Weber Kettle Club Forums

Cooking & Food Talk => Charcoal Grilling & BBQ => Topic started by: Neil_VT00 on December 15, 2015, 11:46:22 AM

Title: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: Neil_VT00 on December 15, 2015, 11:46:22 AM
I've been keeping an eye out for a good deal on a WSM, but have also had my share of success on a 22" kettle using the snake method (thanks to WKC!).  That makes me wonder, when would I actually use the WSM over the kettle?

To the owners of both kettle(s) and WSM(s) is, what is the deciding factor for when to cook on a WSM vs. a kettle? How do these factors come into play: cook time, desired temp, availability to monitor? 

Thanks for the input.
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: iCARRY on December 15, 2015, 12:08:33 PM
Amount of food and if I am going to be home. If I am going out all day, the WSM gets the call.

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Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: MikeRocksTheRed on December 15, 2015, 12:51:44 PM
to add on since I don't have a WSM but do have a would a 26er fit into the equation?  It provides a lot more space, especially if you have a elevated grate for it.  @iCARRY's comment about being home or not would still give the WSM an edge if you aren't going to be home, but I have gotten comfortable enough with my 22's and 26er to leave it for an hour or two without worry of the temp spiking or the coals fizzling out (especially with my 26er).
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: Josh G on December 15, 2015, 01:14:08 PM
I know some people are having good luck with the Slow 'n Sear on the kettle and swear you can leave them unattended for hours.  They are a little pricey but much cheaper than a WSM. 
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: crowderjd on December 15, 2015, 02:05:14 PM
The biggest pro of the WSM in my opinion, is that it is pretty foolproof.  I use the minion method for starting it up, get it up to temperature and it STAYS there for HOURS.  The first couple of times, I kept on looking at it every half hour or so, like my kettle, but the last couple of times, I'll check it every two hours or so, and it just keeps hovering around 250 or so.  I always find myself having to fiddle with the vents when using a kettle to smoke.

The other upside is using both levels of grill grates.  I've done five racks of ribs at once on there, and feel confident I could do four large pork butts.

The DOWNSIDE of the WSM (I have the 18.5) is that it uses SO much more charcoal than the snake method.  I know you can use it again, but still, it uses A LOT. 

Finally, as @MikeRocksTheRed said, I've been curious about a 26er.  If I could find one, I'd try it and see how it went in comparison to my WSM. 
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: Big Dawg on December 15, 2015, 02:54:28 PM
The main factor, as other said, is amount of food being cooked.  I've fit up to eight butts, if they were under 8 lbs. each.  I can easily fit three racks of St. Louis on a grate.  I've considered adding a third grate so I could go up to nine racks if needed.

I've got a 26.75 kettle and think I could probably get four racks or butts.  But I've also considered picking a 22.5 rack and adding some carriage bolts to give some additional cooking surface.

Another additional consideration would be if you were thinking about adding controller, like the DigiQ (, it bolts right up to the WSM.  I think you would have to cut a hole in the Kettle to add one.

Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: LaTuFu on December 15, 2015, 03:45:05 PM
I use my 26 all the time, with a Slow N Sear.  Its pretty foolproof and doesn't need much adjustment most of the time.  At 225-250, I need to refuel somewhere in the 6-8 hour timeframe depending on air temps.

If I can find a good deal on a 22 WSM I'll jump on it though, for the increased volume of food it will allow me to prepare.  I can easily fit 2 butts on the 26 with plenty of room to spare.  3 would be no trouble, 4 is going to push it with the way the SnS sets up.  It might be possible with a snake, but it would definitely be pushing it. 

I cooked for a holiday party last week and I was definitely pushing the limits with the food I was making.

For regular family cooks, my 26 is just fine, especially with the SnS.  The 22 is great with it, too, but I tend to use the 26 more often just because of the amount of food I'm cooking. 
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: WNC on December 15, 2015, 04:09:39 PM
I've got a 22 wsm, a 26er kettle, and several 22 kettles, and for me it really comes down to what @iCARRY and @crowderjd said about size and easy of use.

The wsm will hold a lot of food and just hold temp like a champ with very little fiddling. That being said if I'm just doing one butt, or one rack of ribs I'll just run one of the kettles because I get the same results with a fraction of charcoal.

Do I regret getting my wsm, no way! They are just so easy to use, and I've gotten somewhere around 15+ hours easy out a load of charcoal.

