Share a photo of one you use most. Tell us about the setup and why it's the one.
I use this almost everyday. I am pretty sure i'm the only one here who doesn't even own a stove. :)
( (
It was an OTS until I made it a gold and added a lid bale. I really like the ci grate.
I still need to add a thermometer. I also made a charcoal holder out of expanded metal.
( (
MY dog burned my stove up but I can still use's a long story..
As for the pit, all I have is two words...
By zavod44 ( at 2012-07-09
Mesa Azul
Yes! Sierra Azul. ;D
Nice setup Zav! I have one of those charcoal holders. They work great don't they? Where did you get yours?
I got one of the charcoal buckets with a old Brownie I picked up, which was the reason I got the grill in the first place. The other I just got on ebay like two weeks ago. I love them so much. I fill them up all the time but I don't care!
That's really funny! I got mine with an old 22 brownie that I didn't really want. It really makes adding coal easier.
I think weber created the perfect grill with the Master-Touch.
Since I have had this one, it does about 80% of my grilling. Just one more option I need to add to this grill .... should be appearing in a couple weeks.
alright...quit teasing...what option are you waiting for?
Quote from: Jeff on July 10, 2012, 08:42:55 AM
alright...quit teasing...what option are you waiting for?
Not "waiting for", making.
It is not that exciting actually, but I am making a simple side table that was inspired by a post from an Aussie on tvwbb. He found and refinished a wide slatted table that looked really cool to me. I am taking that design cue and combining it with another weber made side table with the pipe legs. I think you might have one Jeff?
Anyway, half way done, I will post the details when it is finished.
Can't wait G-Money! 8)
I saw that table's awesome. I know Troy was looking for a side table. I wonder if he would like one of those. I could build him one. A while back he was looking for a side table and I said I would build him one. I like this table G$ is talking about. Maybe Troy would like that one too....?
Quote from: G$ on July 10, 2012, 12:37:58 PM
Quote from: Jeff on July 10, 2012, 08:42:55 AM
alright...quit teasing...what option are you waiting for?
Not "waiting for", making.
It is not that exciting actually, but I am making a simple side table that was inspired by a post from an Aussie on tvwbb. He found and refinished a wide slatted table that looked really cool to me. I am taking that design cue and combining it with another weber made side table with the pipe legs. I think you might have one Jeff?
Yeah...I have one of those old Weber tables with the pipe legs. I posted it on the "other" site! Look forward to seeing how yours turns out!
Anyway, half way done, I will post the details when it is finished.
do we know for sure that that awesome table with the two legs is weber?
i seem to remember seeing a NIB one (and i vaguely remember offering the guy WAY too much money for it)
If it's the redish table i'm thinking of it was a genuine weber and was made of an exotic wood.
Yeah, it was an overseas product.
Yeah duke, that is the one I am talking about. If things go as planned, mine will not be that red-ish color, but will resemble my new handles in color.
is this the side table you're talking about?
[attachment deleted by admin]
I'm not. There was one with wood legs.
Here ya go!
oh nice. i must have missed that one
Duke is exactly right, that was the inspiration. BUT, I am going to probably use the leg style that you linked to Troy. It will be a hybrid.
Troy you in the market for that table? I know I could build one pretty close to the one on TVWBB. You got any grill accessories in play for a trade?
i'd like one, but i don't think i'm in the market right now.
i still haven't got my 2nd performer up on the deck yet - it's been my driveway cooker :)
I found both of mine on CL the Blue one i just got, it needs some work (the one touch cleaning system is missing) the Redhead is now my go to grill, it just works so good ;D
great looking kettles!
Ron, I love that blue kettle. I am in the market for one exactly like it.
Quote from: G$ on July 15, 2012, 07:21:00 AM
Ron, I love that blue kettle. I am in the market for one exactly like it.
It's mine can't have it LOL ;D
Quote from: 1911Ron on July 15, 2012, 08:08:13 PM
It's mine can't have it LOL ;D
Can't blame me for trying!
I've been using the simpsons the most this past year. My preferred method of cooking is indirect, then searing at the end.....reverse sear.
Here's my workhorse over the past 8 years or so.
That's a nice grills Smooth & Larry, be careful with that grill brush. There's been a rash of people swallowing the little bristles that fall off. I always use an ss or copper pad.
BTW, I remeber after chris banned you your wsm came up on craigs and all of chris's fanboys freaked out. I wish I could find that old thread. I'm sure it's long gone since it was in the trading post. ;D
My WSM?? I still have my 22", sold my 18" to my co worker though.
No Larry. Sorry I forgot you were banned too. :D Chris is a headcase.
Then I'm in good company. 8)
Quote from: Larry Wolfe on July 21, 2012, 04:47:34 PM
Here's my workhorse over the past 8 years or so.
Larry whats going on with your propane set up? Looks a little weird, I see hoses and bottles all out of whack? I don't want you to blow up! I am starting to think someone (Chris) might have tampered with your pit!
Quote from: zavod44 on July 22, 2012, 05:33:34 AM
Quote from: Larry Wolfe on July 21, 2012, 04:47:34 PM
Here's my workhorse over the past 8 years or so.
Larry whats going on with your propane set up? Looks a little weird, I see hoses and bottles all out of whack? I don't want you to blow up! I am starting to think someone (Chris) might have tampered with your pit!
LOL Brian, I use a hose torch to light my kettles. I made a hanger for the bottle near where the bottle should screw into the Performer. My hose took a crap and now I just use a regular torch on a bottle of MAPP gas.
I was gonna say you might want to check a connection or something..... ;)
Here is mine
Just kidding....
I have a few others, but this was my 1st kettle and I use it over any of the others. Probably because I primarily cook for just my wife, I, and my 2 year old son. Doesn't use a lot of coal either compared to the 22".
I guess you use lump in that porcelain potty grill? Does it hold temps? Lol..
Man if I could find an SS toilet, it would make one heck of a smoker..
Awesome Bambo! I bet a load of lump would .......................well never mind. Toilet humor. ::)
#2 pit in my rotation
My $25 Craigslist Find ...
I've stopped using the green one - i replaced it with a red stainless steel performer.
I've also stopped using the red 26" (which breaks my heart)
Quote from: Troy on July 26, 2012, 08:02:30 AM
I've stopped using the green one - i replaced it with a red stainless steel performer.
I've also stopped using the red 26" (which breaks my heart)
Why? ???
multiple reasons.
mainly, i can't stand dealing with the 3 daisy wheels on the bottom. i strongly prefer the one-touch system.
plus, with so many kettles on my back deck, wasps become a problem - so i moved all but the two performers and the green kettle to the garage.
No problem, I'll take it Troy. I'll even pay shipping cuz that's the kind of guy I am.
Quote from: Troy on July 26, 2012, 09:40:54 AM
multiple reasons.
mainly, i can't stand dealing with the 3 daisy wheels on the bottom. i strongly prefer the one-touch system.
plus, with so many kettles on my back deck, wasps become a problem - so i moved all but the two performers and the green kettle to the garage.
I love the daisy wheels! I can't stand the OT's. Funny! :D
Quote from: Duke on July 26, 2012, 11:30:36 AM
Quote from: Troy on July 26, 2012, 09:40:54 AM
multiple reasons.
mainly, i can't stand dealing with the 3 daisy wheels on the bottom. i strongly prefer the one-touch system.
plus, with so many kettles on my back deck, wasps become a problem - so i moved all but the two performers and the green kettle to the garage.
I love the daisy wheels! I can't stand the OT's. Funny! :D
the daisy wheels let ash and embers fall and fly all over
the daisy wheels get too hot to touch
they're usually too hard to turn, or too easy to turn
the one touch is USUALLY cool enough to touch.
falling ash and embers are solved by the gold/performer version of the ash bucket
You are exactly right. Those are definitly draw backs. I can't tell you how many times I have been burned turning those things. :o The daisy's are mainly good for smoking where you only need one.
i can see where the daisies would be easier to fine tune for smoking
i do pretty well with the one-touch though, it just takes some getting used to.
with my bandit, i just keep the vents completely closed until the temps start to run low (usually after 15 hours)
New to the sight, just added this vintage 26" to my collection.
Need to find legs for the table. Such a classic not sure if I should be using it.
Sweet 26 and sweet table. You should add [img] to the front of the links so we don't have to click on them.
That vintage 26 is fantastic glrasmussen, and the table is badass.
Knowing weber, they probably used the same piping that the legs use.
I think it's just 1" aluminum. one of the other guys knows more i'm sure.
Welcome! Very nice indeed. :)
Thanks! I will post a pick when I find some legs.
Found a gem, had a lucky horseshoe that day.
Bet is hadn't been used but a handful of times.
Came with a cover, tossed it, more fun to look at!
Very interesting color, love it!
You can usually get some shower rod. It's just 1" aluminum tube. You could have legs tomorrow. Take the caps off the small propane bottles and put them on the ends, voila!
Zav THANKS! Menards tomorrow!
Make sure it is 1 inch OD.
For the leg tips, like Brian said I have used propane caps with great success. ACE HW also sells "Plastic Tips". The package says Plastic Tips, 4 Pcs. The one inch version is part number 56020, and the cost 2 bucks for the four pack.
I'd love to take one of those off your hands if you dont want them. ;) -Craig
This is my workhourse, just an $89 One Touch:
that turkey looks magically delicious!
This is my staff. Minus a black SJS and Go Anywhere. (
Quote from: husker_red on August 08, 2012, 07:03:16 PM
This is my staff. Minus a black SJS and Go Anywhere. (
Those are gorgeous!!!!!
Are those Brian's handles??
Quote from: husker_red on August 08, 2012, 07:03:16 PM
This is my staff. Minus a black SJS and Go Anywhere. (
Husker Red...I'd expect nothing less!
Quote from: Troy on August 08, 2012, 07:07:06 PM
Quote from: husker_red on August 08, 2012, 07:03:16 PM
This is my staff. Minus a black SJS and Go Anywhere. (
Those are gorgeous!!!!!
Are those Brian's handles??
