My wife bakes bread...a lot! It's amazing! Although she struggles with the concept of someone collecting many kettles after all "who needs that many?" She does really enjoy my obsession with the mere two I have and it comes in the form of this....
"I'm baking bread, why don't you try a loaf in the kettle?"
The darker one is from the kettle, lighter one is oven baked. Man was it soft and moist.
Both look good. I think the kettle version looks better!
There we go! My girlfriend is skeptical of baking things on the kettle....
GF: "I don't want my chocolate chip cookies to taste like smoke"
Me: "I won't add any wood and I'll use lump that burns really clean"
GF: "I'm not sure...."
I might just have to do some baking myself (not my thing) and trick her to get her on board with this 8)
I do tons of baking on the kettle. With a good clean fire you can bake anything and not worry about a smokey taste. Brownies , dump cakes , rolls , waffles , egg dishes . All things that would adsorb smoke quite easily and I never get any off taste. My wife and I prefer the texture of things baked on the kettle over the conventional oven actually. I like to use a elevated warming rack , seems to work out great for baking .
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Nice bread looks great!
Awesome! What are you guys using to build clean burning fires for baking?
That's awesome - nice job Lumpy!
Quote from: Uncle Al on October 19, 2015, 08:24:54 PM
Awesome! What are you guys using to build clean burning fires for baking?
Not so much about what your using as it is about the coals being fully ignited and not using smoke woods . :)
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Looks awesome! Recipe?
I used lump.
Thanks for the compliments but as the story goes, my wife gets the credit for this.
Quote from: TheDude on October 20, 2015, 11:15:40 AM
Looks awesome! Recipe?
She wrote it all out for some guys at work, she may still have a copy I'll post.
@Lumpy Coal thanks man. A good bread can really tie a meal together.