Weber Kettle Club Forums

What's Going On => Meetups & Events => Topic started by: SixZeroFour on August 19, 2014, 12:09:18 PM

Title: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 19, 2014, 12:09:18 PM
Summary of original post: "I see all these awesome meets many of you get to attend - this would give us outcasts a way of connecting as well  :) "

[EDIT] :: We are a go!! WKC eCook Sunday Sept 7th - ALL DAY - Start time - Whatever works for your own schedule! Breakie, lunch or dinner or all three! Read the whole thread for ideas and details ::

The purpose of the event is to simply celebrate kettles and this great club we are a part of! I'm looking forward to some great discussion, recipe sharing, kettle talk, beverages and FOOD!

Plus if you join in with a cook the day of the event you have a chance to win something! The 22.5" OTG will be drawn via raffle including all participants names. WINNER CAN CHOOSE FROM A BRAND NEW CRIMSON OR COPPER OTG! The other prizes are a NIB 18.5" Corona Extra OTS and a NIB Crimson Smokey Joe - contests are still tbd...


Hope you can all join in!




Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: 1buckie on August 19, 2014, 12:24:09 PM


I've tried to get tag team pork butt e-cooks going before...but they fizzle out after a day or so....... :o
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: einrej on August 19, 2014, 01:04:54 PM
Great Idea!
Count me in.
Like a Grillethon
No good excuse to not participate.
If your not up to it in the morning, wait till afternoon.

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: mhiszem on August 19, 2014, 05:07:00 PM
As long as I am free I will definitely participate!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: Chuck on August 19, 2014, 05:10:55 PM
If nothing else is going on that day I think my wife will let me play with the other Weber kids.
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: Troy on August 19, 2014, 06:21:37 PM
I think it would be cool.

I'm sure there are a ton of variations that would also work too.
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 19, 2014, 06:25:15 PM
Yea just a totally chill no rules kinda day - cook whatever/whenever you can, post some fun pics, share some recipes... Celebrate and support the club!

Lot's of ideas for interesting contests! let's get everybody's input!
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: coldkettle on August 19, 2014, 07:36:39 PM
Sounds like a good idea!  I'd be game if the day was right!

I love the smell of a evening cook...

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: 1buckie on August 19, 2014, 07:47:41 PM

Hey, how 'bout a 'Turd Throwdown?
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 19, 2014, 07:57:56 PM
buckie, I need you to sit down before you read what I am about to type. I fear for my personal safety at this point...

I don't know how it's happened, possibly the fact that I was only introduced to charcoal a year and a half ago, or maybe because I live in the unrelenting frozen tundra that is Canada  ;) ... but I have never in my life had the pleasure of eating a turd  ;) ;D

I KNOW!  :-[

Shameful and sacrilegious... I hang my head in shame but will attempt to reclaim my honor by cooking and eating a large sums of them whenever we get this eMeet planned. I've been studying your technique and feel I am up to the challenge!
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: 1buckie on August 19, 2014, 08:35:42 PM

I can take it standing up......

......just make more than you think you'll need...they're really good.......


Oh.....and the Canadian tundra is no's MacEggs backyard & he does 'Turds all the time..... 8)

( (
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: Craig on August 19, 2014, 09:05:43 PM
I like it! A virtual meet up of sorts.
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 20, 2014, 06:44:08 PM
^ exactly. local meet-ups could happen and participate as well - who knows. I'm not talking crazy comp judging or anything even remotely serious like that, just a good time - cook up your favorite go-to dishes and have a few friends over for some laughs and food. At the end of it all post a pic showing your setup and that's it really... would encourage posting shots throughout the day if possible but even a single pic is contributing.

Sorta design on the fly at this point, but could be a good time I think!

I have a NIB Corona 18", and an older SJ I can offer up as a few prizes.
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: pbe gummi bear on August 20, 2014, 08:08:05 PM
I love the initiative to get this rolling, @SixZeroFour. I think it's a great idea!. Google hangout/skype session anyone? It would be nice to be able to cook something that takes 2-4 hours. This way lunch and dinner can overlap between east coast and west coast.
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: Cookingmama on August 21, 2014, 06:49:00 AM
I've been needing a long therapeutic day long cook.......I would so be on this.
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: 1buckie on August 21, 2014, 07:27:00 AM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 21, 2014, 06:49:00 AM
I've been needing a long therapeutic day long cook.......I would so be on this.

It's really nice to see you drop back by !!!!

Certainly does bode well for the soul to spend time at the kettle fixing up some goods !!!!

We should roll on this sooner than later.............. 8)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: MacEggs on August 21, 2014, 08:55:11 AM
Let's compare ....

Quote from: 1buckie on August 19, 2014, 08:35:42 PM( (

( (

Seriously, 604?? ... Never had a turd??
They are the crack cocaine of the BBQ world.

I would be interested in what you're proposing, so long as I'm not busy.
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 21, 2014, 11:08:06 AM
It's looking slightly warmer this time of year - must be that sweet fire pit rockin' in the background  ;)

... and yes... I'm the 34 year old turd Virgin. I don't want to shock my system by just diving in to such a delicacies at this point so I'm mentally working myself up for the big day.

Seems like we're getting a decent response so far! Hopefully more of the habitual posters that are locked on "Food, BBQ, Grilling" and the "Weber Kettle" section of the site come and read this section and throw in their hats  :)

Just so we have SOME date as a starting point I will throw out Sat Sept 6th (couple weeks from now)

I'd get my laptop or iPad rocking a webcam in the backyard for sure!

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: MartyG on August 21, 2014, 12:14:24 PM
Sat the 6th looks good for me. The gears are turning, but it might be a good day to break in the NIB kabob ring on my '76 brownie. Just gotta get a little Boogie Fever going on the the 8track...

Maybe start with a a little Afternoon Delight,
Throw a Disco Duck or two on the skewers, cuz That's the Way I Like It,
Fire up my newly converted redhead Performer (aka: the Love Machine), just so the brownie and me are not All By Myself, and whip up a batch of Muskrat Love,
Play That Funky Music some more, until the Moonlight Feels Right,
Take It To The Limit, but watch out for the Love Hangover tomorrow,
Maybe sing a few Silly Love Songs until we're Right Back Where We Started From:
Recalling that amazing kettle score from December, 1963 (Oh, What A Night!)

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: Craig on August 21, 2014, 12:15:48 PM
I work Saturdays. Sundays are usually good for me.
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 21, 2014, 12:20:16 PM
Quote from: Craig on August 21, 2014, 12:15:48 PM
I work Saturdays. Sundays are usually good for me.

Ok new tentative date Sunday Sept 7th ? Does that work for you Marty?
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: MartyG on August 21, 2014, 12:32:39 PM
I'm in.  Let Your WKC Love Flow... ;D
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: 1buckie on August 21, 2014, 02:59:23 PM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 21, 2014, 11:08:06 AM
It's looking slightly warmer this time of year - must be that sweet fire pit rockin' in the background  ;)

... and yes... I'm the 34 year old turd Virgin. I don't want to shock my system by just diving in to such a delicacies at this point so I'm mentally working myself up for the big day.

Seems like we're getting a decent response so far! Hopefully more of the habitual posters that are locked on "Food, BBQ, Grilling" and the "Weber Kettle" section of the site come and read this section and throw in their hats  :)

Just so we have SOME date as a starting point I will throw out Sat Sept 6th (couple weeks from now)

I'd get my laptop or iPad rocking a webcam in the backyard for sure!

OK....let's run thru this again real quick.......see those 1/4 size ones on the lower deck, foreground.....split pepper, then that cut in half?


Not too big, really......I ate 40+ of that size one Sunday......surely you might be able to tackle a half dozen.............. 8)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: Cookingmama on August 21, 2014, 04:03:56 PM
thanks buckie......I miss this place. 