The handles on the 22.5 are Brian's. The 18.5 and the Smokey Joe are original. Some of you may have seen this set up before. My 18.5 has a modern leg kit on it. The originals are in my garage awaiting restoration to remove some pitting on the legs and clean up the original metal wheels. Right now that 18.5 looks accross between a mid '60s and a late '70s kettle. -Craig
Nice. I have that same smokey joe btw.
and i turn the buttweiser logo to the back when i take photos of it too ;)
can't believe I'm so late to this party. Here's a few pics of the kids.
Quote from: Jeff on August 08, 2012, 07:23:08 PM
can't believe I'm so late to this party. Here's a few pics of the kids.
aaahh.... there they are! One of my favorite collections! -Craig
Nice kettle's for sure! :)
Jeff, you really have the collection. I am quite envious.. 8)
Pretty sad collection compared to others, the burgundy SS gets the most use by far
Kendall, your collection is pretty sweet! Don't sell yourself short. I'm digging the marroon performer and the wooden handled WSM's.
I posted these in the Welcome thread, but here they are in the proper forum:
I use the green performer the most. The WSM gets used a lot and the Q220 lives in the Motorhome but I sometimes use it at home for the Cast Iron Grates.
Great collections everyone!!!
Don't discount that collection Kendall, I think it's pretty sweet,
Can I just say how much more I love it over here? I dont want to sound sappy because that's not my style, but the camraderie and fun is much more evident!
Craig 8)
That's an excellent collection Kendall! That sage green is rare. I wish they would make that color again. (
I have no idea if this worked, but here is my collection. Hopefully it will continue to grow.
It works and your well on your way impressive.
Nice collection Ted! It's rare to see a brown MT anywhere. :o
Is that a MT or an one touch plus? It has the frisbee ash catch with the ot cleaning system. I have had a hard time figuring out the exact model.
Beautiful Ted...very Nice.
And Craig I agree, there is a much better feel to this site, no old boys club here, everyone should be here to have fun, not get yelled at, this site is all of ours, it's ours to make it great.
Looks like a OT plus Ted. Amazing that you have two of them. I've never seen one for sale in Los Angeles or the central coast.
Quote from: zavod44 on August 11, 2012, 06:23:40 PM
And Craig I agree, there is a much better feel to this site, no old boys club here, everyone should be here to have fun, not get yelled at, this site is all of ours, it's ours to make it great.
The good ol' boys joined in '09. Not really that ol', but they bought into all of the offers, posted tons and donated lot's of moolah. That's how they became the great
fanboys they are today. :D
Here they are...also have a crate and barrel smokey joe but no pics yet
Great collection Ted...thats a nice yellow 18. I hope to add one of those to the fleet someday.
My 1995 Performer and large Weber Web! More pics here:
Beautiful day to grill here in PA. This baby will be gettin' hot soon...
[attachment deleted by admin]
Nice collection Marty. Nice to see that Robins Nest blue kettle found a good home.
Marty! You bought the ebay baby blue!?
I wish! No, I just wanted to capture the photo while it was up on the 'bay. Too rich for my budget.
Quote from: MartyG on August 12, 2012, 03:40:26 PM
I wish! No, I just wanted to capture the phot while it was up on the 'bay. Too rich for my budget.
$366? :o I love that kettle, but not $366 much!
Quote from: husker_red on August 12, 2012, 06:22:00 PM
$366? :o I love that kettle, but not $366 much!
I agree, it's a museum piece. But the new owner is more than welcome to show it here. :)
Quote from: Duke on August 12, 2012, 07:22:52 PM
Quote from: husker_red on August 12, 2012, 06:22:00 PM
$366? :o I love that kettle, but not $366 much!
I agree, it's a museum piece. But the new owner is more than welcome to show it here. :)
I hope somebody among us snagged it. It's just too rich for my blood. ;)
My "go to"...hi ho silver. Cant beat a MT.
And a few metal handled 18s for your viewing pleasure
Blue 18
Green 18
and my peronal favorite...the Avacado 18
A lime 18 and brown 18 have been acquired and will be added at some point...both are a little rough. Still on the hunt for a red and a yellow.
Really sweet, nice collection...
G, thats a sweet collection! Do you still have your modified 18.5 turned Jumbo Joe Coca-Cola kettle?
Nice grills G!!!!
That is a might fine collection!
Thanks guys...
I do Craig. It works well and seems to get much hotter than my SJP.
I REALLLY like those 18's G.
That is a sweet collection G. Love the green that is bad ass!
G those kettles are sweeeeet :o
That avacado color is really striking! It screams '70s cool!! I would love to find a 22.5 in that color or even lime.
Not going to believe this but....I picked up a very nice yellow 18 tonight from CL. Its not perfect but very nice (not complaining). Pics will be provided after a good cleaning.
Quote from: G on August 14, 2012, 07:53:27 PM
Not going to believe this but....I picked up a very nice yellow 18 tonight from CL. Its not perfect but very nice (not complaining). Pics will be provided after a good cleaning.
Can't wait!
Here's my rat-rod gasser. Not much to look at, but like most Webers it works like a charm. I'f the mood strikes I may paint the box and end castings, and treat it to SS grates. Then again, I'd rather spend time polishing up Kettles!
( (
Quote from: G on August 12, 2012, 04:03:59 AM
Great collection Ted...thats a nice yellow 18. I hope to add one of those to the fleet someday.
Looks like it happened sooner than you thought. Congrats on the pickup!
Everyone's collection looks sweet. No matter how big or small, they all make me jealous.
Hey Bo..Luke?...Uncle Jessie?....I mean Duke
I need some tips on installing the lid holder and a thermometer. Do you use a certain drill bit? It seems like the porcelain would start to crumble during drilling. I have a one touch gold that I want to turn into a master touch...would appreciate any tips
Thanks man....good to talk with y'all again.
Quote from: Michael Berry on August 17, 2012, 12:30:00 PM
Hey Bo..Luke?...Uncle Jessie?....I mean Duke
I need some tips on installing the lid holder and a thermometer. Do you use a certain drill bit? It seems like the porcelain would start to crumble during drilling. I have a one touch gold that I want to turn into a master touch...would appreciate any tips
Thanks man....good to talk with y'all again.
I just mark and drill. You could put some tape on it before you mark it to be safe. The tape might keep it from chipping to much. Good Luck! ;D
ever had a problem with rust around the newly drilled holes?
Quote from: Michael Berry on August 17, 2012, 02:16:56 PM
ever had a problem with rust around the newly drilled holes?
drill from the inside out or the outside in?...Cm'on man...give me details
I drill from the outside in.
Family is growing, I'm an idiot for selling my WSM's.
Dull euro look
Cool retro look
Once again thanks Brian. 8)
A few kettles out on the walk way, I use that faded black three wheeler the most.
oops...check out the next post
Here is my little collection. Some how I ended up with 5? Crazy how that
That's a kick ass side table on that Performer, Big B! ;D
There are so few ways to use the phrase "OMG" and not sound like an idiot, but I have to agree with 'red in this case!
OMG, that table extension is righteous!
I agree, you need a prize for that! Nice work indeed! :D
Thanks guys!!! I am a trim carpenter/cabinet builder by trade so we like try and get some kind of wood on all our projects......Got a couple buddies around town that have ss performers..they want one of those tables real!!!
..thanks again
Quote from: Big B on August 19, 2012, 04:12:31 AM
Thanks guys!!! I am a trim carpenter/cabinet builder by trade so we like try and get some kind of wood on all our projects......Got a couple buddies around town that have ss performers..they want one of those tables real!!!
..thanks again
Yeah one of those buddies is me! Dang it that table looks as cool online as in person. Some day I'll have one. Nice work Brent especially considering where you started with that grill.
Are the metal supports custom on that extension, or can you let us know where to find them? I must do this! Thanks.
Here is a link for the brackets, dont know if they sell retail, I get stuff through my cabinet supply company....check it out, if it don'y work, maybe I can ship some out.
Have to give props to my little brother, for making the cutting board top
Here is a better link Marty.....The first one you see r the ones I used, the 16in ones.
I going to check on some pricing tomorrow, maybe I can just ship the whole set up for the table?......We'll have to see if the price is reasonable
Sounds good. I would just need the brackets as I have a piece of wood in mind, and can handle that part of it. Too bad they don't make them in stainless. Did you use the zinc or painted? Hard to tell from the photo.
I used the zinc ones, and sprayed them with an oil to keep then from rusting.
They do make ss brackets, but they r like 40 bucks a piece, I think
*Update* (i know i already posted but new kettle and new camera forces me to ::) )
All together and all going!
Ok i want one of those.
what's it going to take to get one?
those are some nice kettles. I really like the blue one. that one is next on my list.
Quote from: Troy on August 20, 2012, 02:04:07 PM
Ok i want one of those.
what's it going to take to get one?
I am working on getting something together...Just have to check on some shipping prices. I'll let you know asap.......
Nice group of kettles there, 1911Ron....The blue is sweeeeeet....I still think it's cool how the red ones change color with heat... Wish the legs would stay nice and shinny, like on your new one. Man that thing shines. 8)
Quote from: Big B on August 21, 2012, 07:10:35 PM
Quote from: Troy on August 20, 2012, 02:04:07 PM
Ok i want one of those.
what's it going to take to get one?
I am working on getting something together...Just have to check on some shipping prices. I'll let you know asap.......
Shipping will be free to me! In fact I'll even pick it up. :P
What would work for cleaning up the legs?
Quote from: 1911Ron on August 22, 2012, 12:06:53 PM
What would work for cleaning up the legs?
Ron I've had great luck with SOS or Brillo Pads, 0000 steel wool, and Mothers mag and aluminum polish.
+1 on the Mother's Mag and Aluminum polish. That stuff works great on legs!
Its coming into Bbq season over here in Australia, So i thought i'd get my crew out for a photo shoot
Nice 20 hogsy
Been waiting for this family portrait!!!
How bout a pick of no 21 ?
That's one heck of a nice collection! 8) Is that a lid lock I see on your mini wsm?
