I got a brisket that is quite thin. Would i be better rolling it up to hopefully stop it drying out? Thanks
I've never seen a brisket rolled. What is your cook method?
if you roll it, it'll take forever and a day to cook.
Yea perhaps i should just inject and leave it flat
That kind of looks like a flank steak from the picture, I've seen those rolled before. It looks really lean for a brisket.
Meat contracts when it cooks, so it will end up thicker than when you start it. Keep temps low and keep us updated. Good luck!
Yea it is pretty lean but was labelled as a brisket. I plan to cook it on sunday so will inject it tomorrow and will keep you posted
you could always make it into pepper stout beef if you're worried about it drying out.
What is the recipe for that?
Ya. That one is gonna be difficult. I'd recommend 3 hrs or so on the smoke then wrap it up good. Make sure you use a water pan in smoker. Your gonna have to fight to keep that one moist.
Flat........wrapped in bacon....... 8)
@moshea65501 here is a recent pepper stout beef cook up http://weberkettleclub.com/forums/bbq-food-pics/pepper-stout-beef-in-the-weber-jumbo-joe/
And here's one I did a while ago http://weberkettleclub.com/forums/bbq-food-pics/psb-and-pulled-chuck-on-the-22-5'-kettle/msg146929/
And here's the original http://wolfepit.blogspot.com/2009/10/pepper-stout-beef.html
@1buckie as the obvious often Eludes even the best of us
Well, there's moist, and then there's tender and they are different deals.
Tenderizing cheaper cuts of beef could be mechanical (beating the crap out of it) temperature/time-treated (low and slow) or chemical.
The latter is special bacteria at work ... rub it with some fresh kiwi pulp for a few minutes if you're worried about it being too tough ... do NOT marinade in kiwi unless you want it dissolving into a wet noodle. 15 minutes max will make it noticeably more squishy. And yeah go easy on the heat.
Quote from: addicted-to-smoke on May 08, 2015, 04:34:26 PM
Well, there's moist, and then there's tender and they are different deals.
Tenderizing cheaper cuts of beef could be mechanical (beating the crap out of it) temperature/time-treated (low and slow) or chemical.
The latter is special bacteria at work ... rub it with some fresh kiwi pulp for a few minutes if you're worried about it being too tough ... do NOT marinade in kiwi unless you want it dissolving into a wet noodle. 15 minutes max will make it noticeably more squishy. And yeah go easy on the heat.
Pineapple (bromelain) and papaya (papain) are the other two notable "squishy" offenders...... :o
Thanks for the help guys
Any suggestions on a good injection? I was thinkin beef stock, Worcester sauce and some water.
3 hours in @225 with hickory (http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/05/09/fb1174735c1c6e018341f157857f4c91.jpg)
Pulled it off at 190 internal after 9 hours. Was a little dry and perhaps too much pepper in my rub but happy enough for my first attempt.
Good Deal!!!
If it was a bit dry & began to crumble at the ends when cut, that's a tad bit overdone....
If seemingly dry, a little tough & NOT crumbly, then it's a bit UNDER done.......these things are a little tricky, but it looks fine on Round One !!!!
There's a sweet spot where it probes real easy, but there's times I've waited too long thinking it might not be quite there yet.....
Great smoke ring eh?