The 7th sounds good......

I'm already thinking up my menu.....I got some fajitas in the freezer and some new hot sausages I want to try. 


There must be more though.....
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: MartyG on August 21, 2014, 04:21:21 PM
Nice to see you active again Becky. I'll do skewered kabob something for a change, (maybe a vintage recipe?) and yes, there is always more.

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: Jocool on August 21, 2014, 05:37:46 PM
Make it the 31st of August. I'm doing heaps of cooking on that day! :D
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: 1buckie on August 21, 2014, 07:35:06 PM
Quote from: Jocool on August 21, 2014, 05:37:46 PM
Make it the 31st of August. I'm doing heaps of cooking on that day! :D

Just  hold your pics & story 'till one will know the guys are in a different time zone anyway, right?
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: Jocool on August 21, 2014, 08:24:00 PM
Quote from: 1buckie on August 21, 2014, 07:35:06 PM
Quote from: Jocool on August 21, 2014, 05:37:46 PM
Make it the 31st of August. I'm doing heaps of cooking on that day! :D

Just  hold your pics & story 'till one will know the guys are in a different time zone anyway, right?
I won't tell if you don't tell! Shhhhhhh
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: mirkwood on August 21, 2014, 08:29:38 PM
Sunday, September 7th 2014, A date that will live in infamy. A young man of the north lost his
turdginity and massive quantities of food was consumed by people unafraid of food bbq'd or
grilled over open coals.. I'm good for that day, not sure I can get a live feed going but stranger
things have happened..
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: Craig on August 21, 2014, 09:26:00 PM
I may have to get the yellow cook worthy before then. I need an excuse to whip out 3 or 4 kettles for a Cook Day. Or I can make it a redhead theme. 1 man, 1 menu,  5 decades worth of redhead Weber Kettles..... This is gonna be huge!  8)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: 1buckie on August 22, 2014, 02:45:47 AM

Trying to figger out where to rent a "helmet cam"..................... 8)

PS: Anyone notice I'm trying to get 604 to cave in & just eat a 'Turd ?
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: Jocool on August 22, 2014, 04:31:21 AM
It's just unAustralian if he doesn't eat a Turd!

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: MacEggs on August 22, 2014, 05:55:18 AM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 21, 2014, 11:08:06 AMI'm the 34 year old turd Virgin.

That's okay .. my first turd wasn't until I was 40-41 yrs old.

I gotta work Sept 6, so the 7th looks good.  Week 1 of the NFL!!  Bills vs. Bears ......

Go Bills!!  ;)

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: dazzo on August 22, 2014, 06:07:44 AM
The construction and consumption of a Turd...

Isn't that in the bylaws somewhere?
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: dazzo on August 22, 2014, 06:09:46 AM
QuoteGo Bills!!  ;)

I like to see the Bears do good, but as a Packers fan, I agree       ;D
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 22, 2014, 12:53:56 PM
Quote from: 1buckie on August 22, 2014, 02:45:47 AM
PS: Anyone notice I'm trying to get 604 to cave in & just eat a 'Turd ?
Oh I will absolutely be eating some! I need to look around for some quality ingredients etc. Think I might plan for them for the 7th!

Now buckie if you could only choose one, possibly 2 fine turd species, which ones would you suggest?
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: Mark Schnell on August 22, 2014, 03:08:28 PM
I'm in!! I've been looking forward to an excuse to do another Anaconda Bacon Burger. I'm gonna refine it this time.
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 22, 2014, 04:40:03 PM
Anaconda Bacon Burger! Please do tell...  :)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: 1buckie on August 22, 2014, 04:59:53 PM
Quote from: Mark Schnell on August 22, 2014, 03:08:28 PM
I'm in!! I've been looking forward to an excuse to do another Anaconda Bacon Burger. I'm gonna refine it this time.

Anaconda Bacon Burger!!!!!

I ran across that the other day & almost brought it back up, just for fun.....that one wins some kind of prize !!!!

Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 22, 2014, 12:53:56 PM
Quote from: 1buckie on August 22, 2014, 02:45:47 AM
PS: Anyone notice I'm trying to get 604 to cave in & just eat a 'Turd ?
Oh I will absolutely be eating some! I need to look around for some quality ingredients etc. Think I might plan for them for the 7th!

Now buckie if you could only choose one, possibly 2 fine turd species, which ones would you suggest?

i like tandoori spice in the cream cheese....really good.....'turd-wrapping/

....or Monkeys......

there's all kinds of great additions.....first, think of what you like best in BBQ, then think of how to add that in.....meats, cheeses, fruit type things, seafood....people use lump crabmeat & shrimp a lot....

Shrimps hangin' out the top 'o these dawgs......

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 23, 2014, 03:34:19 PM
Quote from: 1buckie on August 22, 2014, 04:59:53 PM

there's all kinds of great additions.....first, think of what you like best in BBQ, then think of how to add that in.....meats, cheeses, fruit type things, seafood....

The possibilities are endless  ;)

I'm thinking something like sliced marinated tenderloin steak, few chunks of fresh pineapple and a bit of teriyaki sauce and wrapped up in the bacon. Or idea #2 would be essentially pairing the bacon bomb stuffing with massive amounts of cheese all wrapped up. Or even something like a parmesan spinach and artichoke dip filled turd??

... oh man I need to go make some dinner before I pass out  :)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 23, 2014, 10:55:29 PM
Alright you fence squatters - it's time to man (or woman!) up and add your name to the list! You don't need to have a webcam or even show your face, just post up a picture or two of your cook that day exactly like you would in the Food Pr0n section. Obviously you are encouraged to post as much as possible throughout the day but you'll be welcomed no matter what!
*** If we get 10 new names added to the list by this Friday at midnight the Brand New Crimson OTG shown below will be the new top prize including shipping within the mainland US or Canada. This will be a free draw that everyone participating gets entered into.***


Here is the list so far (14 People!) - please copy and paste this bit and add your name if you can join in:

@pbe gummi bear
@Cooking Mama
@MacEggs (?)
@Mark Schnell

Come on people. There are many more regulars that need to step up to the plate!  ;)

Would love to somehow tie-in @Idahawks ALS ice bucket challenge to the WKC ( since people will already be outdoors in a water and ice friendly environment  8) People who participate or donate get entered in a separate draw for a different prize.

Enjoy the weekend,

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Craig on August 23, 2014, 10:59:03 PM
I'm in!
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Troy on August 23, 2014, 10:59:39 PM
Holy shit.

I am in!

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: MacEggs on August 24, 2014, 11:00:22 AM
I'm in!  But, I am not all tecked out .. so, it will be just some pics.  :D 8)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day?
Post by: landgraftj on August 24, 2014, 11:14:02 AM
Quote from: dazzo on August 22, 2014, 06:09:46 AM
QuoteGo Bills!!  ;)

I like to see the Bears do good, but as a Packers fan, I agree       ;D

Mark - we can't be friends that day

Dazzo - the packers, really?

Go Bears!
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: landgraftj on August 24, 2014, 11:14:46 AM
Oh, and I'm in.
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 24, 2014, 11:31:46 AM
Noice!  :)

pbe gummi bear
Cooking Mama
Mark Schnell
landgraftj (9 more!)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Craig on August 24, 2014, 11:42:05 AM

Quote from: landgraftj on August 24, 2014, 11:14:02 AM
Quote from: dazzo on August 22, 2014, 06:09:46 AM
QuoteGo Bills!!  ;)

Dazzo - the packers, really?

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: landgraftj on August 24, 2014, 11:53:03 AM
Quote from: Craig on August 24, 2014, 11:42:05 AM

Quote from: landgraftj on August 24, 2014, 11:14:02 AM
Quote from: dazzo on August 22, 2014, 06:09:46 AM
QuoteGo Bills!!  ;)

Dazzo - the packers, really?


