Had a blast with the Ranch Kettle this weekend. Trying to figure out what's a "full load" with various stuff. Enjoy.
35 lbs of chicken wings (about 100)
7 stuffed logs - 4 buffalo chicken stuffed with bleu cheese - 3 turkey sausage stuffed with broccoli and cheddar (20 lbs)
And finally a BIG treat for my sisters 8mo. old 150 lb Rotty
Wow! Feeding an army? That looks awesome.
I also like what's going on with the WSMs.
Good job!
Holy shit! That is a LOT of great lookin' food! Did you need about 200 lbs of fuel?! If you can't fit it on that grill I guess it is not meant to be cooked. :o
Grate Show !!!!
Might have to look into one of these as a deadicated 'Turd machine..............115, one load, yep..... 8)
I've crammed 135 on a 22-1/2" with an upper deck, but this looks relaxing..... ;D
everything appears VERY well cooked & thought out.....thanks !!!
Is this all in one day or over a period of time?
Quote from: zavod44 on May 12, 2013, 06:55:40 PM
Is this all in one day or over a period of time?
Looks like all this weekend....musta been tired and grinnin' from ear to ear .....
Damn that is a lot of food! 8)
Wow! Awesome cook. I also want to know if that was a one day cook...
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2
Ok...now I think I need a ranch...my wife thanks u!!
I love the briskeys in the back ground.
Thanks everyone !! These cooks were on Friday and Saturday. A close friend got married and his wife insisted that I cook for their BBQ Reception. About 65 people. Not pictured here is the 90 other burgers, 160 sausages or the 16 lbs of Jumbo Shrimp (16-20 size) that I cooked as well. The Ranch is surprisingly fuel efficient. Two chimneys of lump gets her nice and hot. I went through about 2 10.5lb bags of Royal Oak and one 20lb bag of Kingsford in two days of grilling.
Oh and nice eye there Tim. There was also 80lbs (5 packers) cooked on two 18" WSM beginning Thursday around noon.
Cooking for others outside of my backyard is more stress than I expected. I cook for 100+ every year for my wife's birthday BBQ Bash in August and didn't feel nearly the pressure that I did this weekend. Maybe I just wanted things to be perfect so badly that I put unneeded pressure on myself. Everything turned out great and the bride even cried because she was so happy with the food. I tip my hat to anyone who does catering full time because its more work than it seems and there are so many details to make sure everything goes according to plan
Hats off to you, that food looks INCREDIBLE!!!
I don't think I would ever take on the responsibility of catering for a wedding, not only that you pulled it off with a kettle and a couple of WSM's 8)
Congratulations on a great job
I need to get an invite to a wedding with a menu like that :D
"Cooking for others outside of my backyard is more stress than I expected. I cook for 100+ every year for my wife's birthday BBQ Bash in August and didn't feel nearly the pressure that I did this weekend. Maybe I just wanted things to be perfect so badly that I put unneeded pressure on myself. Everything turned out great and the bride even cried because she was so happy with the food. I tip my hat to anyone who does catering full time because its more work than it seems and there are so many details to make sure everything goes according to plan "
Ya, I've done a few weddings for friends & it is a different ballgame than a birthday party or something like that.....things are timed to go off & people are focussed on the ceremony.......RIGHT UP UNTIL THEY'RE focussed on the food !!!!
Yas gots to be ON !!!!
And you were !!!
Great Job !!!
PS: That's still a dammed lot of food for 65 Ppl, is everyone still asleep?
wow.....all the food looks awesome. too much food for 65? nahhhh no such thing!
Nice looking food. I just recently got a ranch, and my first attempt at using it the temp got a little out of hand due to two bottom vents being bent out of shape and not fitting well (ordered some new ones - should arrive soon). You have any pointers on keeping the bottom vents from clogging with ash. I assume you can build the fire to straddle two of the bottom vents. Any pointers on temp control are welcome.
Quote from: Bbqmiller on May 13, 2013, 03:35:54 PM
Nice looking food. I just recently got a ranch, and my first attempt at using it the temp got a little out of hand due to two bottom vents being bent out of shape and not fitting well (ordered some new ones - should arrive soon). You have any pointers on keeping the bottom vents from clogging with ash. I assume you can build the fire to straddle two of the bottom vents. Any pointers on temp control are welcome.
The only thing that I noticed reduces the ash clogging is to use lump charcoal and like you mentioned, build the fire away from the vents. I haven't tried smoking on it yet so my vents stay 1/2 open my entire cook. I start with two chimneys of hot coals.
Quote from: phillyc0wb0y on May 14, 2013, 05:53:50 PM
Quote from: Bbqmiller on May 13, 2013, 03:35:54 PM
Nice looking food. I just recently got a ranch, and my first attempt at using it the temp got a little out of hand due to two bottom vents being bent out of shape and not fitting well (ordered some new ones - should arrive soon). You have any pointers on keeping the bottom vents from clogging with ash. I assume you can build the fire to straddle two of the bottom vents. Any pointers on temp control are welcome.
The only thing that I noticed reduces the ash clogging is to use lump charcoal and like you mentioned, build the fire away from the vents. I haven't tried smoking on it yet so my vents stay 1/2 open my entire cook. I start with two chimneys of hot coals.
Thanks for tips - will fire it up once I get the new dampers.
Just saw this thread! :o Fantastic food Philly! Nobodys going to say you don't use your grills.
It all looks great! You leave that party hungry it's your own fault! 8)
Quote from: Tim on May 12, 2013, 09:03:54 PM
I love the briskeys in the back ground.
That's what I want! Heck with the stuff on the ranch. lol
Jar dropping mate!