I purchased a Copper OTG a month or so ago that arrived damaged. Weber was quick to offer to fix the problem as they always do - but today when I opened the box something didn't look right. Notice anything?
I called them back and they confirmed the design will be changing and that I have to wait another 30 days for the hardware to arrive. The euro market must have been the test run and they are now rolling out in the US...
Sad day in my mind. I love the welded handles :'( But hey maybe this means some badass colors are on the way too!?!
I'm disappointed.
How many people are going to over torque the nuts and bolts and chip their porcelain? I hope that doesn't happen.
I wonder how the deleted welding process affects the assembly line and machines needed, or not needed now to weld the handles on. What about the handles on the bowls?
The euro models appear to still have welded bowl handles but who knows... The replacement bowl section will arrive tomorrow I'm guessing so I'll take a close look.
I think that would drive me nuts. Any wobble in the handle is a big turn off for me (not sure why)
It looks cheap.
QuoteAny wobble in the handle is a big turn off for me (not sure why)
Same here....
I dont care for the Euro style handle. The 26 OTGs have had this style for some time. I have one with this handle style and will admit that the handle is solid and holding up quite well but I did add some larger SS washers underneath. Im guessing Weber figures its easier (and cheaper) to replace a handle than a whole lid in the event of damage.
I am loooooong on the record against these. Weber won't be selling me a new kettle going forward. Sad.
whoa, also - the vent is back to the long side of the handle as well!!
Quote from: Troy on August 05, 2014, 02:31:59 PM
whoa, also - the vent is back to the long side of the handle as well!!
Good eye... I was too focused on the lack of a handle to notice the vent positioning.
flip that lid over and show us where the hook is PLEEEEAAASE.
(also, hope you don't mind, i swiped your image and posted a frontpage update)
I agree that the look of the welded handles is better. The RK has the bolted on ones, and they work well for the heavy lid.
(http://i1095.photobucket.com/albums/i480/okmiller/D618CD36-89ED-424D-9285-D5ACADFB0797-56240-0000115DF6240AB5.jpg) (http://s1095.photobucket.com/user/okmiller/media/D618CD36-89ED-424D-9285-D5ACADFB0797-56240-0000115DF6240AB5.jpg.html)
Quote from: Troy on August 05, 2014, 02:42:20 PM
(also, hope you don't mind, i swiped your image and posted a frontpage update)
Cease and desist letter for copyright infringement on the way via pm. ;) ;)
No bueno, man. No bueno. For some reason, the euro grills didn't bother me but now....yeah, not happy.
I may have to pull the trigger on a new kettle now just to set aside.
I'm still pissed they switched to wood, I'll never buy a Weber without a metal top handle, that wood will rot and look like shit in 20 years. Not mention they are using rivets to hold them on how will I replace it? Metal is so sturdy, wood is cheap...It's all gone down hill ever since they moved out of Wood Dale. (This is the argument you guys would be having if this was 1963) Everyone cries that they want euro colors, what do you think those grills would look like if you got one? Can everyone just calm down...geeze
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Quote from: zavod44 on August 05, 2014, 02:59:13 PM
I'm still pissed they switched to wood, I'll never buy a Weber without a metal top handle, that wood will rot and look like shit in 20 years. Not mention they are using rivets to hold them on how will I replace it? Metal is so sturdy, wood is cheap...It's all gone down hill ever since they moved out of Wood Dale. (This is the argument you guys would be having if this was 1963) Everyone cries that they want euro colors, what do you think those grills would look like if you got one? Can everyone just calm down...geeze
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Sounds like something Agent X would say.....
What will these lid handles be referred to by future collectors? BOLHs. Yeah, that's right, BOHLs.
I actually heard that Sir AGENT X is okay with the metal handles. He likes all things Weber. He said he refuses to hate on Weber. He said he's not in love with the tack welds that get rusty on top.
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He also said that he likes it when people don't buy things, it's makes them more collectable....He said he's already ahead of the curve....
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Quote from: salad on August 05, 2014, 03:04:51 PM
What will this lid handles be reffered to by future collectors? BOLHs. Yeah, that's right, BOHLs.
lol - add it to the FAQ!
I don't completely dislike the new style handle but think it definitely changes the look of the lid. I prefer the minimalistic look of no bolts, hardware or shield... just the handle.
Nooooooo!!! WTF! No new kettles in my future. To make people happy they better start selling the euro colors here and do it in every size. Also we want the euro mastertouch model and euro accessories.This is a load of BS!
i'm actually a little bit concerned about where the hook is in relation to the handle and handle direction.
with previous config, you can hold the lid sideways with the hook on the top half and easily control the vertical pitch.
with the new handle config, it seems that it would require significantly more grip strength to control the vertical pitch. too loose and the lid will tilt (but who knows, maybe hooking the lid will be more natural with the tilt...)
My imperial blue Wood Dale handle is turned opposite, it is harder to control. I see why the moved them the way they did....
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Quote from: zavod44 on August 05, 2014, 04:08:15 PM
My imperial blue Wood Dale handle is turned opposite, it is harder to control. I see why the moved them the way they did....
Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
waiiit wait wait.
you have an imperial woody?
who do i gotta blow to get the non woody imperial?
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harris has my baby blue?
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The hook location is so wrong.
They might want to rethink that.....or try hanging it just once in that orientation.