Shit list for you too Craig!
Title: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Craig on August 24, 2014, 11:56:10 AM
Quote from: landgraftj on August 24, 2014, 11:53:03 AM
Quote from: Craig on August 24, 2014, 11:42:05 AM

Quote from: landgraftj on August 24, 2014, 11:14:02 AM
Quote from: dazzo on August 22, 2014, 06:09:46 AM
QuoteGo Bills!!  ;)

Dazzo - the packers, really?


Shit list for you too Craig!

Oh well, I'm always get myself hip deep in it, it seems. What's another scoop gonna hurt!?


Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Jocool on August 24, 2014, 01:30:36 PM looks like us Aussies have to lead the way again! :-[

I'm in. And if I win, I want Buckie to deliver that Kettle. >:D
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 24, 2014, 01:49:28 PM
pbe gummi bear
Cooking Mama
Mark Schnell
Jocool (8 more!)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: coldkettle on August 24, 2014, 04:58:48 PM
I'm looking forward to it!  Should be a fantastic day!

I love the smell of a evening cook...

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Stu Clary on August 24, 2014, 07:44:06 PM
I'm in and will be posting pictures from my tailgate in Lot A of the Oakland Coliseum
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Heyjude on August 24, 2014, 08:03:38 PM
I'm in.. Now, what to cook?  8)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Troy on August 24, 2014, 08:19:27 PM
we gotta get @zavod44
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 24, 2014, 08:25:38 PM
^ Agreed!!

Glad to see the list steadily growing!  8)

We have 18 and counting!

pbe gummi bear
Cooking Mama
Mark Schnell
Stu Clary
Heyjude (6 more!)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Golly on August 24, 2014, 08:29:01 PM
That's Father's Day here in OZ
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: AZ_MIKEY on August 24, 2014, 08:32:35 PM
I am in. Going to try and do breakfast and a late lunch both on the kettles. This should be good to see what everyone is doing.
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 24, 2014, 08:33:09 PM
Quote from: Golly on August 24, 2014, 08:29:01 PM
That's Father's Day here in OZ

What better reason to have A BBQ? ;)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 24, 2014, 08:34:39 PM
Now we're talkin'!

pbe gummi bear
Cooking Mama
Mark Schnell
Stu Clary
AZ_MIKEY (5 more!)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Stu Clary on August 24, 2014, 08:41:08 PM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 24, 2014, 08:33:09 PM
Quote from: Golly on August 24, 2014, 08:29:01 PM
That's Father's Day here in OZ

What better reason to have A BBQ? ;)

Yup...(as if a reason is needed)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Jocool on August 25, 2014, 12:19:01 AM
Quote from: Golly on August 24, 2014, 08:29:01 PM
That's Father's Day here in OZ
Well I'm still in.

My daughters have organised a late breakfast early lunch...I think the hippies call it brunch.... for all our clan. But I'm still going to cook something.
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: harris92 on August 25, 2014, 03:15:27 AM
I'm in too. :)
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1buckie on August 25, 2014, 04:45:12 AM

  Good Deal Harris !!!!

Fire up a shiney, as they say !!!

Did someone say hippies for  "BRUNCH" ?
I'm in !!!!!
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Nate on August 25, 2014, 05:03:18 AM
This is gonna be great! I'll be tuned in. To bad it wasn't this coming weekend. I was volunteered to do 16 lbs of pulled pork, abt's, wieners and maybe burgers, and Hawaiian style Mac salad.
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Jocool on August 25, 2014, 05:14:29 AM
Quote from: 1buckie on August 25, 2014, 04:45:12 AM

Did someone say hippies for  "BRUNCH" ?
I'm in !!!!!

Shit, I think I just wee'd a bit in my pants. :-
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: jamesnomore on August 25, 2014, 05:31:25 AM
I'm in, need a good excuse to cook all day! Thanks for the heads up @Troy

Now we're talkin'!

pbe gummi bear
Cooking Mama
Mark Schnell
Stu Clary

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Bob BQ on August 25, 2014, 07:34:15 AM
Count me in!

pbe gummi bear
Cooking Mama
Mark Schnell
Stu Clary
Bob BQ
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Tim in PA on August 25, 2014, 08:32:35 AM
Sounds like a great idea, count me in!!
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: MaxBobcat on August 25, 2014, 09:17:07 AM
Grate idea!!   ;D  I'm in!

Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 25, 2014, 09:24:24 AM
Awesome new guys!! This is getting good!!

PS - There is now a NIB Crimson SJ as a prize as well ;)

pbe gummi bear
Cooking Mama
Mark Schnell
Stu Clary
Bob BQ
Tim in PA
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1911Ron on August 25, 2014, 12:34:00 PM
Count me in!  I may have missed it but how do you win, random drawing?  I can PM you my addy for the SJ! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Jason on August 25, 2014, 03:51:14 PM
Count me in too!
Title: Re: Thoughts on a WKC online cook day? CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: indy82z on August 26, 2014, 07:57:33 AM
I'm in too..
Title: Re: WKC online cook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 26, 2014, 12:09:07 PM
Few new details up in the original post! (


That's already 27 BBQ's going on nation wide folks! Amazing!

pbe gummi bear
Cooking Mama
Mark Schnell
Stu Clary
Bob BQ
Tim in PA
Jason Beach
Title: Re: WKC online cook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Jeff on August 26, 2014, 01:03:22 PM
Grate idea, I'm in, no butts about it.  With opening day Sunday for the could anyone not have a grill going? 

pbe gummi bear
Cooking Mama
Mark Schnell
Stu Clary
Bob BQ
Tim in PA
Jason Beach
Title: Re: WKC online cook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Golly on August 27, 2014, 12:06:41 AM
Quote from: Jeff on August 26, 2014, 01:03:22 PM
Grate idea, I'm in, no butts about it.  With opening day Sunday for the could anyone not have a grill going? 

pbe gummi bear
Cooking Mama
Mark Schnell
Stu Clary
Bob BQ
Tim in PA
Jason Beach
Title: Re: WKC online cook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Hogsy on August 27, 2014, 02:01:34 AM
Count me in
pbe gummi bear
Cooking Mama
Mark Schnell
Stu Clary
Bob BQ
Tim in PA
Jason Beach
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: iCARRY on August 27, 2014, 02:17:06 AM

Count me in
pbe gummi bear
Cooking Mama
Mark Schnell
Stu Clary
Bob BQ
Tim in PA
Jason Beach
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Thomas Andrews on August 27, 2014, 03:33:35 AM
Having spoken to the boss, I'm in!

I have no idea what I'm going to cook yet though...
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 27, 2014, 05:32:42 AM
Fantastic to see the lads from down under joining in!

01: SixZeroFour
02: 1buckie
03: einrej
04: mhiszem
05: Chuck
06: Troy
07: coldkettle
08: Craig
09: pbe gummi bear
10: Cooking Mama
11: MacEggs
12: MartyG
13: mirkwood
14: Mark Schnell
15: landgraftj
16: Jocool
17: Stu Clary
18: Heyjude
20: Harris92
21: jamesnomore
22: Bob BQ
23: Tim in PA
24: MaxBobcat
25: 1911Ron
26: Jason Beach
27: indy82z
28: jeff
30: Hogsy
31: iCARRY
32: Thomas Andrews
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Bob BQ on August 27, 2014, 06:00:41 AM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 27, 2014, 05:32:42 AM
Fantastic to see the lads from down under joining in!

32: Thomas Andrews

...and from across the pond!
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 09:42:54 AM
What is everyone cooking? 
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: sparky on August 27, 2014, 09:43:36 AM
Count me in , representing SW Iowa !
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Tim in PA on August 27, 2014, 10:39:40 AM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 09:42:54 AM
What is everyone cooking? 

