Summit lid, opens one handed with minimal effort.. think a 3 year old could do it.

For those complaining about the price, buy a used one.. I did. Saved over 50%.

Weber did a great job with these. Green eggs, Kamados, sales will go down when the word gets out about the Summit

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on June 02, 2018, 07:34:19 AM

Quote from: xring01 on June 02, 2018, 06:48:30 AM
I bought a used one a week or so ago

Bought a few of thr weber gourmet inserts for the grill. Cast iron cross grate, pizza stone, cast iron pan.
Modified some old weber charcoal baskets, to make them more of a slow and sear size.
Cleaned the snot out of it.
Cooked a prime rib, sausages, carne asada on it so far..

Thinking some beer but chicken is next. With some andiulle sausage. then take all that meet and make chicken and sausage gumbo. Thats some yummy goodness right there.

I am really happy with it. But i was happy with the 22" kettle. The key word to discribe the Summit.. is versatility.. One kettle, that can be used so many different ways.. it stupid simple to operate and figure out.

On my first cook, i learned you have to use the upper vent to cook low and slow, or the temp will rise to high.

My favorite thing about it is the lid lift..
We all have our hands full when cooking.. some of the older stuff required two hamds to lift the lid..

Summit lid, opens one handed with minimal effort.. think 3 year can do it.

For those complaining about the price, buy a used one.. I did. Saved over 50%.

Weber did a great job with these. Green eggs, Kamados, sales will go down when the word gets out about the Summit
Right on man, grill on!

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club (
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: JT on June 02, 2018, 08:36:19 PM
I bought one and love it! I did the thanksgiving turkey deconstructed in it.  I want to do a long cook in it but haven't had the time. Congrats to Weber for the extensive R&D they put into it.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mobiledynamics on June 12, 2018, 02:19:13 PM
Just found this thread. Any of ya'll using a extra add-on rack for extra smoking space ?
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on June 12, 2018, 02:49:25 PM

Quote from: mobiledynamics on June 12, 2018, 02:19:13 PM
Just found this thread. Any of ya'll using a extra add-on rack for extra smoking space ?
At present, I have not used an extra rack. But hope to need one soon, I like doing the large cooks

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club (
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mobiledynamics on June 12, 2018, 03:22:01 PM

Are there any must have tools. Don't even own a grate pickup tool. Tools to easily open the deflection plate when smoking and want to add more wood ? Help me spend my $$$$

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Mx5 on June 13, 2018, 04:54:55 AM
Get a second charcoal grate that can stay in the bottom location all the time.  That way you do drop charcoal to the bottom when you move up and down
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: CharliefromLI on June 13, 2018, 04:56:37 AM

Quote from: Mx5 on June 13, 2018, 04:54:55 AM
Get a second charcoal grate that can stay in the bottom location all the time.  That way you don't grow charcoal when you move up and down

Agree, a charcoal grate from a 22" Kettle fits the top position quite well.

The expansion grate comes in quite handy as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mobiledynamics on June 13, 2018, 06:13:21 AM
I started a thread on the expansion grate (lost some smoking real estate by selling my WSM22).

Is there a better top expansion grate. I came across the Smokeware Stacker.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mobiledynamics on June 13, 2018, 10:26:21 AM
Ordered the expansion rack.
Unless my math is off, I did sq inch calculations base on a 17 and 18" round, vs 12x22 expansion rack, and the expansion rack came out with the most sq in.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mobiledynamics on June 17, 2018, 12:42:31 PM
Is a Grate pickup tool or ash pick a must have
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: CharliefromLI on June 17, 2018, 04:18:18 PM

Quote from: mobiledynamics on June 17, 2018, 12:42:31 PM
Is a Grate pickup tool or ash pick a must have

Not really. I have and don't use that much. The charcoal rake gets way more use.

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mobiledynamics on June 17, 2018, 04:28:49 PM
Riddle me this CLI. What use for the rake. The way I'm approaching this

If it's a smoke...well the coals are in and I'll just be topping off wood.
If it's for grilling, in whatever fashion I lay out the coals - I hardly ever switch up the coal setup during.

