Hands down one of my favorite grilling tools. Use it all the time to sweep ashes out of the bowl or off the table. It's taken on the perfect shape over the years. My grandfather had this in his workshop. I feel connected when I use it.
Sweet. Perfect tool for sure, and the connection to grandpop is priceless!
look at that well made whiskbroom
Yes sir, great tool.
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Awesome tool!
That's great! I wish I would have hung onto stuff like that.
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Quote from: 56MPG on July 04, 2017, 07:46:53 AM
Hands down one of my favorite grilling tools. Use it all the time to sweep ashes out of the bowl or off the table. It's taken on the perfect shape over the years. My grandfather had this in his workshop. I feel connected when I use it.
Excellent idea and the sentimental connection makes it all the better.
I have an old lowly wisk broom from my grandparents witting in my basement unused. Thanks for the tip, I'm going to move it out to the grilling area.
Hard to even find a wisk broom in stores these days. And when you do they are pretty junky looking for the price. What ever happened to workmanship thru the decades?
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
I don't have one, but I have been using an old paint brush to sweep down the inside of my kettle. Works pretty well.