Damn, those fugly slothead 1/4-20 screws again !
I do hate slotted screws, so does Sir AGENT X
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I actually think the welded handles were silly. It was a major stress point and not solid so the porcelain cracked and the handle bases rusted. They get dented alot in shipping toon. Since Weber isn't allowed to put made in the USA anymore I bet there are plans to do stamping and painting somewhere else in the world. I also wonder how they are hanging those handleless lids for paint. The geometry of the lids will allow for stacking during shipment. Maybe this also means that real red can come back. Bolted on leg sockets anyone?
Quote from: salad on August 05, 2014, 02:57:29 PM
No bueno, man. No bueno. For some reason, the euro grills didn't bother me but now....yeah, not happy.
I may have to pull the trigger on a new kettle now just to set aside.
Look at it this way... If "non welded" lid handles are now the norm. All of out current kettles just got the "vintage bump". Everything we own is now special because its 'pre-bolt-on'.
This opens up a whole new world to customized handles. All that is needed is the right diameter and spacing for attachment - the rest is only limited to imagination. I like it!
604 - if you are interested in a trade for a copper, welded handle that is less than a year old (the one on the left below), PM me.
Quote from: zavod44 on August 05, 2014, 02:59:13 PM
I'm still pissed they switched to wood, I'll never buy a Weber without a metal top handle, that wood will rot and look like shit in 20 years. Not mention they are using rivets to hold them on how will I replace it? Metal is so sturdy, wood is cheap...It's all gone down hill ever since they moved out of Wood Dale. (This is the argument you guys would be having if this was 1963) Everyone cries that they want euro colors, what do you think those grills would look like if you got one? Can everyone just calm down...geeze
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To hell with wood handles, putting a wooden handle on there would be for candy asses afraid of a little heat. If they ever do that, I'm out! Im still pissed off they switched to the high domed lid and added that pansy ash plate thingy! My ash falls right to to the bottom triangle shaped ash tray and holds my cigarette butts and my spatula and that's the way I like it!! I don't need THREE vents down there! One is all I need!! I get great temperature control with the flat lid. Sure I cant cook a turkey on it like my neighbor could with his new fangled high domed bosom colored Wood Dale cooker, but that's what the oven is for! Besides I make a mean hamburger on my Chicago made black flat top and mines got swell red wheels too! What the hell is up with those new fat black whitewalls anyway? They tryin to copy the Edsel!? -Said an annoyed Weber kettle owner in 1958. Who found out later that Wooden insulators, "Yellow Ochre" finish and The Beatles would be too much for him to bear.
All kidding aside, im not a fan of this, but we saw it coming. We all did. So i'm not surprised but still a little bummed. Im more worried about them changing the wheels to 6" versions of the ones seen on the modern 26"ers. Silly but I like the 1977-present wheels better than the cheep looking ones on thr 26/Performer/Ranch kettled today. Back to the handles, bright side is, a wood handle will still fit these. Why the return to pre 1963 handle orientation with post 1963 hook position is another mystery. I can see why they reorientated the metal handles and hook way back then. Its more user friendly. Again On the bright side, wood handles will still fit these brackets so all is not lost. :)
Maybe we should be happy they still come with handles...bolt on or welded. It'll save them a whole bunch of money. No more dented in handles on lids. As long as I can remove the lid without burning the shit outta my hand I don't care.
i'm sure going to miss all those kettles with the porcelain chips around the handles.......just not gonna be like the good ol' days........................
Quote from: Winz on August 05, 2014, 05:09:49 PM
This opens up a whole new world to customized handles. All that is needed is the right diameter and spacing for attachment - the rest is only limited to imagination. I like it!
that is a FANTASTIC point. let the customs and mods BEGIN!!!!
I don't have the grill, how can I begin?
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I thought the zavdles fit the new bracket/heat shield handle assembly?
They do....
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Ok, then what am I missing? ;D
Edit: I figured it out. I could make a custom MLH OTG..... Hmmmmmmm...
The more I ponder this whole situation, the more I wonder if this handle-switch isn't more about the costs associated with shipping a skinnier lid (no handle attached) as well as damaged handles (during shipping) than it is about producing a cheaper product.
I'm not saying I like it, but I can see where it is "smarter" on Weber's end... ::)
It also makes more sense from a business standpoint. Consistency across the board. But will we see a "taller" euro style 22s and 18s with 8" wheels in the near future here in the U.S.?
Quote from: 1buckie on August 05, 2014, 05:26:46 PM
i'm sure going to miss all those kettles with the porcelain chips around the handles.......just not gonna be like the good ol' days........................
I bet you see them even more! All the tough guy torque monsters crankin' down on that handles nut and bolt...ahhh, just one more turn should do it, CRACK goes the porcelain! Probably the same people installing legs all caddywampus and making pucker butt JJ's.
The only good I can see of this nice custom aftermarket metal brackets and stainless hardware.
Quote from: saxart on August 05, 2014, 06:24:40 PM
The more I ponder this whole situation, the more I wonder if this handle-switch isn't more about the costs associated with shipping a skinnier lid (no handle attached) as well as damaged handles (during shipping) than it is about producing a cheaper product.
I'm not saying I like it, but I can see where it is "smarter" on Weber's end... ::)
I think your bang-on Art - ease of shipping and less chance of damage in transit.
