Thanks to
@dwnthehatch @captjoe06 and
@zavod44 I had all the parts and pieces in all the right colors to build up this Mini Master Touch, just right for those grilling-for-two meals. Quick fun mod, and I grabbed a few shots on a rainy day in between showers. I'll get my entire family together sometime soon, just like everyone else around here. ::)
Lookin good!
Sent from my LGLS991 using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Can you do a little tutorial about drilling the holes for the lid holder?
Sent from my LGLS991 using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
That's awesome
Sent from my XT1650 using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
That's sharp
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oooh, I love the look of that.
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Quote from: captjoe06 on May 22, 2017, 06:51:57 AM
Can you do a little tutorial about drilling the holes for the lid holder?
Pretty simple. (Thanks to a roached out bowl from an 18.5" OTP.) The first hole is in line with the center of the rear vent slot, 4 1/2" down from the end of the slot.
The bail holes are centered on that same line, and are 18 1/4" center to center.
The bail holes are 1" on center from the lip of the bowl.
Holes are 1/4", and I got to it in three steps, starting with a 1/8" bit. I used blue painters tape to mark the holes.
That's sweet.
I'm gonna need to find an 18" ash can setup like that come July.
Thanks so much!
Sent from my LGLS991 using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Looks great!
Looks beautiful! It is funny how I am just coming back from picking up a 18" kettle. And it is your favorite color. You might be wondering what so special than. Well! I will reveal it soon.
Now I know what to do with the lid bale I've got hanging around.
Sent from my Rotary Phone via 14.4kb/s
That''s nice!
Very nice looking I would say just a "Little Classy" black tie meal worthy !!
Very nice! I have a couple/few 22" lid bales. I wonder if those would work on an 18... kind of like the new-style bales on Performers.
Quote from: Kneab on May 22, 2017, 07:14:22 AM
That's sweet.
I'm gonna need to find an 18" ash can setup like that come July.
Will you be making a red mini-MT? ;)
Quote from: Bob BQ on May 22, 2017, 08:45:20 AM
I wonder if those would work on an 18... kind of like the new-style bales on Performers.
Doubtful. The spacing on a 22.5 is 23 1/4" compared to 18 1/4" on the 18.5. The center section is about 1 1/2" longer too. I don't see how it would work, but feel free to prove me wrong. ;D
Quote from: 56MPG on May 22, 2017, 08:51:41 AM
Quote from: Bob BQ on May 22, 2017, 08:45:20 AM
I wonder if those would work on an 18... kind of like the new-style bales on Performers.
Doubtful. The spacing on a 22.5 is 23 1/4" compared to 18 1/4" on the 18.5. The center section is about 1 1/2" longer too. I don't see how it would work, but feel free to prove me wrong. ;D
I saw somewhere that someone used a 22 bale as a trial and it did work. Spreads out a bit so the lid sits much lower in it.
Love it!
Some new handles and better photos. Kind of a mixed tribute kettle - I love Martin & Co, and my name is Martin, so...
That is one nice looking MT
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Weber's and Martin's that is a pricey addiction! ;D
Not if the only Martin you own is a 60's Ukulele, and all your kettles are black. That's how I keep the addiction in check.
Very nicely done.
Nice setup, Marty. I love the premium OEM look.
Looks amazing!!! Now I am thinking of an 18.... Thanks for the inspiration!!!