Got home early from work so I decided to make some pizza dough. MK and I made a Margherita with heirloom tomatoes, basil, ricotta, carmelized shallots and gruyere; and one with sundried tomatoes, smoked gouda, sweet sausage, olives bell pepper and mushrooms.
Looks great !!!
Great looking pies! What was your method?
Oh man them look good!
Good looking pizzas, I caught the heirloom tomatoes right off, maybe Cherokee Purple? Didn't look quite dark enough to be Black Krim but that could be my monitor.
That looks great!
I need a pizza stone!
I love making pizzas! One of our favorite meals. I really like the different ingredients you used.
The pizza stone is a must for me. Although I do like the pizza directly on the grate as well.
Quote from: Duke on November 13, 2012, 07:33:50 PM
Great looking pies! What was your method?
Thanks!! I got both of my grills going with regular charcoal as hot as i can get them, i can hold them both around 500. I let the stones heat up for 45 mins to an hour, then put the pies on. They only take about 15 mins.
My buddy up the street has a KettlePizza kit that makes fantastic pizzas. I'm seriously considering making that my method. Has anyone here used one?
Quote from: Eastex on November 14, 2012, 05:06:57 AM
Good looking pizzas, I caught the heirloom tomatoes right off, maybe Cherokee Purple? Didn't look quite dark enough to be Black Krim but that could be my monitor.
You are correct, sir, Cherokee Purple. Well done. Well done indeed. My lovely bride has a makeshift greenhouse, and living in so cal we can grow heirlooms all year long.
Hey Kilted I have that pizza oven and I love it....check this thread....
Quote from: zavod44 on November 15, 2012, 05:53:45 PM
Hey Kilted I have that pizza oven and I love it....check this thread....
Sold!! Thanks for the link!
Quote from: zavod44 on November 15, 2012, 05:53:45 PM
Hey Kilted I have that pizza oven and I love it....check this thread....
Do you mind making a couple measurements on your pizza oven?
I'm looking for actual outside diameter, total height, actual height and width of opening.
Thank you so much!
Send me a message to remind me and I'll measure it when it's light out...
Can't you share measuremts with all of us? ;)
I love those Cherokee Purples, I've seen them with two different kinds of foliage. I've had lots better luck with the "potato" leaf variety at my place, not nearly as disease prone. If you like the darker tomatoes you ought to give Black Krim a shot too.
Quote from: Hogsy on November 18, 2012, 10:17:29 PM
Can't you share measuremts with all of us? ;)
i have a ss washing machine tub that hogsy keeps pestering me about ::) to cut in half and make two kettle pizza thingys
please brian put him out of his misery and share measurements or he might :'(