Winz: Let me think about the trade offer a bit... I'm not sure what I want to do just yet... Thanks either way!
Quote from: Troy on August 05, 2014, 04:11:49 PM
Quote from: zavod44 on August 05, 2014, 04:08:15 PM
My imperial blue Wood Dale handle is turned opposite, it is harder to control. I see why the moved them the way they did....
Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
waiiit wait wait.
you have an imperial woody?
who do i gotta blow to get the non woody imperial?
Get with it already Troy...look at the Chicago meet up pics already you lazy butt.
Quote from: Jeff on August 05, 2014, 06:31:07 PM
Quote from: Troy on August 05, 2014, 04:11:49 PM
Quote from: zavod44 on August 05, 2014, 04:08:15 PM
My imperial blue Wood Dale handle is turned opposite, it is harder to control. I see why the moved them the way they did....
Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
waiiit wait wait.
you have an imperial woody?
who do i gotta blow to get the non woody imperial?
Get with it already Troy...look at the Chicago meet up pics already you lazy butt.
No I saw it. But I didn't know whose or was. I kept looking for mine, the one Brian was holding on to for me.
I got an offer I couldn't refuse....I already sent the Red back!
If the handles on the kettle are bolt on as well, would this open an option to put a thermometer grommet in there?
Ok.....once again....way ahead of the curve......
As anyone can clearly see, this handle is BOLTED ON......
Perhaps I should've done a copyright on this?
Quote from: Chuck on August 05, 2014, 07:11:20 PM
If the handles on the kettle are bolt on as well, would this open an option to put a thermometer grommet in there?
Probably could get that figured out pretty easy....good point..... ;D
"Why the return to pre 1963 handle orientation with post 1963 hook position is another mystery. I can see why they reorientated the metal handles and hook way back then."
So the hook was not centered on the vent back then, or am I thinking upside down again?
this is just like any 18.5" that I know of.......
We can still have opinions, right?
Here is a link that appears to show some of the new stuff. Performers have different tops and the rollers look different.
I love the smell of a evening cook...
Quote from: G$ on August 05, 2014, 07:57:37 PM
We can still have opinions, right?
Sorry, no opinions or constructive discussion permitted here ;) ;D
Quote from: G$ on August 05, 2014, 07:57:37 PM
We can still have opinions, right?
sure. just as long as they are in alignment with the rest of the cult, er, club.
Quote from: coldkettle on August 05, 2014, 08:06:10 PM
Here is a link that appears to show some of the new stuff. Performers have different tops and the rollers look different.
I love the smell of a evening cook...
As always, some of those APP pictures are stunning.
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This change doesn't bother me too much, will definitely be easier to customize. I am concerned though that they might eventually do a bolt on damper for all kettles, those are not good.
Quote from: coldkettle on August 05, 2014, 08:06:10 PM
Here is a link that appears to show some of the new stuff. Performers have different tops and the rollers look different.
I love the smell of a evening cook...
Look at the fifth & eighth photo from top.....
22's a hangin' sidesaddle......
Edit: Red might be 18".....................
I have 2013 euro-performer with bolt on handle(with heatshield). I really can't see any problems with them. My previous kettle (18,5" ots) had wellded handles and did not have any problems with them either.
Thanks for that J P !!!!
Most likely it's because you're careful & respectful of your equipment.....
The true test will come when the "Buckie Test" is applied.....I am the Samsonite Gorilla for Weber Kettles.....see this video below for a demonstration of what that's like.....
....or this test, designed for Team Play.....
Quote from: JP on August 05, 2014, 11:05:43 PM
I have 2013 euro-performer with bolt on handle(with heatshield). I really can't see any problems with them. My previous kettle (18,5" ots) had wellded handles and did not have any problems with them either.
Every time there is change on something people complain, I guess it's the way the world today. The grills will perform the exact same way as they always have....
Tell you the truth I want one to add to my collection....
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Quote from: coldkettle on August 05, 2014, 08:06:10 PM
Here is a link that appears to show some of the new stuff. Performers have different tops and the rollers look different.
I love the smell of a evening cook...
Did anyone notice those black tables on the performers in the last few pictures. Now that I look at the vent to handle orientation it might have something to do with lid vents getting bent on the lid bails. And those performers lid bails look different also more open or further away from the kettle bowl.
I agree
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Bolt on or not, I can imagine a Euro lime or white being in some stables, if they become available...
The dark metallic blue is awesome
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QuoteDid anyone notice those black tables on the performers in the last few pictures.
They look like the painted metal tables on the performer silver with the folding table.
WOW this thread has been a lot to take in. Im not a big fan of change so this is going to be a little tough to handle at first but I'm sure I will get used to it.
Quote from: zavod44 on August 06, 2014, 06:03:23 AM
The dark metallic blue is awesome
Dark metallic blue? did I miss something?
Quote from: coldkettle on August 05, 2014, 08:06:10 PM
Here is a link that appears to show some of the new stuff. Performers have different tops and the rollers look different.
Photo #9 is that a new red or is it the crimson? or is it just the copper in low light?
Quote from: Dan NY on August 06, 2014, 06:23:25 AM
WOW this thread has been a lot to take in. Im not a big fan of change so this is going to be a little tough to handle at first but I'm sure I will get used to it.
