It is with deep regret that I must inform you all of the sad state of our Education system here in the US of A. Hopefully it is just a regional thing-that is my hope?
My wife requested my Q200 to grill some burgers for the office staff at the local High School. So I dutifully cleaned it up, checked its operation ( fires up on first ignition and tip top shape I might add!) and a provided a full bulk tank of propane, loaded it in her Urban Assault Vehicle and with happy heart, I felt assured it would do its thing.
Fellow WKC'rs, how wrong I was!!
Woke up to a flurry of texts and voicemails alternately demeaning my beloved Q200 and my credibilty, claiming it wouldn't light, they had to run to the Ace for 1lb cans of propane and lunch was an hour late, and 4 and possibly more grown men- so called "grillers" -teachers and leaders in the eyes of our nations youth were unable to light said grill!
Bullshit!! I declared!
As I took it out of my wifes UAV and hooked it up and by beloved Q200 fires up on the first push of the igniter! Wifey glares and mutters under her breath!
Leave it to the Professionals I declare, as I roast a chicken basil sausage in the driveway!
just sayin'
Funny story. Could they not properly connect the bulk propane cylinder?
I'm thinking they turned the propane valve on too fast with the control knob in the OFF position and it messed with the regulator.
I should have walked my OL through the startup procedure
Common core, the root of all ignorance.
Quote from: swamprb on May 19, 2016, 02:57:40 AM
I'm thinking they turned the propane valve on too fast with the control knob in the OFF position and it messed with the regulator.
I should have walked my OL through the startup procedure
This^^^^ Common problem with a Q on a bulk tank. It sets off the OPD valve if there is a rush of fuel.
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on May 19, 2016, 03:06:38 AM
Common core, the root of all ignorance.
Cmon now.
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I hear this all the time from my girlfriend's mom. I gave her the Q and they can never seem to get it working.
What's the trick you guys use? I don't use the Q so much (tailgating and occasionally as an overflow area at a party) but can typically get it going. I also know they can be finicky in the cold with the 20lb tank.
Quote from: Troy on May 19, 2016, 07:31:28 AM
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on May 19, 2016, 03:06:38 AM
Common core, the root of all ignorance.
Cmon now.
Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
I knew that would get to someone. :)
Interesting. Is the regulator on the 200 different than/more sensitive than on the 3xx/3xxx Q's? On my Q300 I could just turn on the gas and go. And I think the instructions even said to only turn on the gas when the valves were OFF (and to wait 60 seconds or so, before turning them on?)
[I don't know anything about pressure differences of 1lb vs 20lb tanks?]
Quote from: jkolantern on May 19, 2016, 07:31:35 AM
I hear this all the time from my girlfriend's mom. I gave her the Q and they can never seem to get it working.
What's the trick you guys use? I don't use the Q so much (tailgating and occasionally as an overflow area at a party) but can typically get it going. I also know they can be finicky in the cold with the 20lb tank.
I'll just let them use it with the 1lb. canisters of propane from now on. They were able to get it going with it.
Quote from: glrasmussen on May 19, 2016, 06:40:05 AM
Quote from: swamprb on May 19, 2016, 02:57:40 AM
I'm thinking they turned the propane valve on too fast with the control knob in the OFF position and it messed with the regulator.
I should have walked my OL through the startup procedure
This^^^^ Common problem with a Q on a bulk tank. It sets off the OPD valve if there is a rush of fuel.
Yeah - I noticed that you can hear it set off the OPD valve on the bulk tank when you turn it on and the burner control knob is in the OFF position.
I'm just in the habit of turning off the gassers at the tank when I'm done with them and leave the burner controls open.
Well it seems there is a trick to it, so you can't really blame user error if no one knows the trick. Maybe the person who withheld the knowledge in the first place is to blame.... ;)
Quote from: addicted-to-smoke on May 19, 2016, 09:43:06 AM
Interesting. Is the regulator on the 200 different than/more sensitive than on the 3xx/3xxx Q's? On my Q300 I could just turn on the gas and go. And I think the instructions even said to only turn on the gas when the valves were OFF (and to wait 60 seconds or so, before turning them on?)
[I don't know anything about pressure differences of 1lb vs 20lb tanks?]
I have a brand new Q2200 with the adapter. Through reading different websites, including the Weber website, I found that when the tank valve is turned on you need to wait at least one minute to equalize the pressure. I guess it has something to do with the length of the adapter hose and regulator size. I have tried this and the grill works perfectly.
I have an old Q100 I have used with a big tank for years......i never had it do anything goofy. The gas supply on my SS performer on the other hand, was such a constant PITA that I finally just stopped using it.
A bit off topic here, but the title still fits.....
I was golfing this past weekend. The cute 18 y/o beverage cart girl drives up and we all place our beer orders. My being the guy I am, I bought the beers. So, taped on her windshield is the prices of the different beers she has with the prices.... We order 4 beers, 3 different beers but each $4. Clearly marked on her windshield.
I handed her a $20 while she was trying to do the math. I was just about to say keep the change....when she finally got frustrated and said $15.
I took the $5 back and gave her $3.
When I moved into my house, I had a roommate move in as well. He happened to be the first person to try turning on the stove and the washing machine but the stove didn't heat and the washing machine didn't fill. I went down to the basement and switched the breaker for the stove on and turned on the hot and cold taps supplying the washing machine and they both worked fine. When the one touch gold grill was given to me by my stepgrandmother as a housewarming present, the roommate wouldn't use it even though I showed him now.
Quote from: EricD on May 23, 2016, 11:47:01 AM
We order 4 beers, 3 different beers but each $4. Clearly marked on her windshield.
I handed her a $20 while she was trying to do the math. I was just about to say keep the change....when she finally got frustrated and said $15.
I took the $5 back and gave her $3.
I got off the commuter train on my way to work for an afternoon shift and stopped at a cafe in the station to get a coffee and pastry. $3.50. I handed the cashier a $2 coin, five quarters, a dime, and three nickels. The lady at the cash register counted it. Counted it again, counted it a third time, and then turned to the next cashier and said, "I don't know how to change this." I almost said, "It's exact change. You don't change it." except the next cashier counted it up and rang the sale through without a problem. I don't know if it's the state of the education system or what employers are willing to accept in order to get away with paying minimum wage or some combination that leads to people who can't count change to work as cashiers, but it's depressing how common situations like these are.
^^^^ And now we are going to be paying them $15 an hour for that!
Quote from: EricD on May 24, 2016, 09:34:42 AM
^^^^ And now we are going to be paying them $15 an hour for that!
Perhaps, OR it may attract a higher class of worker. Gotta be careful with those assumptions ... either way, they stand a better chance of keeping their lights on at night.
I have no problem with an increase in the current minimum wages. I don't think $15 an hour to flip burgers, or pump gas, is 'fair' (maybe appropriate is a better word). In this Age of the Millennial do you really think it will attract a higher class of worker? I have the feeling it will further promote the 'laziness' of the generation.
(ie. I don't foresee college graduates (or "higher class of worker" settling for minimum wage positions)
Unfortunately I think that many College grads will take minimum wage positions- but NOT happily 8)
My attempt to be funny has spiraled downward.
Quote from: swamprb on May 29, 2016, 01:42:12 PM
My attempt to be funny has spiraled downward.
Hah, left hand smoke.
Are you left handed, or do you smoke left handed? ;)
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