I'm doing my first rotisserie pork loin today and plan to use basket(s) on my performer. It's about 2.5 lbs. Should I use one or two baskets? Plan on some lump on the bottom with kbb on top. I'm guessing 45 min to an hour? Plan to pull off at 145 & rest.
I would use both baskets, but monitor temps closely. Loin isn't a very fatty piece and could cook fast.
Do you know what temps it will run at with one vs two baskets?
@EricD I'm pushing for 375 or so. Could I get in that range with just one basket? I just got the roti and only one cook so far, chicken with two baskets and ran really hot. Had to shut both bottom & top vents almost completely. Plan to start checking it with thermapen at 30 minutes.
I have my Roti on an 18" kettle. I have a hard time controlling temps because of all the openings. I can usually get away with using just one basket because it so small. (bigger chunks of meat I'll use two)
You are cooking a Pork loin, not the tenderloin right? What size is your Performer? You have 2.5 lbs of meat? Give it a go with one basket. I'd bet you could do it.
@EricD It's a loin, not tenderloin. 22" Performer. Thanks for your advice, I'll go with one basket.
@stev, let us know how it goes! remember....No pics, it didn't happen!
Here is the grill I'll be using. This is really just a test-my first photo upload. I think I'll downsize future pics.
Weird. I'm on the wkc app and I can see your picture displayed on the list of threads but not within this thread. Your cooking plan sounds solid. It will be great.
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
I'm not sure what's up with pics. Roast is on. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Trying another picture. This is when it first went on.

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
Finished product. No tabled pics-too busy scarfing it down. Juiciest, most tender loin I've ever done. Son & I polished off more than half of it. Had to save some for my better half. Next time I'll use both baskets though, ran about 325 'til I added more lump.
Great cook! but I think your pictures not working right. How long did it take?
Because temp was lower than planned I had to add lump after an hour to bring up the heat. About an hour and a half total.
Well, chit. Sorry for the chitty advise! Glad it worked out for you. I'm gonna spin a pork tenderloin tonight! I'll let you know how it works out
Did the tenderloin! used the small 18" and 3/4 full chimney of lump. Forgot to add wood chips.
(http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh596/EricD420/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-05/9E191B22-0075-4CEC-A5CE-E4AAD112698E_zpsjqwmyj4w.jpg) (http://s1253.photobucket.com/user/EricD420/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-05/9E191B22-0075-4CEC-A5CE-E4AAD112698E_zpsjqwmyj4w.jpg.html)
25 minutes later... IT 142
(http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh596/EricD420/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-05/BC3940C1-F340-41A3-8B0B-6FFD6FB43F9C_zpst8isgkjm.jpg) (http://s1253.photobucket.com/user/EricD420/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-05/BC3940C1-F340-41A3-8B0B-6FFD6FB43F9C_zpst8isgkjm.jpg.html)
It came out great! rubbed with kosher salt and fresh cracked black pepper.
I should re-phrase that...the IT was 142 when I pulled it off. It rested on the counter for a while (too long) while I waited for the applesauce to finish.
I didn't re-check the temp after I cut it, but it was over 150.
Now I'm hungry!