I haven't decided yet. First Sunday of Football so i'm going to have some people over.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: MartyG on August 27, 2014, 10:45:34 AM

Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 09:42:54 AM
What is everyone cooking? 

Kabobs for me, on a vintage Brownie with a virgin vintage Kabob ring. Old Bay may be  involved somehow.

Go Ravens!
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: coldkettle on August 27, 2014, 11:45:03 AM
SixZeroFour thanks for putting this together, should be a fun day filled with new ideas! 

I love the smell of a evening cook...

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 11:48:45 AM
I am making ABTs ....wanting to use sausage in them .  Just don't know if I should dice up the sausage or slap a lil smokie in there. 
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1buckie on August 27, 2014, 12:17:01 PM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 11:48:45 AM
I am making ABTs ....wanting to use sausage in them .  Just don't know if I should dice up the sausage or slap a lil smokie in there.

If you're using pre-cooked, either way is fine......I split the smokies in half lengthwise so the finished ones aren't so puffy......or, chunk up sausage & mix thru the cream cheese?

Here's some Winz did whole~~~>


From Here :

If hot enough heat on the cook (275~) even uncooked works.......

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1buckie on August 27, 2014, 12:24:38 PM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 09:42:54 AM
What is everyone cooking?

I'm going to Winz's place for whole hawg !!!!!

Nah, just kidding.....but he does have a Ranch now !!!

Just came back with whole spare ribs & stuff for beans, so that will most likely be it....'Turds are a given....... ;D
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: MartyG on August 27, 2014, 12:29:09 PM
I did a batch of abts using raw chorizo recently. Very good.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 12:33:49 PM
Quote from: MartyG on August 27, 2014, 12:29:09 PM
I did a batch of abts using raw chorizo recently. Very good.

Ohhhh chorizo !  Why didn't I think of that?  Mixed in with the cream cheese? Of on top of?  My little sister puts chorizo her burgers!
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: MaxBobcat on August 27, 2014, 12:50:35 PM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 09:42:54 AM
What is everyone cooking?

I will be going to a bbq comp the very next weekend, so I'll be practicing some of my comp meats. 

Likely spare ribs and IBCA style half-chickens.

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 12:57:06 PM
I have been thinking chicken as well...then I saw chicken bone-in breasts at 1.18 and well....chicken breast it is.  So far.....

Chicken breasts
Obligatory sausage and dogs
Debating on some beans under the ABTs ...... Anyone do that before?

Non-grilled foods..... (Gasp!  Is there such a thing!?)
Good ol' tater salad.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: MartyG on August 27, 2014, 01:19:42 PM
If you use eggs in the tater salad, throw 'em (peeled) on the grill first (warming rack or off to the side) for ten or fifteen mins with a chunk of wood. They pick up a nice little smoke flavor and the salad is all the better.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Bob BQ on August 27, 2014, 01:36:20 PM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 09:42:54 AM
What is everyone cooking?

Thinking about ribs on the flat top 26er, and turds are definitely in order! That being said, the 7th is already a pretty busy day for us, so the cooking plans might change...

Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 12:57:06 PM
Non-grilled foods..... (Gasp!  Is there such a thing!?)
Good ol' tater salad.

How about fried tater salad? The taters can be fried up in a CI pan on the grill....  8)
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 27, 2014, 01:50:36 PM
Quote from: coldkettle on August 27, 2014, 11:45:03 AM
SixZeroFour thanks for putting this together, should be a fun day filled with new ideas! 

You're very welcome coldkettle! I'm sure it will be a good time had by all!

And the list keeps growing!

01: SixZeroFour
02: 1buckie
03: einrej
04: mhiszem
05: Chuck
06: Troy
07: coldkettle
08: Craig
09: pbe gummi bear
10: Cooking Mama
11: MacEggs
12: MartyG
13: mirkwood
14: Mark Schnell
15: landgraftj
16: Jocool
17: Stu Clary
18: Heyjude
20: Harris92
21: jamesnomore
22: Bob BQ
23: Tim in PA
24: MaxBobcat
25: 1911Ron
26: Jason Beach
27: indy82z
28: jeff
30: Hogsy
31: iCARRY
32: Thomas Andrews
33: sparky
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 27, 2014, 01:52:49 PM
Quote from: Bob BQ on August 27, 2014, 06:00:41 AM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 27, 2014, 05:32:42 AM
Fantastic to see the lads from down under joining in!

32: Thomas Andrews

...and from across the pond!

That's 3 continents with WKC cooks happening!! Any other far away members out there joining us?
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: iCARRY on August 27, 2014, 03:35:03 PM
Most likely going to cook some drumsticks, turds, potatoes, maybe toss a few skirt steaks on
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: jamesnomore on August 27, 2014, 03:39:52 PM
Chicken heavy, spatchcock and a roti using different wood for comparison...sides are still undecided. Maybe a mushroom fatty  ;D
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 04:46:12 PM
Quote from: Bob BQ on August 27, 2014, 01:36:20 PM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 09:42:54 AM
What is everyone cooking?

Thinking about ribs on the flat top 26er, and turds are definitely in order! That being said, the 7th is already a pretty busy day for us, so the cooking plans might change...

Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 12:57:06 PM
Non-grilled foods..... (Gasp!  Is there such a thing!?)
Good ol' tater salad.

How about fried tater salad? The taters can be fried up in a CI pan on the grill....  8)

I like the idea of the fried tater salad....but I rarely fry.  And my family is pretty set on my tater salad....they eat no one else's !
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 04:50:47 PM
Quote from: MartyG on August 27, 2014, 01:19:42 PM
If you use eggs in the tater salad, throw 'em (peeled) on the grill first (warming rack or off to the side) for ten or fifteen mins with a chunk of wood. They pick up a nice little smoke flavor and the salad is all the better.

I am definitely trying this with the eggs.  I'm guessing they change color slightly. 
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: mirkwood on August 28, 2014, 01:28:49 AM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 09:42:54 AM
What is everyone cooking?

Well I'm kind of wobbling around between a chicken or a couple of game hens with the roti sitting on the black one and maybe a brisket on the green one as she seals the best and put the blue into service doing turds. Well it's an idea anyway..
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: AZ_MIKEY on August 28, 2014, 05:49:45 AM
Wanting to start the day with breakfast for me and the girlfriend on one of the performers(probably the blue ss). Then start some St Louis style ribs on my WSM if I have it cleaned up and reassembled by then. Hopefully my buddy will bring his WSM and we can do a pork but on it. Then on the on Lime 22 do ABT's and on the Red MT do Jerk wings. I will use the C&B performer as the official fire starter and also to hold food and keep it warm. May even fire up another kettle and put the pizza stone down and do some sweet potato frys. This all depends on the amount of people coming over. Also people who have replied back to my invitation are bring various sides. One woman(a friend of the girlfriends) is a cake baker and designer, she hopefully is going to make a weber cake, fingers crossed on that.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1buckie on August 28, 2014, 06:16:51 AM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 04:46:12 PM
Quote from: Bob BQ on August 27, 2014, 01:36:20 PM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 09:42:54 AM
What is everyone cooking?

Thinking about ribs on the flat top 26er, and turds are definitely in order! That being said, the 7th is already a pretty busy day for us, so the cooking plans might change...

Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 12:57:06 PM
Non-grilled foods..... (Gasp!  Is there such a thing!?)
Good ol' tater salad.

How about fried tater salad? The taters can be fried up in a CI pan on the grill....  8)

I like the idea of the fried tater salad....but I rarely fry.  And my family is pretty set on my tater salad....they eat no one else's !

deep-fried-potato-salad, just in case ~~~>

Quote from: mirkwood on August 28, 2014, 01:28:49 AM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 27, 2014, 09:42:54 AM
What is everyone cooking?