Quote from: zavod44 on August 06, 2014, 06:03:23 AM
The dark metallic blue is awesome
Dark metallic blue? did I miss something?
Here's the metallic Blue from another thread.....on the left..........
Quote from: MaxBobcat on July 29, 2014, 06:57:08 PM
And here's some up close pics of those grills from a german weber store...
Quote from: 1buckie on August 06, 2014, 06:45:09 AM
Quote from: Dan NY on August 06, 2014, 06:23:25 AM
WOW this thread has been a lot to take in. Im not a big fan of change so this is going to be a little tough to handle at first but I'm sure I will get used to it.
Quote from: zavod44 on August 06, 2014, 06:03:23 AM
The dark metallic blue is awesome
Dark metallic blue? did I miss something?
Here's the metallic Blue from another thread.....on the left..........
Quote from: MaxBobcat on July 29, 2014, 06:57:08 PM
And here's some up close pics of those grills from a german weber store...
Oh yes I forgot about that one. I really love that color. Thanks 1Buckie
Quote from: MaxBobcat on July 29, 2014, 06:57:08 PM
And here's some up close pics of those grills from a german weber store...
The Euro 22's in these photos still have the handle going the "correct" way. I wonder what he thought is behind the change.
Also vent to thermometer orientation is different. Therm is now away from the draft created by the lid vent.
Quote from: 1ROW on August 05, 2014, 08:20:59 PM
This change doesn't bother me too much, will definitely be easier to customize. I am concerned though that they might eventually do a bolt on damper for all kettles, those are not good.
I doubt it. A bolt on damper adds extra parts, assembly complexity, and weber probably doesn't want the vent serial # moving from the lid.
Hmmm. I don't like the way the metal handles will look on some colored kettles. I think I saw on the APP post, a shot of a green performer lid with the metal handles and it didn't look too good IMHO. Just reminds me of the Chinese grills I see at WalMart and Academy. Same type of bolt on pieces. I think it will look a little better on the black/ivory kettles than the colors.
I will still be first in line if they offer a 22 Ivory MT over in the US. ;D
I like the larger lid bale on the performers! and the table surface is also completely smooth like a butcher block as opposed to the small lip on current models - another nice touch!
Quote from: MaxBobcat on August 06, 2014, 07:50:07 AM
I will still be first in line if they offer a 22 Ivory MT over in the US. ;D
x2 - SOMEDAY I will own an ivory whether it comes here or not! ;)
You can always paint the metal handle to match?
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Quote from: zavod44 on August 06, 2014, 12:15:51 PM
You can always paint the metal handle to match?
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I've been thinking about that for a while. My PAT PENDING 26" chocolate's handle (a riveted on replacement) is painted terra cotta to match the lid/ bowl and it holds up to the heat like a champ!
Quote from: Craig on August 06, 2014, 12:20:16 PM
Quote from: zavod44 on August 06, 2014, 12:15:51 PM
You can always paint the metal handle to match?
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I've been thinking about that for a while. My PAT PENDING 26" chocolate's handle (a riveted on replacement) is painted terra cotta to match the lid/ bowl and it holds up to the heat like a champ!
Yeah, painting it is certainly a possibility.
It could even be fun to add a different accent color, something that looks good with a copper, green or crimson, etc.
See we just took lemonade mix and made lemonade....
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Oh I did speak to sir AGENT X and he said, it's the end of the world as we know it and he feels fine....
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"green or crimson"
green and crimson..............................Christmas is right around the corner................ 8)
It's okay to say happy holidays to me
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Quote from: zavod44 on August 06, 2014, 12:48:19 PM
It's okay to say happy holidays to me
Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
What about Merry Christmas? Unless of course i know you're some other religion.. Which I'm fine with..
As for the whole handle controversy.. Is it really a controversy? I don't mind the bolt on handle.. I've seen too many rust spots around the handle welds.. What I don't like is the styling. Blech..but its only an opinion.
And moving the vent, thats not cool to me either..
And those newer performer with the painted metal table. They suck. The paint is a sort of two-tone to look metallic.. but it rubs off and gets dull..
And don't even get me started on Politics.. I hate that too..
Whats for dinner?
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Quote from: Heyjude on August 06, 2014, 01:42:55 PM
And don't even get me started on Politics.. I hate that too..
Whats for dinner?
LMAO! You are my hero... LOL
Quote from: zavod44 on August 06, 2014, 01:51:53 PM
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You sir, are an ASS... Isn't this where you tell me to go back to my hammock?
Now that its legal in multiple states, you have to ask yourself, "Do I want ot partake in the California lifestyle? Well Huh? Do ya?
Think about it.. you can smoke a joe before you take the train.. no one would no or care...
DISCLAIMER: I am not allowed to let anyone think I have it in for Zavod.. he's my buddy..
and I am only joking around.. Right? I said RIGHT?
He's such an ass..
Quote from: Heyjude on August 06, 2014, 01:42:55 PM
Quote from: zavod44 on August 06, 2014, 12:48:19 PM
It's okay to say happy holidays to me
Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
What about Merry Christmas? Unless of course i know you're some other religion.. Which I'm fine with..
As for the whole handle controversy.. Is it really a controversy? I don't mind the bolt on handle.. I've seen too many rust spots around the handle welds.. What I don't like is the styling. Blech..but its only an opinion.
