I see no reason to change up a good thing. Steak it is again, crinkly fries and more Captain and diet. Marinated the new york in teriyaki sauce and hit it with some kosher salt and ground pepper. A little worcestershire drizzled in the ketchup cause I'm cool like that. My kind of night.
Nice !!!!!!
" A little worcestershire drizzled in the ketchup cause I'm cool like that. "
Personally, I think this would fit nicely in your signature line !!!!
That looks delicious. Nice pictures.
I think that I am "bachin' it" tonight. I may just follow this lead!
Quote from: Lerxst on December 19, 2014, 03:53:45 AM
That looks delicious. Nice pictures.
Thanks. I wasn't going to post again since it was so close to what I made the other night, but I thought the plated picture was the best one I've taken.
Quote from: jcnaz on December 19, 2014, 04:09:27 AM
I think that I am "bachin' it" tonight. I may just follow this lead!
Bachelor nights are always fun
Quote from: 1buckie on December 18, 2014, 10:52:57 PM
Nice !!!!!!
" A little worcestershire drizzled in the ketchup cause I'm cool like that. "
Personally, I think this would fit nicely in your signature line !!!!
Hmm. Not a bad idea. Thanks!
Looks great to me!
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You did your thing bro!