Does it get the call a lot, not really since getting the 26er, but I love having it in the arsenal.
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: MrHoss on December 15, 2015, 06:27:03 PM
Brisket and butts go on the 22 WSM and Prime Rib and Chuck roasts on the 14 WSM - everything else on a Kettle.
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: jcnaz on December 15, 2015, 07:55:06 PM
I have an 18" WSM, a 22" CB conversion, a 26" Kettle, and a bunch of 22" and 18" kettles. They each have their strengths.
As was mentioned before, the WSM will lock in at the desired temp and stay there for hours. I like to put a couple of pork shoulders on it around midnight and go to bed. I check on them when I get up about 7 or 8 hours later. Sometime around noon the pork will be ready to rest in the faux cambro.
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: pbe gummi bear on December 15, 2015, 08:38:54 PM
I have a bunch of 22" kettles and a 22.5" WSM.  This is my cooking choice flowchart in text form:

1- Will I need temp higher than 300? If yes, use a kettle. If no, move to 2.

2- Will my smoke session last longer than 3 hours? If yes, use the WSM. If no, move to 3.

3- Will what I'm cooking fit flat on the grate without any of the meat being too close to the fire or being overcrowded? If yes, consider using the kettle or move to 4.

4- Do I want to impress my friends when they come over because I "fired up the huge smoker for them"? If yes, use the WSM. lol

Given that I don't cook too often I rarely break rules 1-3 unless there are extenuating circumstances. ymmv

Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: swamprb on December 16, 2015, 03:10:31 AM
I'll chime in and make a suggestion that you consider a Cajun Bandit Stacker for your kettle if you have reservations of using a WSM. I don't really want to try to talk you out of getting a bullet, because you'll love it once you get it and start using it.

Deciding factor for me is boredom using one particular cooker for any length of time. I'm actually partial to drum smokers over the WSM's, but that will likely change soon since I just got a Hunsaker Smokers Vortex Firebasket for the 22" WSM which should get my creative juices flowing! (
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: OoPEZoO on December 16, 2015, 03:37:23 AM
For me it is amount of food and amount of time I'm expecting to that food to take to cook.

If its a rack or two of ribs, a small brisket flat, or a small chunk of chuck for Pepper Stout Beef, I always reach for the 26er.  If I'm doing a pork butt.....I usually take advantage of the opportunity and do 2-3 10Lb+ butts in the WSM.

I don't smoke much of anything in a 22" kettle, as the 26er blows it out of the water with reference to low temperature control.
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: Tommy B on December 16, 2015, 04:48:05 AM
I had a cheap-o brinkman gasser and then bought a WSM. the WSM brought me into the weber world and now I own a WSM and and 4 kettles. I cooked on the WSM 2-3 times a week every week for about 2 years before i got a kettle. I love my kettles but I have so much more control over temps etc on the WSM when it comes to long cooks. I know exactly how much fuel based on cook conditions etc. I use my WSM as much as my kettles. It is a good investment
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: stellato1976 on December 16, 2015, 08:23:39 AM
I got a 22 performer and use it to smoke on all the time... 3 slabs no problem 5lbs leg of lamb great.  I am in the same boat with the WSM always wanted one but did not know if it is worth the $300?  I was in home depot yesterday and there she was 18" of smokey mountain just sitting there marked down to $150.  Wife was with me at the time so had to pass and did not really want to spend the cash.  Just bought 2 webers this week and got a bid on another.. I just cant stop thinking about it. just cant see how much use it will get.  Would be great to add to the collection.  If it is there Thurs.  that may be the sign to   Is the 18 too small??
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: pbe gummi bear on December 16, 2015, 10:25:42 AM
Quote from: stellato1976 on December 16, 2015, 08:23:39 AM
I got a 22 performer and use it to smoke on all the time... 3 slabs no problem 5lbs leg of lamb great.  I am in the same boat with the WSM always wanted one but did not know if it is worth the $300?  I was in home depot yesterday and there she was 18" of smokey mountain just sitting there marked down to $150.  Wife was with me at the time so had to pass and did not really want to spend the cash.  Just bought 2 webers this week and got a bid on another.. I just cant stop thinking about it. just cant see how much use it will get.  Would be great to add to the collection.  If it is there Thurs.  that may be the sign to   Is the 18 too small??

Just buy it. The used 18" wsm's sell for close to $200 no problem so you have nothing to lose.
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: iCARRY on December 16, 2015, 11:30:40 AM
I have no need for an 18 cause I have the 22, but I wouldn't even think twice about buying it at that price.