And moving the vent, thats not cool to me either..
And those newer performer with the painted metal table. They suck. The paint is a sort of two-tone to look metallic.. but it rubs off and gets dull..
And don't even get me started on Politics.. I hate that too..
Whats for dinner?
OK.....in reading AJ's post here it all became crystal clear (imagine that !!!)
"And moving the vent, thats not cool to me either.." Just as i saw that, a raging thought just plain
RACED thru my head !!!
They didn't move the VENT....they moved the handle.....and the REASON they moved it the way they did was because of the thermometer on the OTHER SIDE of the bell................this makes, somehow perfect sense to me......take it or leave it as you will............
BUMP. Can you show us a picture of the lid vent? Whats the date code on it? AH or AO? I'm wanting to find out if 2014 is yet another "transitional" year for Weber changes, evolutions, and variations.
Hey Craig,
It's definitely a transitional year as both this lid and my copper performer lid (welded) are AH. I will snap a pic side by side once the new handle hardware arrives.
Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 14, 2014, 09:07:09 PM
Hey Craig,
It's definitely a transitional year as both this lid and my copper performer lid (welded) are AH. I will snap a pic side by side once the new handle hardware arrives.
Thanks man!! 8)
The missing handle hardware showed up earlier than expected so here's some shots of the new complete lid etc.
The handle does feel more solid than I expected but I still have some concerns about long-term durability. There are two large, roughly 1" washer/nuts on the underside of the lid keeping the handle in place. Note the little plastic tool to included to tighten the nuts! Heat shield and metal handle portion appear fairly robust and should help manage heat to your hand better.
Personally, I feel that it might take some getting used to but is not bad by any means...
I thought it was the end of the world as we know it...it was almost, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together...mass hysteria!
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Matt. Can you provide the center to center measurement between the handle bolts? Thanks
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I bet six inches
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If it's long term concerns you have then at least if it wears out you can unbolt it and put on another we can't do that now....
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Quote from: zavod44 on August 15, 2014, 02:46:58 PM
I thought it was the end of the world as we know it...it was almost, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together...mass hysteria!
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Make fun all you like, it's still the end of an era for weber kettles.
Quote from: Winz on August 15, 2014, 02:49:15 PM
Matt. Can you provide the center to center measurement between the handle bolts? Thanks
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Hey Winz it actually appears to be 5-3/16"... i'll pull the handle off later tonight to try and double check.
Quote from: zavod44 on August 15, 2014, 02:55:20 PM
If it's long term concerns you have then at least if it wears out you can unbolt it and put on another we can't do that now....
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No matter how you slice it a hole complete through the lid is creating a cavity for water. I'd be shocked if this design holds up as well as the original over the long haul. Yes you can replace the handle but do you think those connection points will be solid still in 10 years? I hope I'm proved wrong but at first glance this appears to be a design change solely to save money on production and replacement parts, not one to improve overall product quality.
That is speculation, what is fact is anywhere that grill has been spot welded rusts and 90% of my grills are rusty around the handle. So it can't be that much worse. We can only speculate....
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How many people are gonna go out and hoard up on some 2014 OTG color or even black kettles to get a piece of history at the end of the 50 year road? Based on the info we have, the strap handle with insulator (wood, then plastic) began in 1964. Replacing the thicker "MBH shaped" lid handle.
The whole point of the thread is to discuss the details of the new handles style... speculate is all we can really do at this point.
Brian, out of curiosity how many MBH or MTH kettles do you have? Probably a lot more than wood and plastic right? The old MBH kettles were much more solidly built then they are today and I doubt you would contest that point. I don't know about you but I feel much safer shipping an older kettles than I do the new ones and that's because bending a MBH is next to impossible, the newer "bent strap" style handle is far less durable and bends/cracks with only moderate force.
This is just another step toward a cheaper product. Sadly it's not Weber's fault they are just trying to stay competitive - but that doesn't change the fact that we are getting a lesser product. "Things just aren't made like they used to"
Sixzerofour, I agree with you but in all fairness the MBHs can be susceptible to a bend here in there. Mind you I think it takes more force. They are harder to "bend" back into place than the straps are of course. The Wood Dales are certainly heavier duty IMO top to bottom than even the earliest wood lid handled thumbscrew kettles .
Your absolutely right, next to impossible was probably a slight overstatement on my part :) but they are significantly more durable than later versions.
Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 15, 2014, 04:57:30 PM
Your absolutely right, next to impossible was probably a slight overstatement on my part :) but they are significantly more durable than later versions.
You betcha! The lid even "clangs" against the bowl if it grazes it at a lower pitch compared to the the later kettles. Heavier duty for sure! But even these old soldiers took a beating.
It goes to show that there were probably two time Weber kettle owners out there in the 1980s or 90s that thought after a couple years their "newer" kettles weren't made as well as there old 50s or 60s or 70s kettle.
Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 15, 2014, 04:01:38 PM
The whole point of the thread is to discuss the details of the new handles style... speculate is all we can really do at this point.
Brian, out of curiosity how many MBH or MTH kettles do you have? Probably a lot more than wood and plastic right? The old MBH kettles were much more solidly built then they are today and I doubt you would contest that point. I don't know about you but I feel much safer shipping an older kettles than I do the new ones and that's because bending a MBH is next to impossible, the newer "bent strap" style handle is far less durable and bends/cracks with only moderate force.