Well I'm kind of wobbling around between a chicken or a couple of game hens with the roti sitting on the black one and maybe a brisket on the green one as she seals the best and put the blue into service doing turds. Well it's an idea anyway..

Nice !!!!

Those three in a row are special !!!

" This all depends on the amount of people coming over. Also people who have replied back to my invitation are bring various sides"

Good Deal, MIKEY  good to have a bunch of "Designated Eaters"
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: blackdog043 on August 28, 2014, 06:41:17 PM
I'm in on it, ABT'S  and I'm not sure what else yet.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 28, 2014, 08:44:03 PM
OK Guys, so what do you think we should do with the other prizes... I was thinking something along the lines of Crimson SJ to best photo of the day and the 18" OTG to most impressive overall cook/event? Any other good idea's instead?

01: SixZeroFour
02: 1buckie
03: einrej
04: mhiszem
05: Chuck
06: Troy
07: coldkettle
08: Craig
09: pbe gummi bear
10: Cooking Mama
11: MacEggs
12: MartyG
13: mirkwood
14: Mark Schnell
15: landgraftj
16: Jocool
17: Stu Clary
18: Heyjude
20: Harris92
21: jamesnomore
22: Bob BQ
23: Tim in PA
24: MaxBobcat
25: 1911Ron
26: Jason Beach
27: indy82z
28: jeff
30: Hogsy
31: iCARRY
32: Thomas Andrews
33: sparky
34: blackdog043
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Idahawk on August 29, 2014, 07:45:09 AM
I'm in
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 31, 2014, 07:06:53 AM

One week today!  ;D ;D

01: SixZeroFour
02: 1buckie
03: einrej
04: mhiszem
05: Chuck
06: Troy
07: coldkettle
08: Craig
09: pbe gummi bear
10: Cooking Mama
11: MacEggs
12: MartyG
13: mirkwood
14: Mark Schnell
15: landgraftj
16: Jocool
17: Stu Clary
18: Heyjude
20: Harris92
21: jamesnomore
22: Bob BQ
23: Tim in PA
24: MaxBobcat
25: 1911Ron
26: Jason Beach
27: indy82z
28: jeff
30: Hogsy
31: iCARRY
32: Thomas Andrews
33: sparky
34: blackdog043
35: Idahawk
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: mhiszem on August 31, 2014, 07:35:53 AM
Love the picture!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Cookingmama on August 31, 2014, 10:11:26 AM
Why am I so off?!  I thought this was today! I have everything ready lol
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: jamesnomore on August 31, 2014, 10:25:28 AM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 31, 2014, 10:11:26 AM
Why am I so off?!  I thought this was today! I have everything ready lol

Practice run  ;D
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on August 31, 2014, 10:37:54 AM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 31, 2014, 10:11:26 AM
Why am I so off?!  I thought this was today! I have everything ready lol

Oh no! Sorry to hear that Cookingmama... Well, like james said - practice run! Hope you can still make it next weekend!  ;)
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Cookingmama on August 31, 2014, 11:03:19 AM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 31, 2014, 10:37:54 AM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 31, 2014, 10:11:26 AM
Why am I so off?!  I thought this was today! I have everything ready lol

Oh no! Sorry to hear that Cookingmama... Well, like james said - practice run! Hope you can still make it next weekend!  ;)

It's will just have to change!  I almost showed up for my mommy night out yesterday.  I would have looked silly sitting alone waiting for the show to start!
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1buckie on August 31, 2014, 12:16:37 PM
Quote from: Cookingmama on August 31, 2014, 10:11:26 AM
Why am I so off?!  I thought this was today! I have everything ready lol came in first......prizes are in order !!!!
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: MrHoss on September 02, 2014, 08:04:18 PM
I am in - I probably have to work but I'll cook something up.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Winz on September 03, 2014, 07:10:49 AM
Schedule just changed, looks like Sunday is now open.  Count me in!

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1buckie on September 03, 2014, 07:27:54 AM
Look out folks....a bigger, meatier 'Turd Pie might be on the horizon !!!!
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 03, 2014, 09:18:26 AM

01: SixZeroFour
02: 1buckie
03: einrej
04: mhiszem
05: Chuck
06: Troy
07: coldkettle
08: Craig
09: pbe gummi bear
10: Cooking Mama
11: MacEggs
12: MartyG
13: mirkwood
14: Mark Schnell
15: landgraftj
16: Jocool
17: Stu Clary
18: Heyjude
20: Harris92
21: jamesnomore
22: Bob BQ
23: Tim in PA
24: MaxBobcat
25: 1911Ron
26: Jason Beach
27: indy82z
28: jeff
30: Hogsy
31: iCARRY
32: Thomas Andrews
33: sparky
34: blackdog043
35: Idahawk
36: MrHoss
37: Winz

This is unreal! pushing 40 BBQ's?!?! That's just awesome you guys.

Clearly I've never done anything like this before so I'm going to try to put a very loose schedule together sometime later today. I'm hoping the resident guru @pbe gummi bear might be able to provide a bit of assistance in helping me try to figure out possible Skype/facetime configurations? I've used both and have a current accounts but that's about as much as I know... no clue how to add multiple people to the same feed etc. Any help would be appreciated! You seem to be an experienced WKC meet MC so I will try to live up to your high standards sir!

Here's what I have in my head so far:
6:30am - 6:40am: Wake up
7:00am - 7:30am: Assemble the troops
7:30am - Pass out: Meat and Beer.


I still think the plan for the main prize (Crimson or Copper OTG) will be a draw based on everyone who participates day of and posts up some shots. We can do the draw at say 5pm PST / 8pm for the east coast members? Thinking that might have the largest count of people at one point in the day.

The other two prizes are still up for debate. Would love some input from everyone else or ideas!

Unless we get anything better it will prob be something like

2nd prize - Corona Extra 18.5" (or choice of Crimson SJ): I was thinking best overall event/contribution?

3rd prize (whichever is left after 2nd prize is chosen) - Either most creative cook, or best Ice Bucket Challenge??

Should be a good time! I'm having a hell of a time deciding what to cook, way too many options thanks to the insane creations posted here daily!

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: G$ on September 03, 2014, 09:49:16 AM
I am not sure how this is working but I will cook something on the grill Sunday for sure, and share it with the WKC, virtually.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1buckie on September 03, 2014, 09:50:30 AM
"This is unreal! pushing 40 BBQ's?!?!"

There's some kind of rule says we can only use one?

Or, only cook once in a day?
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: MaxBobcat on September 03, 2014, 09:52:12 AM
How about have the other two prizes be drawings based on things we cook.  Like one drawing for everybody who did a dessert on the kettle.  Or maybe a drawing for everybody who did a specific thing?  Like ribs or ABTs or something?  And then the over-all drawing for everyone. 

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 03, 2014, 10:02:43 AM
Quote from: G$ on September 03, 2014, 09:49:16 AM
I am not sure how this is working but I will cook something on the grill Sunday for sure, and share it with the WKC, virtually.
Excellent G$! All I'm really envisioning is a relaxing day of BBQ and people sharing some pics and stories or whatever. I will be somewhat live blogging my cooks and shenanigans but everyone is free to participate however they like.

Quote from: 1buckie on September 03, 2014, 09:50:30 AM
"This is unreal! pushing 40 BBQ's?!?!"
There's some kind of rule says we can only use one?
Or, only cook once in a day?
My bad - I should have specified and said there are almost 40 EVENTS taking place! - BBQ count will be much higher I'm sure!... I'm dragging out all the performers and introducing a couple friends to charcoal cooking, also have another guy coming who is very familiar and somewhat introduced me to REAL bbq. Looking forward to it!!