Sure is Craig,Here's a pic
That is some nice collection Hogsy. I can see you got "the bug", and I want to do my part to help. :( So you better just send that lemon SJ over here as part of my intervention. ;)
Quote from: Hogsy on August 26, 2012, 05:58:46 AM
Sure is Craig,Here's a pic
That mini WSM looks BADASS!! 8) What did you use for the lid lock?
WOW Nice! That is some collection. Were you on a ladder? Nice perspective!
I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw this one on CL. Finally had a chance to clean it up over the weekend. Its in great shape (all original parts) other than the two small chips on the lid. You can see some staining on the bowl which would not come off with steel wool. Any suggestions? Weber needs to bring this color back.
G, that is a kick-ass looking yellow!! 8) I'd love to have one like that to compliment my red 18". Id call them "ketchup" and "mustard". And cook on whatever color mood I was in! As for the stains, I've used soft scrub liquid cleaner with the 0000 steel wool and burnt on stains come right off. Hell of a score!
That's a pretty nice yellow kettle G. I know you won't turn it into a flower pot. Only a Jackass would do that. ;D
Quote from: husker_red on August 26, 2012, 07:32:38 AM
Quote from: Hogsy on August 26, 2012, 05:58:46 AM
Sure is Craig,Here's a pic
That mini WSM looks BADASS!! 8) What did you use for the lid lock?
I used 6mm steel bar or rod it works great and i also used the lid lock holder off the SJG to hold the new lid lock
That yellow looks great......wish we had that color out here :( :(
nice collection hogsy!!
G try some Goo Gone and some steel wool, takes off most stains....
Thanks for the tip....I'll give it a try.
I've been busy lately and its looks like some nice collections/additions have joined. Nice collection, Hogsy. G glad you found that yellow one. Its going to look good in your avatar!
Quote from: G on August 26, 2012, 04:39:12 PM
I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw this one on CL. Finally had a chance to clean it up over the weekend. Its in great shape (all original parts) other than the two small chips on the lid. You can see some staining on the bowl which would not come off with steel wool. Any suggestions? Weber needs to bring this color back.
Hey G....try some takes those stains off great!
Quote from: Hogsy on August 26, 2012, 02:16:47 AM
Its coming into Bbq season over here in Australia, So i thought i'd get my crew out for a photo shoot
whoa hogsy...thats a lot of grills!! Very nice!
Thanks Jeff
The chocolate one at the front is the one I contacted you about a couple of weeks ago. It turned out to be a 1980 model as you said which is pretty old for a Weber grill in OZ. It was a bit of a mission to get seeing as it was on eBay in another state. Luckily the seller was willing to pack it for me and I organized a courier to pick it up.
Finally got around to taking pics of the SJ family...
Here's the others with new handles courtesy of Brian, thanks again! Only one not shown is the black 26", she's being stored in the garage right now and I'm too lazy to move her out!
I love how every photo of a Weber is a literal reflection of its owner. In this case, a person with a collection of flawless, shiny grills, but no shirt. Awe. Some.
Quote from: mike.stavlund on September 05, 2012, 10:02:19 AM
I love how every photo of a Weber is a literal reflection of its owner. In this case, a person with a collection of flawless, shiny grills, but no shirt. Awe. Some.
I was so busy looking at the shiny grills I didn't notice. lol
Very nice collection of grills, landgraftj. That smokey joe collection would look good on the a shelf in my office! ;)
I don't have enough money left over to buy shirts after purchasing all of my grills, lol!
That's a really nice collection! I think I recognize that gray smokey. ;)
I like that collection! Does that 22.5 redhead have one of Brian's handles on it?
Brian needs to send a T-shirt with every handle, so we'll have something to wear.
Nice collection! Any tips on the thermometer mods?
I really want a t-shirt that is just a old vent wheel off of a BAR-B-QUE KETTLE. It would be so easy to do as a black outline.
Quote from: husker_red on September 05, 2012, 06:00:05 PM
I like that collection! Does that 22.5 redhead have one of Brian's handles on it?
Yes sir
Thats a colorful collection....looks great.
QuoteThat's a really nice collection! I think I recognize that gray smokey.
Duke-that grey has been on a long journey.
I have posted this elsewhere.....but I feel I should show it here. I'm going to try to update this picture tomorrow..
By zavod44 ( at 2012-06-11
That's a fantastic collection Brian, but no family reunion is complete without Grandpa! :D
I have another five grills I need to get in there, Grandpa is one of them...
Here is my daily kettle.
My little cooking setup
Platinum baby!
I think it would be a lot sweeter with a wood handle! ;) I had a platinum I gave it away, and now after seeing yours I wish had kept it...
Oh and nice hub caps!
Here's my 2nd in command lying it wait for his call to the big leagues.
NICE Master Touch and Coke cooler! 8)
The red MT sure is purdy....time to call it up for a chance at a starting role.
Hi, There are some nice collections here!
I use my wsm the most. The Stoker is a new addition.
I use my SSP the second most- the Craycort was a wedding gift!
Last but not least, here is the Ranch. I've only been able to use it a few times this year.
I got rid of a lot of grills the past month so the stable is down to basics. I gave my SJ to a friend after I converted it to a smoker, my 22" OTG, and Daisy wheel 18"
Very nice collection. Welcome Lawrence, I was wondering when you would get here. :D
Awesome setup on the got some big boys toys there still!
Its been a while here now and yet to post my family portrait
with spring here and summer on its way i cleaned them up and assemblede them for their inagural pic
That's a great collection Golly!
Sweet collection Golly, what is that old car hiding in there? Also whats that yellow box? Is that one of those box grills?
Okay I did an updated picture of all my grills. So here it is,
By zavod44 ( at 2012-09-16
Awesome collection Brian!
Very, Nice Brian. The redhead front and center is exceptionally good looking! Did you ever get to use the ash pan I sent you?
holy cow!
Super Sweet Collection!!!!!!!!
Love the bluey's
brian, nice dude.
Thank you for the kind words. I really love the blue ones, but somehow I ended up with a bunch of red ones too. Who doesn't love a redhead....Plus I'm just trying to hang in there with all you guys. I've seen what you guys have, I'm a piker compared to most of you. Really at this point I'm just looking for real old stuff, and a yellow, and a $30 ranch!
Hey Troy now that your thinning the herd is there anything I need to come and get?
Am I fixing up your baby blue? Lets meet up....
Quote from: zavod44 on September 16, 2012, 05:54:07 PM
Okay I did an updated picture of all my grills. So here it is,
By zavod44 ( at 2012-09-16
O...M...G! I showed this to my wife, now she shouldn't give me so much trouble over my paltry five ;) That's a nice collection Brian, and good luck with the Rancher addition.
Tell Jeff to post what he has then you'll have all the ammo you need to show your wife, glad I could help you ;)
If we maybe combine our collections, it MAY equal Jeff's...
WOW! I go out of town and get WKC withdrawl. I am quickly borrowing a computer for 10-15 minutes..... Brian, that is a SWEET collection! I love it!! That's a nice 'buffet of redheads' you have going there! ;)
Brian, looking at your lineup, I definatly think that Chestnut Coppertone (pinky) was succeeded by Copper Mist (brownie). It just adds up in my head. BTW, I love the Mesa Azul! I'd love to someday do a 'Rojo' version.....someday! ;)
Thanks for posting updated pics. That is quite the collection. I will definitely show that to the wife to support my addiction I mean collection!
Quote from: Sheldon on September 17, 2012, 07:31:55 PM
If we maybe combine our collections, it MAY equal Jeff's...
Quote from: Chad A on September 17, 2012, 06:32:15 PM
Quote from: zavod44 on September 16, 2012, 05:54:07 PM
Okay I did an updated picture of all my grills. So here it is,
By zavod44 ( at 2012-09-16
Hey Brian
What are those 3 cylinder shape things on the edge of the deck on the right hand side of the photo?
They are old charcoal holders. My parents had them back in the seventies when I was a kid. I got them just because they bring back memories. One has coshell, one has kingsford and one has hardwood lump. I found two of them on ebay and one came with the coppermist.
Sweeeeeeet collection there Brian......You really have an army of grills there. I'm guessing the SJ lids are light fixtures, super cool idea.!!!!!
Quote from: Golly on September 15, 2012, 10:19:28 PM
Its been a while here now and yet to post my family portrait
with spring here and summer on its way i cleaned them up and assemblede them for their inagural pic
Quote from: zavod44 on September 16, 2012, 06:39:01 AM
Sweet collection Golly, what is that old car hiding in there? Also whats that yellow box? Is that one of those box grills?
the old car is a 1971 XY FORD FAIRMONT WAGON (modeled off usa ford of late 60's) to be restored one day!!
and the yellow box is a wheelbarrow esky, made as a promo prize at the bottleshop, bought as an unwanted prize and now is our soccer team esky
its been modded abit gas strut lid, handle, seat, bin.
Nice collection Golly. I am going to be making one of those fire pits. A friend of mine (from Oz actually) got me a washing machine drum that fits a 22 perfectly. Just have to cut the legs down and I'm in business. Thanks to you and Hogsy for the inspiration.
Quote from: Golly on September 18, 2012, 11:30:36 PM
Quote from: zavod44 on September 16, 2012, 06:39:01 AM
Sweet collection Golly, what is that old car hiding in there? Also whats that yellow box? Is that one of those box grills?
the old car is a 1971 XY FORD FAIRMONT WAGON (modeled off usa ford of late 60's) to be restored one day!!
and the yellow box is a wheelbarrow esky, made as a promo prize at the bottleshop, bought as an unwanted prize and now is our soccer team esky
its been modded abit gas strut lid, handle, seat, bin.
So if I am's a cooler? I love Australians, we both speak English but somehow I never know what they are saying :D Did they sell these Ford's in the US? Was is called a Fairmont here? Does it have a big engine?
Yeh it's a cooler will post some pics
It was modeled of the USA 1966 ford falcon
Fairmont is the Luxo model
Base model was falcon 500
Next up was futura
Then fairmont
Then GT
yes biggest motor it came with 351ci Cleveland
Very similar to a futura sports coupe
Here is my set-up:
I like the set up Tim. What year is that performer?
