Saw this generic titled listing for a "black charcoal grill" on FBmarketplace yesterday that had been listed for over one month with a $50 price tag. To me it looked like a MBH 22" but then I counted the triangle bars and saw it had four like seen on the 26ers. Then those waffle tread wheel pattern stuck out. Could this be a Pat. Pending Fleetwood I asked myself.
Made the call and just had to go take a look for myself.
I'm new but learning the Weber lingo. So I also noticed the classic caddywompas...
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Good eye. I hope you picked it up.
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🤞Hope you can snag it🤞
It's was listed last year too. Seller is a scrapper & wasn't the easiest to communicate with. Asked repeatedly for pics of the grates & got a "their there".
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Sorry I messed up the title. Should read "Fleetwood"
Missing the ash pan, one leg socket is no longer attached and was screwed in place. Dent on lid.
It was little rough but I decided to grab this 26er for $35 since I've never owned one before. Looking forward to repairing this grill and cooking on it.
Not sure what year this is. Looks like a mid 70's as its not the earlier Pat. Pending but does have the plastic wheel seen on the early 70's models.
Maybe a good candidate for a mini Ranch Kettle conversion.
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I noticed it has a flat area on the center of lid and bowl. What style kettle is this called?
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Congrats on grabbing that Fleetwood. Should be a fun project and a great cooker!
As for the style, these are generally referred to as Flat-top 26er's.
Nice find!
Congratulations, you'll love smoking on these. 26er three wheelers make great smoking machines
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Quote from: WNC on April 14, 2017, 05:50:52 AM
Nice find!
Congratulations, you'll love smoking on these. 26er three wheelers make great smoking machines
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I concur !! Grate find
Thanks. I've been wanting a new 26" but this older model will do.
Rusted leg sockets but bottom of bowl is solid. I'll read up on how to repair these.
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I have the same Fleetwood. You'll love cooking one it. They have so much room.
When you heat it up, spray a little Pam on it and that will give it a nice black sheen.
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Nice pickup.👍
You are gonna love it.
So much space.
I need to find some wheels like those.
Anyone know of a good source for them?
Congrats! Nice find!
$35 well spent!!! The wheels, in that good of condition, alone are worth $35.
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Yeah that's what I was thinking. These wheels are the only best part on this 26er. The caddywumpus didn't even cause any uneven wear on the
These early 70's Wheels are too clean to have been on this faded black kettle all its life. Maybe they've been replaced. IDK
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Definite score for a 26'r flatty for $35. Congrats!
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Wow, great score!!!
Nice find. I havent noticed a 26'r with that shape and spin markings before.
I did notice the circumferential spin marks/ripples on both lid and bowl. Once I get it cleaned up I'll post better pictures.
Any idea what year this one is?
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Around a 73 or 4.
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Travis, I think I'll call it a 1974 as it the same year I was born. Thanks
I found this photo of another spun 26" lid that is similar to mine. This one is a 1974 Aritrocrat
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Steal of a deal for $35, imo!
if your in cali and ever wanna move it along down the line I'll be more than happy to give it a home
That is sweet! Congrats.
Awesome Fleetwood!
Thanks for all the replies. I didn't know these MBH Fleetwood 26ers were sought after. This one isn't in pristine condition but should clean up good and will make a good cooker with little effort "as is".
Today I've decided to take it a step further and attempt my first Weber Kettle refurbish/restoration on this 26er.
• clean & degrease kettle
• sand, stain and varnish wooden handle
• sand & polish aluminum legs
• find a correct ash pan
• metal work
- pop dents out
- reshape lid and bowl edge
- rust repair
• paint chip touch up
I'm not a welder but have always wanted to learn the trade. Last year my Wife gave me a very nice portable mig welder as a gift. She knew that my project vehicle that Ive had for the past 10 years needs a lot of patch work. I hired out the major structural weld repairs and that been taken care of. This new Miller welder is capable of doing more than I'll ever be able to handle. I'm still learning and have been practicing on thin 18 gauge metal. I haven't tackled any repairs on my old truck yet but I will in the next few weeks. Been waiting for warmer weather and it's finally arrived.
I'll soon find out what gauge metal this Fleetwood bowl was made out of. I'll post progress pics of this kettle. Wish me luck!
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I'm surprised the original wooden handle isn't cracked beyond repair. The two rivets had loosened away and the upper and lower wooden pieces were being held by electrical tape.
I began sanding the weathered and stained wooden handle starting with 150 grit, 180, 220, 320, 400 and stopped at 600 grit.
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$35 all day long! What are you going to use on the handles?
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I had some Minwax Classic Oak stain and used this fast drying clear satin finish.
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Nice, good stuff!
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What is the flat spot on the bottom of the bowl???
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Really cool. Someone is producing the old ash pans on here. I don't remember if they made any 26" though. I believe the thread is in the Member Sales section. Otherwise, finding a pan will probably be a challenge.
Really cool grill. The old 26ers never come up here. Congrats!
I reinstalled the handle using the factory aluminum semi-tubular rivets.
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I don't know much about these older 26ers. This one has a flat bottom matching the flat top. I was told these were spun lids and obviously you can see that this bowl was also spun as it has the spun swirls.
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Quote from: Lemans on April 24, 2017, 03:12:41 AM
What is the flat spot on the bottom of the bowl???
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Both my 26"ers, Misty and the ZZ Top that I passed onto Vwbuggin64, have that flat spot on the bottom. Agree with Smokin Performer that it probably has something to do with the manufacturing process of the flat tops being spun.
Wow,,,,, another fantastic day with another $35 26er and this one is a Brownie.
Includes the grates and ash pan that are inside grill.
My nephew was an hour away and grabbed this for me. I won't be able to pick it up from him for a couple weeks. I'm excited...
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Just got these sneak peak photos. I told him not to lay the lid on the asphalt again. lol
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Holy shit, man! Congrats!
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Spectacular all around.
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Epic. Scoring two flat tops in one week, both for $35. And the Chief is a 69-70 Pat Pending. That has got to be one for the record books.
Awesome chief!
Once I found mine, I've hardly used my WSM. They make great smoking machines!
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Quote from: WNC on April 27, 2017, 02:27:36 AM
Awesome chief!
Once I found mine, I've hardly used my WSM. They make great smoking machines!
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@WNC I agree those old 3 wheel 26ers are awesome smoking grills
Go buy a lottery ticket right now! You're on a streak!
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I need to build a shelf in my garage before a start searching for kettles again. I'm out of floor space. I better not find a Ranch near me or I'll be in trouble.
I'm switching over to SJ's for a while.
Found this mid 70's faded black SJ for $10 two days ago. It's a
And that's how I picked it up.... Already Clean
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