As some of you know It all started innocently. I found a Red 1999 MT for $25, a few days later my wife found a mid-70's red in a scrap pile, that she picked up for me (it is awaiting rehab, have wheels and new handle). Just a second ago she sent me a FB message of a local garage sale and you guessed it, a metal handled red head with the comment of, "Grill?". Do any of your significant others do this to you as well? I asked about the price of this kettle too. Dang, just what I need. wife has a difficult time comprehending why I have/need a genesis propane and a SSP. :)
My wife was sweet/cute enough to point out she saw a couple kettles on a loading dock.. When she realized how interested I was to know details, she felt bad for not taking a photo at least..or poke around and find someone to chat with.
I'll report back tonight once I get to look at it, in my back yard. $10 and the wife is picking it up after work.
Yes, she is my enabler.
I definitely would not go as far as to say my wife is hooked nor an enabler. That being said, I've never heard a complaint about what comes off those grills

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Well, she couldn't make it after work and it was at a garage sale. She is working at home today so she rushed out over her lunch time to grab it. Waiting on a vent lid pic to see if it has a date code on it.
If I would have gone to the mountain bike races today I would have missed out on this thing as I take my wife's Jeep in order to take my fat bike.
UPDATE: She sent me a picture of the vent lid, there is a strategically placed bird dropping covering the letter code, but it appears to be an "A". She's working again and not willing to go clean and look. I guess I have 2 to clean this weekend now.
Congrats Yendor, but don't get your hopes up too quick as she might change her ways after your 5th or so addition
Now my wife is thinking that this one she picked up may be an 18" kettle! Even better! I looked that the pictures to see what is visibly different between the 2 and just noticed the kettle handles are different between the 22 and 18. So yes indeed this is an 18" red 1979 kettle! Yes, I am excited.
Quote from: demosthenes9 on May 19, 2016, 09:34:11 AM
Congrats Yendor, but don't get your hopes up too quick as she might change her ways after your 5th or so addition
I haven't talked about my pellet grills or my stick burner here yet. So we are good for now. I think this will be the last though. I need a couple sets of grates and some elbow grease and we will be good to go. The 3 red heads are now Sarah, Lucy and Trinity-the girls of the Trailer Park Boys.
Some pictures for your viewing pleasure. Do I get too excited for this stuff?
FB pic from the garage sale (tried cropping it, but it didn't take)
Vent lid pic from spousal unit
What is the opposite of hooked? That's what my wife is. >:(
She's pretty much given up at this point, so that's at least somewhat in the right direction. ::)
Nice score! I'm talking about your wife.
Mine sort of tolerates the hobby, but I think she's coming around. When I picked up the blue and told her I was gonna sell the black OTG... "but your mom bought that one" OK, I'll sell the Silver. "But that was your first Weber..."
My wife is fully on board ... In fact, she has been with me on at least 5 rescues ... However, she is a UNICORN ( :o ;D ;) 8)
She is supportive but not even close to hooked.
Mine doesn't understand that why there are websites dedicated to such a hobby, and that there are others like me out there...
I wouldn't say hooked, but she doesn't think I'm crazy (anymore). Once the hunt begins, I can tell she enjoys it. She certainly doesn't complain about the food.
Friends and family on the other hand... Think I'm off my rocker. Still no complaints about the food though.
Quote from: JDD on May 19, 2016, 11:31:27 AM
Nice score! I'm talking about your wife.
Best comment of the day ;). Yes, you are a lucky fellow
@Yendor. I am blessed to have a wife that has become obsessed as I with the hunt for kettles. Now she wants a Weber Kettle garden with planters made form kettles that are to far gone for restoration.
My wife is very hooked. Only because she loves what comes off the grills.
I am very fortunate to have the wife I have, she puts up with a lot. The problem I have now is that this kettle she picked up, she has claimed as her own. Since it is from '79 as is my wife she said that it should be hers. Now we need a set of new grates and to cook on it.
My wife is good with the hobby and fully embraces it. As long as the new grill is a different color. She doesn't understand multiple reds across decades. Red is red to her.
my wife is hooked on not cooking and enjoying the meals i make.
The SoDT is not hooked by any means, and doesn't understand the lure of the Weber.
She is an enabler, however, having had a hand in the acquisition of no less than 3 vintage kettles.
First I thought my girlfriend can´t understand why collecting Webers is one of my hobbys, she never really said anything when I brought home another one but I noticed she was not too impressed. When I told her the other day that I put my 22" red OTO for sale (not worth keeping, to much chips and rim rash) she was kind of upset because I´m selling the big brother of my 1991 red 18" which is sitting in our living room. So she must be kind of hooked!!
