Weber Kettle Club Forums

Grill Talk => Weber Grill Forum (Grills, Accessories) => Topic started by: ramsfan on December 18, 2012, 05:54:21 PM

Title: Old style cooking grate
Post by: ramsfan on December 18, 2012, 05:54:21 PM
I was in a store tonight that had some new Weber cooking grates. These were the "old style" straight grates with no hinged sides.  Are these worth grabbing? Are they still readily available or is this becoming a rare commidity?
Title: Re: Old style cooking grate
Post by: reillyranch on December 18, 2012, 06:01:09 PM
They are listed in the 2013 catalog, I think they are still available. It is part number #7435. Some stores might choose not to carry the basic model.
Title: Re: Old style cooking grate
Post by: Duke on December 18, 2012, 06:53:47 PM
I would check them. If you can't slide your index finger through the grate bars I would buy them. The old ones have thicker bars and there are more of them. They are much better than the new ones. Keep me posted.
Title: Re: Old style cooking grate
Post by: Craig on December 19, 2012, 05:48:41 AM
I've noticed that our local ACE & Home Depot's & Lowe's stopped carrying the basic grates in favor of the hinged ones in the last year or so. Speaking of grates, whats up with the ones that come with the One Touch Silver's in recent years? To Duke's point, they don't seem as strong as the original one that came with my red and brown 22's.  :-\

Title: Re: Old style cooking grate
Post by: ramsfan on December 19, 2012, 07:06:40 AM
I talked to a CSR at Weber this morning and she confirmed that Weber is still producing the straight grates. They come on the OTS kettles only. The hinge grates are now exclusive to the OTG kettles. Apparently, they are trying to differentiate between the two models.
Title: Re: Old style cooking grate
Post by: Duke on December 19, 2012, 04:07:54 PM
Right, but the straight grates are cheap and flimsy now. They only last one season.
Title: Re: Old style cooking grate
Post by: bama bbq on December 19, 2012, 04:13:42 PM
I agree - I have a one touch silver  On my other kettles from years past I remembered the grills were much more durable.  I replaced the grate with the hinged grate.
Title: Re: Old style cooking grate
Post by: Craig on December 19, 2012, 08:39:31 PM
The flimsy ones you speak of Duke, are the ones with the rounded handles on each side, yes?

Title: Re: Old style cooking grate
Post by: Heyjude on December 20, 2012, 05:55:03 AM
I've seen all levels of quality grates. If you buy brand new grills, the OTS basic grill has the cheapest grate I have ever seen. I doubt it lasts more than one year at the most.
If you buy OTG's or better, the grates are somewhat better. If you go to buy replacements, the quality has decresased substantially. If you find the thicker grates at any store, you should grab yourself a couple spares. Home Depot and Lowes only seem to sell the flip grates. At least in the stores.
I'm thinnking that ACE hardware stores probably have some of the older grates around.
Happy Hunting!  8)
Title: Re: Old style cooking grate
Post by: mike.stavlund on December 20, 2012, 06:46:41 AM
I discovered this year that Target puts their grill stuff on clearance in the fall.  So I grabbed up some hinged grates for about 9 bucks apiece.  Everything else was about half price as well. 
Title: Re: Old style cooking grate
Post by: Duke on December 20, 2012, 06:52:47 AM
Quote from: husker_red on December 19, 2012, 08:39:31 PM
The flimsy ones you speak of Duke, are the ones with the rounded handles on each side, yes?

Yep, those ones. I think walmart also sells a version like it, only it's just a little better. ::)