Last month our town had bulk pickup day and I picked this up the morning the trucks were coming around to haul stuff away (we were away the weekend that everything puts stuff out so I almost missed it). Anyways, this is the pic I left you guys with from the find last month:
I finally had a little downtime today to push the grill into the back yard and take a closer look at it. For starters, it is an EE code so that dates it at 1999. The bucket was completely filled up with solidified sludge and there was a bunch of ash in the bowl. I cleaned all of that out and got the ash sweeper moving again.
I then decided to give it a quick once-over with a razor blade to cleanup the outside/inside. Here are some of the results. I think I may fire it up tonight to see what it can do (there will be pics!). Still not sure what I'm going to do with it yet.. I still need a set of grates for it but I just may hang onto it.
Interesting that someone cared enough to put a wood handle on it. Then threw it away.
Looks in pretty good shape after clean up.
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Good score.
Fired it up last night to cook off some leftover burgers / dogs from Saturday for it's first cook. Nothing too exciting. I also used the opportunity to clean my grate up as it smoked 4 racks saturday.
I'm thinking it's probably not a bad idea to keep it around, perhaps for longer smokes as it is easy to keep the ash / vents clear. That is one challenge I find with the 3 wheelers is on a longer cook / smoke the vents sometime get clogged up with ash (I usually will gently clear them with a screw driver). Having the side table is nice too. It won't live up on the deck, as my wife is already not too pleased with all the grills up there now.
Anyways, here are a couple of pics:
Looking good!
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