This is just another step toward a cheaper product. Sadly it's not Weber's fault they are just trying to stay competitive - but that doesn't change the fact that we are getting a lesser product. "Things just aren't made like they used to"
I have quite a few of MBH, MTH, and wood handles. It's not because they are made better, it's because old grills are cool, and older grills are even cooler. The reality is this, they all cook the same. I have old grills that are thrashed and new ones beat up. I have no evidence that because the metal is thicker that they stay nicer. I'm not sure why we all think that it's more stout or whatever. I have a brand new grill and a five year old performer and I don't feel like they are going to collapse or I couldn't cook a meal. I have a grill from the 90's that is absolutely falling apart. Does that mean they started sucking in the 90's? I personally don't have an issue with any of these grills. It's not like .020 thousandths more of steel will retain more heat and make your dinner better or worse. The grills are basically the same, maybe a little cosmetically different but at the end of the day they are still fundamentally the same. To me that's why they are so damn cool. If they release a yellow one next year, I'm all in....
As far as shipping I hate shipping old kettles when they get wrecked you can't replace them......New ones, you can right back to store and get another
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SixZeroFour, how sharp are the edges of the heat shield?
Quote from: zavod44 on August 15, 2014, 06:58:33 PM
Perhaps you're not as worked up as others because you have the ability to make your own magnificent handles whenever you choose! ;) The rest of us have to be happy with whatever comes in the box ;D
... oh and count me in for a yellow!
Quote from: Hofy on August 15, 2014, 07:06:21 PM
SixZeroFour, how sharp are the edges of the heat shield?
Not sharp at all, and it's a heavy enough gauge that I doubt you could hurt yourself on it.
Quote from: Winz on August 15, 2014, 02:49:15 PM
Matt. Can you provide the center to center measurement between the handle bolts? Thanks
Hey Winz,
EDIT: true measurement is
If they bring bright yellow back I wouldn't care if it had the heat shield lid handle. Its a yellow and I'd be all over it!
Have we ever considered that this might be an improvement if the heat shield works better and keeps the handle cool?
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If your that upset can you leave the heat shield off and it will look more like the older ones?
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I'm thinking about painting all my old handles silver to look like the new ones :^)
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Based on the heaviness of the shield I think it will absolutely help keep the handle cooler, so that's a plus for sure. It's a one-piece unit so no removing the guard at least without getting a little creative.
haha - or how about dremeling off old handles at the weld, drilling and then bolting on the heat guard for a vintage hybrid ;)
At the end of the day, change happens. Nothing stays the same. Periods of adjustment follow. People adapt eventually. Again a couple positives/possibilities with this change are.... 1. The heat shield doesn't have to be used like on the new JJs. 2. if you want to paint the bare metal handle piece you certainly can. Probably doesn't even need to be high heat. 3. (Most important IMO) is that wood handles WILL fit these.
Plus, if your not happy with how 1 handle looks, you can order a replacement handle. I have a feeling in the next 3-5 years there's bound to be a couple dozen NIB extras sitting around WKCr garages and boneyards. Oh and again this opens things up for customization.
Throwback 50s MTH OTG "Heritage Edition" anyone? :)
The vent would be in the right position "turned away" from the lid handle... Like back in the day.
Hmmmm. I don't like the look of the bolt-on handle/shield, but I guess the rusted-weld issue is now gone.
I agree it's likely the production/shipping (economic) issue driving the change.
The "collectible" field just got a whole lot bigger.
Are bowl bolt-ons next?
Quote from: charred on August 16, 2014, 07:12:10 AM
Are bowl bolt-ons next?
Nah... Probably change those around late 2030-early 2031. That's assuming they follow the length of time MBHs stuck around when they changed to wood lid handles. ;D
Guess I get to start a SWBH collection
"Spot welded bowl handle"
To add to my 50 year span of SWLH kettles.
"Spot Welded Lid Handle" and we've got to make way for the new BOLH kettles in '15.
Hey good news is also, we have concrete evidence when they chance lid handles in the 21st century. No speculation. Solid material for the age page.
Quote from: Craig on August 16, 2014, 06:58:55 AM
1. The heat shield doesn't have to be used like on the new JJs. 2. if you want to paint the bare metal handle piece you certainly can. Probably doesn't even need to be high heat. 3. (Most important IMO) is that wood handles WILL fit these.
OK, so I took the handle off again and yes, you can indeed remove the heat shield. It's fixed on there quite well but if you work it back down the screw it will eventually pop off.
Winz - While the handle was off I re-measured the holes and it is a true 5-3/16" center to center.
What does interest me is that the handle backing and match line appear to be a different slope than existing handles. Pic on the way...
I'll see if I can swap the two.
We need the Hitler video with his reaction (new captions) to the new bolt on handles! ;D
Interesting... the existing handles do not fit the new style handles.
Also, anyone notice another change to the handle design? :)
Quote from: Craig on August 16, 2014, 07:25:58 AM
We need the Hitler video with his reaction (new captions) to the new bolt on handles! ;D
Yep......don't know how to do that....we'll need to call in a specialist............. 8)
Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 16, 2014, 07:36:59 AM
Interesting... the existing handles do not fit the new style handles.
