While cruising eBay I noticed a posting for a SJ, a SJ carry case, and some BBQ tools. Just for fun I clicked the link and noticed in the picture that the model # was one I hadn't seen before - "1118999" Anyways I hit buy it now hoping it was something interesting and a week later and this little beauty showed up! Slightly darker than the original blue but really nice! I'm not a big fan of logos but this ones a keeper!
That SJ looks great in blue!
I'd always keep the logo on the other side, too. :)
My Tacoma is a blue similar to that one.. Definitely gonna keep an eye out for one.
Nice score!
AJ 8)
Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 15, 2014, 10:13:36 PM
While cruising eBay I noticed a posting for a SJ, a SJ carry case, and some BBQ tools. Just for fun I clicked the link and noticed in the picture that the model # was one I hadn't seen before - "1118999" Anyways I hit buy it now hoping it was something interesting and a week later and this little beauty showed up! Slightly darker than the original blue but really nice! I'm not a big fan of logos but this ones a keeper!
I wonder why the photos are broken for me
Congrats! I am also not a big fan of the logo but really like this dark blue.
Here is one posted by brewtownbeatdown few days ago. http://weberkettleclub.com/forums/trading-post/bud-light-sj-in-mi/
Here is one I posted about a month ago. Reposted on CL. https://dallas.craigslist.org/ftw/for/5985831775.html
Quote from: captjoe06 on February 11, 2017, 05:35:16 PM
I wonder why the photos are broken for me
i can't see them either
nope me either. i use imgur. don't need to sign up for anything. just use the bb code works really good
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G928A using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91018)
you made me look at eBay lol and I found this , add a preformer bowl to it and it would be pretty freaking sweet!!
I like the weird and unique
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G928A using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91018)
The I can only see
@LiquidOcelot 's pics.