Be curious on the usage of the rake
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: dwnthehatch on June 17, 2018, 04:44:01 PM
Has anyone had issues with the lid fitting correctly causing smoke to pour out the rear of the kettle? Weber has replaced my lid and hinge and I adjusted the rubber isolators as they directed.  It still leaks. You can clearly see  in the carbon buildup around the bowl lip that the stainless steel seal contacts the the bowl all the front and both sides. It sits on the inside of the bowl instead on the rim in the rear. The bowl does not seem out of round.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mobiledynamics on June 17, 2018, 05:17:19 PM
Did the leak develop over time--- or does it seal up better when fresh....
Ahh, I guess I'll need to run a bag of coal and wood for a seasoning and see if I can detect any leaks
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mobiledynamics on June 19, 2018, 10:43:18 AM
For those in the know, with the rubber setting the ~gap~ between the bottom bowl and frame, can a second tool holder be installed after you put the bottom bowl on. Or does it need to be installed before the bottom bowl is on...

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: dwnthehatch on June 19, 2018, 10:58:22 AM
Quote from: mobiledynamics on June 17, 2018, 05:17:19 PM
Did the leak develop over time--- or does it seal up better when fresh....
Ahh, I guess I'll need to run a bag of coal and wood for a seasoning and see if I can detect any leaks

It's been there since I bought it. The whole lid assembly sits too far forward on the bowl. The metal gasket does not touch the flat lip on the bowl. I'm waiting to hear back from Weber. Thanks!
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mobiledynamics on June 19, 2018, 11:07:57 AM
Just curious. Aside from the known retrofit hinge.....

Do you recall what production was yours. Just got mine in. Mine was May 02 2016
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Josh G on June 19, 2018, 11:32:24 AM
Mine had leaks all around when I first got it and I thought I would run some long cooks in it to improve the seal.  A few pork shoulders later and it has greatly improved.  I have to keep it almost shut down completely to hold 225 and I will get a few light puffs of smoke here and there, but nothing to throw off the temps too badly.  That is unfortunate to hear about the lid not sitting in the right position.  Not sure how to correct that one. 
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mobiledynamics on June 19, 2018, 12:16:51 PM
dwnthehatch - how long have you had your WSG. I saw a older review with the same issue. Too front forward. Gasket not sitting on the front

Edit. Disregard. I just read your other post.
Between new lid and hinge, does it look like it's sitting flush with the new/newer parts.

If you have a older hinge, mind sharing details on what the new hinge difference is - per BBM, there is a slight tweak in design on the hinge ?
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: dwnthehatch on June 20, 2018, 04:45:27 AM
Quote from: mobiledynamics on June 19, 2018, 11:07:57 AM
Just curious. Aside from the known retrofit hinge.....

Do you recall what production was yours. Just got mine in. Mine was May 02 2016

It has an AR date code.

Quote from: mobiledynamics on June 19, 2018, 12:16:51 PM
dwnthehatch - how long have you had your WSG. I saw a older review with the same issue. Too front forward. Gasket not sitting on the front

Edit. Disregard. I just read your other post.
Between new lid and hinge, does it look like it's sitting flush with the new/newer parts.

If you have a older hinge, mind sharing details on what the new hinge difference is - per BBM, there is a slight tweak in design on the hinge ?

Honestly, the older hinge looked exactly the same to me. I have a good eye and would notice a change. The new hinge was dated 2017 though.

I'll try to take a pic of where the seal is missing the rear of the bowl.

Thanks everyone. I'm still waiting to hear back from Weber.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mobiledynamics on June 20, 2018, 04:50:52 AM
Interesting read.I just put mine together. There is some small (side to side) adjustment/play one can do when installing the top to the hinge. No front to back. I was OCD and literally just had the nuts loose in place, checked the overall OD of the hinge seating, lifting the lid, looking on where the gasket met the surface, etc. Seemed to be aligned good .

The bottom bowl rim is like a solid 1"+ in diameter (I'll go home and measure". Must be pretty misaligned if you're saying the gasket is not sealing up on that surface ?

Guess I'll know better when I throw some fire in there....
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mobiledynamics on June 25, 2018, 03:37:43 AM
Is it just me, or the diameter of the grates ~thicker~ than regular kettle.  Went looking for a  second grate for the lower position permanent - hardly ever go to Homers to look at the grates. The ones that come on summit do appear to be thicker than than OE 22"ish kettle variant.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: mobiledynamics on June 25, 2018, 12:24:29 PM
Man. This thing holds temps....Doing the initial burn in

It was burning off/smoking off for a solid hr. Probably going to choke it and close it down, but a quick peek about 2 hrs in and it looks like the coals have not budged a bit
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: jp217p on February 06, 2019, 08:49:45 AM
Quote from: xring01 on June 02, 2018, 06:48:30 AM
I bought a used one a week or so ago

Bought a few of thr weber gourmet inserts for the grill. Cast iron cross grate, pizza stone, cast iron pan.
Modified some old weber charcoal baskets, to make them more of a slow and sear size.
Cleaned the snot out of it.
Cooked a prime rib, sausages, carne asada on it so far..

