I have had a decent run @ WSM's this year, so far I have purchased 2 and sold 2 of those in the past month. Yesterday on LetGO I saw an ad for an Electric Weber Smoker for $30.
Knowing that Weber never made one I assumed that the cord in the pic was an electric charcaol starter and that the person was simply ignorant.
It was about 30 miles away and our weather is crap right now but I wanted to get it ASAP.
I got there about 40 min later and indeed it is an electric WSM. Dude drilled out one of the vents and mounted a Brinkmenn electric heater to it the charcoal grate.
There was no water pan or charcoal ring to be found. Still I was not going home empty handed.
Here are pics
K code
Really nice stock handle
wow innovative I think
Look forward to hearing your experience on a cook
Sent from my iPad using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
I recall seeing a similar mod on one of the other forums (bbq brethren or tvwb) a few years back.
Quote from: JEBIV on May 05, 2017, 08:41:27 AMinnovative I think
...exactly my reaction a few years ago, and now.......
stick a universal BBQ Guru mount over the plug outlet and get it on!
Quote from: swamprb on May 05, 2017, 04:12:35 PM
stick a universal BBQ Guru mount over the plug outlet and get it on!
That is a GREAT idea
Interesting mod. I prefer the charcoal method, butt hay, if it works for ya, at that price, it's worth the try!
I started off with a el cheapo electric brinkman. Why someone did this is beyond me 😢. But for $30 you can't go wrong.
Sent from my LG-K425 using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91018)
I've been wanting to build an electric wsm for a long time. Ive always wondered how it would cook when paired with a cold pellet smoker.
You got more gadgets and bbq's than I can shake a stick at there L.B.!!!!!! Shit. Next thing your'e gonna need is a new shed out back to put all the stuff in. Love it man....that thing is so cool. I vote that you keep it.
I fired this up the other night, I couldn't get the lid temp above 200. I am working on plans to cheaply convert this back to a normal wsm.
Sad to hear. It was an interesting concept.
Process is underway to bring it back to life.
Will that watt burner smoke cheese?
First step in the process of making this normal again.
Take a beatup 18 and cut a plate to use, the curvature is perfect.
Add a BBQ guru adaptor to it with some nomex gasket and bolt it on
I order a new charcoal ring (Didn't have one) and door from cajun bandit and will get it in next weekend.
I am going to put some casters on this so I can roll it around.
Final step is a local BBQ place has the 15 inch Brinkmann waterpan (Didn't have one) and it will be complete.
I am going to drop about $150 into this but I figure the upgrades are worth it over the standard original model.