Hey Golly, upon further review I think you collect coolers as well as grills.
Quote from: zavod44 on September 23, 2012, 06:25:39 PM
I like the set up Tim. What year is that performer?
Thanks, she is a 2012.
Nice grills Tim!
Here is the Old Redhead I was talking about on the Warrior thread.
Bought it for $20 sight unseen. It would have cost me more in gas
to go look at, but delivery was free. Need to work on the Twist ash tray now.
First time trying to post a pic, hope it works.
Nice "Redhead" glrasmussen!
Here is the collection I have started. Not a group picture unfortunately. I am now minus the Blue Kettle, Gifted it to my son
for his Birthday, thought he should start to do some real grilling.
Old Redhead Purchased last week.(Frathouse Redhead to be picked up today)
Old Redhead with The "EZ" SS
The others, Old Blue was gifted, I changed it out, Exchanged Kettles, Blue was on the SS originally.
Here's the one's that work the most.....
Bob, on the left & Mae Belle on the rt.....
Ma & Pa Kettle.....
Doin' up some butts....
They settle in @ 250° ~ 260° & run all night with no fiddlin'
Both daisy wheel bottom vents......
glrassmussen, nice redhead and family of grills. I'm diggin' that Copper Mist 26"er. 1buckie, nice pair of Texan's. They look like real workhorses!
Nice Grills everyone, I love the look of heavily used grills...I also think it looks like a lot of people need fresh handles!
Quote from: zavod44 on September 24, 2012, 05:02:04 PM
Nice Grills everyone, I love the look of heavily used grills...I also think it looks like a lot of people need fresh handles!
Yeah, mine get a bit beat up....
Are you the handle guy ??
I do some of my own ~~>
Wow! mine are a little more traditional....if you run out of bones let me know ;D
Do you have those grills going 24/7? I love it!
The dahmer series! ;D
The three wheelers work awesome for smoking don't they Buckie? I think they are the way to go. No parts to replace, ever.
I can't see your pics Glrasmussen.
Havent seen that one before....hopefully a dog wont run off with your lid...
Sorry on the picks. I sent Troy and e-mail behind the scenes. I am Apple and I tried to modify many times and can't get them to post...
Cool, I will keep a watch.
Quote from: zavod44 on September 24, 2012, 06:27:29 PM
Wow! mine are a little more traditional....if you run out of bones let me know ;D
Quote from: G on September 24, 2012, 06:40:09 PM
Havent seen that one before....hopefully a dog wont run off with your lid...
Actually that thing's sitting in the shop right now for a re-fab.....
I did it for some friends & somebody left it on the ground or hung...
they have 6 or 8 Chihuahuas & Old Red, a pit mix w/ the head the size of a brisket...
It's just not safe there...
Quote from: Duke on September 24, 2012, 06:36:02 PM
The dahmer series! ;D
The three wheelers work awesome for smoking don't they Buckie? I think they are the way to go. No parts to replace, ever.
I can't see your pics Glrasmussen.
I don't get too daffy with Dahmer, even though I appreciate the jest, as I grew up 8 houses away from Richard Trenton Chase....Google him up for a fun time.... :)
The 3-wheels are grate, tho I've had some get so gunked w/ pork juice they got way loose & almost popped off !!!
I'm currently saving my largest pork butt bones for a possible attempt at side handles...
Might prove tricky ?
Glrasmussen., hope your pics come thru...For a fun time: pics !!!
Bone Handles! Its the Fred Flintstone kettle! ;D I like it! Do those handles on a redhead and call it 'Wilma'
Buckie, you can remove the vents and replace the rivets with nuts and bolts. Then when they get gunked up you can just remove them and clean them up. I just replaced a set that came out pretty nice.
Figured it finally, Pic's are posted above.
Nice collection!
Quote from: Duke on September 25, 2012, 06:58:34 AM
Buckie, you can remove the vents and replace the rivets with nuts and bolts. Then when they get gunked up you can just remove them and clean them up. I just replaced a set that came out pretty nice.
Thanks, man...
Been there, done that...
Was thinking about stamping a tiny " W " in the bolt head, so it's somehow more official ~~> 8)
The re-fit that baffles me is the two long rivet top handle......
I got one of those that needs fixin'.....
They really do get gunked up too, I'm a mess most days....
Brian can take care of the two rivet handles, looks factory new....
:o Is that a weber wok or a discada?
Yup, Weber wok with hanger clips....
alright...quit teasing...what option are you waiting for?
Not "waiting for", making.
It is not that exciting actually, but I am making a simple side table that was inspired by a post from an Aussie on tvwbb. He found and refinished a wide slatted table that looked really cool to me. I am taking that design cue and combining it with another weber made side table with the pipe legs. I think you might have one Jeff?
Anyway, half way done, I will post the details when it is finished.
It's definitely a weber table made for the Australian market
If anyone needs measurements or photos I can post them
I actually bought another one a month ago that is a full trolley kinda like the sequoia
But sits in the trolley using the handles instead of the tabs on the outside of the bowl so you can use any OTS in it. The trolley also has its own lid holder
I haven't posted any photos yet cause it needs a bit of work
Quote from: Duke on September 25, 2012, 06:58:34 AM
Buckie, you can remove the vents and replace the rivets with nuts and bolts. Then when they get gunked up you can just remove them and clean them up. I just replaced a set that came out pretty nice.
Duke do purchase Nuts and Bolts from Weber or Hardware Store?
I have three daisy's, but nothing to attach them with.
Yes, what I do is get stainless nuts and bolts. I just put one washer on the inside and a lockwasher on top of that. It will keep the vent from coming loose and you can adjust it to the tightness you prefer.
Buckie I have the handles for the two rivet problem...
Cool Beans !!
I have a few things to sort out, might be changing careers after 40 years,
but I'll get ahold of you soon enough...
Thanks !!!
no worries, just letting you know
Hey Brain Were geting you a matching white belt and shoes.. 8)
Quote from: Heyjude on September 26, 2012, 08:30:13 PM
Hey Brain Were geting you a matching white belt and shoes.. 8)
;D ???
Not sure if ther is another post for this but I finally got them all together again which is a job...they are strategically located all over the yard. My dog is alot like Brian's..likes to get involved...
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Nice collection! How about a closer look at yer 26'r? :D
coming right up.....
Here ya go....this is my oldest one, I think late 60's....
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Awesome collection Michael!
Awesome....and I never get enough of your dog. YOU know I love Bassets!. That picture is awesome!
Great shot Micheal. That's quite the collection you've got there
I've been thinking about buying the Weber fireplace myself
Would love to hear some feedback on it
The fireplace works great...used it for the first time last Sunday night. I found this one on CL. It had only been used a couple of times. I don't know if it is supposed to come with any kind of grate for the bottom but I used an extra 22.5 charcoal grate to start the fire on. Don't know if it matters but it worked well for me. I can say that I don't think the grate will last very long, it was warped pretty bad after only one fire. I like the open sides. Makes it easy to add wood and poke. Up until now I used a Coleman fire pit which I enjoyed very much. It has kind of a wire cage around the sides with a door which is not easy to use once the fire gets going good so you have to lift the top every time you add wood. Anyway, the Weber fireplace is better. It's big,it's sturdy, it's easy to use, it's a Weber.
Thanks for the comments guys.
I'd have to agree Michael, the Weber fire pit is well made and easy to use. I've had mine about 6 months and its served me well.
My collection of grills varies from month to month. I have had to liquidate a grill recently due to financial issues. But here are my main pits.
'99 Master-Touch
'07 Perfromer
Nice collection and that black mT is cool!
some of my little family
my 3 new projects, the red is a MT
Nice looking stable Ken! I see it's growing telling me you got da "Itis"! ;D
yes it is and yes I cool thing is that the wife is as addicted as I feel bad that I took the pic before I finished the red head you sent me (the ash pan not there) it's finished now. I am working on a 22 brownie from Stu right now.I won't be able to finish the work on my three projects until summer when it's warmer and I can clean the inside right and take apart the Performer.
Merry Christmas Mr B!!!
Ted's wife bought a table exstension for him from me for Christmas (little early, I know but well worth it). He took his wife out for dinner tonight so I quickly installed it while he is gone......Question is, will he check the forum while out for dinner with his
Looks Awesome Ted
That's beautiful, Brent. I hope Ted doesn't cry when he sees it.
I never get tired of seeing that awesome extension Brent! I bet he cries like a baby! I know i would. :'(
Nice collections lightning and Ken..... they are awesome, keep them coming!
Quote from: Big B on October 12, 2012, 03:38:11 PM
Merry Christmas Mr B!!!
Ted's wife bought a table exstension for him from me for Christmas (little early, I know but well worth it). He took his wife out for dinner tonight so I quickly installed it while he is gone......Question is, will he check the forum while out for dinner with his
Looks Awesome Ted
So I get home about 11pm tonight, up goes the garage door and
BOOM there sits my bad ass performer even more bad ass!!! Can't thank you enough, Brent, that is a sweet table! Best surprise ever! Better thank my wife too for helping pull off the surprise. Thanks honey. Outside of my kids' births the greatest thing I have ever seen... Ok I can't lie greatest event ever!! ;D
I didn't cry but there was some welling of the eyes. :D
that is beautiful Brent ! and a pretty cool thing you did.
Quote from: zavod44 on October 12, 2012, 06:49:55 PM
Nice collections lightning and Ken..... they are awesome, keep them coming!
thank you Brian, they would not look as nice without your great work on handles. which I will be calling upon you here shortly for some new ones. Just closed a deal with Stu for his 2 tone brownie and his mint condition chestnut.
Hey Ken,
You're buildng quite the collection. You have some very nice and unique grills!
Don;t let winter slow you down..
