To anyone who has a registered charcoal grill, be on the lookout for an email like the screenshot below:
Lots of questions on the forums about this stuff. If you haven't registered a grill and you can you might want to call and do so.
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I got mine..
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Just ordered mine😊
Who doesn't want free charcoal.
I got the email and mine is on its way..
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Must be a US thing! I had to buy mine.
Nothing here yet, Waiting on the email.
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Just did it. You can never have enough coal.
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no email.. wtf
just ordered as well :)
Just got my email, they will be on there way.oh ya thanks weber!! I would love to se them on sale 2 big bags for 9.98.
SO I called customer service concerning this email and they had no idea what I was talking about. Directed them to this forum and they are researching it. More to follow tomorrow.
They probably aren't aware of every promotion. I got the email this morning and ordered.
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Quote from: HoosierKettle on April 18, 2017, 04:49:21 PM
They probably aren't aware of every promotion. I got the email this morning and ordered.
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Understood. I just wanted in on the deal, but I dont have a kettle newer than 1997.
The one I have registered is 98 SSP. Glad to say I got the email and signed up.
If the Weber briquettes are not a major upgrade for the price from KBB, then I'll at least have their empty water proof bag to dump all my new kbb briquettes into.
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I have a bag I've been playing with the last few weeks and I'm still trying to figure them out. But they are good!
Little tougher to light so snake method not so good. But I like grilling with them better and they ash less
Not sure they're worth the cost difference but I think they'll figure it out
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Nothing here and I have a few charcoal grills registered.
I have a bag coming too. Can't complain for free charcoal.
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I have a bag coming now too. I am dreading what the price of a 15-20 pound bag will be.
Quote from: mrgoodbar67 on April 18, 2017, 06:08:02 PM
The one I have registered is 98 SSP. Glad to say I got the email and signed up.
If the Weber briquettes are not a major upgrade for the price from KBB, then I'll at least have their empty water proof bag to dump all my new kbb briquettes into.
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Dried cow patties are an upgrade to KBB.
@darko. What do you use?
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Lately, Royal Oak, before that Maple Leaf, soon Basques Sugar Maple briquettes. Have tried the Weber, but I can't justify the price.
IMO, Kingsford because of all the additives is a no go for me, plus we never have it on sale.
On a scale of 1 to 10, I would probably give KBB a 7, all the other briq's I have available, I would score above 9.
No sight nor sound of this in the U.K.!!!!
Email came an hour and a half ago. I'm pretty sure this will be the only time I use em, unless they bomb and HD, Lowes, et al clear them out.
@Darko - lmao
I too just received the email and will sign up.
Got my email yesterday and ordered. Free is the best price in town.
Looks like you no longer need to be an email recipient to get the offer. Saw this posted on Weber's Facebook page:
Thanks Neil, I never got an email anyway.
No email for me either.
You guys that didn't get the email might want to check your weber account settings assuming you have one. There is a box that you could have checked when creating an account or registering that says you don't want to receive emails.
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Thanks for the link Neil!
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I wasn't on the email list but did see a sign up page today and tried to put my info in and it said:
"Sorry, an error was encountered. Thank you for your interest in the briquette sample program. We reached the request limit."
I did get the email and requested a sample. I just clicked the link above and saw this:
Other Grillers Beat You to It!
Due to the limited number of free samples available, we're sorry to say that you've missed out on this special offer. Be sure to check your email for other great offers from Weber in the future.
Just received my sample today. Bag says 4lbs but feels like a lot more than that. It's a healthy sample.

. Can't wait to try it out
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My sample was waiting for me on the front porch when I got home tonight.
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Got my sample today via Fedx
Ditto. Inner bag weighed in at 4.6lbs. Thanks Weber! Now - what to try it with...
You guys are right. It is slow to light.
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It seems as though only the bag is melting putting off toxic fumes
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Weber charcoal smells nice and is working beautifully on a fajita cook.
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Got mine. Un-opened and straight into a gusseted food saver bag. It's in the very back of the freezer. If I time it right, shit's gonna be mint just ahead of the end times! ;D
Back to the Irish whiskey! 8)
Is this a joke or did you really light the plastic bag?
Quote from: Harleysmoker on May 18, 2017, 09:07:50 PM
Is this a joke or did you really light the plastic bag?
That's what I was asking. Why light the bag??????
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yes, it was a joke. I thought i was being funny but it took awhile for replies
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My sample came today
Got mine 5 minutes ago. Raining like hell and 45 degrees out (May 20?). Not going to try them today-damn!
May 11 got an email my sample is shipping soon nothing since then
To bad it's a nice day here to try them out on my new to me little chocolate
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A joke? OK.
It finally showed up (
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Probably should be a new thread, but Weber is doing more samples. They just posted it on their FB page.