I guess you can say that I started my collection yesterday. I got my 2nd kettle when I purchased an older red performer. By my investigation, it appears to be from 1999 (I think I need to listen to some Prince now...). I picked it up for $100 off of Facebook Marketplace and took the family on a little hr trip from home to pick it up.
Totally noob question now - how do you navigate using 2 grills? Do you find yourself using both at the same time? (My other kettle is a 22" OTS). I'm looking forward to being able to fire them both up and have extra space when I have company for dinner.
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Congrats on picking up that performer. Looks like it's in amazing shape.
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
Nice redhead. You'll figure out the art of the threesome easy enough.