Thank you AJ. Winter just slows me down because I found that Easy Off oven cleaner works GREAT for cleaning the inside of the kettles, and I need sunshine for that, and that is a hard commodity to come by in I use greased lightening on most but found Easy off works best for me. I won't slow down on picking them up
I use Easy Off myself. Can't beat it. I don't know that the sun adds to it or not but it sure makes working outside more pleasurable. Enjoy!
Chestnut? You mean one like Brian has? Mint? If it's what I am thinking those are really rare. Congrats Ken!
I don't know, I will have to look at Brian's pics again. Mesa Azul right?
"H" and Stu said perfect condition.
Quote from: Big B on August 18, 2012, 07:29:09 PM
Here is my little collection. Some how I ended up with 5? Crazy how that
I noticed the wood handle on the S/S table, did you make that?? I was wondering if any one was going to do that. I just picked up a S/S blue and I thought the same thing, "that would look sweet with matching wood on the lid and table" and bam..there it is...
Very nice.
The added table is beautiful as well..
I am in theprocess of making some of those little handles for the stainless tables. I don't know how many of them I will have, but I'm case anyone needs one....
Some nice looking set ups, guys! I am planning on doing an updated family pic as soon as I am done restoring one of mine.
you know I do
keep me in mind. I am going to needa handle for the kettle to match.
Got a couple new projects in the works, will post pictures when I'm all done. Just thought I would look through some of the collections and realized this page hasn't moved since the middle of have been busy......! There is some awesome stuff here!!!!!!!
Thanks for reviving this old thread Big B! I should be posting something here soon myself as soon as the rain slows down. :)
Picked up this beast at a local auction..........1989 26" er
$35 for the grill. Little beat up, but works fine
($80 for New Parts(cleaning system not pictured..ooooops)
( Done
Still can't get over how big these things are......sure can get a lot of food on these things
That looks really sweet Big B! 8)
Geez, don't look too beat up to me....esp. for 23 ~24 years old.....
Great Score !!!
I have a 1985 just like it. I love it....Was one of the best things I got. I use it all the time..
Here's my '85 26
Latest acquisition on the right
(That's the most snow we've had all winter!)
A very nice score! A 26er is at the top of my wish list. Very hard to find here in the NW. Although I did score a Q300 for $112 yesterday!
Nice 26'ers guys. I will be looking for another. Would like the OT version. Spoiled I guess, like the clean-up better than
the old daisy wheel. That being said, love the amount of food you can cook on one. Did 12#'s of wings Saturday.
Looking real good. Great find.
Sweet 26 er hank
Are those brains handles?
If so which timber species and what stain/finish has been applied
They look the closest to original color I've seen
Just like my never cooked on 85 18
Quote from: Golly on January 09, 2013, 10:54:46 PM
Sweet 26 er hank
Are those brains handles?
If so which timber species and what stain/finish has been applied
They look the closest to original color I've seen
Just like my never cooked on 85 18
Those are the original handles. This grill was unused when I bought it. When I picked it up from the seller, they told me that a relative had used it in some kind of store display and later on packed it up and tucked it into a corner of the attic. Years later (last summer) it came to them to get rid of it. It was a little over an hour drive but well worth it. The only fault was that the charcoal grate was missing. It turns out it is no longer available from Weber. I cut a piece of expanded metal to fit and I'm using that.
Unfortunately even though the grill is covered most of the time, the finish on the handles seems to be deteriorating. They don't look as good any more. I will consult with Brian for suggestions to refinish them. (Spar varnish?)
Mine is no longer pristine. I collect them to use them. Here is the inaugural cook:
(Spar varnish?)
Yes....Marine Spar Varnish, it's made to withstand salt water, used for sealing boats' wood against those kinds of elements....
Stuff's raging expensive, but well worth the results..... :)
The picture of that leg on there could be in a magazine! It doesn't seem like any other weber grate will work as a charcoal grate in those does it. When I restored one a while back I had to just save the trashed old rusted one and flatten it and add expanded metal again. I notice on the newer models the top grate from a 22 will fit perfectly as a replacement.
Some great looking 26"ers! I can't wait to get ahold of one some day.
This is a pic of a home made job I did years ago. Before the 22 WSM came out.
Not pretty, but gets it done.
Reilly, thats a sweet setup! What did you make it out of?
Thanks, its a $25 preformer (missing the bottom support) and two rotisserie rings welded together with a cut out for an 18.5 WSM door. I am on the hook for a Superbowl cook out, so I had to break it out.
Quote from: reillyranch on January 21, 2013, 06:50:40 PM
This is a pic of a home made job I did years ago. Before the 22 WMS came out.
Not pretty, but gets it done.
That is sweet!
Quote from: Ken Mc on October 12, 2012, 10:43:53 PM
Quote from: Big B on August 18, 2012, 07:29:09 PM
Here is my little collection. Some how I ended up with 5? Crazy how that
I noticed the wood handle on the S/S table, did you make that?? I was wondering if any one was going to do that. I just picked up a S/S blue and I thought the same thing, "that would look sweet with matching wood on the lid and table" and bam..there it is...
Very nice.
The added table is beautiful as well..
OK so is there any way a guy could maybe buy one of these tables? ;D ;D
I have the handles, I don't make that table though.....
See I have the handles now I want the table. Its Just all that extra room, work space. Man I need that.
Did Big B get that from someone? I know someone made that....I'm sure if I set my mind to make one I could....
Ted B said Big B's brother makes these.....
Sorry for the slow response.........been kinda busy plowing snow, in these parts.......going on 36 hrs straight, I think......whatever pays the bills I
As for the butcherblock table extension on the performer, it is something I made.......
I can easily make would probably be $200 for all the hardware, table and shipping........Don't be afraid to email me with any questions.....or
ouch .. sorry to say, That's a little out of range right now. But good things come to those who wait. ;)
No worries Bob......I know its a little pricey. The hardware and shipping r kinda pricey, it ends up being a heavy package.
No biggy. If you ever want one, just let me know.
Ok here's the last family shot. The SS performer is the weekday star so he lives on the covered flagstone patio w/tunes, recessed lights, ...
Now when it comes to longer cooks and smoking, those duties are shared by the WSM Mini and my Smokemaster offset:
Recently the little Redhead is getting up to speed:
Eventually the grey and speckled one will have to get fired up.
All this typing makes me thirsty.
Nice pics Java, I find those reds and that grey 18 especially nice. Great collection you have going there. :)
That's a sweet setup! I love the pair of 18's. 8)
Bump for the new guys. Please feel free to share!!
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Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Awesome setup you got there jacoblee! :D What did you use for an axle on that shortened 18.5?
Bolt cutters I have not gotten around to it but I have the triangle that I am going to jb weld back onto the axle.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Okay so the weather was very nice here today, and I got a chance to update the family portrait. I did realize after the fact I forgot my Jumbo Joe...He will have to feel left out until next time....
So all of you can use this to show your wives. You can tell them "look at this, our yard could look like this...."
Oh and here they are with all their covers.....
My wifes reaction was priceless.
Sent from Galaxy Note 2 using tapatalk 2
dayum!!! I need to get all mine together. Brian, you're officially out of control! Thats sayin alot coming from me! have added a bunch since post #144.
Wifes reaction was something to the effect of just because he has a problem doesn't mean you can claim not to have a problem adicts always point to the guy with a bigger problem. :)
Sent from Galaxy Note 2 using tapatalk 2
Quote from: jacoblee on April 07, 2013, 07:11:28 PM
Wifes reaction was something to the effect of just because he has a problem doesn't mean you can claim not to have a problem adicts always point to the guy with a bigger problem. :)
Sent from Galaxy Note 2 using tapatalk 2
She's right, ya know..... 8)
So your saying my 10 webers is a problem?
Sent from Galaxy Note 2 using tapatalk 2
Very nice! You must have shed another redhead besides the one I got from you? Plus you gained another Chestnut Coppertone? Wow! I might have to contact you about those covers! Incredible!
Okay listen G, you have contributed to this nonsense. Plus I thought I Was doing good! I sold two out of the other picture, but in retrospect, I guess I added five back....andddddddddd the red 18 is technically G's as well, I thought I would toss it in for good measure...I could live with one redhead, but one is the fade, and the other has that cool vent wheel with the word Weber just etched in, not raised....oh and Hank is trading me a green one, soooooo
Quote from: Craig on April 07, 2013, 07:22:43 PM
Very nice! You must have shed another redhead besides the one I got from you? Plus you gained another Chestnut Coppertone? Wow! I might have to contact you about those covers! Incredible!
Yea I did sell another redhead, it was a beater. I actually sold that other red Mastertouch to Marty that he traded. So there were five redheads for a brief time. And thank Craig you for mentioning the covers. Once I put them all on and saw them, they kinda look like jammies for the grills, They put them on and go nite nite....
Brian, that is impressive! My question... Why does the 18" have plastic handles? Just say'n... ;) lovely bride saw your pit, looked at me and said, and I quote, "don't get any ideas..." the XC says "we have the room, we can make it work"!
I'm going with the XC..
Quote from: Kilted_Griller on April 07, 2013, 07:59:29 PM lovely bride saw your pit, looked at me and said, and I quote, "don't get any ideas..." the XC says "we have the room, we can make it work"!
I'm going with the XC..
I am with XC, my Bride is just starting to accept, That is a Good Thing.
Quote from: jacoblee on April 07, 2013, 07:21:06 PM
So your saying my 10 webers is a problem?
Sent from Galaxy Note 2 using tapatalk 2
No, I don't get the priveledge of saying that 'cause I'm worse....... ;D
But, she does have somewhat of a point...... ;)
That's an awesome collection Brian! My only request is that you take a picture of the two Chestnut Coppertones together. :D
Quote from: Duke on April 07, 2013, 08:50:25 PM
That's an awesome collection Brian! My only request is that you take a picture of the two Chestnut Coppertones together. :D
Define problem ;)
Sent from Galaxy Note 2 using tapatalk 2
Quote from: jacoblee on April 07, 2013, 09:05:40 PM
Define problem ;)
Sent from Galaxy Note 2 using tapatalk 2
well, I spent $115 on grills in just over two days & I've got like $17 to last the next ten days.....luckily everything's covered & me & the dawgs got lotsa pulled pork to eat !!!