Thinking some beer but chicken is next. With some andiulle sausage. then take all that meet and make chicken and sausage gumbo. Thats some yummy goodness right there.

I am really happy with it. But i was happy with the 22" kettle. The key word to discribe the Summit.. is versatility.. One kettle, that can be used so many different ways.. it stupid simple to operate and figure out.

On my first cook, i learned you have to use the upper vent to cook low and slow, or the temp will rise to high.

My favorite thing about it is the lid lift..
We all have our hands full when cooking.. some of the older stuff required two hamds to lift the lid..

Summit lid, opens one handed with minimal effort.. think a 3 year old could do it.

For those complaining about the price, buy a used one.. I did. Saved over 50%.

Weber did a great job with these. Green eggs, Kamados, sales will go down when the word gets out about the Summit
How are those GBS accessories working out for you? I'm really torn between those or the half moon accessories that KJ and BGE have. Having used the GBS accessories would you think the half moon set ups are better?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on February 06, 2019, 09:22:50 AM
Guys, if you know any one on the fence about a Summit, please forward then to me, I've got a situation that requires me selling it. I have it listed on the for sale page of this site. Asking $1500
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: jp217p on February 06, 2019, 09:25:44 AM
Quote from: au4stree on February 06, 2019, 09:22:50 AM
Guys, if you know any one on the fence about a Summit, please forward then to me, I've got a situation that requires me selling it. I have it listed on the for sale page of this site. Asking $1500
I'm sent

Sent from my SM-N960U using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Kabeyun on May 02, 2019, 11:59:31 AM
Bumping the old thread I guess. I decided to buy a 26” and arm it with a Slow n Sear.  Not the same, sure, but I’ll get magnificent pulled pork for ⅓ the price of a Summit.  I’ll find a teak table from which I can cut a semicircle out of one end, and snug it up as a prep table. Should be fine until we build our outdoor kitchen. And then I’ll still use it. Heh.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: CurtP on May 03, 2019, 06:24:21 AM
Since this thread was brought back to the top, I've had my Summit for around 2 months.  So far I've had to have the lid handle replaced, gone through 2 Rapidfire vents and a new stainless table.  Weber has been great about sending parts, so I have no complaints there.  I will be ordering another charcoal grate soon.

I use mine a lot.  I added a BBQ Guru and just received the Summit cookbook yesterday (I didn't know they would be sending one).  Since getting it, I've only used the gasser once, and haven't touched my other kettles.  Already done quite a few ribs and just did my first brisket a couple weeks ago.  Smash burgers at least once a week, and I have made some great chicken too.  My favorite lump on this grill has been Jealous Devil and I've been going through quite a bit of Kingsford blue too.

However, if I knew then what I know now, I'm not sure I'd buy it.  You can see where they cut corners, and at this price point that's unacceptable.  I cannot stand the charcoal basket scraping across the painted shelf, the sliding basket should be on bearing slides and it should have come with a built-in temperature controller, a high-end cover, a charcoal tool and a grate tool.  Weber should offer owners a $750 rebate, or $750 worth of accessories, IMO.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Easy on May 03, 2019, 09:52:51 AM
This would be my dream grill but I could only afford it if came up on like CL or Let go. I can see the benefits of this grill either model would do me just fine. Someday I will have one or a clone
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: GroceryBoy on May 23, 2019, 07:00:01 PM
Thank you all. I bought the charcoal Summit one for the simple reason it appears ALL the current owners love their grills. Have cooked burgers and chix breast so far. Looking forward to a brisket this weekend! Thank you all again for sharing!!
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: Team1952 on July 05, 2019, 01:25:30 PM
Quote from: CurtP on May 03, 2019, 06:24:21 AM
Since this thread was brought back to the top, I've had my Summit for around 2 months.  So far I've had to have the lid handle replaced, gone through 2 Rapidfire vents and a new stainless table.  Weber has been great about sending parts, so I have no complaints there.  I will be ordering another charcoal grate soon.

