(http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/images/2015/04/20/rabbit-hold.jpg) (http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/image/t)
Please PM feedback to me instead of posting it publicly :)
hint: you do not need to PM me requesting to beta test ;)
I'm a bad beta tester this late at night.
(http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/images/2015/04/20/rabbit-hold.jpg) (http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/image/t)
(http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/images/2015/04/20/rabbit-hold.jpg) (http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/image/t)
(http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/images/2015/04/20/rabbit-hold.md.jpg) (http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/image/t)
(http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/images/2015/04/20/rabbit-hold.md.jpg) (http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/image/t)
(http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/images/2015/04/20/rabbit-hold.th.jpg) (http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/image/t)
(http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/images/2015/04/20/rabbit-hold.th.jpg) (http://pics.weberkettleclub.com/image/t)
goodness, there were some scary things down that rabbit hole.
Quote from: G$ on April 21, 2015, 05:19:10 AM
goodness, there were some scary things down that rabbit hole.
LOL. Those are tame compared to the rest of my collection :-[
thank you for exploring!! ;)
pics.weberkettleclub.com, for those interested in beta testing the new WKC picture hosting service.
testing ( random pic)
had some issues with the language. was able to find it under my profile, corrected that, but looking around I started to see words in german again.
Bounced me around with languages, had to change it a few times. This is with IE11, I try another.
Google Chrome is doing the same thing too.
One suggestion, knowing that its still in beta. When you do go live with this, be sure that uploads are copyrighted with a license that is free to share with, such as CC-by-SA or similar. That way you're not claiming rights to the pics over those that are contributing them. (I realize you're not of that mindset, but it will put contributors at ease.
Quote from: Chuck on April 23, 2015, 03:05:36 PM
One suggestion, knowing that its still in beta. When you do go live with this, be sure that uploads are copyrighted with a license that is free to share with, such as CC-by-SA or similar. That way you're not claiming rights to the pics over those that are contributing them. (I realize you're not of that mindset, but it will put contributors at ease.
Noted. Thanks! !
Quote from: Chuck on April 23, 2015, 03:05:36 PM
One suggestion, knowing that its still in beta. When you do go live with this, be sure that uploads are copyrighted with a license that is free to share with, such as CC-by-SA or similar. That way you're not claiming rights to the pics over those that are contributing them. (I realize you're not of that mindset, but it will put contributors at ease.
@Sramsey What is the steel ring on the red MT?? Where can I get one? 8)
Quote from: Red Kettle Rich on April 23, 2015, 06:50:10 PM
@Sramsey What is the steel ring on the red MT?? Where can I get one? 8)
that is the cajun bandit rotisserie ring!
Haven't been able to host images there for 2 days. Clicked on my "albums" or "recent" images and nothing's there. Just says error, rejected.
Quote from: addicted-to-smoke on April 28, 2015, 06:14:37 PM
Haven't been able to host images there for 2 days. Clicked on my "albums" or "recent" images and nothing's there. Just says error, rejected.
screenshot please. troy at weberkettleclub dot com
But now it works again. What I did was close the browser tab, left open for several days, and reload the page. Reloading the page yesterday didn't help.