Quote from: MaxBobcat on September 03, 2014, 09:52:12 AM
How about have the other two prizes be drawings based on things we cook.  Like one drawing for everybody who did a dessert on the kettle.  Or maybe a drawing for everybody who did a specific thing?  Like ribs or ABTs or something?  And then the over-all drawing for everyone. 
I'm open to any and all idea's! - let's see if we get any other suggestions... even best overall dish?
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 03, 2014, 10:29:45 AM

01: SixZeroFour
02: 1buckie
03: einrej
04: mhiszem
05: Chuck
06: Troy
07: coldkettle
08: Craig
09: pbe gummi bear
10: Cooking Mama
11: MacEggs
12: MartyG
13: mirkwood
14: Mark Schnell
15: landgraftj
16: Jocool
17: Stu Clary
18: Heyjude
20: Harris92
21: jamesnomore
22: Bob BQ
23: Tim in PA
24: MaxBobcat
25: 1911Ron
26: Jason Beach
27: indy82z
28: jeff
30: Hogsy
31: iCARRY
32: Thomas Andrews
33: sparky
34: blackdog043
35: Idahawk
36: MrHoss
37: Winz
39: G$

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: iCARRY on September 03, 2014, 10:38:33 AM
Can't wait, just told the wife to be ready for a large meal. She just rolled her eyes knowing that I won't be around much.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: dazzo on September 03, 2014, 11:22:59 AM
OK, can I be #40?

And the "All Day.exe", if I run it, I won't get a virus and come down with Weberitis, will I?     ;D
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1buckie on September 03, 2014, 12:19:14 PM
"BBQ count will be much higher I'm sure!"

we outta do a count up of # of cookers actually used for all the cooks............... 8)

The total count for the site that's going on is nice, but it's just kind of a blank number that Troy adds up as it increases...........nobody sees it rise until an update..............sort of invisible, but this could be actually seen & added to as we went along........
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 04, 2014, 08:44:49 AM

01: SixZeroFour
02: 1buckie
03: einrej
04: mhiszem
05: Chuck
06: Troy
07: coldkettle
08: Craig
09: pbe gummi bear
10: Cooking Mama
11: MacEggs
12: MartyG
13: mirkwood
14: Mark Schnell
15: landgraftj
16: Jocool
17: Stu Clary
18: Heyjude
20: Harris92
21: jamesnomore
22: Bob BQ
23: Tim in PA
24: MaxBobcat
25: 1911Ron
26: Jason Beach
27: indy82z
28: jeff
30: Hogsy
31: iCARRY
32: Thomas Andrews
33: sparky
34: blackdog043
35: Idahawk
36: MrHoss
37: Winz
39: G$
40: dazzo

Quote from: dazzo on September 03, 2014, 11:22:59 AM
OK, can I be #40?

And the "All Day.exe", if I run it, I won't get a virus and come down with Weberitis, will I?     ;D

Absolutely you can! And you are safe to run the file... You wont catch anything you dont alredy have ;)

Figured it sorta went along with the whole eCook idea... Surprised nobody has mentioned buckie hiding in there :)
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: mrbill on September 04, 2014, 06:36:57 PM
I'll do something on buddy for sure!
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Nate on September 04, 2014, 07:22:30 PM
Count me in.   8)
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: mirkwood on September 04, 2014, 09:44:18 PM
Sorry Six, my floptop is so crappy that looking at the screen in the "normal" position that poor ol buckie flat disappears into the back ground. But I can work it like a hologram and he appears as if by magic.. That is a nice layer blend. You use Photoshop?
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: dazzo on September 05, 2014, 08:34:42 AM
QuoteSurprised nobody has mentioned buckie hiding in there :)

That's the same image that shows up in my nightmares dreams. I'm used to it   :o

mirkwood, '' would work pretty good to do that - and it's free.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 05, 2014, 12:48:53 PM
Quote from: mirkwood on September 04, 2014, 09:44:18 PM
Sorry Six, my floptop is so crappy that looking at the screen in the "normal" position that poor ol buckie flat disappears into the back ground. But I can work it like a hologram and he appears as if by magic.. That is a nice layer blend. You use Photoshop?

haha, yes it was crudely slapped together in PS :) On my monitor buckie appears just enough to see a ghostly apparition peering at you from the shadows  ;D

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 05, 2014, 12:51:07 PM
01: SixZeroFour
02: 1buckie
03: einrej
04: mhiszem
05: Chuck
06: Troy
07: coldkettle
08: Craig
09: pbe gummi bear
10: Cooking Mama
11: MacEggs
12: MartyG
13: mirkwood
14: Mark Schnell
15: landgraftj
16: Jocool
17: Stu Clary
18: Heyjude
20: Harris92
21: jamesnomore
22: Bob BQ
23: Tim in PA
24: MaxBobcat
25: 1911Ron
26: Jason Beach
27: indy82z
28: jeff
30: Hogsy
31: iCARRY
32: Thomas Andrews
33: sparky
34: blackdog043
35: Idahawk
36: MrHoss
37: Winz
39: G$
40: dazzo
41: mrbill
42: Nate
43: ??

Glad you guys can join us!! Only a couple more days to plan for food!  :)
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Bbqmiller on September 05, 2014, 01:24:10 PM
Count me in 😎
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Ted B on September 05, 2014, 02:34:41 PM
I'm in. Won't be anything big or multiple courses but it'll be on a Weber.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: BBQmedic on September 05, 2014, 05:12:46 PM
I'll be gone most of the day but I think I'll plan a fatty for breakfast at the least... 😁
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1buckie on September 05, 2014, 07:23:03 PM
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: mike.stavlund on September 05, 2014, 07:41:38 PM
IN, totally.  Not sure what I'll be cooking, but it will happen on as many of my kettles as possible.  Gonna try to get out my Dad's pre-code SJ for the show too. 
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: mrbill on September 05, 2014, 09:48:56 PM
not sure how to put this softly, so i'll just put it out there. while I don't expect a win(my skills are far below what the average poster here can do), I do have a request if I do win. if I win, the only prize I'd accept is the sj. anything else, I'd donate to a WKC'er.

here is why..i have buddy and the bullet. between them I can cook for a good amount of people. however, I have limited space to store stuff. I can cover smoking and grilling between buddy and the bullet and accommodate a fair amount of people.
however, I don't currently have a way to do a quick grill for 1-2 people, the sj would fill that void.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Nate on September 06, 2014, 06:06:48 AM
I didn't see it mentioned in this post, I could have missed it, but will the eCook pics be posted in this thread or a different one? Or does everyone just start their own post?
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Craig on September 06, 2014, 06:22:23 AM
@SixZeroFour   I am doing a breakfast fattie, then later some ribs and chicken. I have to go into work later in the evening smelling of bbq and I don't care.  ;)
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Idahawk on September 06, 2014, 06:50:00 AM
This will be fun !!! Thanks for all the hard work putting it together
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: MrHoss on September 06, 2014, 07:31:10 AM
Quote from: Nate on September 06, 2014, 06:06:48 AM
I didn't see it mentioned in this post, I could have missed it, but will the eCook pics be posted in this thread or a different one? Or does everyone just start their own post?

Perhaps a subsection could be created to house all the posts of folks cooking tomorrow?  Forty or so posts detailing cooks is gonna be hectic.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Craig on September 06, 2014, 07:46:04 AM
I think we will set up a "master thread" for it.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 09:27:29 AM
Quote from: Craig on September 06, 2014, 06:22:23 AM
@SixZeroFour   I am doing a breakfast fattie, then later some ribs and chicken. I have to go into work later in the evening smelling of bbq and I don't care.  ;)

Nice work! I'm hungry already  ;)

Quote from: Idahawk on September 06, 2014, 06:50:00 AM
This will be fun !!! Thanks for all the hard work putting it together
No trouble at all! I still can't believe the response... I would have been happy with 10, now we may clear 50!!