Also, anyone notice another change to the handle design? :)
"Those sons of bitches!" How the hell am I supposed to fit on my custom Zavodles!?" "This is really going to mess with my upcoming SWBH collection!"
Thanks for the pics sixzerofour. :)
let's go back & check out what Adolph had to say about an MBH Yellow.....just as an example for formatting.....
Quote from: 1buckie on August 16, 2014, 07:51:11 AM
Quote from: Craig on August 16, 2014, 07:25:58 AM
We need the Hitler video with his reaction (new captions) to the new bolt on handles! ;D
Yep......don't know how to do that....we'll need to call in a specialist............. 8)
Haven't tried this site, but http://downfall.jfedor.org/create/ might be a start.
The Australians have put my handles on with no problems on the grills with the heat shields....don't be dragging my stuff into this issue. I'm all good
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Quote from: zavod44 on August 16, 2014, 11:19:59 AM
The Australians have put my handles on with no problems on the grills with the heat shields....don't be dragging my stuff into this issue. I'm all good
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I was just having some fun with it.
The only thing I don;t like is the angle the bracket is. It looks odd to me.. The heat shield really doesn't matter and you can add wood to it, no problem.
Someone told me you could use the old handles from the Weber Fire Pit. Should be easy to confirm..
Quote from: Heyjude on August 16, 2014, 12:26:21 PM
The only thing I don;t like is the angle the bracket is. It looks odd to me.. The heat shield really doesn't matter and you can add wood to it, no problem.
Someone told me you could use the old handles from the Weber Fire Pit. Should be easy to confirm..
I've got the fire pit handles but don't have the new heat shield assembly to confirm.
Quote from: Craig on August 16, 2014, 12:28:29 PM
Quote from: Heyjude on August 16, 2014, 12:26:21 PM
The only thing I don;t like is the angle the bracket is. It looks odd to me.. The heat shield really doesn't matter and you can add wood to it, no problem.
Someone told me you could use the old handles from the Weber Fire Pit. Should be easy to confirm..
I've got the fire pit handles but don't have the new heat shield assembly to confirm.
Measure them.. He gave us the distance.. Please and Thanks! AJ
I take a measurement when I get home tonight.
Sounds good Craig.
Her's a pic of what I am talking about.
Quote from: charred on August 16, 2014, 07:12:10 AM
Are bowl bolt-ons next?
Yes, they already sell the mini ranch aka the compact kettle over here with bolt on bowl handles and have done for years, it's the only Made In China kettle they sell so far
And Yes to Zavods fitting!
(http://i1165.photobucket.com/albums/q585/joelhogston/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-05/D8635889-0401-4296-8CE3-AA8284AD9B3C_zpswtrld73f.jpg) (http://s1165.photobucket.com/user/joelhogston/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-05/D8635889-0401-4296-8CE3-AA8284AD9B3C_zpswtrld73f.jpg.html)
Here's another indication of the change. Found this at the local Target the other night. New packaging... It's even pictured with the new handle position...
Maybe there using the compact kettle to test the market
It has-
-Bolt on lid vent
-Bolt on lid handle
-Bolt on bowl handle
-Bolt on bowl vent
-Bolt on legs( no leg sockets)
-No grate tabs
-2 spoke triangle
-Wheels with no whitewalls
They must be a lot cheaper to make as they sell them over here for half the price of an OTS
Even the grates are thin and flimsy
(http://i1165.photobucket.com/albums/q585/joelhogston/D2311104-C6C9-4AC2-A976-EE51F8FFA899-369-000000467A827FF1_zps065f82c2.jpg) (http://s1165.photobucket.com/user/joelhogston/media/D2311104-C6C9-4AC2-A976-EE51F8FFA899-369-000000467A827FF1_zps065f82c2.jpg.html)
(http://i1165.photobucket.com/albums/q585/joelhogston/C96A31A9-9B9A-4454-8542-E62E20173FCB-369-000000495EABC94C_zpsf2b18875.jpg) (http://s1165.photobucket.com/user/joelhogston/media/C96A31A9-9B9A-4454-8542-E62E20173FCB-369-000000495EABC94C_zpsf2b18875.jpg.html)
Oh my... That sad little thing looks pretty weak :-[ Charcoal toaster?
Bolt on legs? What the ...
Quote from: Heyjude on August 16, 2014, 05:40:25 PM
Bolt on legs? What the ...
This is the pic I have
(http://i1165.photobucket.com/albums/q585/joelhogston/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-04/28C6593C-5D0B-418A-BF66-803E32EC0748_zpsdvjwfycf.jpg) (http://s1165.photobucket.com/user/joelhogston/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-04/28C6593C-5D0B-418A-BF66-803E32EC0748_zpsdvjwfycf.jpg.html)
Yep....those are bolt on legs alright.....single vent ash cloggin' machine right there......isn't that the problem with the single vent Smokey Joes?
That does look cheap !!!
Quote from: 1buckie on August 16, 2014, 06:07:19 PM
single vent ash cloggin' machine right there......isn't that the problem with the single vent Smokey Joes?
Nothing a tuna can with drilled holes won't solve..
It just ain't right.. 8)
Quote from: Hogsy on August 16, 2014, 01:44:21 PM
Quote from: charred on August 16, 2014, 07:12:10 AM
Are bowl bolt-ons next?
