Silly question time, but could a set of these when pushed together, be about the same size and depth of the old steak rings? I want a steak ring, but of course Weber dropped those years ago.
Hey, Craig, I wish I knew about Weber's old steak rings, but I think this item will sear plenty good for you. These baskets come almost up to the bottom of the cooking grate, and that configuration will put out a bunch of heat.
But you can get them *much* cheaper direct from Weber. I think it's item #960080, and I believe I paid $18 for a pair of them this summer.
A friend of mine likes to turn his stamped metal baskets upside down and pile coals on top to sear steaks. And my preference is to use those wire-style coal holders to elevate an extra bottom grate right up under the cooking grate. But now that you mention it, I think I'll push these wire-style baskets together and give that a try next time I make steak.
That's a good idea. I have a set of those I am going cut down to use in the 18.5.
What is this "Steak Ring", you speak of? Never seen one.. 8)
The Steak Ring is the ring below the Roast Stand to the right filled with charcoal. It's the best picture I could find. I have been watching out for the roast stand for years. I wish I could just make one. By the way, there is a set of charcoal rails like yours Jude.
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Who's roastand? :D
Thanks Duke.. All that ring really is, is 2 of the charcoal baskets pushed together...
Cool to find one, but I fear they are far and few inbetween.. Most of them have given up the ghost to the rust gods.. 8)
Craig must be 3/4 of the way through that 12 pack... 8)
Quote from: husker_red on December 21, 2012, 07:05:15 PM
Who's roastand? :D
It was a guy name Doug's from the tvwb. He's the guy who had that yellow 18.5 in Burnsville recently. "Burnsville" ::)
Here's a better shot of that Steak Ring.
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I am, Jude! But unfortunatly my 12 pack of Coors "diesel" that I wanted is just a 12 pack of Mr. Pibb. I'm grilled up some bone-in chops on the 'brownie and am making Christmas cookies with the kids. So no beer tonight. :'(
Quote from: Duke on December 21, 2012, 07:13:31 PM
Quote from: husker_red on December 21, 2012, 07:05:15 PM
Who's roastand? :D
It was a guy name Doug's from the tvwb. He's the guy who had that yellow 18.5 in Burnsville recently. "Burnsville" ::)
Here's a better shot of that Steak Ring.
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I wonder how hard it would be to make one? I wonder if it was the same height as the wire baskets are? :-\
I would just make one from some expanded metal, unless you just want the real thing like I want the roast stand. :D
I actually don't even think I would use the roast stand since it would be better to just use a roast rack since puncturing might make it dry out. It would be a cool accessorie for display though.
It looks like it assembles somehow.. Its just a basket.. I do like my 2 baskets though..
Definitly over engineered, yet still a nice piece.
Anyone else notice the warming rack in that picture? I'd love to have an old one like that.