Has anyone picked one of these up yet? I got mine at an Ace Hardware today. They are free of course. As you know, in the past, they have put mini Weber Timelines in it with photos of historical grills. This year they have a section titled "Weber Milestones" They include several photos of older grills, but now give timelines with dates when some older grills were introduced. Examples...
1952 Weber kettle created
1956 George Stephen redesigns the kettle to look more like today's iconic shape
1959 Weber Brothers acquired Metal Works
1960 Weber introduces the Galley-Que
1965 Weber introduces the Ranger
1967 Weber introduces the Seville
1970 Weber brand gains national recognition
1971 Weber introduces the first gas grill
1972 Weber introduces the first electric grill
1981 Weber introduces the Smokey Mountain Cooker smoker
1990 The Performer charcoal grill is introduced
It goes on into the 90's and 00's with other stuff most people are more familar with.
I need to drop by Ace for a couple. Thanks!
Would someone scan and post them for Golly and myself to perve on
I picked up two today and am going to send them to you and Golly. I wonder if anyone has the old catalog pictured in it?
That's awesome Duke
You Grillfellas are untouchable!!!!!
Quote from: Hogsy on March 03, 2013, 09:37:24 PM
That's awesome Duke
You Grillfellas are untouchable!!!!!
That's awesome! I was at my local Ace yesterday having a perv with the new version of the Jumbo Joe and missed out on these. Hogsy, you know your a Grillfella too! ;)
Oh yeah, Golly and Hogsy are definitly Grillfellas! They play hardball out there. 8)