Quote from: Craig on September 06, 2014, 07:46:04 AM
I think we will set up a "master thread" for it.

That was the plan, I'll prob start a thread later tonight so it's ready to go in the am for you east coast champions that are cooking breakfast  ;) my breakie will hopefully hit the grill about 7:30-8am PST
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Dave O on September 06, 2014, 09:33:36 AM
Count me in - don't know what's on the menu yet, should be fun
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: landgraftj on September 06, 2014, 09:45:49 AM
I may post my cook from today...may not be able to cook tomorrow. Does that still count?
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 09:46:51 AM
Quote from: Dave O on September 06, 2014, 09:33:36 AM
Count me in - don't know what's on the menu yet, should be fun

That's awesome Dave, feel free to stop by in person if you're out this way at all tomorrow!
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1buckie on September 06, 2014, 09:54:28 AM
Yeah Terry, but maybe hold it up for posting 'till it can go in the main thread ?

I guess that's OK.....who's on the the Rule Committee?
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Brickout on September 06, 2014, 10:08:25 AM
Count me in! Picked up some St.Louis cut ribs this morning.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1buckie on September 06, 2014, 11:03:37 AM
OK......the wife just yelled at me: " You want to do 95 things,you only have 45 kettles....GET REAL !!!!"
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 11:12:16 AM
Quote from: mrbill on September 05, 2014, 09:48:56 PMI do have a request if I do win. if I win, the only prize I'd accept is the sj. anything else, I'd donate to a WKC'er.

Cheers Bill, the contest rules have been slightly tweaked to prevent some of the issues you noted. Have a look on the main WKC frontage for specifics.

Glad you can join in and good luck!
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 11:26:52 AM
Quote from: landgraftj on September 06, 2014, 09:45:49 AM
I may post my cook from today...may not be able to cook tomorrow. Does that still count?

Absolutely, I think the rule will be that your entry has to be from sometime this weekend, nothing prior. Hope you can still stop in and say hello!

btw, you still have my favorite "family" photo to date - just an outstanding collection! I'm glad we get to stare at it in the header logo ;)

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 11:31:13 AM
01: SixZeroFour
02: 1buckie
03: einrej
04: mhiszem
05: Chuck
06: Troy
07: coldkettle
08: Craig
09: pbe gummi bear
10: Cooking Mama
11: MacEggs
12: MartyG
13: mirkwood
14: Mark Schnell
15: landgraftj
16: Jocool
17: Stu Clary
18: Heyjude
20: Harris92
21: jamesnomore
22: Bob BQ
23: Tim in PA
24: MaxBobcat
25: 1911Ron
26: Jason Beach
27: indy82z
28: jeff
30: Hogsy
31: iCARRY
32: Thomas Andrews
33: sparky
34: blackdog043
35: Idahawk
36: MrHoss
37: Winz
39: G$
40: dazzo
41: mrbill
42: Nate
43: Bbqmiller
44: Ted B
45: BBQmedic
46: mike.stavlund
47: Dave O
48: landgraftj
49: Brickout
50: ... Who's Next?

;D ;D
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Tim in PA on September 06, 2014, 11:39:07 AM
My official menu is Old Bay ribs, sweet potatoes, bread and whatever our guests bring.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: landgraftj on September 06, 2014, 12:02:02 PM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 11:26:52 AM
Quote from: landgraftj on September 06, 2014, 09:45:49 AM
I may post my cook from today...may not be able to cook tomorrow. Does that still count?

Absolutely, I think the rule will be that your entry has to be from sometime this weekend, nothing prior. Hope you can still stop in and say hello!

btw, you still have my favorite "family" photo to date - just an outstanding collection! I'm glad we get to stare at it in the header logo ;)

Awesome, thanks guys! Six your collection isn't too shabby either.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: MacEggs on September 06, 2014, 12:24:50 PM
Quote from: landgraftj on September 06, 2014, 09:45:49 AMI may post my cook from today...may not be able to cook tomorrow.

Are you going to Soldier Field to watch the Bills lay a beat-down on da Bears??   :o ;D ;D ;) ;) :-X :-X
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: landgraftj on September 06, 2014, 12:35:53 PM
Quote from: MacEggs on September 06, 2014, 12:24:50 PM
Quote from: landgraftj on September 06, 2014, 09:45:49 AMI may post my cook from today...may not be able to cook tomorrow.

Are you going to Soldier Field to watch the Bills lay a beat-down on da Bears??   :o ;D ;D ;) ;) :-X :-X

I wish! I'll be watching the buffalo skinning from my couch. Just a busy weekend so I did the brisket today because I have more time today.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Chuck on September 06, 2014, 01:17:21 PM
Quote from: 1buckie on September 06, 2014, 11:03:37 AM
OK......the wife just yelled at me: " You want to do 95 things,you only have 45 kettles....GET REAL !!!!"

Sounds to me like she's telling you to get more kettles.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1buckie on September 06, 2014, 02:03:01 PM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 11:31:13 AM
01: SixZeroFour
02: 1buckie
03: einrej
04: mhiszem
05: Chuck
06: Troy
07: coldkettle
08: Craig
09: pbe gummi bear
10: Cooking Mama
11: MacEggs
12: MartyG
13: mirkwood
14: Mark Schnell
15: landgraftj
16: Jocool
17: Stu Clary
18: Heyjude
20: Harris92
21: jamesnomore
22: Bob BQ
23: Tim in PA
24: MaxBobcat
25: 1911Ron
26: Jason Beach
27: indy82z
28: jeff
30: Hogsy
31: iCARRY
32: Thomas Andrews
33: sparky
34: blackdog043
35: Idahawk
36: MrHoss
37: Winz
39: G$
40: dazzo
41: mrbill
42: Nate
43: Bbqmiller
44: Ted B
45: BBQmedic
46: mike.stavlund
47: Dave O
48: landgraftj
49: Brickout
50: ... Who's Next?

;D ;D

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1buckie on September 06, 2014, 02:07:47 PM
Quote from: Chuck on September 06, 2014, 01:17:21 PM
Quote from: 1buckie on September 06, 2014, 11:03:37 AM
OK......the wife just yelled at me: " You want to do 95 things,you only have 45 kettles....GET REAL !!!!"

Sounds to me like she's telling you to get more kettles.

Possible I'm missing something here.....she did pick up & pay for the last two in......
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: bigredmf on September 06, 2014, 03:24:41 PM
I will be there

Slab Bacon followed by Italian Sausage


Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 03:46:32 PM
You had me at Bacon.

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1911Ron on September 06, 2014, 04:37:22 PM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 03:46:32 PM
You had me at Bacon.
mmm bacon
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: coldkettle on September 06, 2014, 05:21:35 PM
Just got done tucking the kettles in... .they will have a long day tomorrow..

I love the smell of a evening cook...

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: mrbill on September 06, 2014, 05:22:25 PM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 11:12:16 AMGlad you can join in and good luck!

thank you. was hoping my previous post wouldn't offend anyone.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Jeff on September 06, 2014, 05:38:07 PM
My menu for tomorrow

1) Mimosa's bright and early
2) BBQ'd chicken legs
3) bacon and cream cheese stuffed poppers
4) garlic stuffed mushrooms

And those above are just for appetizers...for TWO people

5) 2 slabs baby back ribs on the WSM.
6) sliced potatoes with Weber Veggie Seasoning and garlic infused oil on the CI Pan

Weapons (grills) of choice to be determined
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: 1911Ron on September 06, 2014, 06:32:00 PM
Quote from: mrbill on September 05, 2014, 09:48:56 PM
not sure how to put this softly, so i'll just put it out there. while I don't expect a win(my skills are far below what the average poster here can do), I do have a request if I do win. if I win, the only prize I'd accept is the sj. anything else, I'd donate to a WKC'er.

here is why..i have buddy and the bullet. between them I can cook for a good amount of people. however, I have limited space to store stuff. I can cover smoking and grilling between buddy and the bullet and accommodate a fair amount of people.
however, I don't currently have a way to do a quick grill for 1-2 people, the sj would fill that void.
Cook want you want to cook no need to worry about the size of the cook, the whole idea is to get out and cook and relax and have fun!
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: mike.stavlund on September 06, 2014, 06:47:35 PM

Plotting, planning.