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Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: MikeRocksTheRed on December 16, 2015, 12:23:19 PM
or buy it, sell it right away for $200 then get a 22!
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: AZ Monsoon on December 16, 2015, 02:57:43 PM
I had a WSM and sold it. Just sat around collecting dust in my case.
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: stellato1976 on December 16, 2015, 04:09:43 PM
Quote from: AZ Monsoon on December 16, 2015, 02:57:43 PM
I had a WSM and sold it. Just sat around collecting dust in my case.
That is what I am afraid of...$150 and I can get a CAJUN BANDIT ROT :).. walked past her again at home depot today  maybe tomorrow .
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: Jason on December 16, 2015, 04:50:57 PM
If space is an issue, and you routinely smoke large pieces of meat, or lots of it, the WSM makes sense. If you only "occasionally" do large cuts, or quantity, a few kettles can get the job done too. If space/money isn't an issue, I say get the WSM, as it is an awesome smoker!
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: SmokenJoe on December 26, 2015, 10:58:54 PM
I love this thread ... had to think a while since I usually just let the kettle that wants to cook today's meal tell me when I look at them ...

18" WSM -- best turkey ever done.
18" WSM -- best pork shoulder ever done.
18" WSM -- biggest amount of Pork ribs ever done.
18" WSM -- easiest to use (I hate that about it, less time for cigars & single malt)

22" Kettle -- best Pork ribs ever done
22" Kettle -- best chicken ever done
22" Kettle -- best prime rib on Roti ever done (Would have brought tears to the eyes of Meathead)
22" Kettle -- best steak, burgers, etc. ever done
22" Kettle -- best full meals ever done (although the "use an 18" only meal cook was fun")
22" Kettle -- best stir fry ever/only done on 22" Kettle
22" Kettle -- requires slightly more attention than the WSM (I like that, you know why)
22" Kettle -- best economy of fuel source (especially using the fuse method)

However, that being said, I believe that you can use either/all of these Weber cookers to produce the most excellent gastronomic treats known to mankind ... Just ask
Mr Buckie.                         SJ
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: jdefran on December 27, 2015, 04:59:43 AM
Great thread, thanks @Neil_VT00.

All the info provided here is helpful and answers a lot of the questions I have; especially 26" kettle v WSM.
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: SmokenJoe on December 27, 2015, 08:22:27 AM
Quote from: stellato1976 on December 16, 2015, 04:09:43 PM
   ...$150 and I can get a CAJUN BANDIT ROT :).. walked past her again at home depot today  maybe tomorrow .

Ah yes  ...  a Roti.  I feel I must point out, at this point, that a Roti is the antithesis of a Smoker.  BOTH are essential tools to the "outdoor" chef.  It's not a matter of which, it's a matter of which first  8)    ;)                               SJ
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: pbe gummi bear on December 27, 2015, 08:51:11 AM
Quote from: SmokenJoe on December 26, 2015, 10:58:54 PM
I love this thread ... had to think a while since I usually just let the kettle that wants to cook today's meal tell me when I look at them ...

18" WSM -- best turkey ever done.
18" WSM -- best pork shoulder ever done.
18" WSM -- biggest amount of Pork ribs ever done.
18" WSM -- easiest to use (I hate that about it, less time for cigars & single malt)

22" Kettle -- best Pork ribs ever done
22" Kettle -- best chicken ever done
22" Kettle -- best prime rib on Roti ever done (Would have brought tears to the eyes of Meathead)
22" Kettle -- best steak, burgers, etc. ever done
22" Kettle -- best full meals ever done (although the "use an 18" only meal cook was fun")
22" Kettle -- best stir fry ever/only done on 22" Kettle
22" Kettle -- requires slightly more attention than the WSM (I like that, you know why)
22" Kettle -- best economy of fuel source (especially using the fuse method)

However, that being said, I believe that you can use either/all of these Weber cookers to produce the most excellent gastronomic treats known to mankind ... Just ask
Mr Buckie.                         SJ

Hey @SmokenJoe you gotta add the models and most importantly, the colors to the list. Because some colors cook better than others, you know. :D
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: SmokenJoe on December 27, 2015, 09:14:50 AM
@pbe gummi bear   You anarchist, are you trying to upset my girls ???   They are all equal in my eyes, but we all have favorites :)  ;D   ;)              SJ
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: swamprb on December 30, 2015, 03:30:03 PM
I cringe when I hear people say the 22" WSM is a fuel hog. They obviously don't know how to cook or are cheap a$$es!
Title: Re: Kettle v. WSM Usage
Post by: iCARRY on December 30, 2015, 03:36:14 PM
Just used 6-7 lbs of kingsford, 20 lit coals in the center, no water in the pan, got 7 hours out of it. Would have maintained temp for another 30-60 minutes. Not a fuel hog at all.

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