Seen the ad on Craigslist this morning. It was advertised for 18 days. Guy was asking $20 so 3 hours round-trip and 2 Happy Meals I own a 18-inch Weber. I like the price of the grill just not the drive time. LOL what year is the grill? The vent says patent pending.. the bowl and lid are almost perfect no chips or scratches just needs a little TLC. Any tips on cleaning up would be greatly appreciated. What is the best thing to clean the vents with? Is it worth doing a restoration on or just cleaning up? The wheels and triangle look pretty bad. The handle may just need stained and cleared. But I do know where to get a new one. LOL. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Nice find. Read the restoration links on this site. Razor blades, dish soap and 4/0 steel wool are the main things required along with a little elbow grease. A few hours later you will see your reflection in the bowl.
addicted to charcoal
@stellato1976 - You have a "Patent Pending" 18" redhead there (69-70). Nice score. It is beautiful.
just found resto section... just the step by step I need.
Quote from: Cellar2ful on August 03, 2016, 05:26:37 PM
@stellato1976 - You have a "Patent Pending" 18" redhead there (69-70). Nice score. It is beautiful.
Thanks for the help with the drive may have been worth it
Dude that is a kick ass find! Worth the drive at that price. I haven't started my restore project yet but you have a lot less work ahead of you than I. Congrats.
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Beautiful find!
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I love score like this. Well worth a drive. Should look like brand new once cleaned up. Legs should clean up nicely. Wheels might need sand blasting to clean up and make it new again. Love those wheels, well worth saving. Triangle might still look pitted after cleaning. Might be better to just replace it. Really surprised how good condition the lid/handle and the bowl are.
Great score! We are seeing quite of few nice 18" pop up in few days including high $, no thank you Limes. I got one of my 18" from Denver to introduce tomorrow. ;)
are the triangles all standard? or do I need a special one? do the wheels come apart the rubber from the metal? going to clean the lid and bowl tomorrow will post some pics..
Quote from: stellato1976 on August 03, 2016, 06:40:43 PM
are the triangles all standard? or do I need a special one? do the wheels come apart the rubber from the metal? going to clean the lid and bowl tomorrow will post some pics..
Triangles should be same. Rubber part on the wheels might be fragile. I would just tape up the rubber part and get the metal part sand blasted. White wall area might be also taped off depending on the condition. Looking forward to the after pics.
Gorgeous!! That'll clean up so nice!!!
That is nice!
Also on a side note, LISTEN TO THE "VETERANS" HERE....When I first started this whole kettle thing I read how all you needed was a razor blade, steel wool and elbow grease. I figured if a razor and steel wool worked, I would forego the elbow grease and whip out the angle grinder with a wire cup on it...ELBOW GREASE MY ASS!.... To the point, DON'T DO IT! Luckily I went cautiously and realized I was going to BURN the finish from the friction alone. I now own a big jar of "elbow grease". The other night I was cleaning a kettle, most of the ones I have gotten barely make it home and wiped off before I cook on them, This was the pre-elbow grease time, and realized just how EASY a grimy ass kettle is to clean up. TIP, change blades often, But yes, The guys here know their shit! listen and you will appreciate it.
I am afraid to put the steel wool on the red... I will go slow and lite and use the weber cleaner and hope she shines when done. fingers crossed.
That is a great score !! .... It will look pristine when finished ...
The handle still looks like its in fair shape / condition.
I recommend 0000 steel wool, then some tung oil. Then finish with a couple three coats of spar varnish (satin finish - or, your choice).
The wheels ....
@glrasmussen told me about this stuff. Found it in the laundry soap section of Wal-Mart.
Quote from: glrasmussen on September 02, 2014, 06:16:10 AM
MacEggs, I have good success with this product.
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This was less than a minute each wheel. Toothbrush and rinse.
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I don't think you have to worry about marring the red with the steel wool. From the looks of it, it's not too bad either. Man, that sure is a pretty red!
Great looking red! Congrats on the find.
Another option for your wheels is Evapo-Rust. (
As for the triangle, if there isn't any chrome left to shine you could always go the paint route. Some people have painted them red or black. I recently used Rust-Oleum chrome paint. It's not as nice as the original chrome, but looks pretty good and you get to keep the original parts intact.
I don't understand how it hung around so long without being purchased. In any case, glad it found a home with someone that cares!
@stellato1976 - A lot of the older triangles have too much pitting to just be cleaned of rust. The triangles on the older kettles are constructed of a heavier gauge of metal than later production triangles. Your triangle can easily be painted. Before you switch it out or replace it, try painting it. See how you like it. You can always switch it out if you don't like the results. This is what they look like painted.
Quote from: captjoe06 on August 04, 2016, 05:48:48 AM
I don't understand how it hung around so long without being purchased. In any case, glad it found a home with someone that cares!
the ad never said WEBER... I found it under charcoal got lucky
I've seen posting like that also. I'll search charcoal grill and scan the page for red kettles.
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This is my current Craigslist search criteria:
(grill | performer) (weber | webber | charcoal | charcole)
It seems to work pretty well.
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That is awesome. Great cleanup!
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If you ever think of selling that please find me!
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She's a beauty! Congrats!
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<<<---------- DROPS MIC
Nice clean up. That looks great.
Hard to stop cleaning once you get started isnt it?
Ahhhh... Weberitis
addicted to charcoal
Damn, those vents... So clean. Great job!
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legs and ash pan tomorrow..
Quote from: stellato1976 on August 04, 2016, 05:56:46 PM
legs and ash pan tomorrow..
Yea, that is when the real work begins. Your in luck as the ash pan looks in better condition than any I have started with. The legs look like you have your work cut out for you tomorrow.
looks well worth the drive. congrats.
@stellato1976 , keep up the nice restore. That is an awesome 18" Red that the price didn't get driven up. Be patient on the rest of your restore. Use what
@MacEggs suggested on the wheels. if that doesn't work, I have painted some that where to far gone. Triangles are tricky and yes I have used a light wire wheel on triangles.
I'm going to try navel jelly in the near future, will update with that when I have a chance to try it out.
That is one GORGEOUS REDHEAD! Great job on the cleanup! PAT PENDING vents ran from '69-72, with yours still having the metal wheels I would put it in the 1969-70 column. Love it!
I could not save the wheels so I went a little crazy. ( ( ( (
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nice find and great restore!
A beautiful redhead. Nice find and nice work on it.
Paint the triangle? Ewwwwwwww. I would find a donor or drop it off at the chrome shop before I went that route. JMO, different strokes and all that. On the wheels, I prefer to give them a light sanding, spray them with satin black and put on decal whitewalls from Zavod.
Awesome grill. I too can't believe it hung around that long. Congrats!
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( done for now.. going to find a donor triangle
Sent from my XT1080 using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Really nice restoration
@stellato1976. Make sure you post pictures on the -!/
Great job. How did you do the lettering on the wheels?
Quote from: Neil_VT00 on September 01, 2016, 08:26:48 AM
Great job. How did you do the lettering on the wheels?
my buddy owns a sign shop