Here is a pic of the little one, serving as a bar:
( (
Interestingly enough, she is the one that got me started on these grills! So yes, she is an enabler and is just as ready as me for the next "road trip"
Well the wife kicked in a little elbow grease this weekend. We got our scrap heap find out and installed the wheels and a new handle from Brian. I can't believe this was in the scrap ready to thrown away! So glad that we can get her cleaned up and ready to cook again. I may have to do a little caressing of the inner bowl due to it being dropped by someone causing the leg to punch a dent in and now it has a lean to it. Anyone else ever take a ball peen hammed to straighten that out? I didn't go too far with the clean up, its going to be cooked with, so I don't need a beauty queen. Had about 40 years of muck in it too.
My fiancee is not hooked and cannot understand why I need all of the grills I have(about 15). She tolerates it since I live with her and they are all at her house but one day she is probably going to put her foot down and make me whittle them down some.
To be honest, I don't use the majority of the ones I have and need to get rid of most of them but it's hard for me to do. Maybe one day.
I don't understand why they need so many pairs of shoes or always shopping for accessories to match??
I had to dig this up again. My wife is a trooper! She has known for a while that I wanted a Performer for a while and never found the right one. I have a friend that posted that he was selling his (I have no idea what is happening, he needs to seek counseling) and he had posted to his friend list that he would give a friend a decent deal. I had seen the call out but basically ignored it because, well, I'm at capacity right now and not really ready to give up any of the grills I have. My wife then sees the call out and says, you need to talk to him and see what the price is. She said, that's the one you wanted right?
I was dumbfounded, I passed on it (I may need to seek counseling) but now I know for sure she is just as hooked as I am. Maybe that's why she picked up 12 bags of lump charcoal for me.
Quote from: Yendor on May 23, 2016, 12:45:26 PM
Well the wife kicked in a little elbow grease this weekend. We got our scrap heap find out and installed the wheels and a new handle from Brian. I can't believe this was in the scrap ready to thrown away! So glad that we can get her cleaned up and ready to cook again. I may have to do a little caressing of the inner bowl due to it being dropped by someone causing the leg to punch a dent in and now it has a lean to it. Anyone else ever take a ball peen hammed to straighten that out? I didn't go too far with the clean up, its going to be cooked with, so I don't need a beauty queen. Had about 40 years of muck in it too.
I would kill to find an old red that nice!
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No, my wife is not thrilled.
My wife loves the food off the grills but isn't as understanding about the number of grills I own. We are currently in an agreement where if I get a new one I have to get rid of one.
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My wife is loving all the food I'm cooking, hasn't complained much about me having 3 grills (4 if you include the gasser) but what she doesn't know (yet) is that I have 2, possibly 3 more in the works! I think it would be GREAT to have 3 more grills! Red, white and blue! How can she say no to my patriotism?
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Mine was sort of upset when I had 10, now that there are around 20, she has resigned to accept it. At least she has more shoes!!!
Not really. Usually, I just say "got to go, I can make crazy money on this grill." Then a few days later I say I'm never selling the grill. I've got a sweet hiding place though.
My wife doesn't understand it but it didn't stop her from bring this home for me. Brown EO. It has quickly become my favorite. Maybe used once, just left outside for the handles to rot. With the last name Brown, you need a brownie. (
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Stick the handles in a sandwich bag with some mineral oil in it. let the wood absorb the oil for a day, then give it a good wipe. They'll still look decrepit, but will last a while. Then once you're done that get ahold of
@zavod44 and order a set of new wood handles. You won't regret it.
Quote from: Darko on June 08, 2016, 06:30:41 PM
Stick the handles in a sandwich bag with some mineral oil in it. let the wood absorb the oil for a day, then give it a good wipe. They'll still look decrepit, but will last a while. Then once you're done that get ahold of @zavod44 and order a set of new wood handles. You won't regret it.
I'd skip the mineral oil part and just contact
@zavod44 , that's where the handle for my scrap pile came from. Totally made that ancient beast look showroom floor new.
I can help you...let me know, send me a PM
Sent from my Motorola Droid Turbo 2
mine is cool with it. it was her idea to keep a second cooker about so we can multi-task.
And here I sit, just sent an email on a performer I found on CL. Deal is too good to pass up. Hopefully I wasn't too late on it.
My wife is on-board with me cooking... but she does not understand why I need more than 1 grill and 1 smoker..... she does not get the kettle collecting side ha
Quote from: zavod44 on June 09, 2016, 07:39:56 AM
I can help you...let me know, send me a PM
Sent from my Motorola Droid Turbo 2
Do you allow visitors? I'm not far from you and prefer to use cash.
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We'll figure what you want, I'll get it done. If you want to swing by and pick them up we can do that....
Sent from my Motorola Droid Turbo 2
She is not totally "hooked" but she doesnt mind if I cook a whole chicken, corn, beans, galric bread for her when she brings it home from the store. :)