10 is really not a "Problem", I wouldn't think.....see, I'd have a hard time pointing to you & saying to the wife: "Well, he's got ten of there !!!"
On the other hand, if you point me or one of these folks that have 3/4's of the large yard filled & try to minimize your position of owning ten to the wife, well........just don't know if that will fly from her point of view...... ;D
Well I have a small yard so my 10 is like your 20 or 30 from my wife's perspective. 8)
Sent from Galaxy Note 2 using tapatalk 2
As cool as all your grills are I think my two favorites would have to be Grandpa and the Mothership, they're full of character. They're yours and I'm sure if you decided to restore them they would look great but I like them just like they are.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I think you do need to make a special double cover for the CHESTtnut Coppertones, maybe something lacy.......
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Quote from: glrasmussen on April 07, 2013, 07:39:00 PM
Brian, that is impressive! My question... Why does the 18" have plastic handles? Just say'n... ;)
The 18 is for G. It is just residing here until G can take possession. I didn't want to alter his grill I don't know what his plans are. Maybe he loves the plastic? Oh and they are real filthy dirty too....
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
Quote from: zavod44 on April 08, 2013, 04:29:13 AM
Quote from: glrasmussen on April 07, 2013, 07:39:00 PM
Brian, that is impressive! My question... Why does the 18" have plastic handles? Just say'n... ;)
The 18 is for G. It is just residing here until G can take possession. I didn't want to alter his grill I don't know what his plans are. Maybe he loves the plastic? Oh and they are real filthy dirty too....
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
Make sense now, just looked out of place for your stable of kettles.
Quote from: zavod44 on April 08, 2013, 04:29:13 AM
Quote from: glrasmussen on April 07, 2013, 07:39:00 PM
Brian, that is impressive! My question... Why does the 18" have plastic handles? Just say'n... ;)
The 18 is for G. It is just residing here until G can take possession. I didn't want to alter his grill I don't know what his plans are. Maybe he loves the plastic? Oh and they are real filthy dirty too....Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
i can appreciate that........ ::)
Quote from: zavod44 on April 07, 2013, 06:40:51 PM
Okay so the weather was very nice here today, and I got a chance to update the family portrait. I did realize after the fact I forgot my Jumbo Joe...He will have to feel left out until next time....
So all of you can use this to show your wives. You can tell them "look at this, our yard could look like this...."
Oh and here they are with all their covers.....
This should be made into a poster that says, "See honey, it could be worse". I would display this proudly in Chadvillion.
Sweet pics Brian ..... I could perv all day
Special mention to the RK . He's all class
Here's the 2013 family photo shoot..
The main "Gang of 5"
Everyone together
The Reds
The Little guys
The Warrior, Gold, and the Black Joes
Not pictured ('93 Go Anywhere)
I see a lot of plastic handles.....Looks like we need some upgrading....
Quote from: zavod44 on May 04, 2013, 11:44:29 AM
I see a lot of plastic handles.....Looks like we need some upgrading....
Good point. Eventually I will submit an order.
BTW, I noticed dos handelos de plastico en la Mesa Azul photo!
WTF over ?
It's not my grill, it's a grill I picked up for Stu and it is just staying here until I can meet up with him....Now if he wants me to replace them we can discuss.....
Quote from: Craig on May 04, 2013, 07:55:22 AM
The Reds
The Little guys
I am seriously lusting over your red Coca Cola Jumbo Joe. That may be one of my favorite kettles ever. If you couldnt tell, i like Coca Cola every bit as much as Weber. Maybe more :o
I am seriously lusting over your red Coca Cola Jumbo Joe. That may be one of my favorite kettles ever. If you couldnt tell, i like Coca Cola every bit as much as Weber. Maybe more :o
Agreed, nowadays I switched to Coke Zero, but I am a Coke fan through and through...
So here's the current family situation:
- WSM-Mini (AA) - 2011
- Smokey Joe Platinum (Jumbo Joe) (DR) - 2006
- Black SS Performer (DD) - 2000
- Maroon SS Performer (DD) - 2000
- Blue SS Performer (EO) - 1995
- Red Master Touch (M) - 1990
- Red 18.5 - 1977
- Grey 18.5 - 1977
- Speckled Smokey Joe - 1973
- Avocado 22.5 - 1969
Cheers and Beers,
Nice !!!
Nice wide array of colors & ages too !!!!!
Quote from: Chad A on April 08, 2013, 04:43:09 PM
I would display this proudly in Chadvillion.
^^^ THAT!
That's a nice family you go there. That grey 18.5 really pops out in that photo. I'm diggin' the 'Cado too. 8)
I've only had my WSM for a year or so , but I am very attached to it. 8)
On the other hand , I've had my smoky joe for years and we always go on vacation together.
This was my primary smoker for a number of years , but since I got my WSM the brinkmann has been demoted to second string back up.
Nice smokers and SJ. I've been wondering the measurements of the Brinkmanns and if the center section would fit an 18.5 kettle?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
Here is my pit.
Not pictured is a Q 120.
My Kettles
That is a well stocked pit. Looks like you are able to do as you please with that arsenal....
Quote from: zavod44 on May 12, 2013, 05:44:29 PM
That is a well stocked pit. Looks like you are able to do as you please with that arsenal....
Not extensive like some but it fits my needs, in the OTS I have the craycort cast iron grates.
Those are some nice looking grates. I would like to sell my gasser and buy one of those webers with 3 burners and the side burner. I like that black ash can.
Now that they are spanking clean, the Performer sisters dragged some more family members out to take a picture. Little red riding hood could do with some ash pan detailing, and the MT up front needs a new leg set, but they are ready for action. The MT will go to my son in SF - he and his wife just bought their first house. They have a Weber Q, but c'mon, a vintage MT is where it's at. Other little details here and there, but that's half the fun.
That's a great family photo Marty. I've never been fond of the blackies, but you make them look GOOD.
Awesome collection Marty! The stickers make them look extra special.
Off topic: Funny, I never thought about putting the decal on my Weber lol.
Quote from: MartyG on July 29, 2013, 12:46:03 PM
Now that they are spanking clean, the Performer sisters dragged some more family members out to take a picture. Little red riding hood could do with some ash pan detailing, and the MT up front needs a new leg set, but they are ready for action. The MT will go to my son in SF - he and his wife just bought their first house. They have a Weber Q, but c'mon, a vintage MT is where it's at. Other little details here and there, but that's half the fun.
I love the master-touch, I own one and it is my favorite grill.
MartyG, that's a very impressive collection. I need to get a wood handle for my Performer. Did you buy those handles as is from Brian or did you stain them yourself?
Thanks! Brian did all the work. I will say in this case I supplied the wood (koa) but he can hook you up with whatever you like. I've seen a lot of his handles, and they are all gorgeous.
I cooked on gassers for years.
When I moved into my house 9 yrs ago, my folks got me a Napoleon gasser ... locally made.
Years later, I bought a Gourmet Charcoal Brinkmann for $60, then modded it before it's first use. Works great!
Then decided to build a UDS ... With a Happy Cooker dome lid courtesy of 1buckie. :D
Then bought a new AA OTS .... Then built a mini UDS using a 16 gallon drum, and a SJ lid.
The snowball continued to roll ... I have added more to that list ... Just Webers now! :D :D I finally saw the light. 8) ;)
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I'm glad to see this thread resurrected. Although it does turn my weberitis into overdrive. Man I can't look at anyone's collection without thinking I have to have one of those. Thanks guys for posting. Keep them coming.
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Not really a collection yet, but its a work in progress.
Looks like all you could possibly need is already there... now what you might want is a different story ;)
Some outstanding collections for sure!
Mac! Are you that guy with the 5000 word photoessay on how to mod your Brinkmann? :D
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on July 29, 2013, 04:15:18 PM
Mac! Are you that guy with the 5000 word photoessay on how to mod your Brinkmann? :D
Mac's a great builder / modifier.....does real tight clean work.....I'm jealous......
But I think this is the guy you might be thinking of ~~>
day_trippr's a great guy !!!!
Quote from: bthorn9435 on July 29, 2013, 03:55:06 PM
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Not really a collection yet, but its a work in progress.
Bthorn, all of our collections are a "work n progress" otherwise there'd be no Weberitis. :D
Great looking cookers everyone! Keep 'em coming!!
Oh and here's a rerun for fun...
Agreed, great looking collections!
Quote from: 1buckie on July 29, 2013, 05:23:37 PM
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on July 29, 2013, 04:15:18 PM
Mac! Are you that guy with the 5000 word photoessay on how to mod your Brinkmann? :D
Mac's a great builder / modifier.....does real tight clean work.....I'm jealous......
But I think this is the guy you might be thinking of ~~>
day_trippr's a great guy !!!!
No ... that's not me. ??? But, I did learn all of the mods from that photoessay.
Turns that POS unit into a fine little cooker ... and the price is right! ;)
Thanks, Ken, for the kind words. :D :D
My trio of three-wheelers. I know, I know, wheels were not capped and one of them went caddywhampus and I did not see that until I took the shot and packed them all up again. All three are virtually new or NIB. The 18 is the one I traded the red MT for a while back. The 76/77 22.5 is the one I wrote the story about, and the "basic" kettle is the one I picked up at the June Meetup.
Quote from: Big B on October 12, 2012, 03:38:11 PM
Merry Christmas Mr B!!!
Ted's wife bought a table exstension for him from me for Christmas (little early, I know but well worth it). He took his wife out for dinner tonight so I quickly installed it while he is gone......Question is, will he check the forum while out for dinner with his
Looks Awesome Ted
where does one get the extension this homemade or is there someone that makes it? i want one!!!!
Big b makes them. They are a work in progress. That was my first table. It warped badly so we are on number two. Waiting to see how it reacts. Also they aren't cheap. Very cool though. I love it.
thanks for the reply. keep us posted if you guys take orders....price anit a concern with something that legit. i built my table because a performer just didnt have the prep area that i wanted but my table isnt nearly as mobile as a performer and it takes up alot of room in the garage if i could get a folding table like that and still get a performer cover over it i would be in heaven.
