Louvered lid? Is that a table outrigger? Is that top handle extra tall? Anyone have one of these?
(http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5107/5586260392_0a7d5a97fd.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/anotherpintplease/5586260392/)
Nice! That's the side table accessory holder. I have one of those side tables. The handles were taller on the gas kettles.
I saw that one on a food blog a couple of years ago. The author was at his uncles house in AZ (I think) for dinner. I emailed the author to find out about that gas kettle and he said his uncle had put it on the curb and got rid of it.
It looks like an 18.5 with longer legs supporting the tank. There are more pictures of that out there. But that is the only one I have seen.
I like that .... Have never seen one before
Looks like it stands pretty tall
mmm interesting
Would be a hell of a lot lighter than our steel legged set ups in oz
Same louvres as ours hay hogsy
After a bit of research I found out some interesting info
It was called the Thrifty Gas Kettle only available in an 18 . Colours- red, black and chocolate
It was available in the early 80's. I think it was released in 1980
I really like that red one. Nice work Hogsy!
Great PI work Hogsy - really nice find! We need a good hi-res scan of that catalog.
Thanks guys
It's from the 1981 catalogue
Gotta say this manual/ brochure blew my mind
It has some great pics and info in it and its mint
Here's the front cover
Nice find! Needs to be scanned.
Quote from: glrasmussen on January 25, 2013, 03:37:06 PM
Nice find! Needs to be scanned.
Yep..... Would my home printer/scanner be adequate or am I better off taking it to a professional?
Those are great pictures. The futuristic 2007 one is pretty funny! ;D
If it's a flat bed and can do 300dpi, give it a try at home first. Looks like the page size is small enough to fit most printer/scanners. The only issue is if you run into staples or deep folds, but this looks like it would scan pretty clean.
Quote from: Duke on January 25, 2013, 03:48:24 PM
Those are great pictures. The futuristic 2007 one is pretty funny! ;D
Yeah I love that too
Here's one more until I scan it
Sorry about the quality
Thanks for sharing, way cool!
Sweet pictures, Hogsy! :D Am I the only one who for a "split second" thought that Australia still had gas kettles available as late as 2007!? ;D Of course I was reading this from my iphone at 4 this morning. I skipped over Hogsy's commentary about the catalog being from 1981. I was sick in bed for 2 days so I have an excuse for my dumb*ss moment. That "futuristic" car looks almost like one of those Smart Cars you see now.
I'd better come around for a beer and a perv on this dogalogue
Quote from: Craig on January 26, 2013, 07:42:48 AM
Sweet pictures, Hogsy! :D Am I the only one who for a "split second" thought that Australia still had gas kettles available as late as 2007!? ;D Of course I was reading this from my iphone at 4 this morning. I skipped over Hogsy's commentary about the catalog being from 1981. I was sick in bed for 2 days so I have an excuse for my dumb*ss moment. That "futuristic" car looks almost like one of those Smart Cars you see now.
Yeah and I've seen Golly getting around in that purple jumpsuit ;D