Any way this can all be blocked? Looking at the site this morning and wow...not what I come here for! Just curious as I know nothing about IT, but it seems to be escalating. Thanks to all the moderators here, I know you do a lot for all of us members...just want to keep the site generally safe for family and work :)
just hit the report to moderator button and we'll clean it up and ban the user.
@Troy can advise if it get's worse. Maybe lock a new user's account for using obviously spammy keywords.
I wouldn't say it's getting worse... but I've been slower to delete it because of life. There are only 3 mods and I think we're all in that situation.
There are more people responding to spammers instead of hitting the report to moderator button.
I'll hit the report button from now on! Thank you!
There are more people responding to spammers instead of hitting the report to moderator button.
@Troy I am guilty of this. I will report to moderator from now on fellas.
Thanks to you three who help make the site what it is.
I think I've hit the Report button 3-4 times in the last 2 days. Main kettle section is getting hit hard.