Hey boys,
Got a package in the mail the other week from @Hoosierkettle and it was the Tip Top Temp. I'd been reading about these from other members threads and really wanted to try one but never pulled the trigger so this was a perfect gift.
I had one thick cut pork steak that needed cooked up so I figured today would be the day to try it out. It didn't have the instructions with it and I didn't go to the site and look for them so I reached out on f/b to member on the kettle cookers club site that was using it for his ribs today and was asking about his setup. Turns out I was doing all wrong, but it worked out in the end.
So fast forward 3 1/2 hours laters I've got a super tender, apple wood smoked pork steak.
The TTT worked as promised. It's held a consistent 275 (dome) for the entire cook. I didn't bother with grate temp since the grate temp and dome seem to come together over time on these low and slow cooks anyway. It ran steady and consistent so I took my kids to the park for a couple hours once I was comfortable with it. We came back and it hadn't moved.
Thanks again Sean. Looks like a fun new toy and we all love that.

Have a good one fella's!
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Looks real good, I was looking at thst aswell,glad it worked out!
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Love that black kettle with the wood handle. Is that a performer? I must admit, I didn't get the wood handle thing until Travis sent me a pair. They make every kettle look and feel better taco or normal. Your clear coat is holding up nicely as I've used the 26 in some pretty crappy weather since they have been installed. I look forward to wood handle on wsm and my ots as well at some point. Pork looks good too!
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I don't follow the directions to a t anyway. I load my fuel, just like I always have, and a crack a bottom vent.
@rottiguy it worked very well. It's a fun toy.
@Hoosierkettle yes sir. That's a performer. Those wood handles is like the icing on the cake imo. Only thing better would be if it had an all metal handle

You're right about the ttt smoking your vent though. Not sure I like that too much, but I'll just have to clean it up after the use. No biggie and thanks again dude.
@thedude I had it warming up to temp like a normal lownslow and when it hit close to temp I shut down the bottom or had it cracked and put the ttt on and set. Stayed there for the duration.
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I hesitated to send it because I'm not a huge fan of it but I know some really like it. I figured you would either like it and keep it or I just initiated a game of hot potato

Either way it's fun to experiment with a couple times and I will not be offended if you sell it or give it away.
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I used my TTT for the Xmas Pork butt. Worked like a charm!!! I have TWO TTT's now. One for the Kettle and one for the WSM.
Now that the boys are in their new home, a Pork Cook is slated for the is weekend as well as Pizza with the new Pizza Que!! The PQ will take a few runs to get it right I am afraid... but heck... thats half the fun right??
Grill on Gents... Grill on....