I was browsing CL for free stuff and clicked on a link for a shed. In the background of the pics I saw a Performer covered with yard debris and leaves. I asked the poster if he was interested in getting rid of it and he said yes. I picked it up on Tuesday and have been cleaning it up since.
Overall it is solid. The kettle is a bit rough, but still shines up and it cleaned up well. I replaced the ash bowl, ash sweeper, grates, thermometer, burner tube, and I have a new style regulator on the way.
The biggest issue is that the welds on the lid handle seem to be a bit weak. You can feel the handle bend a little when you lift the lid. Any suggestions, other than a new lid once the welds completely fail?
(http://i1168.photobucket.com/albums/r500/Magonzova/image.jpg3_zpshakopn2d.jpg) (http://s1168.photobucket.com/user/Magonzova/media/image.jpg3_zpshakopn2d.jpg.html)
(http://i1168.photobucket.com/albums/r500/Magonzova/image.jpg4_zpsleeytltv.jpg) (http://s1168.photobucket.com/user/Magonzova/media/image.jpg4_zpsleeytltv.jpg.html)
(http://i1168.photobucket.com/albums/r500/Magonzova/image.jpg1_zpssfnuwro4.jpg) (http://s1168.photobucket.com/user/Magonzova/media/image.jpg1_zpssfnuwro4.jpg.html)
(http://i1168.photobucket.com/albums/r500/Magonzova/image.jpg2_zpshi6ntqnw.jpg) (http://s1168.photobucket.com/user/Magonzova/media/image.jpg2_zpshi6ntqnw.jpg.html)
It is also missing the charcoal bin, not sure if I want it or not.
I have had handles like that before.
I took the wood handle off and drilled through the flanges where the handle strap is welded to the dome. Find an appropriately sized stainless button head bolt, fender washer for the inside of the dome, lock washer and nut or jam nut. Bolt it all together. May not be original but it keeps the Webers working.
Looks good. Great clean up and restore.
Tough to come up with a charcoal bin unless you find a trashed SSP with a not-trashed bin, but that empty space underneath could be very useful. Mount an appropriately sized tray under the SS lid, install drawers underneath, shelves...could be very cool. It is still a nice old grill.
Good find!
Very nice. Did you opt for the stainless grates?
Thanks for the comments. I may try the handle tip that Harbormaster recommended. I put the standard grates that they sell at Taylor's Do it Center.
Today will be the first cook, good old Chiavetta's chicken.
i did find four coal bins online so I may buy one.
Congratulations! This is a gorgeous example of what is in my humble opinion the pinnacle of Weber design. Love the SS with all my heart.
Sorry to hear that the handle is failing... that's a real bummer. I would also recommend the careful addition of some fasteners to hold it on. That's the way my red SS was modified. Not a satisfying conclusion, but it's better to make the repair sooner, before the handle comes lose and your lid hits the ground.
The charcoal bins I found online are only for the no GA models.
Thanks Mike!
Does anyone know the function of the wide SS hook on the right side of the frame? It is on the hinge side of the door. It is visible in the second pic above.
Quote from: magonzo on March 19, 2016, 07:27:38 AM
Does anyone know the function of the wide SS hook on the right side of the frame? It is on the hinge side of the door. It is visible in the second pic above.
That's for hanging the grate while lighting the charcoal. Very nice pickup!
Thanks Ted, makes sense.
Nice job on the clean up.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
Great clean up. I have her sister redhead. A Looker and a Cooker.
Nicely done Sir! Slick lookin redhead!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
I have been a Weber user since 2002. What amazes me is that they keep refining the products, but keep the basic recipe. The parts on this 1991 performer are almost all interchangeable with the grills they produce today. The ash sweep, ash catcher, burners, etc.
I have a 2002 OTS, a 2002 silver Genesis, both bought new, and a gas-n-go anywhere, a Weber Q and Jumbo Joe for the camper.
Quote from: Harbormaster on March 18, 2016, 05:00:36 PM
I have had handles like that before.
I took the wood handle off and drilled through the flanges where the handle strap is welded to the dome. Find an appropriately sized stainless button head bolt, fender washer for the inside of the dome, lock washer and nut or jam nut. Bolt it all together. May not be original but it keeps the Webers working.
I agree....you can do this, if you do it clean it won't look bad at all, it will greatly strengthen the feel of the handle. I have had this same problem with these particular grills more than once......I have the charcoal bin you need...it won't be cheap to ship, but maybe someone will be in this area over Easter or something and we can get it to you if your interested.....
Quote from: magonzo on March 19, 2016, 07:25:15 AM
The charcoal bins I found online are only for the no GA models.
I'm pretty sure the charcoal bins are identical between the two SSP models. I just swapped one from a SSP without the gas assist, to a SSP with gas assist. I didn't think to check if there was a difference, but it sure wasn't obvious if there was. I can verify this on Monday if you like.
Great Rescue, thank you. That SSP is going to give you years of great cooks. My local True Value Hardware sells the correct LPG tank for your SSP. It's pricey though, but the TnG is a really great feature of this Performer. Check out one near you. Or you might find one nearby that needs the OPD upgrade, not a cheap proposition either. In my case, the TnG was worth the money and effort. SJ
Thanks Smokin Joe. I just installed the new style regulator. I cobbled together a bracket and mounted it near where the large bottle would go. Works like a champ. I have the little control knob of the new regulator accessible from the front of the grill. I will post a pic once I get to the PC.
@magonzo - What
@Harbormaster and
@mike.stavlund have said, you can secure the handle to the lid with SS bolts, washers and nuts. My red SS had the same handle issue yours does. I just left it alone until it finally popped off. When it did pop off, it left small holes in the lid which made the nuts and bolts repair a lot easier since I didn't have to drill the lid. I just made sure to use bigger washers than I really needed to make sure the pressure of the bolts is being spread out. My handle is nice and tight now. And since the actuall handle was still in very good shape I didn't use any washers on the handle side. It let me keep the shiny SS bolts a little less noticable than it would be with washers.
Thanks Mike. I did this repair a few days ago and it worked great. Of course my drill bit wandered and one of the holes is slightly off center, but it looks good and is solid. I used 3/4" 1/4-20 screws with fender washers.
Good looking SS Redhead nice rescue and restore!
Way to bring this one back to life, this has to be one of the best grills weber has ever made!
The bottom frame rails on my grill are loose. The threaded inserts are all corroded where the bolts go through from the side. I cannot find the inserts online, so I am thinking of running 3/8"threaded rod through the length of the rails and securing with nuts on each end, then dress it up with an acorn nut.
@magonzo I believe your SSP frame is held together by what are called "Star Nuts". They come in at least two sizes and can be ordered from Amazon or purchased from your local bicycle shop. They are known to rust and become less than reliable. This replacement procedure has been heavily discussed in the past ... try a search or maybe one of the other members can provide a link. SJ
http://www.amazon.com/Wheels-Manufacturing-Double-Flanged-Steerer/dp/B00570UKT4?ie=UTF8&colid=2UWZ69FYGIW0O&coliid=INXF9IGIM6KRJ&ref_=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl (http://www.amazon.com/Wheels-Manufacturing-Double-Flanged-Steerer/dp/B00570UKT4?ie=UTF8&colid=2UWZ69FYGIW0O&coliid=INXF9IGIM6KRJ&ref_=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl)