Weber Kettle Club Forums

Cooking & Food Talk => Charcoal Grilling & BBQ => Topic started by: Derek on September 15, 2015, 10:06:06 PM

Title: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: Derek on September 15, 2015, 10:06:06 PM
I'm having trouble keeping the coals burning in my Smokey Joe while camping. I start the coals in a chimney, dump them after about 15, 20 minutes. They seem to slowly start going out as soon as they leave the chimney. Sometimes I can't even get a couple burgers done before the kettle turns from hot to barely warm. Last weekend I had both vents wide open, and the lid cracked a bit; still no luck. My home grill is a one touch that I have no problems with at all. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: Jon on September 15, 2015, 10:39:46 PM
What comes to mind is either not fully lit charcoal or not enough O2 (top and bottom vents).

More lighter fluid is probably the answer, but I would first check the fuel and the air supply and make sure that chimney is lit to the top before you dump it.
Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: CharliefromLI on September 16, 2015, 03:56:38 AM

Smokey joe Silver with one bottom vent or smokey joe gold with two side vents?  SJ's can be affected by limited air flow and ash build up choking out the fire.  Keep a skewer handy to unclog vents on a silver. A simple charcoal basket can be modded from some expanded metal too.

What kind of coals are you using, and how much? Often lighting a full load of coals in a chimney is overkill. By the time, the top of the chimney is lit the bottom coals are spent. Lately i have only lit a minimum amount of coals in the chimney to start 1/4 to 1/2 chimney at most. once i dump them then i add additional unlit on top and let the new coal catch while the grill and grate preheat. You save time so you can start cooking sooner and your coals will have more cook time left.

Best of luck.

Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: blksabbath on September 16, 2015, 06:14:09 AM
This is how I do it with my SJ silver and it can stay blazing hot for an hour...maybe more.  Make sure the bottom vent is clear and wide open.  Light the coals in the chimney....about 1/2 full in the big one or full in the little chimney.  When the flames are just coming out the top, but not completely ashed over, dump'em in and let them go for a few with the lid completely off.  I usually do a two zone cook, so I dump them all on one side which covers a little more than 1/3 of the bottom grate.  Put the lid back on and leave the top vent wide open.  Cook and enjoy!

You might be doing everything right and just not using enough coal for what you want to cook or waiting too long to start.  If that's the case and things seem like they are cooling down, just add some more unlight coals on top of the others.

Hope this helps
Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: Josh G on September 16, 2015, 12:18:42 PM
Quote from: blksabbath on September 16, 2015, 06:14:09 AM
This is how I do it with my SJ silver and it can stay blazing hot for an hour...maybe more.  Make sure the bottom vent is clear and wide open.  Light the coals in the chimney....about 1/2 full in the big one or full in the little chimney.  When the flames are just coming out the top, but not completely ashed over, dump'em in and let them go for a few with the lid completely off.  I usually do a two zone cook, so I dump them all on one side which covers a little more than 1/3 of the bottom grate.  Put the lid back on and leave the top vent wide open.  Cook and enjoy!

That's exactly how I do it as well and it works great.
Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: Bobby R on September 16, 2015, 12:30:32 PM
Last weekend I had both vents wide open, and the lid cracked a bit;
I would say that you need to open the lid vent all the way. You are not getting enough draft or not using enough charcoal. I only control temps with the bottom vents. Hope this helps!
Title: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: jimbo7070 on September 16, 2015, 12:40:23 PM
I guess you have side vents not a bottom vent? Could the coals have been a little damp or not fully lit?

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Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: Harleysmoker on September 16, 2015, 05:20:42 PM
Quote from: CharliefromLI on September 16, 2015, 03:56:38 AM

Smokey joe Silver with one bottom vent or smokey joe gold with two side vents?  SJ's can be affected by limited air flow and ash build up choking out the fire.  Keep a skewer handy to unclog vents on a silver. A simple charcoal basket can be modded from some expanded metal too.

What kind of coals are you using, and how much? Often lighting a full load of coals in a chimney is overkill. By the time, the top of the chimney is lit the bottom coals are spent. Lately i have only lit a minimum amount of coals in the chimney to start 1/4 to 1/2 chimney at most. once i dump them then i add additional unlit on top and let the new coal catch while the grill and grate preheat. You save time so you can start cooking sooner and your coals will have more cook time left.

Best of luck.

Lighter Fluid? I wouldn't know, I don't use the stuff. I dump some unlit on the charcoal grate to see how much I need for about a single layer, then throw the charcoal in a chimney and light it. When its good an hot/orange I dump it in, put the cooking grate in, lid on to preheat, then start cooking. I only have 1 bottom daisy wheel, both top and bottom vents wide open. This is plenty hot to cook and burn if you don't watch the food.
Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: Harleysmoker on September 16, 2015, 05:21:21 PM
Lighter Fluid? I wouldn't know, I don't use the stuff. I dump some unlit on the charcoal grate to see how much I need for about a single layer, then throw the charcoal in a chimney and light it. When its good an hot/orange I dump it in, put the cooking grate in, lid on to preheat, then start cooking. I only have 1 bottom daisy wheel, both top and bottom vents wide open. This is plenty hot to cook and burn if you don't watch the food.
Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: Jon on September 16, 2015, 06:02:20 PM
The lighter fluid mention needed a sarcasm emoticon or something. I know you have too much sense to use that stuff.
Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: jdefran on September 17, 2015, 02:56:23 AM
Quote from: Jon on September 16, 2015, 06:02:20 PM
The lighter fluid mention needed a sarcasm emoticon or something. I know you have too much sense to use that stuff.
I almost bit on the comment but wanted to avoid offending you if were still learning the rules of the game.

That said, maybe we need a questionnaire before people sign up to gauge where they said on controversial issues like lighter fluid.
Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: henri.wolbrink on September 17, 2015, 08:49:53 AM
Just a stupid question. Do you use fresh and dry stored charcoal?
It happened to me too. Using my neighbours charcoal...

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Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: Derek on September 17, 2015, 08:09:32 PM
Thanks for the great replies. It's a Smokey Joe silver with one bottom vent. I think I got some great ideas to try on my next trip. There is a possibility that I'm not using enough charcoal (Kingsford in the blue bag). I will also try dumping it a little sooner with some unlit coals on top. We got our Weber kettle grills last year, and still have a lot to learn. After experimenting with different grills, gas and charcoal, my wife and I decided that we liked the Weber Kettles. Although this is my first question, I have learned a bunch from reading past posts. Thanks again.
Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: CharliefromLI on September 18, 2015, 03:27:56 AM
Quote from: Jon on September 16, 2015, 06:02:20 PM
The lighter fluid mention needed a sarcasm emoticon or something. I know you have too much sense to use that stuff.

Yeah i didn't want to attack a new guy so i ignore it. Glad it was in jest.
Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: Lumpy Coal on September 18, 2015, 10:15:29 AM
Haha. The guys at work tease me about my love for charcoal BBQing, although I can't even touch the skill and knowledge of some of the folks here.  They had a good chuckle the other day as a newer guy who hadn't been apart of previous charcoal discussions says "I love charcoal but it takes so long and I either let the lighter fluid soak too much or not enough!" 

He has been re-educated.
Title: Re: Coals burning out in my Smokey Joe.
Post by: Jon on September 18, 2015, 05:44:17 PM
I do think lighter fluid is great stuff in one sense: have you seen the awesomely dangerous stuff people do with it and post on Youtube? You can waste a ton of time getting caught up watching morons making huge fires.

Derek, you might do a test run with more charcoal, that might be it. I have noticed that a stray lit coal that rolls off into the corner away from the pile will sometime go out if left there. Not that kettles have corners.