I use mine a lot.  I added a BBQ Guru and just received the Summit cookbook yesterday (I didn't know they would be sending one).  Since getting it, I've only used the gasser once, and haven't touched my other kettles.  Already done quite a few ribs and just did my first brisket a couple weeks ago.  Smash burgers at least once a week, and I have made some great chicken too.  My favorite lump on this grill has been Jealous Devil and I've been going through quite a bit of Kingsford blue too.

However, if I knew then what I know now, I'm not sure I'd buy it.  You can see where they cut corners, and at this price point that's unacceptable.  I cannot stand the charcoal basket scraping across the painted shelf, the sliding basket should be on bearing slides and it should have come with a built-in temperature controller, a high-end cover, a charcoal tool and a grate tool.  Weber should offer owners a $750 rebate, or $750 worth of accessories, IMO.

Out of curiosity, what was wrong with your table and rapid fire vent?
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: memsfis on July 06, 2019, 11:03:13 AM
Yes the temp adjustments are very quick and easy with very little practice. I use it almost every night (weather permitting, i don't have a covered area). For instance, last night, did some cedar plank salmon at about 300* indirect. Then when those were about done, I flipped up the vent and brought the temp up to about 425* to sear off some scallops on the cast iron flat. Then shut it down and was able to cover it back up within a couple hours. Did all this with a used basket of charcoal from a previous cook.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on September 03, 2019, 04:47:34 AM
Now that this thread is over a year old. .is everyone still happy with their Summit Charcoal purchase? If it were taken away today and you were refunded the money would you buy again?
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: cumminfourya on September 03, 2019, 06:29:01 AM
Quote from: DynaGlide on September 03, 2019, 04:47:34 AM
Now that this thread is over a year old. .is everyone still happy with their Summit Charcoal purchase? If it were taken away today and you were refunded the money would you buy again?

I gotta say that I would in heart beat. I love using mine!!! Especially smoking on it, it is fantastic. It's no doubt expensive and definitely not for everyone. But it's great quality and I am extremely happy with mine.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: au4stree on September 03, 2019, 06:51:44 AM
The thing I take for granted is temp control adjustments and how responsive this unit responds.  Just this past weekend, I was cooking chicken around 325F, my brother wanted to cook some steaks around 600F, then back down to 300F.  I was able to do this with very little time delay, the Summit performed. This happened all while watching college football. Didn't have to worry ab9ut temp fluctuations.

Having said that, I do take that for granted and it is hard to convince someone this benefit when all they hear about is how wonderful their ceramic kamado is. Of course, ceramics are great, but I feel the Summit is worth it.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: dwnthehatch on September 03, 2019, 08:38:17 AM
Quote from: DynaGlide on September 03, 2019, 04:47:34 AM
Now that this thread is over a year old. .is everyone still happy with their Summit Charcoal purchase? If it were taken away today and you were refunded the money would you buy again?

I would not buy the table model again. The gas assist is useless. Other than that, I cook on it almost daily.
Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: DynaGlide on September 03, 2019, 10:29:42 AM
Mind elaborating? I recall several people modified the burner tube to get a bigger flame. I use gas assist on my Performer every time to light the chimney. On my BGE I dump the lump in and heat the middle with a looftlighter. On a Summit I imagine I'd do the same and skip a chimney.
Quote from: dwnthehatch on September 03, 2019, 08:38:17 AM
Quote from: DynaGlide on September 03, 2019, 04:47:34 AM
Now that this thread is over a year old. .is everyone still happy with their Summit Charcoal purchase? If it were taken away today and you were refunded the money would you buy again?

I would not buy the table model again. The gas assist is useless. Other than that, I cook on it almost daily.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (

Title: Re: Where are all the Summit owners?
Post by: dwnthehatch on September 04, 2019, 07:18:55 AM
Mind elaborating? I recall several people modified the burner tube to get a bigger flame. I use gas assist on my Performer every time to light the chimney. On my BGE I dump the lump in and heat the middle with a looftlighter. On a Summit I imagine I'd do the same and skip a chimney.

I used it exclusively on all of my performers and loved it. Never had an issue other than an occasional cleaning. For the summit, it just never worked properly.   I first bought a new orifice and drilled it out like the others on here and I still do not get the flame I want if it ever ignites. Weber has sent me replacement parts twice. No luck. I just use cubes.  As for the table, I would rather have a custom one made for the additional cost.