Sent from my iPhone using my fingers
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Chuck on September 06, 2014, 07:15:06 PM
My first attempt at baby backs will be tomorrow's main cook on the new-to-me SS Performer. I'm unsure if there will be anything else at the moment.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 07:50:00 PM
Quote from: Jeff on September 06, 2014, 05:38:07 PM
1) Mimosa's bright and early

Hope you don't mind Jeff but I am stealing this idea for sure. I think I hit full sprint on the way to the liquor cabinet to check for supplies - and by some small miracle there sat a bottle of champagne 8) can't believe it.

I have WAY too much food. I've already asked my buddies all to bring Tupperware containers for take home lol

My crew will all be showing up about 11am PST (2pm EST) but I'll be getting started on my own much earlier. :)

Here's my plan:

6:30am (9:30 EST): The Mimosa's will start flowin' - will probably check in on the new discussion post at that point  8)
7:00am to 7:30am : Fire up the performer!
7:30am to 8:30am : Cook and enjoy some good ole fashion bacon and eggs on the gourmet system griddle. (My first breakfast cook on a kettle!)
8:30am to 10:30am : Have some more setting up to do and need to go grab some ice. Hope to be commenting on all the cool photos everyone's posting!
10:30am : Fire up the WSM
11am - night: Food/Beer/Post/Toss Football/Beer/Food/Post/Beer/Bocce/Post/Beer/Food/Post/Beer/Prizes?/Food/Water/Beer/Food/Water/Beer/Food/Unconsciousness ;) ;D ;)

Here's what's on the menu:

- Eggs, Bacon, Smashed red potatoes

- Bacon Bomb, Prociutto wrapped asparagus w/peppers, beans

Lunch-ish: :)

- TURDS! Going a bit outta the box on my first ever turd attempt - Indian butter chicken with basmati rice stuffed & wrapped for one type, and then for the other I have some chunked marinated tenderloin steak leftovers I want to try stuffing in with some texmex cheese mix!
- My buddy's secret family "baseball" sausage recipe. Ridiculously good.
- Corn - on a Corn N Tater Ring of course!
- Possibly some Bacon Wrapped Pineapple

- 3 Racks of Baby Backs on the WSM
- Melted Onions
- Twice baked potatoes
- Maple Brown Sugar Pineapple Rings
- Split Bananas with smore filling

PLUS whatever my buddies bring along lol

It's time to feast! 

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Jeff on September 06, 2014, 08:10:38 PM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 07:50:00 PM
Quote from: Jeff on September 06, 2014, 05:38:07 PM
1) Mimosa's bright and early

Hope you don't mind Jeff but I am stealing this idea for sure. I think I hit full sprint on the way to the liquor cabinet to check for supplies - and by some small miracle there sat a bottle of champagne 8) can't believe it.

I have WAY too much food. I've already asked my buddies all to bring Tupperware containers for take home lol

My crew will all be showing up about 11am PST (2pm EST) but I'll be getting started on my own much earlier. :)

Here's my plan:

6:30am (9:30 EST): The Mimosa's will start flowin' - will probably check in on the new discussion post at that point  8)
7:00am to 7:30am : Fire up the performer!
7:30am to 8:30am : Cook and enjoy some good ole fashion bacon and eggs on the gourmet system griddle. (My first breakfast cook on a kettle!)
8:30am to 10:30am : Have some more setting up to do and need to go grab some ice. Hope to be commenting on all the cool photos everyone's posting!
10:30am : Fire up the WSM
11am - night: Food/Beer/Post/Toss Football/Beer/Food/Post/Beer/Bocce/Post/Beer/Food/Post/Beer/Prizes?/Food/Water/Beer/Food/Water/Beer/Food/Unconsciousness ;) ;D ;)

Here's what's on the menu:

- Eggs, Bacon, Smashed red potatoes

- Bacon Bomb, Prociutto wrapped asparagus w/peppers, beans

Lunch-ish: :)

- TURDS! Going a bit outta the box on my first ever turd attempt - Indian butter chicken with basmati rice stuffed & wrapped for one type, and then for the other I have some chunked marinated tenderloin steak leftovers I want to try stuffing in with some texmex cheese mix!
- My buddy's secret family "baseball" sausage recipe. Ridiculously good.
- Corn - on a Corn N Tater Ring of course!
- Possibly some Bacon Wrapped Pineapple

- 3 Racks of Baby Backs on the WSM
- Melted Onions
- Twice baked potatoes
- Maple Brown Sugar Pineapple Rings
- Split Bananas with smore filling

PLUS whatever my buddies bring along lol

It's time to feast! 


Holy Cow!  Better get a few more champagne bottles!!
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 08:16:39 PM
Oh there will be many other poisons on hand, the mimosas just the nice smooth primer, sort of like a liquid appetizer :)
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Craig on September 06, 2014, 08:55:02 PM
Booze and BBQ. My two favorites! Thawing my sausage now for the fattie in the am while swilling beers as I type... Time for bed so I can wake up and cook lots
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: AZ_MIKEY on September 06, 2014, 08:56:44 PM
Got everything prepped and in the fridge. Starting early tomorrow morning getting  the pork but on the WSM at about 5:00 am. Then it is back to bed for a few more minutes of shut eye. Then about 8 throw the 3 racks of ribs on the WSM. At the same time it is breakfast time. English muffins toasted on the kettle with eggs made in the ci skillet and bacon also linguica. Then a bit later roast some hatch Chiles.  Then a bit after that put the jerk chicken wings on and then the jalapeƱo poppers.  Then at the end corn on the cob cooked in the husk. Should wrap up the day around 6pm.  Whew what a day.
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: jamesnomore on September 06, 2014, 09:04:58 PM
Everything's prepped and ready, snakes are set, wings on brine, mushroom fatty done and my butts rubbed gonna be some grate food tomorrow. Here's some fatty prep, the butt will go on at about midnight so were ready for 1 o'clock games. Wing brine is an obnoxious amount of crushed garlic, chopped fresh ginger and red pepper flakes. Pulling the wings out of the brine in a few and will air dry in the fridge.

The primary arsenal sure could use some red in the mix :)

Fatty prep:
Dried Porcini and Shitake
My favorite fatty sausage 1/2 a chub for the core
You can see the bright Porcinis already soaking up the love, sprinkled a heavy dose of rub in the mix
1.5 lbs of Sage
The weave
The cheese and mushy core
Nighty night
( (

See you tomorrow
Title: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Craig on September 06, 2014, 09:06:30 PM
Somebody's cramming the night before the test.... Looks great! :)
Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: mirkwood on September 06, 2014, 09:52:12 PM
This brisket is going to be introduced to my green performer at midnight,
the turds and game hens will meet their respective heat baths later during the day.

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 11:28:12 PM
Holy crap! Nice looking shots already guys!!

*!*!*!* I'm going to make a new discussion thread momentarily *!*!*!*

PLEASE post all new day of pics in the new thread here: (

Title: Re: WKC online eCook day CONFIRMED!!! SUNDAY SEPT 7TH - ALL DAY!
Post by: Mark Schnell on September 07, 2014, 02:51:53 PM
Oops, moved it over to the other post.