My small but, growing family...getting another SJ this week...
Nice Array, Max B C !!!!!
Like that you're getting one different color after another...... ;D
Those are darn shiny..........very nice
My blue is my primary cooker for now...until I get a bucket on my newest red ;D
Not as clean as some of the others but they all cook fine.
I posted a pic about a year ago but even then it was about a year out of date. Since I picked up the red master touch this week while in Seattle, I decided I needed to update the group shot. I posted this on my Facebook page and some of my friends are recommending that I seek professional help... and my wife is starting to get short on patience. She says 15 should be enough but I am still missing quite a few colors! Not to mention the 22" WSM, 26.75 kettle...
Even though I do not post much, I am still an addict and do cook often!
Dang, Sheldon- you got the Weberitis!
Awesome collection Sheldon! Don't forget a ranch kettle (wouldn't want to leave one out!)
"my kettle is more powerful it will do almost anything."
Welcome back and awesome collection, Sheldon. We'd love to hear from you more! :D
Yep, you have Itis too! Great collection. Does your bride have more than 15 pairs of shoes?
I am so safe on that.
Awesome Sheldon. Thanks for stopping by again.
Ha-ha, that's awesome. If I had that many grills I think el wifey would kill me.
Great pic. Love that red MT
That's a great collection! It's very good to hear from you Sheldon. Please tell the family hello for me.
Quote from: Duke on August 10, 2013, 09:56:13 AM
That's a great collection! It's very good to hear from you Sheldon. Please tell the family hello for me.
Hey Duke! Life has been busy and not enough time for forums, but I always make time to Q! I think my wife would want "words" with whoever it was that told me about the Craig's List app for my phone. And I get frustrated at the deals I have to pass up. The real hard part is I have not been to a single BBQ Comp this year!
Posted this last week but it belongs here as well.
Love it Bluesman...... That's a great shot with some of my favourite grills
Awesome collection, Bluesman! I love your patio lay out too. It makes for a great "stage" to showcase your cookers. :D
Finally put my "new to me" pit into the rotation and love it. A vintage red or brown flat top 26 is at the top of my grail list. Both bowl handles were attached with screws. I left the back handle off to make it easier to maneuver the lid. Also added an ash can but not sure I like it since it isn't secure (spins) to the bowl.
Chicken on
That is awesome, Stu! Did you score a second flat tipper? Or is this the late 60s one you got a while back? Very cool! I see you use your warming rack the same way I use mine, that thing is a godsend!
Is that the hot rod one that was around for a while with the big wheels? Nice Job!
Bluesman, that's a sweet collection! :D
Quote from: Sheldon on August 09, 2013, 09:47:12 PM
I posted this on my Facebook page and some of my friends are recommending that I seek professional help... and my wife is starting to get short on patience. She says 15 should be enough but I am still missing quite a few colors! Not to mention the 22" WSM, 26.75 kettle...
No SS Performer???? :o
lol - great collection!
That's a my flat top "cooker". I cant bring myself to use this one
Quote from: G on August 11, 2013, 09:04:38 AM
That's a my flat top "cooker". I cant bring myself to use this one
Very nice! I have a few that I do not use at all. My performer sees the most use in my collection, followed by the Q300 and WSM in order.
I cook on one of theses at least 5 days a week year round. the other days I use the microwave to heat up left overs.
Quote from: Craig on August 11, 2013, 08:41:38 AM
That is awesome, Stu! Did you score a second flat tipper? Or is this the late 60s one you got a while back? Very cool! I see you use your warming rack the same way I use mine, that thing is a godsend!
I think that's the one I swapped with Stu, Craig. Looks good!
Time for an updated pit pic. The little family of Webers is growing
It's pretty cool see everyones family of grills, keep the pics coming..........
Nice pits Brent! Can I see more pictures of that sweet old 26'r? Where did you get that!?
Nothing vintage but it is workable.
2005 One Touch Cold, 2011 Touch and Go Performer, 2009 Smokey Joe converted into a mini WSM, UDS w/ 2012 Weber Lid, 2005 Touch and Go Performer, 2012 Smokey Joe converted into a mini WSM, 2006 One Touch Silver converted into a One Touch Gold.
I sold the One Touch Golds a couple of weeks ago because I was running out of room.
Those are nice, Aawa! :D
Quote from: Aawa on August 18, 2013, 10:07:19 AM
Nothing vintage but it is workable.
2005 One Touch Cold, 2011 Touch and Go Performer, 2009 Smokey Joe converted into a mini WSM, UDS w/ 2012 Weber Lid, 2005 Touch and Go Performer, 2012 Smokey Joe converted into a mini WSM, 2006 One Touch Silver converted into a One Touch Gold.
I sold the One Touch Golds a couple of weeks ago because I was running out of room.
Nice Family! This picture is almost symmetric, lol.
Gotta polish the legs but here's ole blue in the works.
Not sure if I like the ash ring yet. I wanted something different. I saw a black and red Bman did that I really liked.
"my kettle is more powerful it will do almost anything."
Quote from: zavod44 on July 09, 2012, 08:06:33 PM
MY dog burned my stove up but I can still use's a long story..
As for the pit, all I have is two words...
Mesa Azul
Beautiful set Brian.
How does the kettle stay in place?
I would love to see more pictures of this little beauty!
No postings since LAST YEAR!!!!!
Seems like there outta be some stuff going on in this thread.....maybe?
Once it warms up Ken I plan on getting a group photo...I have so many grills now it borders on insanity. And I know you like the clean photos I have :)
Same here. I've got to get a 2014 family photo. Its growing...
Oh, man, those flat-top 26s are so gorgeous! Wow.
"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
Yeah, forgot to stick this one in here.....
This is my first post! I just got a OTG and I'm loving it so far. Here it is with Brian's AMAZING wood handles! I'm looking forward to grilling up many delicious meals for family and friends.
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Quote from: rlane81 on March 02, 2014, 06:39:36 PM
This is my first post! I just got a OTG and I'm loving it so far. Here it is with Brian's AMAZING wood handles! I'm looking forward to grilling up many delicious meals for family and friends.
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Welcome in, rlane! :D
For a second I thought that was an 80s vintage brown kettle. Very nice indeed! I love the new coppers.
Awesome picture.....
Terrific photo, rlane81. I love the glow inside the chimney. You really nailed the moment.
The grilling station!
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Bump for new members and grills coming out of hibernation.
Here is my current pit, Master-Touch is in hibernation, I just can't cook on it.
And here is it from the other side
Updated grilling station. I really like how they all match, I even got a compliment from the wife :o
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Quote from: jamesnomore on April 29, 2014, 04:35:02 PM
Updated grilling station. I really like how they all match, I even got a compliment from the wife :o
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Very nice Jamesnomore!
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( My current weber family now I just need to find me a 26er
I just have the one, so far, but I love it!! ;D
Quote from: JDLones on April 29, 2014, 05:20:52 PM
I just have the one, so far, but I love it!! ;D
it's beautiful
It sure does look loved!
Here's my area; future plans in the work is a paver patio specifically to house my cookers.
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I know....I know.... I really need to mow the lawn ::)
Quote from: Dan NY on May 05, 2014, 05:52:08 PM
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I know....I know.... I really need to mow the lawn ::)
All I see is a pretty redhead doing her thing at night.... like mine do... ;)
Here's a few...
The Trifecta
The Jr league..
One of my blakes...
A cherry mist.... My first ever 22..
Before most of the squad was moved to the garage.. I now keep 3 outside at a time and rotate as desired..
Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk
Sweet collections! Craig, thanks for showing the blakes some love.
This weeks fixer upper. Some kinda gasser. It has 13 flavorizer bars. Nice grill for most stuff but not a 750 degree steak sear station.
Still gotta put some linseed oil on the wood parts and then it's going to a new home.
Pressure washed, painted the box and ends, sand the wood, new regulator, and new flavorizer bars.
X..... :)
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Quote from: harris92 on May 06, 2014, 06:56:33 AM
X..... :)
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I like the blue one a lot!
Agent X....he's someone not to be trifled with.....he means business...obviously
Stephen, That baby is the most incredible weber I have ever seen. It looks great with the read head next to it.
Thought I would try to post for the first time: Not sure how it will turn out.
I have had this for a long time and like it best (EE on vent)
Quote from: BBQ Jack on May 07, 2014, 11:25:07 AM
Thought I would try to post for the first time: Not sure how it will turn out.
I have had this for a long time and like it best (EE on vent)
Hi Jack,
You need to surround those URLs with IMG tags. Just select them and click the button under the "B" on the compose screen.
Nice looking grill!
Thanks Hank, I would not have figured that out.
It was a nice day so I figured all the Webers needed to come out for a cleaning, a photo and a cook:
Put in about a third of a smaller chimney with a mix of briquettes and lump in the jumbo WSM with some oak chunks and kept temps on the top shelf between 180-190 for about an hour with some ice in the water pan:
I took the steak and burgers off and cooked them on the blue Kettle to finish. No plate shot but the steak was medium rare and burgers juicy with just a slight bit of pink. Smoke taste was good, especially on the steak. The extra middle section on the WSM was a fix by Weber for a missing grommet on the initial purchase. The WSM is named Bertha but when she goes with the 2 middle rings she likes to be referred to as Smokezilla.
From over the winter:
Here are a couple of older pics of my pit crew. I really need to get a a current group photo taken.
This was taken in 2012.
The black 22" is a EE (1999) 3 wheeler that originally came with wooden handles. I received this as a birthday gift in 1999. Some dumb ass removed them and replaced them with plastic. The Smokey Joe is a C (1981) in mint shape that I picked up at a garage sale less than 5 miles from Harbormaster's back yard in 2012 for $3.00. I immediately converted it into a mini smoker. The performer is a left handed hi-bred I rebuilt. I picked up an EZ (1998) Performer off craigslist for $50.00 in 2010. The bowl and lid where not in the best of shape so I made a call to Weber and ordered up new ones. While I had it apart for cleaning and painting I decided to put it together the other way since I am left handed.
