;D ;D ;D
thanks everyone :P :P
Hello and welcome. Take a minute to introduce yourself in the new members section. For pictures:
Easiest way to post pictures is to use the smartphone app and post from your photo library. If you don't have a smartphone read this.
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First off, welcome to the club. Being that you picked it up at a garage sale, I'd guess you got a deal. A kettle is worth what someone is willing to pay for it (values tend to fluctuate quite a bit). Are you planning on using it, keeping it, or just looking to profit from your purchase?
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Quote from: brewtownbeatdown on November 03, 2016, 10:03:22 AM
First off, welcome to the club. Being that you picked it up at a garage sale, I'd guess you got a deal. A kettle is worth what someone is willing to pay for it (values tend to fluctuate quite a bit). Are you planning on using it, keeping it, or just looking to profit from your purchase?
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That sums it up. For a better investigation I'll need you to ship the grill to me so I can see and use it for a while.

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Welcome and hope you get the pics sorted out.
Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91018)
welcome to club , so it begins , your first kettle , keep reading these pages and before you know it your yard is filled with weber products . soon you will be scanning the net looking for more trying to find that last kettle you want , only to add 6 more cus they were cheap/rare/colored/portable/small/big/needed parts/cute/beautiful....can't fit the truck in the garage anymore to looking for a shed big enough to fit them all ! .then there's the mods omg carefull with that , and of course trying to unsuccessfully chasing down scrap metal guys with a piece of kettle poking thru some scrap . it.s called webertitis watch out ! or just ship to me and keep your life the way it is right now . lol!
Why do I have a funny feeling that this is the Seller for this https://newyork.craigslist.org/wch/app/5856015988.html, now looking to maximize his selling $. It is a E code 1993 with ash sweep assy. or is it a coincidence that we have 2 exact same nos brownie with one still for sale.
say it aint so greenweb.that would suck ! only thing worse than a horse thief is a ....
Quote from: johnny 2 shack on November 03, 2016, 11:26:44 AM
say it aint so greenweb.that would suck ! only thing worse than a horse thief is a ....
Troll??? :O
If it's a troll then the answer is it's worth $20 which includes shipping to Ohio.
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Oh,my! A chocolate Weber. Don't know how much longer I can take this site. I would postpone cooking on it for awhile and just admire it. I would buy a current model to cook on. Do you have any idea how much someone would pay for this? Like a lot!
Alright. Dumb question. What's a troll?
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Your first post and you're worried about how much your kettle is worth,trying to flip it? I'd buy that for a dollar.
I'm thinking at least $746 to start. Is their an Indian shooting a star with a bow and arrow on the box somewhere? If so, double that. If the jawa has a vinyl coat it's probably triple. Short light saber and you have a serious collectors item.

If it was a 26" I would probably pm this person and haggle.
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Quote from: Travis on November 03, 2016, 04:27:54 PM
Alright. Dumb question. What's a troll?
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A troll is someone who will use a forum for other than its intended purpose. Usually in an antagonistic way. In this case I would consider it more like spamming the forum.
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@Travis - (Definition of a troll from Google) In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response [2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,[3] often for their own amusement.
Or its the little ugly guy, with a wart on his nose, sitting beneath the bridge that demands money for accessing the bridge.
Thankyou gentlemen
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I just don't need access to that bridge.
What ^^^^^ He said.... Either way... its like using a Craftsman Rachet for a hammer and breaking the rachet and returning it for another one...
It was the seller but the kettle is now in the club at a price of $120. It is in my trunk.
Quote from: KenB on November 04, 2016, 11:32:21 AM
It was the seller but the kettle is now in the club at a price of $120. It is in my trunk.
Nice work, sir.
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Quote from: KenB on November 04, 2016, 11:32:21 AMIt was the seller but the kettle is now in the club at a price of $120. It is in my trunk.
Excellent! Congratulations! Glad it went through, even though it was a bit more than the original asking price. Still a steal at that price!
Looking forward to the pics!
Worth every penny... awsome score right there. Happy it worked out for you AND the WKC!!!
Quote from: KenB on November 04, 2016, 11:32:21 AM
It was the seller but the kettle is now in the club at a price of $120. It is in my trunk.
That's Awesome....Can't wait to see pics of that beauty!
1983 E Code Chocolate...First year of One Touch.
Quote from: KenB on November 04, 2016, 11:32:21 AM
It was the seller but the kettle is now in the club at a price of $120. It is in my trunk.
Nice! I am happy for you. I feel pretty good that I made the deal and handed over to you. You're welcome. Another way for me to give back to the WKC community. :) :) :)
The seller was willing to play the hard ball, even though I told him that I would let it go if he already had a buyer. I did have the deal rapped up at $120 and not told you about it.but I did. And exposing the seller coming here to fish for more money and ultimitely asking you for more money or selling it to even higher bidder from here. I think I do deserve little credit for you getting the kettle. Thank you! as an acknowledgement would have sufficed.
What a great deal @KenB.
Looking forward to some pics of her. Think she'll be a looker or a cooker?
@greenweb. A very good deed done again. Kettle karma heading your way, sir.
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Indeed a very good deed@ greenweb very good indeed.
Sent from my LG-V410 using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91018)
Glad it ended well, beauty pick up!!
Sent from my SM-T700 using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91018)
KenB PM'd me and we are all good. :) :) ;)
I am so glad he got it! @ KenB - Please post up some pics of that beautiful Brownie. We all want to see it!
Beautiful score!!! Congrats.
Glad you got it @KenB.
Thanks for doing the right thing @ greenweb.
Nah, nah, nah, hey, hey, hey, goodbye @kamduz. Kinda figured he was

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Quote from: brewtownbeatdown on November 04, 2016, 08:48:36 PM
Glad you got it @KenB.
Thanks for doing the right thing @ greenweb.
Nah, nah, nah, hey, hey, hey, goodbye @kamduz. Kinda figured he was 
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I've been humming that song all morning

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I'm sorry? You're welcome?
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Quote from: brewtownbeatdown on November 05, 2016, 06:51:21 AM
I'm sorry? You're welcome?
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Crack me up dude. Funny shit! Thanks!
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