Yes, they already sell the mini ranch aka the compact kettle over here with bolt on bowl handles and have done for years, it's the only Made In China kettle they sell so far
And Yes to Zavods fitting!
(http://i1165.photobucket.com/albums/q585/joelhogston/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-05/D8635889-0401-4296-8CE3-AA8284AD9B3C_zpswtrld73f.jpg) (http://s1165.photobucket.com/user/joelhogston/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-05/D8635889-0401-4296-8CE3-AA8284AD9B3C_zpswtrld73f.jpg.html)
Quote from: Troy on August 16, 2014, 10:53:43 PM
Quote from: Hogsy on August 16, 2014, 01:44:21 PM
Quote from: charred on August 16, 2014, 07:12:10 AM
Are bowl bolt-ons next?
Yes, they already sell the mini ranch aka the compact kettle over here with bolt on bowl handles and have done for years, it's the only Made In China kettle they sell so far
And Yes to Zavods fitting!
(http://i1165.photobucket.com/albums/q585/joelhogston/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-05/D8635889-0401-4296-8CE3-AA8284AD9B3C_zpswtrld73f.jpg) (http://s1165.photobucket.com/user/joelhogston/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-05/D8635889-0401-4296-8CE3-AA8284AD9B3C_zpswtrld73f.jpg.html)
What kind of wood is that? I like it!
I believe that's Hogsy's AMAZING eucalyptus handle crafted by Brian of course.
Troy, still have something in the works with Bryan as well so hold tight ;)
Cant wait to see those!! 8)
A couple of thoughts, I don't think the bolt on handles will be bad in the long run. The Jumbo Joes have had those for awhile, and they feel pretty sturdy, plus the heat shield seems awesome. I'd love to hear some feedback once some one with one uses it. My other thought in regard to the compact kettle above is it looks like it'll have the same issues that the Jumbo Joe has, it's partially that it's a single vent but more that the vent holes are just too damn small. I find it really hard to get/keep enough air flow into the jumbo joe, even with no ash in the bottom and the vents wide open.
Quote from: SixZeroFour on August 15, 2014, 03:46:04 PM
Quote from: zavod44 on August 15, 2014, 02:46:58 PM
I thought it was the end of the world as we know it...it was almost, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together...mass hysteria!
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Make fun all you like, it's still the end of an era for weber kettles.
Quote from: Winz on August 15, 2014, 02:49:15 PM
Matt. Can you provide the center to center measurement between the handle bolts? Thanks
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Hey Winz it actually appears to be 5-3/16"... i'll pull the handle off later tonight to try and double check.
Quote from: zavod44 on August 15, 2014, 02:55:20 PM
If it's long term concerns you have then at least if it wears out you can unbolt it and put on another we can't do that now....
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No matter how you slice it a hole complete through the lid is creating a cavity for water. I'd be shocked if this design holds up as well as the original over the long haul. Yes you can replace the handle but do you think those connection points will be solid still in 10 years? I hope I'm proved wrong but at first glance this appears to be a design change solely to save money on production and replacement parts, not one to improve overall product quality.
This was my thought on it. Water.
I saw one of the new lids today. It came in as a replacement, no hardware, just the lid. I'm not sure I'm gonna like the new style. I know I didn't like the new burner configuration on the genesis and spirit models.
Looks like I will be able to give an opinion on these in about a week, I just bought a silver and the lid hook came off leaving two small holes in the lid but I can still use it. Weber said no problem they are sending me a new lid! The order shows a silver/gold lid and a handle with heat shield so I am positive it will be the new design. Only thing I am wondering is if the lid will come predrilled for a thermometer? The Silvers don't have them of course and as far as I know all Gold models do, has me wondering what it going to be in the box if they are going to send the same lid for a Silver that they send for a Gold? I will be fine if it doesn't have one and if it does I will be calling them back and asking what am I supposed to do with the extra hole. All in all Weber support is superb regardless
"Only thing I am wondering is if the lid will come predrilled for a thermometer? The Silvers don't have them of course and as far as I know all Gold models do, has me wondering what it going to be in the box if they are going to send the same lid for a Silver that they send for a Gold?"
This does begin an interesting set of circumstances for Weber, does it not?
Everything will rust eventually. Brian is correct, the handles are the most likely place to find rust, with the blowouts from the straps a close second.
Quote from: weirleigh on September 13, 2014, 05:16:53 PM
The Silvers don't have them of course and as far as I know all Gold models do, has me wondering what it going to be in the box if they are going to send the same lid for a Silver that they send for a Gold? I will be fine if it doesn't have one and if it does I will be calling them back and asking what am I supposed to do with the extra hole. All in all Weber support is superb regardless
I would call and ask Weber CS now otherwise you will be waiting a few extra weeks to have it sorted out. I'm sure they will supply you with a thermo if you get a lid with the hole. Good Luck!
Good advice, I should go ahead and give them a call, funny thing is one of the reason or excuses I went ahead and grabbed a new grill right now was from reading this thread just incase I didn't like the new changes. I already have an old performer ss that I plan on keeping for ever but there is always room for one more grill. Now I am just curious on what they will send me, I can always braze the pin holes in the lid that my new grill came with or just live with them and keep it as a back up for the performer since it has a bale.
Will update what I get when it comes in, while I am here thanks to everyone for all the great post on this site! I've been lurking for a while prior to joining and always find a wealth of information.