Last fall while moving out of our old house one of my neighbors set this beauty out by the curb. Gone in 60 Seconds my ass, I made it disappear in less than 20 seconds! It looks like it had been in the garage unused for the last 20+ years. It is a 70's model from all the clues, so 1971-1978. I have to get busy cleaning it up so I can get it dirty.
This baby is my workhorse, usually assisted by my brownie or carribbean. (
Quote from: whatchusmokin on May 31, 2014, 11:25:39 AM
This baby is my workhorse, usually assisted by my brownie or carribbean. (
Did you build the table yourself?
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on July 22, 2014, 08:46:11 AM
Quote from: whatchusmokin on May 31, 2014, 11:25:39 AM
This baby is my workhorse, usually assisted by my brownie or carribbean. (
Did you build the table yourself?
Yes, i built it over spring break this past year
Quote from: whatchusmokin on July 22, 2014, 01:28:25 PM
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on July 22, 2014, 08:46:11 AM
Quote from: whatchusmokin on May 31, 2014, 11:25:39 AM
This baby is my workhorse, usually assisted by my brownie or carribbean. (
Did you build the table yourself?
Yes, i built it over spring break this past year
Very nice work! ;)
Quote from: jcnaz on July 22, 2014, 08:57:57 PM
Quote from: whatchusmokin on July 22, 2014, 01:28:25 PM
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on July 22, 2014, 08:46:11 AM
Quote from: whatchusmokin on May 31, 2014, 11:25:39 AM
This baby is my workhorse, usually assisted by my brownie or carribbean. (
Did you build the table yourself?
Yes, i built it over spring break this past year
Very nice work! ;)
Here is my converted Master-Touch that is a comp cooker.
I've added a BBQ Guru adapter, Cajun Bandit rotisserie ring, Rib-O-Lator and a probe eyelet.
Performer Touch n' Go with Cajun Bandit Stacker
Bump for 2015!
Here's mine, my only charcoal set up at the moment. It currently needs to be cleaned and stained..
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that. is. awesome!
jcnaz: dat dere is what you call "a setup" Nice!
swamprb: it's obvious you do NOT mess around!
Really jdefran? Your only kettle is an OTG set into a "cart" that might just need a license plate to be legal? You sandbaggin' us? Let's see some cooks on that thing!
Can't believe we're on page 30 and I haven't posted this pic in here. Sorry 'bout that.
My two "go tos" are the ratrods on the outside of the row of kettles (just a couple of old, beat up 3 wheelers) and the four WSMs on the right side of the pic.
Here's a few..
Quote from: Craig on April 26, 2015, 05:55:22 PM
Here's a few..
@Craig !!!!
Please explain this Yellow Smokey Joe!!!!!
Quote from: Dan NY on April 27, 2015, 09:18:27 AM
Quote from: Craig on April 26, 2015, 05:55:22 PM
Here's a few..
@Craig !!!!
Please explain this Yellow Smokey Joe!!!!!
"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
Quote from: 1buckie on April 27, 2015, 09:21:42 AM
Quote from: Dan NY on April 27, 2015, 09:18:27 AM
Quote from: Craig on April 26, 2015, 05:55:22 PM
Here's a few..
@Craig !!!!
Please explain this Yellow Smokey Joe!!!!!
"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
@1buckie LOL!!!!
I had a feeling that was the case but I wanted to make sure I hadn't missed something.
Just a wild guess on my part....who knows what anyone might come up with....maybe it's factory?
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So its not my everyday grill... this is my at the office SJ. Earlier this winter I decided to build myself an outdoor kitchen. Please notice the Beer Chiller and Bottle opening in the third image.
^^^ Jeep that is awesome! ^^^
yeahp, that's cool!
A bump and an updated photo I am going to call this my Weber charcoal cookers - additional cookers, Vision Kamado and a Weber Q120 gasser.
Very nice lineup! You're welcome to send that 1/2 rack, or warming rack this way.
@Jeep- I missed that the first time around...ROFLMAO!
You have to make the best of a cold situation...i plan on rebuilding again this winter.
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on August 20, 2015, 12:54:51 PM
A bump and an updated photo I am going to call this my Weber charcoal cookers - additional cookers, Vision Kamado and a Weber Q120 gasser.
The Hunter green performer has already been replaced with a c and b lime performer
I love these collections! Mine is a mere three kettle collection all black.
Quote from: Lumpy Coal on August 20, 2015, 07:39:46 PM
I love these collections! Mine is a mere three kettle collection all black.
Me too. At least one is a OTP, and one is a three wheeler. On a serious hunt for a blue and a red though.
Ya I have one OTP as well....I got an amazing deal on it too. I too am seeking some colour but really hard to find here in Canada.
Lumpy where are you located in Canada?
Near Kingston, Ontario.
I guess better late than never. First one I ever own.
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My little collection. It's nowhere near as impressive as some the others, yet, but they get the job done. (
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Quote from: JDLones on September 04, 2015, 12:40:23 PM
My little collection. It's nowhere near as impressive as some the others, yet, but they get the job done. (
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think it is hard to have a collection like "some others" Key is, do you love your kettle and are you turning out any good food in it?
Many of my jems pass right through me, usually to a member. All I need for cookers is a couple of 22's and I am good.
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on September 04, 2015, 04:29:43 PM
Quote from: JDLones on September 04, 2015, 12:40:23 PM
My little collection. It's nowhere near as impressive as some the others, yet, but they get the job done. (
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think it is hard to have a collection like "some others" Key is, do you love your kettle and are you turning out any good food in it?
Many of my jems pass right through me, usually to a member. All I need for cookers is a couple of 22's and I am good.
An excellent point. I absolutely LOVE my kettle, and I'm generally quite happy with the food that comes out of it. It would be be awesome to have a stable of vintage kettles, if I could get a Performer and a WSM then I'd be quite happy. In the meantime I'll keep plugging away with what I've got. Cheers!
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My most recent group shot. A couple of them have already been sent to new homes. A little more herd thinning will occur this fall.
Show your pit(s)
Other side of the yard...
The C&B Performer and the 18 seem to be getting most of the work lately.
And we don't talk about what's on the side yard 8)
Great photos Rick, and an equally impressive grilling space! It's like a Weber oasis
Current kettle family portrait.
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Those are some sweet blaiks,
@jcnaz !
Since my last posting on this thread in the spring:
There's been some changes:
- The 18" WSM was just replaced with a 22" WSM craigslist find.
- A 22" OTG from craigslist was added to the lineup primarily as a dedicated hi heat pizza cooker but also serves as the tailgate/travel grill.
The 22" inch lineup gets most of the work these days, The 14's and 18's stay mostly in the garage for reserve use.
I should probably move the SJS and the 18" down the road but the miniWSM is sentimental so that stays around no matter what.
Quote from: CharliefromLI on October 09, 2015, 06:30:06 AM
- The 18" WSM was just replaced with a 22" WSM craigslist find.
- A 22" OTG from craigslist was added to the lineup primarily as a dedicated hi heat pizza cooker but also serves as the tailgate/travel grill.
The 22" inch lineup gets most of the work these days, The 14's and 18's stay mostly in the garage for reserve use.
I should probably move the SJS and the 18" down the road but the miniWSM is sentimental so that stays around no matter what.
It looks like the 22.5 WSM ate the 18. Very nice collection, black is beautiful for sure. If you ever want to move that Performer, let me know (worth a shot). I'm only a few hours away
Quote from: Santo on October 09, 2015, 07:35:28 PM
Quote from: CharliefromLI on October 09, 2015, 06:30:06 AM
- The 18" WSM was just replaced with a 22" WSM craigslist find.
- A 22" OTG from craigslist was added to the lineup primarily as a dedicated hi heat pizza cooker but also serves as the tailgate/travel grill.
The 22" inch lineup gets most of the work these days, The 14's and 18's stay mostly in the garage for reserve use.
I should probably move the SJS and the 18" down the road but the miniWSM is sentimental so that stays around no matter what.
It looks like the 22.5 WSM ate the 18. Very nice collection, black is beautiful for sure. If you ever want to move that Performer, let me know (worth a shot). I'm only a few hours away 
The performer isnt going anywhere ;) that's the workhorse of this team and will be for years to come.
Quote from: CharliefromLI on October 09, 2015, 06:30:06 AM
The performer isnt going anywhere ;) that's the workhorse of this team and will be for years to come.
Well, fair enough but I had to try. Enjoy it.
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The Red Workhorses in my stable. ;D
Where my obsession with the Redheads I'm elbow deep in a Red 1993 Performer SS RRR.....its a sickness
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Quote from: Duke on July 08, 2012, 08:21:12 AM
Share a photo of one you use most. Tell us about the setup and why it's the one.
I use this almost everyday. I am pretty sure i'm the only one here who doesn't even own a stove. :)
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It was an OTS until I made it a gold and added a lid bale. I really like the ci grate.
I still need to add a thermometer. I also made a charcoal holder out of expanded metal.
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Not the only one with no stove.
I have no kitchen.
Lots of use our of the little Jumbo Joe :)
Here she is...gotta name her(
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WKC I introduce you to Emma Stone.......(
Cleaned up the cooking area this weekend (redhead Genesis isn't quite finished yet).
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@santrigo That's one pretty Candy Apple Red. Magnificent condition. SJ
@santrigo that is a most beautiful kettle indeed!
This is my current family portrait...although it is missing one member on the far right, which will be revealed shortly :)
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Quote from: Shoestringshop on May 12, 2016, 11:56:08 AM
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Totally bad-azz rig, Shoestringshop! Is that a marble counter?
Bump for new members.
My RedHead... pre zav handles...
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Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
My workhorses'
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Quote from: Cellar2ful on February 19, 2017, 08:05:11 AM
in all its glory, this is an older picture right? cuz I know you have like 4 new ones
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G928A using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (
@LiquidOcelot- It was taken last August. Yeah, there are a couple (lol) more that aren't pictured. The things are like rabbits.