Hello All,
I have been thinking now for a few months to get a kettle. Spending my time waiting for a sale on the mastertouch (I am from Ontario, Canada). And then a breakthrough. Someone in the neighborhood was throwing their kettle away. He was moving to a condo, and just wanted to get rid of it. He was really nice about it. Without hesitation I drove over and took whatever he was willing to give me. What I got is I believe a One Touch Deluxe, plus his left over charcoal. It has seen its time, and due for a cleanup.
The one touch blades were rusty and bent, so they got removed and bent into shape. There is a spot of rust on the lid, and few others spots on the both. No holes though, thankfully. The lid bales were melted right off. Went to the store to order new bales, and they wanted $20 for them (additional shipping cost from weber). I am going to look for an alternative. I ended up buying new a charcoal grate, chimney starter, charcoal basket and cleaning brush. They did not have stock on the hinged cooing grate. Will have to find one of those later this week
After raeding threads over here, I don't think my wife will be to happy if I start a kettle family!
beautiful clean up, looks like that should serve you well for a long time to come......
that's a blaik beauty right there! congrats!
I used one of those as my daily cooker for years before I got my gas assist performer. If it had gas assist, I would still be using it. One of these days I'm going to fix that.
Very nice!!! Crazy how nice they shine up!
Looks great nice cleanup
I love they way that black cleans up. Great score!
Totally underrated grill, I had one for a while a few years ago and liked it a lot.
Welcome to the WKC, Z. Nice shine on it. Down here they were called One Touch Platinum (there were also others called that with traditional side tables.)
Keep and eye out for a 7457 cover for it, either Weber's or something like a Yukon Gold perhaps.
I didn't post Canadian links because they're depressing.
Nice work on the cleanup! Like others have said, it will serve you well for many years to come.
Nice looking cooker, Z. Welcome!
Wow, that one cleaned up nice! Congrats!
Nice score and welcome! It kind of looks like the tables still look dirty in the pics? If so, Magic Erasers will take care of that. Available at any grocery store (at least around here) Home Depot etc.
Nice rescue! I wonder if wood bail rollers would work?
I have them if you want to try, I did also make a wood handle for this, a big one....it was awesome
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Welcome to the WKC from Eugene, Oregon. You got a great find and local at that. Good job in the cleanUP. SJ
Thanks all. The rust on the lid bugs me, especially when you see it next to the shiny paint. Is there a high heat paint in a touch-up stick or brush applicator? Or is a spray can my only option.
Quote from: AZ Monsoon on April 18, 2016, 02:44:14 PM
Nice score and welcome! It kind of looks like the tables still look dirty in the pics? If so, Magic Erasers will take care of that. Available at any grocery store (at least around here) Home Depot etc.
I will give that a shot next. I tried multiple rounds of simple green, but I couldnt get it clean.