Theres a Taco for every grill now.
I'll show you how. Get ya beer can or equivalent and cut the ends off. I used a box knife but you can use whatever you got that works for you. It dont need to be pretty just get the ends off.
I like to cut out the instructions.
You should end up with something similar to this, but if not don't worry you can fix it later.
After that wrap it around a broomstick bacwards and that'll make it damn near flat. Roll it on the stick tight and roll it several times.
I have a square that I use as a strait edge for measuring, drawing and cutting lines with a box knife or marker (usually a dull sharpie). You'll need to square this can up so you have a somewhat perfect rectangle.
I moved my operation over to a wood block because it works better for cutting with a knife than steel does, for this job anyways.
You need to get center marks on all 4 edges. Then draw the shape of your taco.
I used 4 small dots in the center of each side.
I used a lid off an old pot to mark the can and cut out the shape with scissors.
With my square I marked the lines for my handle straps. They should be pretty close to 4 1/4" apart so you'll mark them and draw the lines.
The shape of this taco is cut and we'll work on cutting out notches for the handle strap next.
Mark a 3/4" X 1/4" notch in the can here.
The two blacked out areas are going to get cut and folded over.
Its hard to see but I cut from the left side of the can all the way to the end of the blacked out area.
Be sure to mark and fold the can the right direction otherwise it wont fit.
I bent it in the middle on the edge of my block and used the square to help make it a nice bend, just bending it by hand.
Now theres a TACO for every grill...
Quote from: Hell Fire Grill on July 23, 2017, 04:55:07 PM
Your reflection is... interesting
Ya some bald hairy ol'fuck posing as a porntographer.
Wow! What a cool Mod.
Will you be selling these?
Sent from my SM-N910V using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
It's hard to imagine the quality engineering that is required to turn a beer can into a taco heat shield.
You are the enemy of this man: (
Quote from: Troy on July 23, 2017, 06:47:54 PM
Will you be selling these?
Sent from my SM-N910V using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
No. I can only help you guys make your own for now.
While I personally think you probably spent a little too much time "engineering" it, the beer can taco is, without question, one badass modification.
ha ha that's funny ! should pair well with a beer keg ash catcher .
Quote from: Hell Fire Grill on July 23, 2017, 07:52:43 PM
Quote from: Troy on July 23, 2017, 06:47:54 PM
Will you be selling these?
Sent from my SM-N910V using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
No. I can only help you guys make your own for now.
Where can I buy single cans of pbr?
Sent from my SM-N910V using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
You probly need at least 6 tacos for all your grills so your going to have to suffer through a half rack of PBR talls. Which works out because the more you drink the better it looks & works.
PBR is a staple at out house......I can make hundreds of these things. Thanks HFG.
Knowing me, I'm going to slice my hand every time I open the lid.
Quote from: Hell Fire Grill on July 23, 2017, 07:52:43 PM
Quote from: Troy on July 23, 2017, 06:47:54 PM
Will you be selling these?
Sent from my SM-N910V using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
No. I can only help you guys make your own for now.
But you could post a template, couldn't you? :)
I'll be doing this very soon. Thanks @Hell Fire Grill for the walk through
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Well I waisted no time. No Budweiser tall boys at the house but natural worked just as good. Great info Hell Fire, thanks again.
Mines not as pretty, but I'll make more!!!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That Natural can looks great. Im glad you tryed it.
Be carefull things starrt getting triicky affter about the 4th try/beer/taco...